This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Thu Oct 24 15:35:45 2019.
Procedure: OMNI2_LOAD Purpose: Loads OMNI data keywords: TRANGE= (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array). /VERBOSE : set to output some useful info Example: omni2_load Notes: This routine is still in development. Author: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: bckerr $ $LastChangedDate: 2008-09-08 13:16:17 -0700 (Mon, 08 Sep 2008) $ $LastChangedRevision: 3459 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See external/developers/solarwind/
NAME: SOLARWIND_CRIB PURPOSE: Crib sheet showing the use and work of the solar wind (SW) processing routine. CATEGORY: Crib sheet CALLING SEQUENCE: solarwind_crib INPUTS: none; the code prompts user to continue by entering .continue on terminal KEYWORDS: none PARAMETERS: 3 parameters for outlier filtering and convolution are described and set in the code Another parameter is set in the auxillary routine Time range for SW data and time resolution of SW data are set in the crib code. OUTPUTS: graphics, interactive terminal DEPENDENCIES:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Vladimir Kondratovich 2008/01/16.
(See external/developers/solarwind/
NAME: SOLARWIND_LOAD PURPOSE: Routine provides solar wind (SW) data time-shifted to the bow-shock nose. Time resolution of data is variable with 1 minute as finest. SW data sources: OMNI-2, HRO, and WIND. Time shifting of the WIND data is based on the OMNI-2 metodology. Important difference is that we first average and then propagate averaged WIND quantities to the Earth. If there still is a strong irregularity in the SW speed after averaging, the code warns user. In all cases of insufficient data, the code produces nominal static SW parameters, following SPDF standards. Static nominal SW data is default output if no user preferences are specified in the program call. CATEGORY: Data Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: solarwind_load,swdata,dstout,trange, resol=resol, wind=wind, hro=hro, min5=min5, h1=h1, dst=dst INPUTS: trange : [tstart, tend] - time range (at the magnetopause) for SW data Times tstart and tend need to be one of types supported by TDAS (specifically, by the routine), in part: double seconds since 1970 (internal TDAS format) string format: 'YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss' OPTIONAL INPUT: resol : desired time resolution of the output data in seconds - if not set, SW data are provided in original time resolution KEYWORDS: wind - WIND observations used (they are convolved to desired resolution and then time-shifted to the bow-shock nose using OMNI-2 methodology. The code checks if the SW speed irregularities are too large and warns user when more sophisticated processing may be needed. hro - HRO data are used (most consistent approach up-to-date). The data are already propagated, so they are just convolved to desired resolution. min5 - use 5 min HRO merged database (default is to use 1 min HRO merged data) h1 - use OMNI-2 1 hour SW database. No convolution employed and parameter resol is ignored dst - get Dst index from the OMNI-2 database. This switch works independently on the other data keywords (for example, it provides Dst output even if HRO or WIND data are ordered). Dst is interpolated onto the time grid od requested data, if any. PARAMETERS: 3 parameters for outlier filtering are described and set at the beginning of the code. OUTPUTS: swdata: | t | Dp | Bz | of IMF at the bow-shock nose - 2D double array (ntpoints,3) dstout: | Dst | - Dst index on the 1-hour OMNI-2 time grid - double array (ntpoints) DEPENDENCIES:,,,,,,,,,,, The code is a lowest-level part of LMN transform package. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Vladimir Kondratovich 2007/12/28. Modified by Vladimir Kondratovich 2008/03/31. Mods do not change call syntax. The code is made modular with plug-in subroutines for each data source, so it became easy to add a new one. Existing ingest modules provide a template.
(See external/developers/solarwind/
NAME: SOLARWIND_LOAD_HRO PURPOSE: Plug-in subroutine for driver routine provides solar wind (SW) data time-shifted to the bow-shock nose. Time resolution of data is variable with 1 minute as finest. SW data source: High Resolution OMNI. It is already time-shifted. In all cases of insufficient data, the code produces nominal static SW parameters, following SPDF standards. CATEGORY: Data Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: solarwind_load_hro,ishro,times,timee,swdata, resol=resol, min5=min5 INPUTS: times : - start time (at the magnetopause) for SW data (double UNIX time or any other TDAS time format) timee : - end time, formatted as above OPTIONAL INPUT: resol : desired time resolution of the output data in seconds (double) - if not set, SW data are provided in original time resolution KEYWORDS: min5 - use 5 min HRO merged database (default is to use 1 min HRO merged data) PARAMETERS: fill values taken from HRO web site OUTPUTS: ishro - 1 if HRO data are found and 0 otherwise swdata: | t | Dp | Bz | of IMF at the bow-shock nose - 2D double array (ntpoints,3) DEPENDENCIES:,,,,, The code is a lowest-level part of LMN transform package. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Vladimir Kondratovich 2007/12/28. Modified by Vladimir Kondratovich 2008/03/31.
(See external/developers/solarwind/
NAME: SOLARWIND_LOAD_OMNI1H PURPOSE: Plug-in subroutine for driver routine provides solar wind (SW) data time-shifted to the bow-shock nose. Time resolution of data is fixed: 1 hour. SW data source: OMNI-2. Data is already time-shifted. In all cases of insufficient data, the code produces nominal static SW parameters, following SPDF standards. CATEGORY: Data Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: solarwind_load_omni1h,isomni1h,times,timee,swdata,dstout INPUTS: times : - start time (at the magnetopause) for SW data (double UNIX time or any other TDAS time format) timee : - end time, formatted as above KEYWORDS: None PARAMETERS: fill values taken from OMNI-2 web site OUTPUTS: isomni1h - 1 if OMNI-2 data are found and 0 otherwise swdata: | t | Dp | Bz | of IMF at the bow-shock nose - 2D double array (ntpoints,3) dst_out: | Dst | - Dst index on the 1-hour OMNI-2 time grid - double array (ntpoints) DEPENDENCIES:,,,,, The code is a lowest-level part of LMN transform package. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Vladimir Kondratovich 2007/12/28. Modified by Vladimir Kondratovich 2008/03/31.
(See external/developers/solarwind/
NAME: SOLARWIND_LOAD_WIND PURPOSE: Plug-in subroutine for driver routine provides solar wind (SW) data time-shifted to the bow-shock nose. Time resolution of data is variable with 1 minute as finest. SW data sources: WIND SWE and MFI. Time shifting of the WIND data is based on the OMNI-2 metodology. Important difference is that we first average and then propagate averaged WIND quantities to the Earth. If there still is a strong irregularity in the SW speed after averaging, the code warns user. In all cases of insufficient data, the code produces nominal static SW parameters, following SPDF standards. CATEGORY: Data Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: solarwind_load_wind,iswind,times,timee,swdata,resol INPUTS: times : - start time (at the magnetopause) for SW data (double UNIX time or any other TDAS time format) timee : - end time, formatted as above resol : desired time resolution of the output data in seconds - if not set, SW data are provided in original time resolution KEYWORDS: None PARAMETERS: 3 parameters for outlier filtering are propagated through the common block from the main driver solarwind_load. OUTPUTS: iswind - 1 if WIND data are found and 0 otherwise swdata: | t | Dp | Bz | of IMF at the bow-shock nose - 2D double array (ntpoints,3) DEPENDENCIES:,,,,,,,,, The code is a lowest-level part of LMN transform package. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Vladimir Kondratovich 2007/12/28. Modified by Vladimir Kondratovich 2008/03/31.
(See external/developers/solarwind/