;+ ; ;Name: ;KYOTO_DST2TPLOT ; ;Purpose: ; Queries the Kyoto servers for DST data and loads data into ; tplot format. Adapted from KYOTO_AE2TPLOT.PRO. ; ;Syntax: ; kyoto_dst2tplot [ ,TRANGE = TRANGE ] ; [ ,FILENAMES ] ; [ ,< and data keywords below > ] ; ;Keywords: ; TRANGE (In): ; Pass a time range a la TIME_STRING.PRO. ; FILENAMES (In): ; * PRESENTLY DISABLED * Pass user-defined file names (full paths to local data files). These will ; be read a la the Kyoto format, and the Kyoto server will not be queried. ; DSTDATA, DSTTIME (Out): Get 'dst' data, time basis. ; ALDATA, ALTIME (Out): Get 'al' data, time basis. ; AODATA, AOTIME (Out): Get 'ao' data, time basis. ; AUDATA, AUTIME (Out): Get 'au' data, time basis. ; ;Code: ;W.M.Feuerstein, 5/15/2008. ; ;Modifications: ; Changed file format of name (kyoto_dst_YYYY_MM.dat to kyoto_dst_YYYYMM.dat), ; changed "DST" references to "DST", updated doc'n, WMF, 4/17/2008. ; Saved new version under new name (old name was KYOTO_DST_LOAD), added ; DATATYPE kw, validate and loop on datatypes, hardwired /DOWNLOADONLY, ; up'd data kwd's, up'd doc'n, WMF, 5/15/2008. ; Tested that the software defaults to local data when ther internet is not ; available even with /DOWNLOADONLY (yes), added acknowledgment and ; warning banner, added 'ax' datatype, WMF, 5/19/2008. ; ;- compile_opt idl2 pro kyoto_dst2tplot ,trange=trange, $ real_time=real_time, $ ;filenames=fns, $ ;Do not pounce on FILENAMES. dstdata=alldst, $ dsttime=alldsttime;, $ ; datatype=datatype;, $ ;Input/output -- will clean inputs or show default. ;source=source ;************************** ;Load 'dst' data by default: ;************************** if ~keyword_set(datatype) then datatype='dst' ;;***************** ;;Validate datypes: ;;***************** ;vns=['dst'] ;if size(datatype,/type) eq 7 then begin ; datatype=ssl_check_valid_name(datatype,vns,/include_all) ; if datatype[0] eq '' then return ;endif else begin ; message,'DATATYPE kw must be of string type.',/info ; return ;endelse ;Get timespan and define FILE_NAMES: ;=================================== get_timespan,t if ~size(fns,/type) then begin ;Get files for ith datatype: ;*************************** file_names = file_dailynames( $ file_format='YYYYMM/dst'+ $ 'yyMM',trange=t,times=times,/unique)+'.for.request ;Define FILE_RETRIEVE structure: ;=============================== source = file_retrieve(/struct) source.downloadonly=1 source.min_age_limit= 900 ; allow 15 minutes between updates. source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'geom_indices/kyoto/dst/' case 1 of ~keyword_set(real_time): source.remote_data_dir = $ 'http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dst_provisional/' else: source.remote_data_dir = $ 'http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dst_realtime/' endcase ;Get files and local paths, and concatenate local paths: ;======================================================= local_paths=file_retrieve(file_names,_extra=source) endif else file_names=fns ;basedate=time_string(times,tformat='YYYY-MM-01') ;baseyear=strmid(basedate,0,4) ;Read the files: ;=============== s='' alldsttime=0 allaltime=0 allaotime=0 allautime=0 allaxtime=0 alldst= 0 allal= 0 allao= 0 allau= 0 allax= 0 ;Loop on files: ;============== for i=0,n_elements(local_paths)-1 do begin file= local_paths[i] if file_test(/regular,file) then dprint,'Loading DST file: ',file $ else begin dprint,'DST file ',file,' not found. Skipping' continue endelse openr,lun,file,/get_lun ;basetime = time_double(basedate[i]) ; ;Loop on lines: ;============== while(not eof(lun)) do begin readf,lun,s ok=1 if strmid(s,0,1) eq '[' then ok=0 if ok && keyword_set(s) then begin dprint,s ,dlevel=5 year = (strmid(s,12,2)) month = (strmid(s,14,2)) day = (strmid(s,16,2)) hour = (strmid(s,19,2)) type = strmid(s,21,2) basetime = time_double('20'+year+'-'+month+'-'+day+'/'+hour) ; kdata = fix ( strmid(s, indgen(60)*6 +34 ,6) ) ; ;Append data by type (DST, AL, AO, AU or AX): ;=========================================== case type of 'DST': begin append_array,alldst,kdata append_array,alldsttime, basetime + dindgen(60)*60d dprint,' ',s,dlevel=5 end 'AL': begin append_array,allal,kdata append_array,allaltime, basetime + dindgen(60)*60d dprint,' ',s,dlevel=5 end 'AO': begin append_array,allao,kdata append_array,allaotime, basetime + dindgen(60)*60d dprint,' ',s,dlevel=5 end 'AU': begin append_array,allau,kdata append_array,allautime, basetime + dindgen(60)*60d dprint,' ',s,dlevel=5 end 'AX': begin append_array,allax,kdata append_array,allaxtime, basetime + dindgen(60)*60d dprint,' ',s,dlevel=5 end endcase continue endif ;if s eq 'DAY' then ok=1 endwhile free_lun,lun endfor ;Store data in TPLOT variables: ;============================== if keyword_set(alldst) then begin alldst= float(alldst) wbad = where(alldst eq 99999,nbad) if nbad gt 0 then alldst[wbad] = !values.f_nan store_data,'kyoto_dst',data={x:alldsttime, y:alldst},dlimit={constant:0.} endif ; if keyword_set(allal) then begin allal= float(allal) wbad = where(allal eq 99999,nbad) if nbad gt 0 then allal[wbad] = !values.f_nan store_data,'kyoto_al',data={x:allaltime, y:allal},dlimit={constant:0.} endif ; if keyword_set(allao) then begin allao= float(allao) wbad = where(allao eq 99999,nbad) if nbad gt 0 then allao[wbad] = !values.f_nan store_data,'kyoto_ao',data={x:allaotime, y:allao},dlimit={constant:0.} endif ; if keyword_set(allau) then begin allau= float(allau) wbad = where(allau eq 99999,nbad) if nbad gt 0 then allau[wbad] = !values.f_nan store_data,'kyoto_au',data={x:allautime, y:allau},dlimit={constant:0.} endif ; if keyword_set(allax) then begin allax= float(allax) wbad = where(allax eq 99999,nbad) if nbad gt 0 then allax[wbad] = !values.f_nan store_data,'kyoto_ax',data={x:allaxtime, y:allax},dlimit={constant:0.} endif print,'********************************************************************************** print,'Kyoto Provisional DST data. Not for redistribution.' print,'We thank DST stations (Abisko [SGU, Sweden], Cape Chelyuskin [AARI, Russia], print,'Tixi [IKFIA and AARI, Russia], Pebek [AARI, Russia], Barrow, College [USGS, print,'USA], Yellowknife, Fort Churchill, Sanikiluaq (Poste-de-la-Baleine) [CGS, print,'Canada], Narsarsuaq [DMI, Denmark], and Leirvogur [U. Iceland, Iceland]) as print,'well as the RapidMAG team for their cooperations and efforts to operate print,'these stations and to supply data with us for the provisional DST index. print,'(Pebek is a new station at geographic latitude of 70.09N and longitude of 170.93E, print,'replacing the closed station Cape Wellen.) print,'********************************************************************************** end