;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_lpw_r_header_l0 ;PURPOSE: ; Decomutater of the LPW telemetry data, THIS IS FOR L0-files, splitted files and gourn data use mvn_lpw_r_heared.pro ; r_header orignal written by Corinne Vanatta and David Meyer ; This routine reads the data file as BYTE ; This routine strips the packet headers off the data, and stores the data in various ways. ; The data is stored in one long structure ; The routine also prints out how many of each tpye of packet are present in the file. ; filename: the name of the file the data is in ; No WPK-packet will be in a L0-file and the data is always compressed ; SC gitter/clitch is corrected for ; More stricter rules to find the packets ; ;USAGE: ; mvn_lpw_r_header, filename, output, packet=packet ; ;INPUTS: ; filename: The full filename (including path) of a binary file containing ; zero or more LPW APID's. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; packet: Which packets to read into memeory, default all packets Options: ['HSK','EUV','AVG','SPEC','HSBM'] ; ;CREATED BY: Laila Andersson 06-01-11 ;FILE: mvn_lpw_r_header_l0.pro ;VERSION: 2.0 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 140718 L. Andersson ;FIs so that HSBM packets can be read ;Added the correction features for the 0.5 SC clock gitter (C Fowler) ;Added a additional feature to find the packets using the SC variable (L. Andersson) ;;140718 clean up for check out L. Andersson ;2014-10-06: CF: 'packet' can now be uppper or lower input; mvn-lpw-load-file converts all to upper case. ;- pro mvn_lpw_r_header_l0, filename,output,packet=packet t_start=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) tmp=strsplit(filename,'/',/extract) ; should be mac way if n_elements(tmp) EQ 1 then tmp=strsplit(filename,'\',/extract) ; should be PC way filename_short =tmp[n_elements(tmp)-1] ; this is the name that is stored in the CDF file, the directory information is not of interest only the file name print,'lpw_loader filename ',filename,' short ', filename_short newfile_byte = read_binary(filename, data_type = 1,endian='big') ;read byte only --note many packets have signed information concatention = 'on' ; this is the only option for this version ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;THESE offset is not activated in this latest load routine, was needed in the different laboratory settings place = 0; -- permanently set to not have message header in telemetry data offset1 = 7 offset2 = -1 len_offset = 9 If (keyword_set(packet)) EQ 0 Then packet=['HSK','EUV','AVG','SPEC','HSBM','WPK'] ELSE BEGIN IF total(strmatch(packet, 'NOHSBM')) EQ 1 then packet=['HSK','EUV','AVG','SPEC'] IF total(strmatch(packet, 'SPEC')) EQ 1 AND total(strmatch(packet, 'AVG')) EQ 0 then packet=[packet,'AVG'] ENDELSE ; this is so that the grouping can be change to anything ;example for only get one group ;packet=['EUV'] ;This is to identify which different type of LPW packets the loader should process, whch pkt are active: tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSK',nn_act_ATR) tmp = where(packet EQ 'EUV',nn_act_EUV) tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSK',nn_act_ADR) tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSK',nn_act_HSK) tmp = where(packet EQ 'AVG',nn_act_SWP1) tmp = where(packet EQ 'AVG',nn_act_SWP2) tmp = where(packet EQ 'AVG',nn_act_ACT) tmp = where(packet EQ 'AVG',nn_act_PAS) tmp = where(packet EQ 'SPEC',nn_act_ACT_LF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'SPEC',nn_act_ACT_MF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'SPEC',nn_act_ACT_HF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'SPEC',nn_act_PAS_LF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'SPEC',nn_act_PAS_MF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'SPEC',nn_act_PAS_HF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSBM',nn_act_HSBM_LF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSBM',nn_act_HSBM_MF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSBM',nn_act_HSBM_HF) tmp = where(packet EQ 'WPK',nn_act_w1) tmp = where(packet EQ 'WPK',nn_act_w2) tmp = where(packet EQ 'WPK',nn_act_w3) tmp = where(packet EQ 'WPK',nn_act_w4) tmp = where(packet EQ 'WPK',nn_act_w5) tmp = where(packet EQ 'HSBM',nn_act_htime) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- t2=systime(1,/seconds) Print,' ## Read the binary file took ',t2-t1,' seconds ##' ;; ; ;WARNING ID DO NOT THE THE CHECK newfile_unsigned(0) eq 60304 that was in the original r_header!!!! ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Data files with sc_headers ;********** THIS is where there is a need to flip *********** ; 5E last survey 5F, 60 and 61 HSBM and 67 HTIME ;print,'******* Searching for Old SC APID numbers !!! **********' ;SCAPID1=(newfile_byte GE 5*16+0) and (newfile_byte LE 5*16+2) ;sc number 50,51, 52 this worked untill aug 2013 ;SCAPID2=SCAPID1 ;SCAPID1=(newfile_byte GE 5*16+0) and (newfile_byte LE 5*16+2) ;sc number 52 <--- all other APID ;SCAPID2=(newfile_byte EQ 5*16+0) ;sc number 50 <--- HSK APID 0x54 ;from Tim Quin after aug 2013: S/C APID 0x50 is engineering, S/C APID 0x62 is science print,'******* Searching for NEW SC APID numbers !!! **********' SCAPID1=(newfile_byte EQ 6*16+2) ;sc number 62 SCAPID2=(newfile_byte EQ 5*16+0) ;sc number 50 ;*********************************************************** INAPID1=((newfile_byte GE 5*16+0) and (newfile_byte LE 5*16+3)) or $ ((newfile_byte GE 5*16+5) and (newfile_byte LE 6*16+1)) or $ ((newfile_byte EQ 6*16+7)) ;LPW inst number 50-67,omitting 54,62-66,HSBM has a second check ;INAPID1=((newfile_byte EQ 5*16+15)) ;LPW inst number 50-67,omitting 54,62-66,HSBM has a second check INAPID2=(newfile_byte EQ 5*16+4) ;LPW inst number HSK NNAPID =(newfile_byte EQ 8) ;08 LEAPID =(newfile_byte LT 8) ;try to avoid SC APID 52....make sure the length is LT 2048, i.e. byte +15 is less than 8 ;this is a test.... ADD1ID = (newfile_byte EQ 1*16+10) ; expect 1a location 17 ADDCLbyte = (newfile_byte[0:*]*256+newfile_byte[1:*]*256 GT 1*4096+12*256+5*16) ; that first clock byte (byte no 17) are Greater or Equal to c1-hex and second clock byte (byte no 18 ) are Greater or Equal to c1-hex ;THese are where the LPW packets are locates 12 appart tmp_ss1=SCAPID1[1:*]*INAPID1[12:*]*NNAPID[0:*]*NNAPID[11:*]*LEAPID[15:*] * ADDCLbyte[17:*] tmp_ss2=SCAPID2[1:*]*INAPID2[12:*]*NNAPID[0:*]*NNAPID[11:*]*LEAPID[15:*] ;since there is problem with getting false HSBM packet test thefollowing ;;this is a test....find the clock to use that as a discriminator - this assumes the first packet is correct tmp1=newfile_byte[tmp_ss1[0]+17] ; first time stamp ADD1ID = (newfile_byte GE tmp1-1) ADD2ID = (newfile_byte LE tmp1+1) ; look at the clock and only allow a narrow change in the clock over the file tmp_ss1=SCAPID1[1:*]*INAPID1[12:*]*NNAPID[0:*]*NNAPID[11:*]*LEAPID[15:*] ;changed 20141029 *ADD1ID(17:*)*ADD2ID(17:*) tmp_ss2=SCAPID2[1:*]*INAPID2[12:*]*NNAPID[0:*]*NNAPID[11:*]*LEAPID[15:*] min_length=(2L^8*newfile_byte[15:*]+newfile_byte[16:*]) GT 10 tmp_ss=(tmp_ss1 +tmp_ss2)*min_length nn=n_elements(tmp_ss) qq=where(tmp_ss[0:nn-8],nq) ;******* special treatmenet keep=where((newfile_byte[qq+12] NE 94) or ((newfile_byte[qq+12] EQ 94) and (2L^8*newfile_byte[qq+15]+newfile_byte[qq+16] GT 256)) ,nq ) ;have issue with APID 5e == 94 , needs a longer packet to be an hit qq=qq[keep] ;******* special treatmenet APID=newfile_byte[qq+12] ;plot,newfile_byte(qq+17) ;print,'Number of packets ',nq,' using WHERE:SCAPID1(1:*)*INAPID1(12:*)*NNAPID(0:*)*NNAPID(11:*)*LEAPID(15:*)' ;print,' $$$$ number of short packets: ',total(2L^8*newfile_byte(qq)+newfile_byte(qq) LT 10) ;tmp=where((APID GE 6*16+2)*(APID LE 6*16+6) ,ntmp) ;print,'%% NO %%% ',tmp ;print,'%% NO %%% ',qq(tmp) ;print,'%%APID%%% ',APID(tmp) ;EQ 5*16+14 ;print,'%%APID%%% ',newfile_byte(qq(tmp)+12) ;EQ 5*16+14 ;print,'%%Q%% ',newfile_byte(qq(tmp)+0),newfile_byte(qq(tmp)+1),newfile_byte(qq(tmp)+11),newfile_byte(qq(tmp)+12),format='(a8,4z)' ;EQ 5*16+14 If nq GT 0 then begin ; there is packets found in the file counter_specific=qq+11 ;where should I point???? this points to the CCSDS Primary header location vers=newfile_byte[qq+11] /32 ;it should be the first 3 bits in this byte (1 byte is 8 bits) type= newfile_byte[qq+11] /16 mod 8 ;packet type this should be bit no 4 0 indicate always telemetry SHF = newfile_byte[qq+11] /8 mod 16 ;secondary header flag should be 1 - this should be bit no 5 GF= newfile_byte[qq+13]/ 64 ;group flag first 2 bits SC=1L * (2L^8*(newfile_byte[qq+13] mod 2L^6)+newfile_byte[qq+14] ) ;source sequencse counts 14 bits length=2L^8*newfile_byte[qq+15]+newfile_byte[qq+16] ;the length of each packet 16 bits length_byte=(length+2)*2 ;total length in 8 bits incl MSG header (16 bits before CCSDS prim header) SC_CLK1=double(2LL^24*newfile_byte[qq+17]+2LL^16*newfile_byte[qq+18]+2LL^8*newfile_byte[qq+19]+newfile_byte[qq+20]) ;seconds clock 32 bits SC_CLK2=double(2LL^8*newfile_byte[qq+21]+newfile_byte[qq+22]) ;sub-secongs 16 bits length2=max(length) IF total(length2 GT 2048) GT 0 then print,'Warning: the length of ',total(length GT 2048),' packet are too long' IF total(length2 GT 2048) GT 0 then stanna ;crash the program... t2=systime(1,/seconds) ;Print,' ## Find the APID took ',t2-t1,' seconds ##',' number of packets with lengths above 10 ',total(length GT 10),' less ',total(length LE 10) t1=systime(1,/seconds) ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; there has been incorrect timestamps found ; ;remove the extreme from the array by removing them in the APID array ; time_sc = double(SC_CLK1) + SC_CLK2/2l^16 tmp = where( (time_sc GT 3.8e8 and time_sc LT 6.3e8) EQ 0,nq) ; after ~jan 2012 while before ~jan 2020 based on zero is Jan 2000 (t_epoch) if nq GT 0 then APID[tmp] = 0 ; remove these packets ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;**************** ;THESE are variables defined in the original reader, needs to be defined for the output structure waveform1_array=0 waveform2_array=0 waveform3_array=0 waveform4_array=0 waveform5_array=0 SC_CLK1_gst=0 SC_CLK2_gst=0 APID2 =0 SC_CLK3_gst=0 SC_CLK4_gst=0 total_w1_length=0 total_w2_length=0 total_w3_length=0 total_w4_length=0 total_w5_length=0 ;**************** ;------------------------------------------------- ;number of pakets and which packets for each APID pkt_ATR = where(APID EQ 81,nn_ATR) ;5*16+1 pkt_EUV = where(APID EQ 82,nn_EUV) pkt_ADR = where(APID EQ 83,nn_ADR) pkt_HSK = where(APID EQ 84,nn_HSK) ;5*16+4 pkt_SWP1 = where(APID EQ 85,nn_SWP1) pkt_SWP2 = where(APID EQ 86,nn_SWP2) pkt_ACT = where(APID EQ 87,nn_ACT) pkt_PAS = where(APID EQ 88,nn_PAS) pkt_ACT_LF = where(APID EQ 89,nn_ACT_LF) pkt_ACT_MF = where(APID EQ 90,nn_ACT_MF) pkt_ACT_HF = where(APID EQ 91,nn_ACT_HF) pkt_PAS_LF = where(APID EQ 92,nn_PAS_LF) pkt_PAS_MF = where(APID EQ 93,nn_PAS_MF) pkt_PAS_HF = where(APID EQ 94,nn_PAS_HF) pkt_HSBM_LF = where(APID EQ 95,nn_HSBM_LF) pkt_HSBM_MF = where(APID EQ 96,nn_HSBM_MF) ;6*16 pkt_HSBM_HF = where(APID EQ 97,nn_HSBM_HF) ;6*16+1 pkt_w1 = where(APID EQ 98,nn_w1) ;6*16+2 pkt_w2 = where(APID EQ 99,nn_w2) pkt_w3 = where(APID EQ 100,nn_w3) pkt_w4 = where(APID EQ 101,nn_w4) pkt_w5 = where(APID EQ 102,nn_w5) pkt_htime = where(APID EQ 103,nn_htime) ;------------------------------------------------- sizelength = size(length) ; total number of LPW packets If max(length) LT 6 and sizelength[1] EQ 0 then begin print,'### There was no LPW packets found in this file: ', filename,' ###' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; there is LPW packets in the file print,'### There is LPW packets found in this file: ', filename,' ###' ;Preallocating values common over multiple packets data_fft = fltarr(sizelength[1],max(length)-6) DFB_header = strarr(sizelength[1],16) data = fltarr(1) y = fltarr(sizelength[1],30) course_clk = fltarr(sizelength[1]) ORB_MD = fltarr(sizelength[1]) MC_LEN = fltarr(sizelength[1]) SMP_AVG = fltarr(sizelength[1]) wave_config = fltarr(sizelength[1]) EUV_config = fltarr(sizelength[1]) ADR_config = fltarr(sizelength[1]) HSK_config = fltarr(sizelength[1]) ATR_config = fltarr(sizelength[1]) GB_e12_hf = intarr(sizelength[1]) ;this is one bit in the tertiary header ;Resetting dummy variables keep these, used to check that data was put into the arrays p1 = 0L p2 = 0L p3 = 0L p4 = 0L p5 = 0L p6 = 0L p7 = 0L p8 = 0L p9 = 0L p10 = 0L p11 = 0L p12 = 0L p13 = 0L p14 = 0L p15 = 0L p16 = 0L p17 = 0L p18 = 0L p19 = 0L p20 = 0L p21 = 0L p22 = 0L p23 = 0L i = 0L iii = 0L HSBM_LF_i = -1. ;pkt_HSBM_LF will this be HSBM_MF_i = -1. ;pkt_HSBM_MF will this be HSBM_HF_i = -1. ;pkt_HSBM_FF will this be length = length + 2 ;still true? ;this is to make quick conversions for the compressed data mvn_lpw_r_mask,mask16,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,flip_8 mask16=0. ;;; no longer read the file as word, only as byte t2=systime(1,/seconds) ; Print,' ## Allocation it took ',t2-t1,' seconds ##' ;############ Now for each type of packet will data be extracted into the created above structures ################ ;ATR Packet <---- only unsigned total_ATR_length = 0 if nn_ATR GT 0 and nn_act_ATR GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;ATR preallocations SWP = fltarr(nn_ATR,128) ATR_W_BIAS1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_W_GUARD1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_W_STUB1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) Reserved1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_LP_BIAS1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_LP_GUARD1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_LP_STUB1 = fltarr(nn_ATR) Reserved2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_W_BIAS2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_W_GUARD2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_W_STUB2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) Reserved3 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_LP_BIAS2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_LP_GUARD2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) ATR_LP_STUB2 = fltarr(nn_ATR) Reserved4 = fltarr(nn_ATR) FOR ni=0L,nn_ATR-1 do begin i = pkt_ATR[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B03,B03,B01,B01)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] / 2^5 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B03,B03,B01,B01)' CHECKSUM = newfile_byte[counter+1]/2 mod 2 ;checksum DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B03,B03,B01,B01)' ENB = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2 ;enb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B03,B03,B01,B01)' merge_large=indgen(128)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small=merge_large +1 ; every other odd SWP[p6,*] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] nn=max(merge_small)+1 ; add the 2 directly ATR_W_BIAS1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+0] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+1] ATR_W_GUARD1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+2] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+3] ATR_W_STUB1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+4] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+5] Reserved1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+6] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+7] ATR_LP_BIAS1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+8] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+9] ATR_LP_GUARD1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+10] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+11] ATR_LP_STUB1[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+12] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+13] Reserved2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+14] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+15] ATR_W_BIAS2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+16] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+17] ATR_W_GUARD2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+18] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+19] ATR_W_STUB2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+20] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+21] Reserved3[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+22] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+23] ATR_LP_BIAS2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+24] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+25] ATR_LP_GUARD2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+26] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+27] ATR_LP_STUB2[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+28] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+29] Reserved4[p6] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+nn+30] + newfile_byte[counter+nn+31] p6 = p6 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### ATR ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds ' ATR_SC = SC[pkt_ATR] for seqIndx = 1, nn_ATR-1 do $ if ATR_SC[seqIndx] NE ATR_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'ATR Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', ATR_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', ATR_SC[seqIndx] if (ATR_SC[nn_ATR-1]-ATR_SC[0]+1) NE p6 then print, 'ATR Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p6, ' Reporting ',(ATR_SC[nn_ATR-1]-ATR_SC[0]+1) total_ATR_length = total(length[pkt_ATR]+7) endif else begin ; create defauls values -1 if not packets where found SWP = -1 & ATR_W_BIAS1 = -1 & ATR_W_GUARD1 = -1 & ATR_W_STUB1 = -1 & $ Reserved1 = -1 & ATR_LP_BIAS1 = -1 & ATR_LP_GUARD1 = -1 & ATR_LP_STUB1 = -1 & $ Reserved2 = -1 & ATR_W_BIAS2 = -1 & ATR_W_GUARD2 = -1 & ATR_W_STUB2 = -1 & $ Reserved3 = -1 & ATR_LP_BIAS2 = -1 & ATR_LP_GUARD2 = -1 & ATR_LP_STUB2 = -1 & $ Reserved4 = -1 & ENDELSE ;EUV Packet <--- have signed values but are compressed total_euv_length = 0 if nn_EUV GT 0 and nn_act_EUV GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;EUV Preallocations THERM = fltarr(nn_EUV,16) DIODE_A = fltarr(nn_EUV,16) DIODE_B = fltarr(nn_EUV,16) DIODE_C = fltarr(nn_EUV,16) DIODE_D = fltarr(nn_EUV,16) FOR ni=0L,nn_EUV-1 do begin i = pkt_EUV[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1]/2L^4 ;DFB Tertiary header: 8-bits NaN; 4-bits SMP_AVE; 3-bits NaN; 1 bit EUV_ENABLE EUV_config[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 1 ;DFB Tertiary header: 8-bits NaN; 4-bits SMP_AVE; 3-bits NaN; 1 bit EUV_ENABLE ptr=1L*(counter+2) ;which 16 bit package to start with, checked O ptr_end=ptr+length_byte[i]-2*len_offset ;(length2[i]-len_offset) ; this has to be checked!!! nn_e=0 ;keep track of the loops/bits therm[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,16,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,counter,counter_specific[i],' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet EUV temp' diode_a[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,16,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,counter,counter_specific[i],' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet EUV DIODE A' diode_b[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,16,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,counter,counter_specific[i],' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet EUV DIODE B' diode_c[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,16,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,counter,counter_specific[i],' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet EUV DIODE C' diode_d[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,16,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,counter,counter_specific[i],' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet EUV DIODE D' p7 = p7 + 1 ; keeps track of how many EUV packets there are ENDFOR mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'EUV', pkt_EUV, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) ;loop over the packets t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### EUV ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1,' seconds' EUV_SC = SC[pkt_EUV] for seqIndx = 1, nn_EUV-1 do $ if EUV_SC[seqIndx] NE EUV_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'EUV Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', EUV_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', EUV_SC[seqIndx] if (EUV_SC[nn_EUV-1]-EUV_SC[0]+1) NE p7 then print, 'EUV Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p7, ' Reporting ',(EUV_SC[nn_EUV-1]-EUV_SC[0]+1) total_euv_length = total(length[pkt_EUV]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; if no packet was found THERM = -1 & DIODE_A = -1 & DIODE_B = -1 & DIODE_C = -1 & DIODE_D = -1 & ENDELSE ;ADR Packet total_adr_length = 0 if nn_ADR GT 0 and nn_act_ADR GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;ADR preallocations ADR_DYN_OFFSET1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_LP_BIAS1 = fltarr(nn_ADR,127) ADR_DYN_OFFSET2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_LP_BIAS2 = fltarr(nn_ADR,127) ADR_W_BIAS1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_GUARD1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_STUB1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_V1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_LP_GUARD1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_LP_STUB1 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_BIAS2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_GUARD2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_STUB2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_W_V2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_LP_GUARD2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) ADR_LP_STUB2 = fltarr(nn_ADR) FOR ni=0L,nn_ADR-1 do begin i = pkt_ADR[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B04,B03,B01)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] / 2^4 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B04,B03,B01)' ENB = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2 ;enb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B04,B03,B01)' merge_large = counter+indgen(1+127+1+127+13)*2 +2 ; every other value: even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other value: odd tmp = long(2L^8*newfile_byte[merge_large] + newfile_byte[merge_small]) ;<---- signed value -- correct if it is positive tmp_neg = -1.* float((ulong(tmp mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) ;<---- signed value -- correct if it is negative tmp_type = ulong(tmp)/2L^15 ; 0 if pos but 1 if neg ADR_DYN_OFFSET1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[0]) *tmp[0] +tmp_type[0] *tmp_neg[0] ADR_LP_BIAS1[p8,*] = (1-1*tmp_type[1:127]) *tmp[1:127] +tmp_type[1:127] *tmp_neg[1:127] ADR_DYN_OFFSET2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[128]) *tmp[128] +tmp_type[128] *tmp_neg[128] ADR_LP_BIAS2[p8,*] = (1-1*tmp_type[129:255])*tmp[129:255]+tmp_type[129:255]*tmp_neg[129:255] ADR_W_BIAS1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[256]) *tmp[256] +tmp_type[256] *tmp_neg[256] ADR_W_GUARD1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[257]) *tmp[257] +tmp_type[257] *tmp_neg[257] ADR_W_STUB1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[258]) *tmp[258] +tmp_type[258] *tmp_neg[258] ADR_W_V1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[259]) *tmp[259] +tmp_type[259] *tmp_neg[259] ADR_LP_GUARD1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[260]) *tmp[260] +tmp_type[260] *tmp_neg[260] ADR_LP_STUB1[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[261]) *tmp[261] +tmp_type[261] *tmp_neg[261] ADR_W_BIAS2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[262]) *tmp[262] +tmp_type[262] *tmp_neg[262] ADR_W_GUARD2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[263]) *tmp[263] +tmp_type[263] *tmp_neg[263] ADR_W_STUB2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[264]) *tmp[264] +tmp_type[264] *tmp_neg[264] ADR_W_V2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[265]) *tmp[265] +tmp_type[265] *tmp_neg[265] ADR_LP_GUARD2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[266]) *tmp[266] +tmp_type[266] *tmp_neg[266] ADR_LP_STUB2[p8] = (1-1*tmp_type[267]) *tmp[267] +tmp_type[267] *tmp_neg[267] p8 = p8 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### ADR ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1,' seconds' ADR_SC = SC[pkt_ADR] for seqIndx = 1, nn_ADR-1 do $ if ADR_SC[seqIndx] NE