;+ ;Procedure: parse_table_routines ; ;Purpose: Compiles a library of helper routines for the parse_table generator ; It contains general purpose routing routines ; anything table specific will be stored in slr.pro, ; lk1.pro & lalr.pro (right now there is only support for slr parse tables) ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2012-07-12 15:50:21 -0700 (Thu, 12 Jul 2012) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 10702 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/general/mini/parse_table_routines.pro $ ;- ;constructs an item or a set of items from a production ;an item is just like a product with the exception that ;it has a placeholder that can be placed before the right side ;of the production,after it, or between any element on the right side. ;This is specified with pos. Pos is a number from 0 to length ;which specifies up to length + 1 different positions. function make_item,prod,pos compile_opt idl2,hidden item = {type:'item',left:prod[0].left,right:prod[0].right,op:prod[0].op,index:prod[0].index,length:prod[0].length,pos:long(pos[0])} items = replicate(item,n_elements(prod)) items[*].left = prod[*].left items[*].right = prod[*].right items[*].op = prod[*].op items[*].index = prod[*].index items[*].length = prod[*].length items[*].pos = long(pos) return,items end ;helper function checks if an element is in a vector of elements function in_vector,ele,vec compile_opt idl2,hidden len = csvector(vec,/length) for i = 0,len-1 do begin out = csvector(i,vec,/read) if is_equal(ele,out) then begin return,1 endif end return,0 end ;find the index of an item function vec_index,ele,vec compile_opt idl2,hidden len = csvector(vec,/length) for i = 0,len-1 do begin out = csvector(i,vec,/read) if is_equal(ele,out) then begin return,i endif end return,-1 end ;syntactic sugar to concatenate arrays in a way that is a little more ;useful that the standard idl syntax function concat,val,arr compile_opt idl2,hidden if ~keyword_set(arr) || (is_string(arr) && arr[0] eq '') then begin return,[val] endif else begin return,[arr,val] endelse end ;empty is fail(although not necessarily serious) ;the function first is a standard function used in ;LL, top-down parsers, SLR, LR(k) & bottom-up parsers ;you will found this routine described in those texts function parse_first,ele,grammar,added compile_opt hidden,idl2 out = '' for i = 0, n_elements(ele) - 1 do begin if in_set(ele[i],grammar.terminals) then begin return,concat(ele[i],out) endif else if ele[i] eq grammar.empty then begin return,concat(ele[i],out) endif else begin idx = where(ele[i] eq grammar.production_list.left) ;consider adding error checking on this har index ;prevent infinite loop if ~keyword_set(added) then begin added = intarr(n_elements(grammar.production_list)) endif prods = grammar.production_list[idx] first_list = '' for j = 0,n_elements(prods)-1 do begin if added[idx[j]] eq 0 then begin added[idx[j]] = 1 first = parse_first(prods[j].right,grammar,added) if first[0] ne '' then begin first_list = concat(first,first_list) endif endif endfor first_list = first_list[uniq(first_list,sort(first_list))] out = concat(first_list,out) out = out[uniq(out,sort(out))] if ~in_set(grammar.empty,first_list) then begin return,out endif endelse endfor out = concat(grammar.empty,out) out = out[uniq(out,sort(out))] return,out end ;empty is fail(although not necessarily serious) ;the function follow is a standard function used in ;LL, top-down parsers, SLR, LR(k) & bottom-up parsers ;you will find this routine described in texts referenced in calc.pro function parse_follow,nonterminal,grammar,added compile_opt hidden,idl2 ;only nonterminal are acceptable inputs if in_set(nonterminal,grammar.terminals) then begin ;error return,'' endif ;if the input is the start symbol add a newline to follow if is_equal(nonterminal[0],grammar.start) then begin follow =[grammar.endline] endif else begin follow = '' ;otherwise initialize as blank endelse ;initialize added if it was not passed in ;this argument should only be initialized if this is ;a non-user recursive call. added exists to prevent ;an infinite loop if ~keyword_set(added) then begin added = intarr(n_elements(grammar.nonterminals)) endif ;get the numerical index of the input nonterminal idx = where(nonterminal eq grammar.nonterminals) ;so added will be correctly marked if added[idx] eq 1 then begin return,'' endif else begin added[idx] = 1 endelse ;now loop over all the productions for i = 0,n_elements(grammar.production_list)-1 do begin ;local variable for this iteration, just for ease of typing prod = grammar.production_list[i] ;if the requested nonterminal exists in the right side of the production if in_set(nonterminal,prod.right) then begin idx = where(prod.right eq nonterminal) for j = 0,n_elements(idx) - 1 do begin ;if the nonterminal is at the rightmost on the right side of production if idx[j] eq prod.length-1 then begin follow_tmp = parse_follow(prod.left,grammar,added) ;make a recursive call if ~is_equal(follow_tmp[0],'') then begin follow = concat(follow_tmp,follow) ;if there is a valid result add it to the outpu endif endif else begin first = parse_first(prod.right[idx+1],grammar) ;generate first for the symbol next to the right if in_set(grammar.empty,first) then begin ;if empty symbol is in first follow_tmp = parse_follow(prod.left,grammar,added) ;make a recursive call to follow if ~is_equal(follow_tmp[0],'') then begin ;and add valid outputs to overall output follow = concat(follow_tmp,follow) endif idx = where(first ne grammar.empty) ;also add all non-empty symbols in first to output follow = concat(first[idx],follow) endif else begin follow = concat(first,follow) ;add the symbols in first to the output endelse endelse endfor endif endfor return,follow[uniq(follow,sort(follow))] ;the recursive method may duplicate some results, eliminate dups end pro parse_table_routines ;just compiles the appropriate routines end