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Last modified: Thu Oct 24 15:35:45 2019.
Name: Purpose: command line test script for DSCOVR data
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for loading all DSCOVR data Notes: Called by At start it assumes an empty local data directory as well as !dsc.no_download = 0 !dsc.no_update = 0 Test 1: No parameters or keywords used Test 2: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings Test 3: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles Test 4: Time range requested where no data exists Test 5: Time range passed as string Test 6: Time range passed as array of 3 strings Test 7: Time range passed as double Test 8: Time range passed as array of 3 doubles Test 9: No download with no data on disk; should not find data Test 10: No download with local data Test 11: No update with no data on disk Test 12: No update with data on disk Test 13: Download only; should not find data Test 14: Verbosity levels Test 15: TPLOTNAMES flag returns the newly loaded variables; Test 16: Use /keep_bad keyword flag
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for loading DSCOVR Attitude data Notes: Called by At start it assumes an empty local data directory as well as !dsc.no_download = 0 !dsc.no_update = 0 Test 1: No parameters or keywords used Test 2: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings Test 3: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles Test 4: Time range requested where no data exists Test 5: Time range passed as string Test 6: Time range passed as array of 3 strings Test 7: Time range passed as double Test 8: Time range passed as array of 3 doubles Test 9: No download with no data on disk; should not find data Test 10: No download with local data Test 11: No update with no data on disk Test 12: No update with data on disk Test 13: Download only; should not find data Test 14: Varformat one pattern match that exists in cdf Test 15: Varformat multi-pattern match that exists in cdf Test 16: Varformat multi-pattern match mixed existence in cdf; should find some data Test 17: Verbosity level 1 Test 18: Verbosity level 2 Test 19: Verbosity level 4 Test 20: TPLOTNAMES flag returns the newly loaded variables;
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for loading DSCOVR Faraday Cup data Notes: Called by At start it assumes an empty local data directory as well as !dsc.no_download = 0 !dsc.no_update = 0 Test 1: No parameters or keywords used Test 2: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings Test 3: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles Test 4: Time range requested where no data exists Test 5: Time range passed as string Test 6: Time range passed as array of 3 strings Test 7: Time range passed as double Test 8: Time range passed as array of 3 doubles Test 9: No download with no data on disk; should not find data Test 10: No download with local data Test 11: No update with no data on disk Test 12: No update with data on disk Test 13: Download only; should not find data Test 14: Varformat one pattern match that exists in cdf Test 15: Varformat multi-pattern match that exists in cdf Test 16: Varformat multi-pattern match mixed existence in cdf; should find some data Test 17: Verbosity level 1 Test 18: Verbosity level 2 Test 19: Verbosity level 4 Test 20: TPLOTNAMES flag returns the newly loaded variables; Test 21: Pass valid type flag string Test 22: Pass invalid type flag string Test 23: Pass invalid type flag non-string Test 24: Use /keep_bad keyword flag
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for loading DSCOVR Magnetometer data Notes: Called by At start it assumes an empty local data directory as well as !dsc.no_download = 0 !dsc.no_update = 0 Test 1: No parameters or keywords used Test 2: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings Test 3: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles Test 4: Time range requested where no data exists Test 5: Time range passed as string Test 6: Time range passed as array of 3 strings Test 7: Time range passed as double Test 8: Time range passed as array of 3 doubles Test 9: No download with no data on disk; should not find data Test 10: No download with local data Test 11: No update with no data on disk Test 12: No update with data on disk Test 13: Download only; should not find data Test 14: Varformat one pattern match that exists in cdf Test 15: Varformat multi-pattern match that exists in cdf Test 16: Varformat multi-pattern match mixed existence in cdf; should find some data Test 17: Verbosity level 1 Test 18: Verbosity level 2 Test 19: Verbosity level 4 Test 20: TPLOTNAMES flag returns the newly loaded variables; Test 21: Pass valid type flag string Test 22: Pass invalid type flag string Test 23: Pass invalid type flag non-string Test 24: Use /keep_bad keyword flag