ADR_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'ADR Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', ADR_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', ADR_SC[seqIndx] if (ADR_SC[nn_ADR-1]-ADR_SC[0]+1) NE p8 then print, 'ADR Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p8, ' Reporting ',(ADR_SC[nn_ADR-1]-ADR_SC[0]+1) total_adr_length = total(length[pkt_ADR]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ;created the variables with -1 as values since no data exist for this package ADR_DYN_OFFSET1 = -1 & ADR_LP_BIAS1 = -1 & ADR_DYN_OFFSET2 = -1 & ADR_LP_BIAS2 = -1 & $ ADR_W_BIAS1 = -1 & ADR_W_GUARD1 = -1 & ADR_W_STUB1 = -1 & ADR_W_V1 = -1 & $ ADR_LP_GUARD1 = -1 & ADR_LP_STUB1 = -1 & ADR_W_BIAS2 = -1 & ADR_W_GUARD2 = -1 & $ ADR_W_STUB2 = -1 & ADR_W_V2 = -1 & ADR_LP_GUARD2 = -1 & ADR_LP_STUB2 = -1 & ENDELSE ;HSK Packet total_hsk_length = 0 if nn_HSK GT 0 and nn_act_HSK GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;HSK preallocations Preamp_Temp1 = fltarr(nn_HSK) Preamp_Temp2 = fltarr(nn_HSK) Beb_Temp = fltarr(nn_HSK) plus12va = fltarr(nn_HSK) minus12va = fltarr(nn_HSK) plus5va = fltarr(nn_HSK) minus5va = fltarr(nn_HSK) plus90va = fltarr(nn_HSK) minus90va = fltarr(nn_HSK) CMD_ACCEPT = fltarr(nn_HSK) CMD_REJECT = fltarr(nn_HSK) MEM_SEU_COUNTER = fltarr(nn_HSK) INT_STAT = fltarr(nn_HSK) CHKSUM = fltarr(nn_HSK) EXT_STAT = fltarr(nn_HSK) DPLY1_CNT = fltarr(nn_HSK) DPLY2_CNT = fltarr(nn_HSK) FOR ni=0L,nn_HSK-1 do begin i = pkt_HSK[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B04,B03,B01)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] / 2^4 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B04,B03,B01)' ENB = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2 ;enb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B04,B04,B03,B01)' HSK_config[i] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+0] + newfile_byte[counter+1] merge_large = counter+indgen(10)*2 +2 ; every other value: even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other value: odd tmp = long(2L^8*newfile_byte[merge_large] + newfile_byte[merge_small]) ;<---- signed value -- correct if it is positive tmp_neg = -1.* float((ulong(tmp mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) ;<---- signed value -- correct if it is negative tmp_type = ulong(tmp)/2L^15 ; 0 if pos but 1 if neg Preamp_Temp1[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[0]) *tmp[0] +tmp_type[0] *tmp_neg[0] Preamp_Temp2[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[1]) *tmp[1] +tmp_type[1] *tmp_neg[1] Beb_Temp[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[2]) *tmp[2] +tmp_type[2] *tmp_neg[2] plus12va[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[3]) *tmp[3] +tmp_type[3] *tmp_neg[3] minus12va[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[4]) *tmp[4] +tmp_type[4] *tmp_neg[4] plus5va[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[5]) *tmp[5] +tmp_type[5] *tmp_neg[5] minus5va[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[6]) *tmp[6] +tmp_type[6] *tmp_neg[6] plus90va[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[7]) *tmp[7] +tmp_type[7] *tmp_neg[7] minus90va[p9] = (1-1*tmp_type[8]) *tmp[8] +tmp_type[8] *tmp_neg[8] CMD_ACCEPT[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+20] + newfile_byte[counter+21] CMD_REJECT[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+22] + newfile_byte[counter+23] MEM_SEU_COUNTER[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+24] + newfile_byte[counter+25] INT_STAT[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+26] + newfile_byte[counter+27] CHKSUM[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+28] + newfile_byte[counter+29] EXT_STAT[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+30] + newfile_byte[counter+31] DPLY1_CNT[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+32] + newfile_byte[counter+33] DPLY2_CNT[p9] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+34] + newfile_byte[counter+35] p9 = p9 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'HSK', pkt_HSK, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### HSK ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1,' seconds' HSK_SC = SC[pkt_HSK] for seqIndx = 1, nn_HSK-1 do $ if HSK_SC[seqIndx] NE HSK_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'HSK Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', HSK_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', HSK_SC[seqIndx] if (HSK_SC[nn_HSK-1]-HSK_SC[0]+1) NE p9 then print, 'HSK Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p9, ' Reporting ',(HSK_SC[nn_HSK-1]-HSK_SC[0]+1) total_hsk_length = total(length[pkt_HSK]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; in case of no package Preamp_Temp1 = -1 & Preamp_Temp2 = -1 & Beb_Temp = -1 & plus12va = -1 & minus12va = -1 & $ plus5va = -1 & minus5va = -1 & plus90va = -1 & minus90va = -1 & CMD_ACCEPT = -1 & CMD_REJECT = -1 & $ MEM_SEU_COUNTER = -1 & INT_STAT = -1 & CHKSUM = -1 & EXT_STAT = -1 & $ DPLY1_CNT = -1 & DPLY2_CNT = -1 & ENDELSE ;SWP1_AVG Packet total_swp1_length = 0 if nn_SWP1 GT 0 and nn_act_SWP1 GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;SWP1_AVG prealloctions SWP1_I1 = fltarr(nn_SWP1,128) SWP1_V2 = fltarr(nn_SWP1,128) I_ZERO1 = fltarr(nn_SWP1) SWP1_DYN_OFFSET1 = fltarr(nn_SWP1) FOR ni=0L,nn_SWP1-1 do begin i = pkt_SWP1[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' tmp1 = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] ;<---- signed value IF ulong(tmp1)/2L^15 EQ 0 then I_ZERO1[ni] = tmp1 ELSE $ I_ZERO1[ni] = -1.* float((ulong(tmp1 mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) tmp2 = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+4] + newfile_byte[counter+5] ;<---- signed value IF ulong(tmp2)/2L^15 EQ 0 then SWP1_DYN_OFFSET1[ni] = tmp2 ELSE $ SWP1_DYN_OFFSET1[ni] = -1.* float((ulong(tmp2 mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) ptr=1L*(counter+6) ; which 8 bit package to start with ptr_end=ptr+length_byte[i]-14 ; this has to be checked!!! nn_e=0 ; this is when the data is not exact a factor of 16 SWP1_I1[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,128,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packat SWP1 I1' SWP1_V2[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,128,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packat SWP1 V2' p10 = p10 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'SWP1', pkt_SWP1, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### SWP1 ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' SWP1_SC = SC[pkt_SWP1] for seqIndx = 1, nn_SWP1-1 do $ if SWP1_SC[seqIndx] NE SWP1_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'SWP1 Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', SWP1_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', SWP1_SC[seqIndx] if (SWP1_SC[nn_SWP1-1]-SWP1_SC[0]+1) NE p10 then print, 'SWP1 Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p10, ' Reporting ',(SWP1_SC[nn_SWP1-1]-SWP1_SC[0]+1) total_swp1_length = total(length[pkt_SWP1]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; if no packet was found SWP1_I1 = -1 & SWP1_V2 = -1 & I_ZERO1 = -1 & SWP1_DYN_OFFSET1 = -1 & ENDELSE ;SWP2_AVG Packet <---- signed total_swp2_length = 0 if nn_SWP2 GT 0 and nn_act_SWP2 GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;SWP2_AVG prealloctions SWP2_I2 = fltarr(nn_SWP2,128) SWP2_V1 = fltarr(nn_SWP2,128) I_ZERO2 = fltarr(nn_SWP2) SWP2_DYN_OFFSET2 = fltarr(nn_SWP2) FOR ni=0L,nn_SWP2-1 do begin i = pkt_SWP2[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' tmp = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] ;<---- signed value IF tmp/2L^15 EQ 0 then I_ZERO2[ni] = tmp ELSE $ I_ZERO2[ni] = -1.* float((ulong(tmp mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) tmp = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+4] + newfile_byte[counter+5] ;<---- signed value IF tmp/2L^15 EQ 0 then SWP2_DYN_OFFSET2[ni] = tmp ELSE $ SWP2_DYN_OFFSET2[ni] = -1.