This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Thu Oct 24 15:35:45 2019.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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PROCEDURE:   morbit
  Given the orbit size and shape (based on 2 of 5 orbital parameters),
  calculates the orbital position and velocity of a satellite around a
  planet as a function of time.  This routine is very fast when the
  orbital eccentricity is less than 0.95, but labors when it is very
  close to unity.  This routine will not work at all for parabolic and
  hyperbolic orbits.

  Calculations assume a spherical central body with a spherically
  symmetric mass distribution, and that the mass of the central body
  dominates in the region of interest.

  You can also specify an orientation for the orbit and then create a
  'fly-through' in cartesian coordinates.

  morbit, param, dt=dt, result=dat

       PARAM:     Orbit parameter structure, which has two of the
                  following tags:

                    period : orbital period (hours)
                    sma    : semi-major axis (km)
                    palt   : periapsis altitude (km)
                    aalt   : apoapsis altitude (km)
                    ecc    : eccentricity

                  The two parameters you specify must define the
                  size and shape of the orbit.  Any two will work,
                  except for period and sma, which both define the
                  orbit size.  The remaining parameters are
                  calculated from the two you specify.

       ORIENT:    A structure specifying the orientation of the
                  orbit with three tags:

                    lon    : longitude of periapsis (deg)
                    lat    : latitude  of periapsis (deg)
                    incl   : orbital inclination (deg)

                  Lon and lat can be arrays, resulting in a grid of
                  calculations.  Incl must be a scalar.

                  Note that abs(lat) <= abs(incl) is required.

                  Default = {lon:0, lat:0, incl:90}

                  Normally, the longitude, latitude, and inclination
                  are specified in planetocentric coordinates (i.e.,
                  relative to the planet's spin axis); however, any
                  coordinate system can be assumed, so long as all
                  three parameters are in the SAME coordinate system.

       FLYTHRU:   The name for a text output file containing the
                  cartesian coordinates of the satellite vs. time
                  for the orbit orientation specified in ORIENT.
                  The columns for this table are:

                     1 -> time (sec after apoapsis)
                     2 -> X (km)
                     3 -> Y (km)
                     4 -> Z (km)
                     5 -> orbital velocity (km/s)

                  If you don't specify this keyword, then the
                  fly-through is still calculated and saved in

       PLANET:    This can be a string to select one of the eight
                  planets.  The following are also recognized: Moon,
                  Sun, Pluto, Charon, Eris, and Ceres.  It can also
                  be a structure with the following tags:

                    Mass   : mass (g)
                    Radius : radius (km)
                    Name   : 'name'           [optional]

                  Default = 'Mars'.  If PLANET is unrecognized, you
                  will be prompted for mass and radius.  This routine
                  is not expected to give good results for the Pluto-
                  Charon system, because they have masses within a 
                  factor of 10 of each other.

       SHOCK:     If PLANET = 'Mars' or 'Earth', then setting this 
                  keyword will show the nominal shock location on the
                  orbit plots (see keyword OPLOT).  Default = no.

       DT:        Time resolution (sec).  Default = PARAM.period/1000.

       NORBIT:    Number of orbits for calculating the solution.
                  Default = 1.

       NMAX:      Maximum number of iterations for the orbit solver.
                  Default = 400.  Larger numbers might be needed if
                  the orbital eccentricity is greater than 0.95.

       OERR:      Maximum error in orbit solution, which translates
                  roughly into fractional error in the position.
                  Default = 1.e-6.  Increase this only if you want a
                  quicker solution at the expense of accuracy.

       RESULT:    A structure containing the satellite altitude and
                  true anomaly versus time.  The true anomaly is the
                  angle in the plane of the orbit about the center
                  of the planet, with zero degrees at periapsis. 
                  The orbital velocity, and the orbit size and shape 
                  parameters are also given.

       OPLOT:     The number of an IDL window for plotting the orbit
                  with three orthogonal views.  Default = none.

       TPLOT:     The number of an IDL window for a time series plot
                  of altitude and orbital velocity.  Default = none.

       NODOT:     Do not plot a symbol for periapsis.

       PS:        Postscript plots are produced for OPLOT and TPLOT.

       SILENT:    If set, then suppress output.

       SEGMENTS:  Divide the orbit up into segments for color coding.  
                  This keyword should contain the time in minutes 
                  relative to apoapsis of each segment boundary.
                  The first segment extends from APO to SEGMENTS[0].
                  The last segment extends from SEGMENTS[N-1] to APO,
                  where N is the number of segments.

       SCOLORS:   Color for each segment.  Must have the same number of
                  elements as SEGMENTS.

 $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $
 $LastChangedDate: 2017-05-28 12:35:58 -0700 (Sun, 28 May 2017) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 23358 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

CREATED BY:	David L. Mitchell

(See projects/maven/


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Function:  mvn_spc_met_to_unixtime
Purpose:  Convert MET (mission Elapsed Time) to Unix Time  (which is almost equivalent to UTC)
see also:  "mvn_spc_unixtime_to_met" for the reverse conversion
 This routine is in the process of being modified to use SPICE Kernels to correct for clock drift as needed.
 Author: Davin Larson
 $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $
 $LastChangedDate: 2015-10-21 11:55:01 -0700 (Wed, 21 Oct 2015) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 19123 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/maven/