;+ ; This is a new routine that needs further testing, development, and enhancements. ; PROCEDURE: cdf2tplot, cdfi ; Purpose: Creates TPLOT variables from a CDF structure (obtained from "CDF_LOAD_VAR") ; This routine will only work well if the underlying CDF file follows the SPDF standard. ; ; Written by Davin Larson ; ; $LastChangedBy: ali $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-08-20 18:31:33 -0700 (Tue, 20 Aug 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27626 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/general/CDF/cdf_info_to_tplot.pro $ ;- pro cdf_info_to_tplot,cdfi,varnames,loadnames=loadnames, $ prefix=prefix,midfix=midfix,midpos=midpos,suffix=suffix,newname=newname, $ all=all, $ force_epoch=force_epoch, $ verbose=verbose,get_support_data=get_support_data, $ tplotnames=tplotnames,$ load_labels=load_labels ;copy labels from labl_ptr_1 in attributes into dlimits ;resolve labels implemented as keyword to preserve backwards compatibility dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=4,'$Id: cdf_info_to_tplot.pro 27626 2019-08-21 01:31:33Z ali $' tplotnames='' vbs = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 if size(cdfi,/type) ne 8 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'Must provide a CDF structure' return endif if keyword_set(all) or n_elements(varnames) eq 0 then varnames=cdfi.vars.name nv = cdfi.nv for i=0,nv-1 do begin v=cdfi.vars[i] if vbs ge 6 then dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=6,v.name if ptr_valid(v.dataptr) eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,'Invalid data pointer for ',v.name continue endif if(ptr_valid(v.attrptr) && keyword_set(*v.attrptr)) then begin attr = *v.attrptr endif else begin ;fix for IDL 6.4.1 attr = 0 & undefine, attr ;undefined attr will default out of struct_value endelse var_type = struct_value(attr,'var_type',def='') depend_time = struct_value(attr,'depend_time',def='time') depend_0 = struct_value(attr,'depend_0',def='Epoch') depend_1 = struct_value(attr,'depend_1',def='') depend_2 = struct_value(attr,'depend_2',def='') depend_3 = struct_value(attr,'depend_3',def='') depend_4 = struct_value(attr,'depend_4',def='') display_type = struct_value(attr,'display_type',def='time_series') scaletyp = struct_value(attr,'scaletyp',def='linear') fillval = struct_value(attr,'fillval',def=!values.f_nan) fieldnam = struct_value(attr,'fieldnam',def=v.name) units = struct_value(attr,'units',default='') if strcmp(v.datatype,'CDF_TIME_TT2000',/fold_case) then begin defsysv,'!CDF_LEAP_SECONDS',exists=exists if ~keyword_set(exists) then begin cdf_leap_second_init defsysv,'!CDF_LEAP_SECONDS',exists=exists ;fatal error if ~keyword_set(exists) then message,'Error. !CDF_LEAP_SECONDS, must be defined to convert CDFs with TT2000 times.' endif w = where(*v.dataptr eq fillval,nw) ;fillval for TT2000 is supposed to be -9223372036854775808 *(v.dataptr) =time_double(*(v.dataptr),/tt2000) ; convert to UNIX_time but without leap seconds if nw gt 0 then (*v.dataptr)[w] = !values.d_nan ;since TT2000 fillval is not recognized by time_double v.datatype = 'CDF_S1970' v.type =5 ;Double-precision (no longer LONG64) if !CDF_LEAP_SECONDS.preserve_tt2000 then begin *(v.dataptr) =add_tt2000_offset(*v.dataptr) ; convert to UNIX epoch, but leave the offset in. endif continue endif if (strcmp(v.datatype,'CDF_EPOCH',/fold_case) || strcmp(v.datatype,'CDF_EPOCH16',/fold_case) || (strcmp( v.name , 'Epoch',5, /fold_case) && (v.datatype ne 'CDF_S1970'))) then begin *(v.dataptr) =time_double(/epoch, *(v.dataptr) ) ; convert to UNIX_time v.datatype = 'CDF_S1970' continue endif if (v.type eq 4 or v.type eq 5) then begin if finite(fillval) and keyword_set(v.dataptr) then begin w = where(*v.dataptr eq fillval,nw) if nw gt 0 then (*v.dataptr)[w] = !values.f_nan endif endif ; plottable_data = strcmp( var_type , 'data',/fold_case) ; if keyword_set(get_support_data) then plottable_data or= strcmp( var_type, 'support',7,/fold_case) plottable_data= total(/preserve,v.name eq varnames) ne 0 plottable_data = plottable_data and v.recvary if plottable_data eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=6,verbose=verbose,'Skipping variable: "'+v.name+'" ('+var_type+')' continue endif j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, depend_0, /fold_case),nj))[0] ;Fix for WIND data files, which have depend_0 = Epoch, but no data in ;the variable, jmm, 2019-08-16 if nj gt 0 && ptr_valid(cdfi.vars[j].dataptr) then tvar = cdfi.vars[j] else begin ; if nj gt 0 then tvar = cdfi.vars[j] else begin j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name, depend_time, /fold_case),nj))[0] if nj gt 0 && ptr_valid(cdfi.vars[j].dataptr) then tvar = cdfi.vars[j] else nj = 0 endelse if nj eq 0 then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=6,'Skipping variable: "'+v.name+'" ('+var_type+')' continue endif j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name , depend_1,/fold_case),nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then var_1 = cdfi.vars[j] j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name , depend_2,/fold_case),nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then var_2 = cdfi.vars[j] j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name , depend_3,/fold_case),nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then var_3 = cdfi.vars[j] j = (where(strcmp(cdfi.vars.name , depend_4,/fold_case),nj))[0] if nj gt 0 then var_4 = cdfi.vars[j] spec = strcmp(display_type,'spectrogram',/fold_case) ylog = strcmp(scaletyp,'log',3,/fold_case) zlog = ylog and spec if zlog then ylog = 0b if ptr_valid(tvar.dataptr) && ptr_valid(v.dataptr) then begin if size(/n_dimens,*v.dataptr) ne v.ndimen +1 then begin ; Cluge for (lost) trailing dimension of 1 ;in rare circumstances, var_2 may not exist here, jmm, 17-mar-2009, ; var_1 = var_2 ;bpif v.name eq 'thb_sir_001' if(keyword_set(var_2)) then var_1 = var_2 else var_1 = 0 ;bpif v.name eq 'thb_sir_001' var_2 = 0 endif cdfstuff={filename:cdfi.filename,gatt:cdfi.g_attributes,vname:v.name,vatt:keyword_set(attr)?attr:0} if keyword_set(var_1) && isa(*var_1.dataptr,/string) then var_1=0 ; check for weird string input if keyword_set(var_2) then data = {x:tvar.dataptr,y:v.dataptr,v1:var_1.dataptr, v2:var_2.dataptr} $ else if keyword_set(var_1) then begin ylog=strcmp(struct_value(*var_1.attrptr,'scaletyp',def='linear'),'log',3,/fold_case) data = {x:tvar.dataptr,y:v.dataptr, v:var_1.dataptr} endif else data = {x:tvar.dataptr,y:v.dataptr} dlimit = {cdf:cdfstuff,spec:spec,ylog:ylog,zlog:zlog} if keyword_set(units) then str_element,/add,dlimit,'ysubtitle','['+units+']' if keyword_set(load_labels) then begin labl_ptr_1 = struct_value(attr,'labl_ptr_1',default='') if keyword_set(labl_ptr_1) then begin labl_idx = where(cdfi.vars.name eq labl_ptr_1,c) if c eq 1 then begin if ptr_valid(cdfi.vars[labl_idx].dataptr) then begin str_element,/add,dlimit,'labels',*cdfi.vars[labl_idx].dataptr endif endif endif endif tn = v.name ; if keyword_set(newname) then begin;; bug here ; tn = newname[i] ; endif if keyword_set(midfix) then begin if size(/type,midpos) eq 7 then str_replace,tn,midpos,midfix $ else tn = strmid(tn,0,midpos) + midfix + strmid(tn,midpos) endif if keyword_set(prefix) then tn = prefix+tn if keyword_set(suffix) then tn = tn+suffix store_data,tn,data=data,dlimit=dlimit, verbose=verbose tplotnames = keyword_set(tplotnames) ? [tplotnames,tn] : tn endif var_1=0 var_2=0 var_3=0 var_4=0 endfor end