* float((ulong(tmp mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) ptr=1L*(counter+6) ; which 8 bit package to start with ptr_end=ptr+length_byte[i]-14 ; this has to be checked!!! nn_e=0 ; this is when the data is not exact a factor of 16 SWP2_I2[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block16_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,128,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packat SWP1 I1' SWP2_V1[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,128,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packat SWP1 V2' p11 = p11 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'SWP2', pkt_SWP2, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### SWP2 ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' SWP2_SC = SC[pkt_SWP2] for seqIndx = 1, nn_SWP2-1 do $ if SWP2_SC[seqIndx] NE SWP2_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'SWP2 Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', SWP2_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', SWP2_SC[seqIndx] if (SWP2_SC[nn_SWP2-1]-SWP2_SC[0]+1) NE p11 then print, 'SWP2 Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p11, ' Reporting ',(SWP2_SC[nn_SWP2-1]-SWP2_SC[0]+1) total_swp2_length = total(length[pkt_SWP2]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; in case no packages SWP2_I2 = -1 & SWP2_V1 = -1 & I_ZERO2 = -1 & SWP2_DYN_OFFSET2 = -1 & ENDELSE ;ACT_AVG Packet <---- signed total_act_length = 0 if nn_ACT GT 0 and nn_act_ACT GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;ACT preallocations ACT_V1 = fltarr(nn_ACT,64) ACT_V2 = fltarr(nn_ACT,64) ACT_E12_LF = fltarr(nn_ACT,64) FOR ni=0L,nn_ACT-1 do begin i = pkt_ACT[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ptr = 1L*(counter+2) ; which 8 bit package to start with ptr_end=ptr+length_byte[i]-14 ; this has to be checked!!! nn_e = 0 ; this is when the data is not eact a factor of 16 act_v1[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,64,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet ACT V1' act_v2[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,64,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet ACT V2' act_e12_lf[ni,*]= mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,64,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet ACT E12' p12 = p12 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'ACT', pkt_ACT, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### ACT ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1,' seconds' ACT_SC = SC[pkt_ACT] for seqIndx = 1, nn_ACT-1 do $ if ACT_SC[seqIndx] NE ACT_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'ACT Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', ACT_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', ACT_SC[seqIndx] if (ACT_SC[nn_ACT-1]-ACT_SC[0]+1) NE p12 then print, 'ACT Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p12, ' Reporting ',(ACT_SC[nn_ACT-1]-ACT_SC[0]+1) total_act_length = total(length[pkt_ACT]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; in case no packages ACT_V1 = -1 & ACT_V2 = -1 & ACT_E12_LF = -1 & ENDELSE ;PAS_AVG Packet total_pas_length = 0 if nn_PAS GT 0 and nn_act_PAS GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ;PAS preallocations PAS_V1 = fltarr(nn_PAS,64) PAS_V2 = fltarr(nn_PAS,64) PAS_E12_LF = fltarr(nn_PAS,64) FOR ni=0L,nn_PAS-1 do begin i = pkt_PAS[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ptr=1L*(counter+2) ; which 16 bit package to start with ptr_end=ptr+length_byte[i]-14 ; this has to be checked!!! nn_e=0 ; this is when the data is not eact a factor of 16 pas_v1[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,64,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p13,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet: PAS V1' pas_v2[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,64,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p13,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet: PAS V2' pas_e12_lf[ni,*] = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,64,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p13,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet PAS E12' p13 = p13 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'PAS', pkt_PAS, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### PAS ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' PAS_SC = SC[pkt_PAS] for seqIndx = 1, nn_PAS-1 do $ if PAS_SC[seqIndx] NE PAS_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'PAS Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', PAS_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', PAS_SC[seqIndx] if (PAS_SC[nn_PAS-1]-PAS_SC[0]+1) NE p13 then print, 'PAS Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p13, ' Reporting ',(PAS_SC[nn_PAS-1]-PAS_SC[0]+1) total_pas_length = total(length[pkt_PAS]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN PAS_V1 = -1 & PAS_V2 = -1 & PAS_E12_LF = -1 & ENDELSE ; ACT_S_LF packet total_act_s_lf_length = 0 if nn_ACT_LF GT 0 and nn_act_ACT_LF GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ACT_S_LF = !values.f_nan ;variable length fltarr(nn_ACT_LF*116) ACT_LF_PKTCNT = fltarr(nn_ACT_LF) ACT_LF_PKTARR = fltarr(nn_ACT_LF) FOR ni=0L,nn_ACT_LF-1 do begin i = pkt_ACT_LF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' GB_e12_hf[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^3 mod 0 ;Gain DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ACT_LF_PKTCNT[ni] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] n_packets = floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/29) ;this is how to merge them ACT_LF_pktarr[ni] = n_packets merge_large = indgen(n_packets*29)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other odd data_array = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] if ni EQ 0 then ACT_S_LF = [data_array] else $ ;variable length!! ACT_S_LF = [ACT_S_LF, data_array] p14 = p14 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'ACT_LF', pkt_ACT_LF, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### ACT_LF ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' ACT_LF_SC = SC[pkt_ACT_LF] for seqIndx = 1, nn_ACT_LF-1 do $ if ACT_LF_SC[seqIndx] NE ACT_LF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'ACT_S_LF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', ACT_LF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', ACT_LF_SC[seqIndx] if (ACT_LF_SC[nn_ACT_LF-1]-ACT_LF_SC[0]+1) NE p14 then print, 'ACT_S_LF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p14, ' Reporting ',(ACT_LF_SC[nn_ACT_LF-1]-ACT_LF_SC[0]+1) total_act_s_lf_length = total(length[pkt_ACT_LF]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt ACT_S_LF = -1 & ACT_LF_PKTCNT = -1 & ACT_LF_PKTARR = -1 & ENDELSE ; ACT_S_MF Packet total_act_s_mf_length = 0 if nn_ACT_MF GT 0 and nn_act_ACT_MF GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ACT_S_MF = !values.f_nan ;variable length fltarr(nn_ACT_LF*116) ACT_MF_PKTCNT = fltarr(nn_ACT_MF) ACT_MF_PKTARR = fltarr(nn_ACT_MF) FOR ni=0L,nn_ACT_MF-1 do begin i = pkt_ACT_MF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' GB_e12_hf[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^3 mod 0 ;Gain DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ACT_MF_PKTCNT[ni] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] n_packets = floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/29) ;this is how to merge them ACT_MF_pktarr[ni] = n_packets merge_large = indgen(n_packets*29)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other odd data_array = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] if ni EQ 0 then ACT_S_MF = [data_array] else $ ;variable length!! ACT_S_MF = [ACT_S_MF, data_array] p15 = p15 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'ACT_MF', pkt_ACT_MF, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### ACT_MF ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' ACT_MF_SC = SC[pkt_ACT_MF] for seqIndx = 1, nn_ACT_MF-1 do $ if ACT_MF_SC[seqIndx] NE ACT_MF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'ACT_S_MF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', ACT_MF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', ACT_MF_SC[seqIndx] if (ACT_MF_SC[nn_ACT_MF-1]-ACT_MF_SC[0]+1) NE p15 then print, 'ACT_S_MF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p15, ' Reporting ',(ACT_MF_SC[nn_ACT_MF-1]-ACT_MF_SC[0]+1) total_act_s_mf_length = total(length[pkt_ACT_MF]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt ACT_S_MF = -1 & ACT_MF_PKTCNT = -1 & ACT_MF_PKTARR = -1 & ENDELSE ;ACT_S_HF Packets total_act_s_hf_length = 0 if nn_ACT_HF GT 0 and nn_act_ACT_HF GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ACT_S_HF = !values.f_nan ;variable length fltarr(nn_ACT_LF*116) ACT_HF_PKTCNT = fltarr(nn_ACT_HF) ACT_HF_PKTARR = fltarr(nn_ACT_HF) FOR ni=0L,nn_ACT_HF-1 do begin i = pkt_ACT_HF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' GB_e12_hf[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^3 mod 0 ;Gain DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ACT_HF_PKTCNT[ni] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] n_packets = floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/65) ;floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/29) ;this is how to merge them ACT_HF_pktarr[ni] = n_packets ;make the array merge_large = indgen(n_packets*65)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other odd data_array = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] if ni EQ 0 then ACT_S_HF = [data_array] else $ ;variable length!! ACT_S_HF = [ACT_S_HF, data_array] p16 = p16 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'ACT_HF', pkt_ACT_HF, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### ACT_HF ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' ACT_HF_SC = SC[pkt_ACT_HF] for seqIndx = 1, nn_ACT_HF-1 do $ if ACT_HF_SC[seqIndx] NE ACT_HF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'ACT_S_HF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', ACT_HF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', ACT_HF_SC[seqIndx] if (ACT_HF_SC[nn_ACT_HF-1]-ACT_HF_SC[0]+1) NE p16 then print, 'ACT_S_HF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p16, ' Reporting ',(ACT_HF_SC[nn_ACT_HF-1]-ACT_HF_SC[0]+1) total_act_s_hf_length = total(length[pkt_ACT_HF]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt ACT_S_HF = -1 & ACT_HF_PKTCNT = -1 & ACT_HF_PKTARR = -1 & ENDELSE ; PAS_S_LF Packet total_pas_s_lf_length = 0 if nn_PAS_LF GT 0 and nn_act_PAS_LF GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed PAS_S_LF = !values.f_nan ;variable length fltarr(nn_ACT_LF*116) PAS_LF_PKTCNT = fltarr(nn_PAS_LF) PAS_LF_PKTARR = fltarr(nn_PAS_LF) FOR ni=0L,nn_PAS_LF-1 do begin i = pkt_PAS_LF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' GB_e12_hf[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^3 mod 0 ;Gain DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' PAS_LF_PKTCNT[ni] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] n_packets = floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/29) ;this is how to merge them PAS_LF_pktarr[ni] = n_packets ;make the array merge_large = indgen(n_packets*29)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other odd data_array = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] if ni EQ 0 then PAS_S_LF = [data_array] else $ ;variable length!! PAS_S_LF = [PAS_S_LF, data_array] p17 = p17 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'PAS_LF', pkt_PAS_LF, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### PAS_LF ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' PAS_LF_SC = SC[pkt_PAS_LF] for seqIndx = 1, nn_PAS_LF-1 do begin if PAS_LF_SC[seqIndx] NE PAS_LF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'PAS_S_LF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', PAS_LF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', PAS_LF_SC[seqIndx] endfor if (PAS_LF_SC[nn_PAS_LF-1]-PAS_LF_SC[0]+1) NE p17 then print, 'PAS_S_LF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p17, ' Reporting ',(PAS_LF_SC[nn_PAS_LF-1]-PAS_LF_SC[0]+1) total_pas_s_lf_length = total(length[pkt_PAS_LF]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt PAS_S_LF = -1 & PAS_LF_PKTCNT = -1 & PAS_LF_PKTARR = -1 & ENDELSE ;PAS_S_MF Packet total_pas_s_mf_length = 0 if nn_PAS_MF GT 0 and nn_act_PAS_MF GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed PAS_S_MF = !values.f_nan ;variable length fltarr(nn_ACT_LF*116) PAS_MF_PKTCNT = fltarr(nn_PAS_MF) PAS_MF_PKTARR = fltarr(nn_PAS_MF) FOR ni=0L,nn_PAS_MF-1 do begin i = pkt_PAS_MF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' GB_e12_hf[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^3 mod 0 ;Gain DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' PAS_MF_PKTCNT[ni] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] n_packets = floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/29) ;this is how to merge them PAS_MF_pktarr[ni] = n_packets merge_large = indgen(n_packets*29)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other odd data_array = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] if ni EQ 0 then PAS_S_MF = [data_array] else $ ;variable length!! PAS_S_MF = [PAS_S_MF, data_array] p18 = p18 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets if n_elements(pkt_PAS_MF) GT 1 then $ mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'PAS_MF', pkt_PAS_MF, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### PAS_MF ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' PAS_MF_SC = SC[pkt_PAS_MF] for seqIndx = 1, nn_PAS_MF-1 do $ if PAS_MF_SC[seqIndx] NE PAS_MF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'PAS_S_MF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', PAS_MF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', PAS_MF_SC[seqIndx] if (PAS_MF_SC[nn_PAS_MF-1]-PAS_MF_SC[0]+1) NE p18 then print, 'PAS_S_MF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p18, ' Reporting ',(PAS_MF_SC[nn_PAS_MF-1]-PAS_MF_SC[0]+1) total_pas_s_mf_length = total(length[pkt_PAS_MF]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt PAS_S_MF = -1 & PAS_MF_PKTCNT = -1 & PAS_MF_PKTARR = -1 & ENDELSE ;PAS_S_HF Packet total_pas_s_hf_length = 0 if nn_PAS_HF GT 0 and nn_act_PAS_HF GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed PAS_S_HF = !values.f_nan ;variable length fltarr(nn_ACT_LF*116) PAS_HF_PKTCNT = fltarr(nn_PAS_HF) PAS_HF_PKTARR = fltarr(nn_PAS_HF) FOR ni=0L,nn_PAS_HF-1 do begin i = pkt_PAS_HF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' GB_e12_hf[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^3 mod 0 ;Gain DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' MC_LEN[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] mod 2^3 ;mclen DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+1] mod 2^3 ;rpt_rate DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' PAS_HF_PKTCNT[ni] = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+2] + newfile_byte[counter+3] n_packets = floor((((length[i]-1)/2)-4)/65) ;this is how to merge them test= counter_specific[i] PAS_HF_pktarr[ni] = n_packets merge_large = indgen(n_packets*65)*2 +2 ; every other even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other odd data_array = 2L^8*newfile_byte[counter+merge_large] + newfile_byte[counter+merge_small] if ni EQ 0 then PAS_S_HF = [data_array] else $ ;variable length!! PAS_S_HF = [PAS_S_HF, data_array] p19 = p19 + 1 ENDFOR ;loop over the packets mvn_lpw_r_clock_check, 'PAS_HF', pkt_PAS_HF, SC, sc_clk1, sc_clk2 ;look for and correct and clock jitter (~0.5s) t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### PAS_HF ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' PAS_HF_SC = SC[pkt_PAS_HF] for seqIndx = 1, nn_PAS_HF-1 do $ if PAS_HF_SC[seqIndx] NE PAS_HF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'PAS_S_HF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', PAS_HF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', PAS_HF_SC[seqIndx] if (PAS_HF_SC[nn_PAS_HF-1]-PAS_HF_SC[0]+1) NE p19 then print, 'PAS_S_HF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p19, ' Reporting ',(PAS_HF_SC[nn_PAS_HF-1]-PAS_HF_SC[0]+1) total_pas_s_hf_length = total(length[pkt_PAS_HF]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt PAS_S_HF = -1 & PAS_HF_PKTCNT = -1 & PAS_HF_PKTARR = -1 & ENDELSE ;HSBM LF packets total_hsbm_lf_length = 0 if nn_HSBM_LF GT 0 and nn_act_HSBM_LF GT 0 then BEGIN t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed FOR ni=0L,nn_HSBM_LF-1 do begin i = pkt_HSBM_LF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ptr = 1L*(counter+2) ptr_end = ptr+(floor(length[i]+1)/2+2+offset2-offset1+1) *2 ; this has to be checked!!!; the factor of 2 is due to byte vs word nn_e = 0 ; this is when the data is not eact a factor of 16 decomp = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,32,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packet HSBM_LF' while ((ptr_end-ptr)*16-nn_e) ge (16+7+(31*2)) do begin decomp = [decomp,mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,32,edac_on)] ;the rest of the times endwhile p = ptr_new(decomp) if ni EQ 0 then BEGIN hsbm_lf_i = i ; keeps track of where in the file the hsbm_i packets are hsbm_lf_comp_t = sc_clk1[i]+sc_clk2[i]/65536d ;keeps track of the first time stamp since it might be multiple packages hsbm_lf_comp_p = p ;keeps track of the pointer ENDIF ELSE BEGIN hsbm_lf_i = [hsbm_lf_i, i] ; keeps track of where in the file the hsbm_i packets are hsbm_lf_comp_t = [hsbm_lf_comp_t,sc_clk1[i]+sc_clk2[i]/65536d] ;keeps track of the first time stamp since it might be multiple packages hsbm_lf_comp_p = [hsbm_lf_comp_p,p] ;keeps track of the pointer ENDELSE ENDFOR ;loop over nn_HSBM_LF t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### HSBM LF ',ni,i,n_elements(hsbm_lf_i),p20,' time ', t2-t1,' seconds' HSBM_LF_SC = SC[HSBM_LF_i] nn=n_elements(HSBM_LF_i) for seqIndx = 1, nn-1 do $ if HSBM_LF_SC[seqIndx] NE HSBM_LF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'HSBM_LF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', HSBM_LF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', HSBM_LF_SC[seqIndx] if (HSBM_LF_SC[nn-1]-HSBM_LF_SC[0]+1) NE nn then print, 'HSBM_LF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', nn, ' Reporting ',(HSBM_LF_SC[nn-1]-HSBM_LF_SC[0]+1) total_hsbm_lf_length = total(length[HSBM_LF_i]+7) endif ;HSBM_LF ;HSBM MF packets total_hsbm_mf_length = 0 if nn_HSBM_MF GT 0 and nn_act_HSBM_MF GT 0 then BEGIN t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed FOR ni=0L,nn_HSBM_MF-1 do begin i = pkt_HSBM_MF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ptr = 1L*(counter+2) ptr_end = ptr+(floor(length[i]+1)/2+2+offset2-offset1+1) * 2 ; this has to be checked!!! factor 2 for byte vs word nn_e = 0 ; this is when the data is not eact a factor of 16 decomp = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,32,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packat HSBM_MF' while ((ptr_end-ptr)*16-nn_e) ge (16+7+(31*2)) do decomp = [decomp,mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,32,edac_on)] ;the rest of the times p = ptr_new(decomp) ; if compressed if ni EQ 0 then BEGIN hsbm_mf_i = i ; keeps track of where in the file the hsbm_i packets are hsbm_mf_comp_t = sc_clk1[i]+sc_clk2[i]/65536d ;keeps track of the first time stamp since it might be multiple packages hsbm_mf_comp_p = p ;keeps track of the pointer ENDIF ELSE BEGIN hsbm_mf_i = [hsbm_mf_i, i] ; keeps track of where in the file the hsbm_i packets are hsbm_mf_comp_t = [hsbm_mf_comp_t,sc_clk1[i]+sc_clk2[i]/65536d] ;keeps track of the first time stamp since it might be multiple packages hsbm_mf_comp_p = [hsbm_mf_comp_p,p] ;keeps track of the pointer ENDELSE ENDFOR ;loop over nn_HSBM_MF t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### HSBM MF ',ni,i,n_elements(hsbm_mf_i),' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' HSBM_MF_SC = SC[HSBM_MF_i] nn=n_elements(HSBM_MF_i) for seqIndx = 1, nn-1 do $ if HSBM_MF_SC[seqIndx] NE HSBM_MF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'HSBM_MF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', HSBM_MF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', HSBM_MF_SC[seqIndx] if (HSBM_MF_SC[nn-1]-HSBM_MF_SC[0]+1) NE nn then print, 'HSBM_MF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', nn, ' Reporting ',(HSBM_MF_SC[nn-1]-HSBM_MF_SC[0]+1) total_hsbm_mf_length = total(length[HSBM_MF_i]+7) endif ;HSBM_MF ;HSBM HF packets total_hsbm_hf_length = 0 if nn_HSBM_HF GT 0 and nn_act_HSBM_HF GT 0 then BEGIN t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed FOR ni=0L,nn_HSBM_HF-1 do begin i = pkt_HSBM_HF[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header ORB_MD[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;orb DFB Tertiary header: format = '(B04,B01,B03,B05,B03)' ptr = 1L*(counter+2) ptr_end = ptr+(floor(length[i]+1)/2+2+offset2-offset1+1)*2 ; this has to be checked!!! factor 2 for byte vs word nn_e = 0 ; this is when the data is not eact a factor of 16 decomp = mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,32,edac_on) if edac_on EQ 1 then print,'The compression check EDAC failed in packet no ',p7,i,ni,' pointer ',ptr,nn_e,' Packat HSBM_HF' while ((ptr_end-ptr)*16-nn_e) ge (16+7+(31*2)) do decomp = [decomp,mvn_lpw_r_block32_byte(newfile_byte,ptr,nn_e,mask8,bin_c,index_arr,32,edac_on)] ;the rest of the times p = ptr_new(decomp) if ni EQ 0 then BEGIN hsbm_hf_i = i ; keeps track of where in the file the hsbm_i packets are hsbm_hf_comp_t = sc_clk1[i]+sc_clk2[i]/65536d ;keeps track of the first time stamp since it might be multiple packages hsbm_hf_comp_p = p ;keeps track of the pointer ENDIF ELSE BEGIN hsbm_hf_i = [hsbm_hf_i, i] ; keeps track of where in the file the hsbm_i packets are hsbm_hf_comp_t = [hsbm_hf_comp_t,sc_clk1[i]+sc_clk2[i]/65536d] ;keeps track of the first time stamp since it might be multiple packages hsbm_hf_comp_p = [hsbm_hf_comp_p,p] ;keeps track of the pointer ENDELSE ENDFOR ;loop over nn_HSBM_HF t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### HSBM HF ',ni,i,n_elements(hsbm_hf_i),' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' HSBM_HF_SC = SC[HSBM_HF_i] nn=n_elements(HSBM_HF_i) for seqIndx = 1, nn-1 do $ if HSBM_HF_SC[seqIndx] NE HSBM_HF_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'HSBM_HF Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', HSBM_HF_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', HSBM_HF_SC[seqIndx] if (HSBM_HF_SC[nn-1]-HSBM_HF_SC[0]+1) NE nn then print, 'HSBM_HF Sequence Count Failed. Should be', nn, ' Reporting ',(HSBM_HF_SC[nn-1]-HSBM_HF_SC[0]+1) total_hsbm_hf_length = total(length[HSBM_HF_i]+7) endif ;HSBM_HF ; htime packets <---- signed total_htime_length = 0 if nn_htime GT 0 and nn_act_htime GT 0 then begin t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed FOR ni=0L,nn_htime-1 do begin i = pkt_htime[ni] counter = 12L + counter_specific[i] ;pointing to the start of the DFB teriary header SMP_AVG[i] = newfile_byte[counter+0] / 2^4 ;use this to get it out Rate = 2 ^rpt_rate second ICD table 7.8 nn = (((long(length[i])-1)/2)-7)/2+1 ; this is based on words merge_large = counter+indgen(nn*2)*2 +2 ; every other value: even merge_small = merge_large +1 ; every other value: odd tmp = long(2L^8*newfile_byte[merge_large] + newfile_byte[merge_small]) ;<---- signed value -- correct if it is positive tmp_neg = -1.* float((ulong(tmp mod 2L^15) xor (2L^15-1) ) +1) ;<---- signed value -- correct if it is negative tmp_type = ulong(tmp)/2L^15 ; 0 if pos but 1 if neg If nn GT 0 then begin cap_time2 = fltarr(nn) htime_type2 = intarr(nn) xfer_time2 = fltarr(nn) for iii = 0,nn-1 do begin cap_time2[iii] = (1-1*tmp_type[2*iii]) *tmp[2*iii] +tmp_type[2*iii] *tmp_neg[2*iii] htime_type2[iii] = tmp[2*iii+1]/2L^14 xfer_time2[iii] = tmp[2*iii+1] mod 2L^14 endfor if ni EQ 0 then cap_time = cap_time2 ELSE cap_time = [cap_time ,cap_time2] if ni EQ 0 then htime_type = htime_type2 ELSE htime_type = [htime_type ,htime_type2] if ni EQ 0 then xfer_time = xfer_time2 ELSE xfer_time = [xfer_time ,xfer_time2] p23 = p23 + 1 ENDIF ;nn GT 0 ENDFOR ;loop over packets t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### htime ',ni,i,' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' HTIME_SC = SC[pkt_htime] for seqIndx = 1, nn_htime-1 do $ if HTIME_SC[seqIndx] NE HTIME_SC[seqIndx-1]+1 then print, 'HTIME Sequence Count Skipped. seqIndex =', seqIndx, ' SC(seqIndx-1) =', HTIME_SC[seqIndx-1], ' SC(seqIndx) =', HTIME_SC[seqIndx] if (HTIME_SC[nn_htime-1]-HTIME_SC[0]+1) NE p23 then print, 'HTIME Sequence Count Failed. Should be', p23, ' Reporting ',(HTIME_SC[nn_htime-1]-HTIME_SC[0]+1) total_htime_length = total(length[pkt_htime]+7) endif ELSE BEGIN ; case on no pkt xfer_time = !values.f_nan & cap_time = !values.f_nan & htime_type = !values.f_nan & ENDELSE ;htime ;**** Waveform packets w1 to w5 - is not prodused on spacecraft - these are not fixes with the move from WORD to BYTE.