;+ ;PROCEDURE: xyz_to_polar,xyz ;PURPOSE: Calculates magnitude, theta and phi given a 3 vector ;INPUT: several options exist for xyz: ; string: data associated with the string is used. ; structure: data.y is assumed to contain the xyz array ; array(n,3) n by (x,y,z components) ; array(3) vector: [x,y,z] ;RETURN VALUES: through the keywords. Same dimensions and type as the ; input value of x. ;KEYWORDS: Named variables in which results are put ; MAGNITUDE: ; THETA: ; PHI: ; MAX_VALUE: ; MIN_VALUE: ; MISSING: ;OPTION KEYWORDS: These are used to set "cart_to_sphere" opts. ; CO_LATITUDE: If set theta will be in co-latitude. (0<=theta<=180) ; PH_0_360: If set positive, 0<=phi<=360, if zero, -180<=phi<=180. ; If set negative, will guess the best phi range. ; PH_HIST: A 2 element vector, a min and max histeresis value. ; ;SEE ALSO: ; sphere_to_cart.pro ; ;EXAMPLES: ; ; Passing arrays: ;x = findgen(100) ;y = 2*x ;z = x-20 ;vecs = [[x],[y],[z]] ;xyz_to_polar,vecs,mag=mag ;mag will be the magnitude of the array. ; ; Passing a structure: ;dat = {ytitle:'Vector',x:findgen(100),y:vecs} ;xyz_to_polar,dat,mag=mag,theta=th,phi=ph ;mag,th and ph will be all be structures. ; ; Passing a string: (see store_data, get_data) ;xyz_to_polar,'Vp' ; This assumes data has been created for this string. ; This will compute new data quantities: 'Vp_mag','Vp_th','Vp_ph' ;- pro xyz_to_polar,data, $ magnitude = magnitude, $ theta = theta, $ phi = phi, $ tagname = tagname, $ max_value=max_value, $ min_value=min_value, $ missing = missing, $ clock = clock, $ co_latitude=co_latitude,$ tplotnames=tplotnames, $ ph_0_360=ph_0_360, $ ph_hist=ph_hist switch size(/type,data) of 2: ; integers 7: begin ; strings names = tnames(data,n) tplotnames='' for i=0,n-1 do begin dprint,dlevel=3 ,'Computing polar coordinates for ',names[i] get_data,names[i],data=struct ;,limits=lim str_element,struct,'max_value',val=max_value str_element,struct,'min_value',val=min_value if size(/type,struct) ne 8 then return ; error xyz_to_polar,struct,mag=mag_struct,theta=th_struct,phi=ph_struct, $ tagname= tagname,clock=clock, $ max_value=max_value,min_value=min_value,$ co_latitude=co_latitude,ph_0_360=ph_0_360,ph_hist=ph_hist magnitude = names[i]+'_mag' theta = names[i]+ (keyword_set(clock) ? '_con' : '_th') phi = names[i]+ (keyword_set(clock) ? '_clk' : '_phi') store_data,magnitude,data=mag_struct store_data,theta ,data=th_struct store_data,phi ,data=ph_struct,dlim={ynozero:1} tn = [magnitude,theta,phi] tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,tn] : tn endfor return end 8: begin ; structures if keyword_set(tagname) then begin str_element,data,tagname,value=v v = transpose(v) endif else v = data.y xyz_to_polar,v,mag=mag_val,theta=theta_val,phi=phi_val,$ max_value=max_value,min_value=min_value,missing=missing,$ co_latitude=co_latitude,ph_0_360=ph_0_360,ph_hist=ph_hist,clock=clock if keyword_set(tagname) then begin ;stop str_element,/add,data,tagname+'_mag',mag_val str_element,/add,data,tagname+'_th',theta_val str_element,/add,data,tagname+'_phi',phi_val endif else begin ; yt = '' str_element,data,'ytitle',val=yt magnitude = {x:data.x, y:mag_val} theta = {x:data.x, y:theta_val} phi = {x:data.x, y:phi_val} ; if keyword_set(yt) then begin ; str_element,/add,magnitude,'ytitle',yt+' (mag)' ; str_element,/add,theta,'ytitle',yt+' (theta)' ; str_element,/add,phi,'ytitle',yt+' (phi)' ; endif ; if keyword_set(min_value) then begin ; str_element,/add,magnitude,'min_value',min_value ; str_element,/add,theta,'min_value',min_value ; str_element,/add,phi,'min_value',min_value ; endif ; if keyword_set(max_value) then begin ; str_element,/add,magnitude,'max_value',max_value ; str_element,/add,theta,'max_value',max_value ; str_element,/add,phi,'max_value',max_value ; endif endelse return end else: begin ; normal arrays if ndimen(data) eq 2 then begin x = data[*,0] y = data[*,1] z = data[*,2] endif else begin x = data[0] y = data[1] z = data[2] endelse if keyword_set(clock) then $ cart_to_sphere,z,-y,x,magnitude,theta,phi,$ co_latitude=co_latitude,ph_0_360=ph_0_360,ph_hist=ph_hist $ else $ cart_to_sphere,x,y,z,magnitude,theta,phi,$ co_latitude=co_latitude,ph_0_360=ph_0_360,ph_hist=ph_hist if keyword_set(max_value) then begin ind = where(x ge max_value,count) if count gt 0 then begin if n_elements(missing) eq 0 then missing = max(x) magnitude[ind]=missing theta[ind]=missing phi[ind]=missing endif endif if keyword_set(min_value) then begin ind = where(x le min_value,count) if count gt 0 then begin if n_elements(missing) eq 0 then missing = min(x) magnitude[ind]=missing theta[ind]=missing phi[ind]=missing endif endif return end endswitch end