;+ ; PROJECT: ; General Purpose ; SOHO - CDS/SUMER ; THEMIS ; ; NAME: ; DPRINT ; ; PURPOSE: ; Diagnostic PRINT (activated only when DEBUG reaches DLEVEL) ; ; EXPLANATION: ; This routine acts similarly to the PRINT command, except that ; it is activated only when the common block variable DEBUG is ; set to be equal to or greater than the debugging level set by ; DLEVEL (default to 0). It is useful for debugging. ; If DLEVEL is not provided it uses a persistent (common block) value set with the ; keyword SETDEBUG. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE (typically written into code): ; DPRINT, v1 [,v2 [,v3...]]] [,format=format] [,dlevel=dlevel] [,verbose=verbose] ; The values of v1,v2,v3 will only be printed if verbose >= dlevel ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE to change options (typically typed from IDL command line - Don't put these lines in code!!!) ; DPRINT, setdebug=2 ; define persistent debug level (2 is typical level) ; DPRINT, SETVERBOSE=2 ; Same as above ; DPRINT, print_trace=[0,1,2,3, or 4] ; Display program trace info in subsequent calls to DPRINT ; DPRINT, /print_dlevel ; Display current dlevel and verbose settings. ; DPRINT, /print_dtime ; Display delta time between DPRINT statements. ; ; INPUTS: ; V1, V2, ... - List of variables to be printed out (20 max). ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; None. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; All input variables are printed out on the screen (or the ; given unit) ; ; OPTIONAL Keywords: ; FORMAT - Output format to be used ; UNIT - Output unit through which the variables are printed. If ; missing, the standard output (i.e., your terminal) is used. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; DLEVEL = DLEVEL - An integer indicating the debugging level; defaults to 0 ; VERBOSE = VERBOSE - An integer indicating current verbosity level, If verbose is set ; it will override the current value of SETVERBOSE, for the specific call of dprint in which ; it is set. ; SETVERBOSE=value - Set debug level to value ; SETDEBUG=value - Same as SETVERBOSE ; GETDEBUG=named variable - Get current debug level ; DWAIT = NSECONDS ; provides an additional constraint on printing. ; It will only print if more than NSECONDS has elapsed since last dprint. ; CHECK_EVENTS= [0,1] - If set then WIDGET events are captured and processed within DPRINT ; BREAK_DETECTED= named variable - Used to break out of user routines (see DPRINTTOOL) ; ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; DPRINT_COM. ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; - Changed see SETDEBUG above ; Can print out a maximum of 20 variables (depending on how many ; is listed in the code) ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; Generally None. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Utility, miscellaneous ; ; PREVIOUS HISTORY: ; Written March 18, 1995, Liyun Wang, GSFC/ARC ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Version 1, Liyun Wang, GSFC/ARC, March 18, 1995 ; Version 2, Zarro, SM&A, 30 November 1998 - added error checking ; Version 3, Zarro, (EIT/GSFC), 23 Aug 2000 - removed DATATYPE calls ; Version 4, Larson (2007) stripped out calls to "execute" so that it can be called from IDL VM ; Fixed bug that allows format keyword to be used. ; Added SETDEBUG keyword and GETDEBUG keyword ; Added DWAIT keyword ; Added PRINT_TRACE,PRINT_DTIME,PRINT_DLEVEL ; Added Widget options ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-13 16:17:36 -0700 (Sun, 13 May 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25214 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/general/misc/SSW/dprint.pro $ ; ;- ;function dprint_header,sublevel=sublevel ,delta_time=delta_time ; common dprint_com, dprint_struct ; ; delta_time=2.1345 ; dlevel = 3 &dbg=2 ; prefix = '' ; if dprint_struct.print_dlevel then prefix=[prefix, string(dlevel,dbg,format='(i0.0,"/",i0.0)') ] ; if dprint_struct.print_time then prefix=[prefix, time_string(tformat=dprint_struct.tformat,newtime,/local)] ; if dprint_struct.print_dtime then prefix=[prefix, string(format='(f6.3)',delta_time) ] ; if dprint_struct.print_trace then begin ; stack = scope_traceback(/structure,system=1) ; level = n_elements(stack) ; -1 ;; if level gt 200 then begin ;; Message,"Stack is too large! Runaway recursion?" ;; endif ; if keyword_set(sublevel) then level -= sublevel ; level = level > 1 ; stack = stack[0:level-1] ; stacknames=stack.routine + string(stack.line,format='("(",i0,")")') ; prefix = [prefix,stacknames] ; endif ; return,prefix ;end PRO DPRINT,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10, $ v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20, $ format=format, $ ; Like the format string in print dlevel=dlevel, $ ; Overides the debug level verbose=verbose,$ setdebug=setdebug, $ setverbose=setverbose, $ getdebug=getdebug,$ filename=filename, $ print_dlevel=print_dlevel, $ check_events=check_events, $ no_check_events=no_check_events, $ get_check_events=get_check_events, $ print_time = print_time , $ print_dtime =print_dtime, $ print_trace= print_trace, $ ; display_routine= display_routine, $ ; user specified routine to display messages ; set_display_routine = set_display_routine, $ display_object = display_object, $ set_display_object = set_display_object, $ status=status, $ break_requested = break_requested, $ dwait=dwait, $ reset=reset, $ sublevel=sublevel, $ get_dprint_struct = get_dprint_struct, $ help = help, $ phelp=phelp, $ unit=unit compile_opt idl2 on_error,2 common dprint_com, dprint_struct newtime = systime(1) if not keyword_set(dprint_struct) or keyword_set(reset) then dprint_struct={ $ debug:getenv('IDL_DEBUG') ? FIX(getenv('IDL_DEBUG')) : 2, $ lasttime:newtime, $ lastflushtime:0d, $ print_dlevel:0, $ print_time:0, $ ; display_routine:'', $ display_object: obj_new(), $ tformat:'', $ print_dtime:0, $ print_trace:0, $ file_unit:-1, $ file_name:'', $ max_lines: uint(-1), $ ; maximum # of lines to be displayed check_events:0, $ widget_id:0l, $ widget_lasttime:0d, $ widget_dwait:0.1d, $ break_flag:0, $ ireturn:0 } ; if dprint_struct.ireturn then return ; do nothing (used to avoid unlimited recursion) ; if not keyword_set(dprint_struct.lasttime) then dprint_struct.lasttime = newtime ; if not keyword_set(dprint_struct.lastflushtime) then dprint_struct.lastflushtime = newtime getdebug = dprint_struct.debug ; if n_elements(file_unit_c) eq 0 then file_unit_c = -1 ; standard output np = N_PARAMS() ; if np eq 0 then begin if n_elements(print_dlevel) ne 0 then dprint_struct.print_dlevel=print_dlevel if n_elements(print_dtime) ne 0 then begin dprint_struct.print_dtime =print_dtime dprint_struct.lasttime = newtime endif if n_elements(print_time) ne 0 then begin if size(/type,print_time) eq 7 then dprint_struct.tformat = print_time dprint_struct.print_time = keyword_set(print_time) endif if n_elements(print_trace) ne 0 then dprint_struct.print_trace = print_trace if ((n_elements(set_display_object) ne 0) && (scope_level() eq 2 )) then dprint_struct.display_object = set_display_object ; if n_elements(set_display_routine) ne 0 then dprint_struct.display_routine = set_display_routine if n_elements(filename) ne 0 then begin if dprint_struct.file_unit gt 0 then free_lun,dprint_struct.file_unit dprint_struct.file_unit = -1 if keyword_set(filename) then begin openw,unit,filename,/get_lun dprint_struct.file_unit = unit fs = fstat(unit) dprint_struct.file_name_c = fs.name endif endif get_dprint_struct = dprint_struct get_check_events = dprint_struct.check_events if n_elements(check_events) ne 0 then dprint_struct.check_events = check_events if n_elements(setdebug) ne 0 then dprint_struct.debug = setdebug if n_elements(setverbose) ne 0 then dprint_struct.debug = setverbose if keyword_set(status) then printdat,dprint_struct ; return ; endif if keyword_set(help) then printdat,dprint_struct IF N_ELEMENTS(dlevel) EQ 0 THEN dlevel = 0 delta_time = newtime-dprint_struct.lasttime if keyword_set(dprint_struct.check_events && ~keyword_set(no_check_events)) then begin event= widget_event(/nowait) ; if event.top ne 0 then $ ; printdat,event,time_string(systime(1),prec=3) endif if keyword_set(dwait) and not keyword_set(dprint_struct.break_flag) then begin if dwait ge delta_time then return endif if newtime-dprint_struct.lastflushtime gt 10. then begin dprint_struct.lastflushtime = newtime wait,.01 ; This wait statement is the only way I know to flush the print buffer. This is a low overhead. endif dbg = (n_elements(verbose) ne 0 && verbose lt 99) ? verbose : dprint_struct.debug IF dlevel GT dbg and not keyword_set(dprint_struct.break_flag) THEN RETURN dprint_struct.ireturn = 1 prefix = '' if dprint_struct.print_dlevel then prefix=[prefix, string(dlevel,dbg,format='(i0.0,"/",i0.0)') ] if dprint_struct.print_time then prefix=[prefix, time_string(tformat=dprint_struct.tformat,newtime,/local)] if dprint_struct.print_dtime then prefix=[prefix, string(format='(f6.2)',delta_time) ] if dprint_struct.print_trace ne 0 then begin stack = scope_traceback(/structure,system=0) level = n_elements(stack) -1 ; if level gt 200 then begin ; Message,"Stack is too large! Runaway recursion?" ; endif if keyword_set(sublevel) then level -= sublevel level = level > 1 stack = stack[0:level-1] ; levels = indgen(level) ; stacknames=strtrim(levels,2)+' '+stack.routine + string(stack.line,format='(" (",i0,")")') stacknames=stack.routine + string(stack.line,format='("(",i0,")")') case dprint_struct.print_trace of 1: if level ge 2 then stacknames = stacknames[level-1] 2: if level ge 2 then stacknames[0:level-2] = ' ' 4: stacknames = string(/print,format='(i2," ",a-36)',level,stacknames[level-1]) else: ; do nothing endcase prefix = [prefix,stacknames] ; if level eq 1 and stack[0].line le 1 then prefix='' ; Calls from command line (Kludge) endif if keyword_set(prefix) then prefix = prefix[1:*] if 1 then begin endif dprint_struct.lasttime = newtime if dprint_struct.file_unit gt 0 then begin ; perform safety check fs = fstat(dprint_struct.file_unit) if fs.open eq 0 or fs.name ne dprint_struct.file_name then begin dprint_struct.file_unit = -1 dprint_struct.file_name = '' endif endif u = n_elements(unit) ? unit : dprint_struct.file_unit prefix_str = keyword_set(prefix) ? strjoin(prefix+': ') : '' ; if keyword_set(prefix) then print,prefix_str,format='(a,$)' if keyword_set(phelp) then begin ; experimental option - this may change vnames0=scope_varname(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12) vnames1=scope_varname(v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,level=-1) for i=0,np-1 do begin printdat,unit=u,scope_varfetch(vnames0[i]),varname=vnames1[i],output=txt,recursemax=phelp text = (i eq 0) ? txt : [text,txt] endfor endif else begin case np of 0: text = '' ;string(/print,format=format) 1: text = string(/print,format=format,v1) 2: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2) 3: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3) 4: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4) 5: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5) 6: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6) 7: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7) 8: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8) 9: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9) 10: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10) 11: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11) 12: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12) 13: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13) 14: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14) 15: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15) 16: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16) 17: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17) 18: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18) 19: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19) 20: text = string(/print,format=format,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20) else: text = 'Get real! 20 variables is enough!' endcase endelse ;msg = prefix_str+text prefix_len = strlen(prefix_str) spaces = prefix_len gt 0 ? string(replicate(32b,prefix_len)) : '' ; for i=0,n_elements(msg)-1 do printf,u,msg[i] ; str_element,dprint_struct,'display_routine',disprout ; if size(/type,display_routine) eq 7 then disprout = display_routine ; for i=0,n_elements(disprout)-1 do if keyword_set(disprout[i]) then begin ; call_procedure,disprout[i],text,prefix=prefix_str ; endif if n_elements(text) gt dprint_struct.max_lines then begin text = text[0:dprint_struct.max_lines-1] text[dprint_struct.max_lines-1] = 'Output Terminated.' endif dispobj = dprint_struct.display_object ; grab default object from structure if keyword_set(display_object) then dispobj = display_object ; grab alternative object(s) from keyword for i=0,n_elements(dispobj)-1 do begin if (obj_valid(dispobj[i]) && obj_hasmethod(dispobj[i],'print')) then begin (dispobj[i])->print,prefix=prefix_str,text endif else begin ; Default output (typical usage) for j=0,n_elements(text)-1 do printf,u,(j eq 0 ? prefix_str : spaces) + text[j] endelse endfor if keyword_set(dwait) then wait, .01 ; This line is used to flush the print buffer (update the display) if keyword_set(dprint_struct.widget_id) and newtime-dprint_struct.widget_lasttime ge dprint_struct.widget_dwait then begin dprint_struct.widget_lasttime = newtime dprinttool,/update,text,prefix=prefix ,/sublevel endif dprint_struct.ireturn=0 if keyword_set(dprint_struct.break_flag) and arg_present(break_requested) then begin dprint_struct.break_flag = 0 break_requested=1 print,strjoin(prefix,': ')+' Break Detected' endif return END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of 'dprint.pro'. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .run ;pro testrout,str,prefix=pre ;print,(keyword_set(pre) ? '('+pre+') ' : '') + '"'+str+'"' ;end