*** ; if (nn_w1 NE 0) OR (nn_w2 NE 0) OR (nn_w3 NE 0) OR (nn_w4 NE 0) OR (nn_w5 NE 0) then BEGIN print,' These pkt can only be produced on ground ',nn_w1,nn_w2,nn_w3,nn_w4,nn_w5 print,'This reader cannot read wave packets, use the original mvn_lpw_r_header without SC headers' stanna endif ;-------------------------------------- The different packets read in DONE --------------------------------- t1=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;group together the matching hsbm packets ; DM - this code needs to be below the sequence number checking since hsbm_lf_i is used by the sequence number check ; and is modified in this code hsbm_lf = !values.f_nan hsbm_mf = !values.f_nan hsbm_hf = !values.f_nan if n_elements(hsbm_lf_comp_t) gt 0 and nn_act_HSBM_LF GT 0 then mvn_lpw_r_group_hsbm,hsbm_lf_comp_t,hsbm_lf_comp_p,1024,hsbm_lf,p20,hsbm_lf_i if n_elements(hsbm_mf_comp_t) gt 0 and nn_act_HSBM_MF GT 0 then mvn_lpw_r_group_hsbm,hsbm_mf_comp_t,hsbm_mf_comp_p,4096,hsbm_mf,p21,hsbm_mf_i if n_elements(hsbm_hf_comp_t) gt 0 and nn_act_HSBM_HF GT 0 then mvn_lpw_r_group_hsbm,hsbm_hf_comp_t,hsbm_hf_comp_p,4096,hsbm_hf,p22,hsbm_hf_i t2=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed ; print,'#### HSBM grouping ',' time ', t2-t1 ,' seconds' ;-------------------------------------- Store it in the output structure -------------------------------- output=create_struct( $ ;To export the data in workable form 'filename' , filename_short ,$ 'counter_all' , counter_specific ,$ ; counter_all1 ,$ ;the start of each packet 'length' , length ,$ 'p1' , p1 ,$ 'p2' , p2 ,$ 'p3' , p3 ,$ 'p4' , p4 ,$ 'p5' , p5 ,$ 'p6' , p6 ,$ 'p7' , p7 ,$ 'p8' , p8 ,$ 'p9' , p9 ,$ 'p10' , p10 ,$ 'p11' , p11 ,$ 'p12' , p12 ,$ 'p13' , p13 ,$ 'p14' , p14 ,$ 'p15' , p15 ,$ 'p16' , p16 ,$ 'p17' , p17 ,$ 'p18' , p18 ,$ 'p19' , p19 ,$ 'p20' , p20 ,$ 'p21' , p21 ,$ 'p22' , p22 ,$ 'p23' , p23 ,$ 'i' , i ,$ 'ADR_i' , pkt_ADR ,$ 'ATR_i' , pkt_ATR ,$ 'HSK_i' , pkt_HSK ,$ 'EUV_i' , pkt_EUV ,$ 'SWP1_i' , pkt_SWP1 ,$ 'SWP2_i' , pkt_SWP2 ,$ 'PAS_i' , pkt_PAS ,$ 'ACT_i' , pkt_ACT ,$ 'ACT_S_HF_i' , pkt_ACT_HF ,$ 'ACT_S_MF_i' , pkt_ACT_MF ,$ 'ACT_S_LF_i' , pkt_ACT_LF ,$ 'PAS_S_HF_i' , pkt_PAS_HF ,$ 'PAS_S_MF_i' , pkt_PAS_MF ,$ 'PAS_S_LF_i' , pkt_PAS_LF ,$ 'W1_i' , pkt_w1 ,$ 'W2_i' , pkt_w2 ,$ 'W3_i' , pkt_w3 ,$ 'W4_i' , pkt_w4 ,$ 'W5_i' , pkt_w5 ,$ 'HSBM_LF_i' , hsbm_LF_i ,$ 'HSBM_MF_i' , hsbm_MF_i ,$ 'HSBM_HF_i' , hsbm_HF_i ,$ 'HTIME_i' , pkt_htime ,$ 'APID' , APID ,$ 'SC_CLK1' , SC_CLK1 ,$ 'SC_CLK2' , SC_CLK2 ,$ 'DFB_header' , DFB_header ,$ 'waveform1_array' , waveform1_array ,$ 'waveform2_array' , waveform2_array ,$ 'waveform3_array' , waveform3_array ,$ 'waveform4_array' , waveform4_array ,$ 'waveform5_array' , waveform5_array ,$ 'ATR_SWP' , SWP ,$ 'ATR_W_BIAS1' , ATR_W_BIAS1 ,$ 'ATR_W_GUARD1' , ATR_W_GUARD1 ,$ 'ATR_W_STUB1' , ATR_W_STUB1 ,$ 'Reserved1' , Reserved1 ,$ 'ATR_LP_BIAS1' , ATR_LP_BIAS1 ,$ 'ATR_LP_GUARD1' , ATR_LP_GUARD1 ,$ 'ATR_LP_STUB1' , ATR_LP_STUB1 ,$ 'Reserved2' , Reserved2 ,$ 'ATR_W_BIAS2' , ATR_W_BIAS2 ,$ 'ATR_W_GUARD2' , ATR_W_GUARD2 ,$ 'ATR_W_STUB2' , ATR_W_STUB2 ,$ 'Reserved3' , Reserved3 ,$ 'ATR_LP_BIAS2' , ATR_LP_BIAS2 ,$ 'ATR_LP_GUARD2' , ATR_LP_GUARD2 ,$ 'ATR_LP_STUB2' , ATR_LP_STUB2 ,$ 'Reserved4' , Reserved4 ,$ 'THERM' , THERM ,$ 'DIODE_A' , DIODE_A ,$ 'DIODE_B' , DIODE_B ,$ 'DIODE_C' , DIODE_C ,$ 'DIODE_D' , DIODE_D ,$ 'ADR_DYN_OFFSET1' , ADR_DYN_OFFSET1 ,$ 'ADR_LP_BIAS1' , ADR_LP_BIAS1 ,$ 'ADR_DYN_OFFSET2' , ADR_DYN_OFFSET2 ,$ 'ADR_LP_BIAS2' , ADR_LP_BIAS2 ,$ 'ADR_W_BIAS1' , ADR_W_BIAS1 ,$ 'ADR_W_GUARD1' , ADR_W_GUARD1 ,$ 'ADR_W_STUB1' , ADR_W_STUB1 ,$ 'ADR_W_V1' , ADR_W_V1 ,$ 'ADR_LP_GUARD1' , ADR_LP_GUARD1 ,$ 'ADR_LP_STUB1' , ADR_LP_STUB1 ,$ 'ADR_W_BIAS2' , ADR_W_BIAS2 ,$ 'ADR_W_GUARD2' , ADR_W_GUARD2 ,$ 'ADR_W_STUB2' , ADR_W_STUB2 ,$ 'ADR_W_V2' , ADR_W_V2 ,$ 'ADR_LP_GUARD2' , ADR_LP_GUARD2 ,$ 'ADR_LP_STUB2' , ADR_LP_STUB2 ,$ 'Preamp_Temp1' , Preamp_Temp1 ,$ 'Preamp_Temp2' , Preamp_Temp2 ,$ 'Beb_Temp' , Beb_Temp ,$ 'plus12va' , plus12va ,$ 'minus12va' , minus12va ,$ 'plus5va' , plus5va ,$ 'minus5va' , minus5va ,$ 'plus90va' , plus90va ,$ 'minus90va' , minus90va ,$ 'CMD_ACCEPT' , CMD_ACCEPT ,$ 'CMD_REJECT' , CMD_REJECT ,$ 'MEM_SEU_COUNTER' , MEM_SEU_COUNTER ,$ 'INT_STAT' , INT_STAT ,$ 'CHKSUM' , CHKSUM ,$ 'EXT_STAT' , EXT_STAT ,$ 'DPLY1_CNT' , DPLY1_CNT ,$ 'DPLY2_CNT' , DPLY2_CNT ,$ 'SWP1_I1' , SWP1_I1 ,$ 'SWP1_V2' , SWP1_V2 ,$ 'I_ZERO1' , I_ZERO1 ,$ 'SWP1_DYN_OFFSET1', SWP1_DYN_OFFSET1,$ 'SWP2_I2' , SWP2_I2 ,$ 'SWP2_V1' , SWP2_V1 ,$ 'I_ZERO2' , I_ZERO2 ,$ 'SWP2_DYN_OFFSET2', SWP2_DYN_OFFSET2,$ 'ACT_V1' , ACT_V1 ,$ 'ACT_V2' , ACT_V2 ,$ 'ACT_E12_LF' , ACT_E12_LF ,$ 'PAS_V1' , PAS_V1 ,$ 'PAS_V2' , PAS_V2 ,$ 'PAS_E12_LF' , PAS_E12_LF ,$ 'course_clk' , course_clk ,$ 'ACT_S_HF' , ACT_S_HF ,$ 'ACT_S_MF' , ACT_S_MF ,$ 'ACT_S_LF' , ACT_S_LF ,$ 'PAS_S_HF' , PAS_S_HF ,$ 'PAS_S_MF' , PAS_S_MF ,$ 'PAS_S_LF' , PAS_S_LF ,$ 'ORB_MD' , ORB_MD ,$ 'E12_HF_GB' , GB_e12_hf ,$ 'MC_LEN' , MC_LEN ,$ 'SMP_AVG' , SMP_AVG ,$ 'wave_config' , wave_config ,$ ;warning wave_config is not explicit for the packet w1 to w5 it just usest the last defined one 'EUV_config' , EUV_config ,$ 'ADR_config' , ADR_config ,$ 'HSK_config' , HSK_config ,$ 'ATR_config' , ATR_config ,$ 'ACT_LF_PKTCNT' , ACT_LF_PKTCNT ,$ 'ACT_MF_PKTCNT' , ACT_MF_PKTCNT ,$ 'ACT_HF_PKTCNT' , ACT_HF_PKTCNT ,$ 'PAS_LF_PKTCNT' , PAS_LF_PKTCNT ,$ 'PAS_MF_PKTCNT' , PAS_MF_PKTCNT ,$ 'PAS_HF_PKTCNT' , PAS_HF_PKTCNT ,$ 'ACT_LF_PKTARR' , ACT_LF_PKTARR ,$ 'ACT_MF_PKTARR' , ACT_MF_PKTARR ,$ 'ACT_HF_PKTARR' , ACT_HF_PKTARR ,$ 'PAS_LF_PKTARR' , PAS_LF_PKTARR ,$ 'PAS_MF_PKTARR' , PAS_MF_PKTARR ,$ 'PAS_HF_PKTARR' , PAS_HF_PKTARR ,$ 'HSBM_LF' , hsbm_lf ,$ 'HSBM_MF' , hsbm_mf ,$ 'HSBM_HF' , hsbm_hf ,$ 'xfer_time' , xfer_time ,$ 'htime_type' , htime_type ,$ 'cap_time' , cap_time ,$ 'SC_CLK1_gst' , SC_CLK1_gst ,$ ; time when the gst stamped the packet 'SC_CLK2_gst' , SC_CLK2_gst ,$ ; time when the gst stamped the packet 'APID2' , APID2 ,$ ; should be the same as apid 'length2' , length2 ,$ ; should be the same as packet length 'SC_CLK3_gst' , SC_CLK3_gst ,$ ; should be the same as sc_clk1 'SC_CLK4_gst' , SC_CLK4_gst ) ; should be the same as sc_clk2 print,'Waveform 1:', p1, ' packets ',total_w1_length,' bytes' print,'Waveform 2:', p2, ' packets ',total_w2_length,' bytes' print,'Waveform 3:', p3, ' packets ',total_w3_length,' bytes' print,'Waveform 4:', p4, ' packets ',total_w4_length,' bytes' print,'Waveform 5:', p5, ' packets ',total_w5_length,' bytes' print,'ATR: ', p6, ' packets ',total_ATR_length,' bytes' print,'EUV: ', p7, ' packets ',total_euv_length,' bytes' print,'ADR: ', p8, ' packets ',total_adr_length,' bytes' print,'HSK: ', p9, ' packets ',total_hsk_length,' bytes' print,'SWP1_AVG: ', p10, ' packets ',total_swp1_length,' bytes' print,'SWP2_AVG: ', p11, ' packets ',total_swp2_length,' bytes' print,'ACT_AVG: ', p12, ' packets ',total_act_length,' bytes' print,'PAS_AVG: ', p13, ' packets ',total_pas_length,' bytes' print,'ACT_S_LF: ', p14, ' packets ',total_act_s_lf_length,' bytes' print,'ACT_S_MF: ', p15, ' packets ',total_act_s_mf_length,' bytes' print,'ACT_S_HF: ', p16, ' packets ',total_act_s_hf_length,' bytes' print,'PAS_S_LF: ', p17, ' packets ',total_pas_s_lf_length,' bytes' print,'PAS_S_MF: ', p18, ' packets ',total_pas_s_mf_length,' bytes' print,'PAS_S_HF: ', p19, ' packets ',total_pas_s_hf_length,' bytes' print,'HSBM_LF: ', p20, ' buffers ',total_hsbm_lf_length,' bytes' print,'HSBM_MF: ', p21, ' buffers ',total_hsbm_mf_length,' bytes' print,'HSBM_HF: ', p22, ' buffers ',total_hsbm_hf_length,' bytes' print,'HTIME: ', p23, ' packets ',total_htime_length,' bytes' t_end=SYSTIME(1,/seconds) ;to check on speed print,' TOTAL time to read ',t_end-t_start, ' seconds' ENDELSE ; there was LPW packets in the file ENDIf ELSE BEGIN ; there is packets found in the file output = -1 print,'No LPW packets was found in the data file ',filename ENDELSE ; there is packets found in the file end