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for loading DSCOVR Ephemeris data Notes: Called by At start it assumes an empty local data directory as well as !dsc.no_download = 0 !dsc.no_update = 0 Test 1: No parameters or keywords used Test 2: Time range passed as an array of 2 strings Test 3: Time range passed as an array of 2 doubles Test 4: Time range requested where no data exists Test 5: Time range passed as string Test 6: Time range passed as array of 3 strings Test 7: Time range passed as double Test 8: Time range passed as array of 3 doubles Test 9: No download with no data on disk; should not find data Test 10: No download with local data Test 11: No update with no data on disk Test 12: No update with data on disk Test 13: Download only; should not find data Test 14: Varformat one pattern match that exists in cdf Test 15: Varformat multi-pattern match that exists in cdf Test 16: Varformat multi-pattern match mixed existence in cdf; should find some data Test 17: Verbosity level 1 Test 18: Verbosity level 2 Test 19: Verbosity level 4 Test 20: TPLOTNAMES flag returns the newly loaded variables;
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for DSCOVR helper routines Notes: Called by At start it assumes an empty local data directory no existing direct graphics windows as well as !dsc.no_download = 0 !dsc.no_update = 0 Test 1: Get routine name Test 2: Deleting windows - no existing window Test 3: Deleting windows - window exists Test 4: Deleting windows verbose settings Test 5: Clear options no parameters Test 6: Clear options pass variable string Test 7: Clear options pass variable string array Test 8: Clear options pass variable number Test 9: Clear options pass variable number array Test 10: Clear options invalid variable type passed Test 11: Clear options /all flag Test 12: Clear options verbose settings Test 13: DSC_EZNAME /help flag Test 14: DSC_EZNAME valid string passed Test 15: DSC_EZNAME valid string array passed Test 16: DSC_EZNAME invalid string passed Test 17: DSC_EZNAME mixed valid/invalid string array passed Test 18: DSC_EZNAME using /conf where it exists Test 19: DSC_EZNAME using /conf where no conf exists Test 20: DSC_EZNAME verbose settings Test 21: Delete vars no arguments Test 22: Delete vars verbose settings
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for plotting DSCOVR overviews Notes: Called by Comparison plots are stored in !dsc.save_plots_dir (Set to !dsc.local_data_dir+'qa/plots/' in dsc_cltestsuite) Test 1: Mag Overview- No parameters or keywords used Test 2: Mag Overview- Single date Test 3: Mag Overview- Date range Test 4: Mag Overview- Poorly formed date Test 5: Mag Overview- Splits keyword Test 6: Mag Overview- Save plot Test 7: FC Overview- No parameters or keywords used Test 8: FC Overview- Single date Test 9: FC Overview- Date range Test 10: FC Overview- Poorly formed date Test 11: FC Overview- Splits keyword Test 12: FC Overview- Save plot Test 13: General Overview- No parameters or keywords used Test 14: General Overview- Single date Test 15: General Overview- Date range Test 16: General Overview- Poorly formed date Test 17: General Overview- Splits keyword Test 18: General Overview- Save plot
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for setting tvar ytitle for DSCOVR data Notes: Called by Test 1: Valid variable name, no keywords Test 2: Valid variable number, no keywords Test 3: Variable name array Test 4: Variable number array Test 5: Invalid variable name Test 6: Invalid variable number Test 7: Invalid variable type passed Test 8: Pass valid metadata structure Test 9: Pass invalid metadata structure Test 10: Use title= keyword Test 11: Change verbosity settings Test 12: Verify success for all DSC variables
(See projects/dscovr/QA/
Name: Purpose: command line test script for DSC_SHIFTLINE procedure Notes: Called by This simply runs it through its paces and makes sure no errors are thrown. For the most part, it is not checking that the plots are displaying the expected shifts. Test 1: One panel, one line Test 2: One panel, multiple lines Test 3: One panel, bad input Test 4: One panel, with dsc_dyplot Test 5: Multi-panel, shifts in all panels Test 6: Multi-panel, shifts in select panels Test 7: Multi-panel, with dsc_dyplot
(See projects/dscovr/QA/