This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Tue Oct 23 09:41:30 2018.
NAME: cdf2idltype PURPOSE: Return an IDL type number given a CDF data type CALLING SEQUENCE: idl_type = cdf2idltype(code) INPUT: code = the CDF data type code for that variable OUTPUT: idl_type = the type number for the appropriate IDL variable CDF_TYPE IDL_TYPE 'CDF_UINT1' 1 (byte) 'CDF_UCHAR' 1 (byte) 'CDF_BYTE' 2 (int) 'CDF_INT1' 2 (int) 'CDF_INT2' 2 (int) 'CDF_INT4' 3 (long) 'CDF_FLOAT' 4 (float) 'CDF_REAL4' 4 (float) 'CDF_DOUBLE' 5 (double) 'CDF_REAL8' 5 (double) 'CDF_CHAR' 7 (string) 'CDF_UINT2' 12 (unsigned int) 'CDF_UINT4' 13 (unsigned long) 'CDF_INT8' 14 (long64) 'CDF_UINT8' 15 (unsigned long64) There are some CDF types that have no corresponding IDL type, e.g., CDF_BYTE and CDF_INT1 are signed bytes, here we return a type code of 2 (signed integer), The EPOCH and TT2000 are not handled here, and will return a code of 0 HISTORY: 26-nov-2013, jmm, $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2013-11-26 12:22:47 -0800 (Tue, 26 Nov 2013) $ $LastChangedRevision: 13597 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
CDF2TPLOT ,files,varformat=varformat Keywords: VARFORMAT = PATTERN ; PATTERN should be a string (wildcards accepted) that will match the CDF variable that should be made into tplot variables PREFIX = STRING ; String that will be pre-pended to all tplot variable names. SUFFIX = STRING ; String appended to end of each tplot variable created. VARNAMES = named variable ; CDF variable names are returned in this variable /GET_SUPPORT_DATA ; Often required to get support data if the CDF file does not have all the needed depend attributes record=record if only one record and not full cdf-file is requested load_labels=load_labels ;copy labels from labl_ptr_1 in attributes into dlimits resolve labels implemented as keyword to preserve backwards compatibility Author: Davin Larson - 20th century $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-07 21:18:03 -0800 (Wed, 07 Feb 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24666 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ $ID: $
(See general/CDF/
PURPOSE: Number of functions that generate default structures for CDF files This file is designed for developers Please use TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE instead CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-12 12:13:23 -0800 (Mon, 12 Feb 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24690 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
NAME: cdf_info FUNCTION: cdf_info(id) PURPOSE: Returns a structure with useful information about a CDF file. In particular the number of file records is returned in this structure. INPUT: id: CDF file ID. CREATED BY: Davin Larson LAST MODIFIED: @(#) 1.9 02/11/01 $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-23 20:38:14 -0800 (Tue, 23 Jan 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24575 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
This is a new routine that needs further testing, development, and enhancements. PROCEDURE: cdf2tplot, cdfi Purpose: Creates TPLOT variables from a CDF structure (obtained from "CDF_LOAD_VAR") This routine will only work well if the underlying CDF file follows the SPDF standard. Written by Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-23 20:38:14 -0800 (Tue, 23 Jan 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24575 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
FUNCTION cdfi = cdf_load_vars(file) INPUT: file = CDF filename(s) OUTPUT: CDFI = A structure containing pointers to the data and attributes for the files, with tags: CDFI.FILENAME = The filename(s) CDFI.INQ = A structure with information about the file: CDFI.INQ.NDIMS = CDF Dims attribute, for rVariables typically 0 (rVariables are rarely used anymore See CDFI.INQ.DECODING = 'HOST_DECODING' (can be network or host) CDFI.INQ.ENCODING = 'NETWORK_ENCODING' (can be network or host) CDFI.INQ.MAJORITY = 'ROW_MAJOR' (can be row or column) CDFI.INQ.MAXREC = Max number of records (Default is -1) CDFI.INQ.NVARS = number of rVariables, usually 0 CDFI.INQ.NZVARS = number of zVariables, usually all of them CDFI.INQ.NATTS = number of variable attributes CDFI.INQ.DIM = dimensions of rVariables CDFI.g_atttributes = CDF global attributes, structure varies Here is a sample from THEMIS EFI: PROJECT STRING 'THEMIS' SOURCE_NAME STRING 'THA>Themis Probe A' DISCIPLINE STRING 'Space Physics>Magnetospheric Science' DATA_TYPE STRING 'EFI' DESCRIPTOR STRING 'L2>L2 DATA' DATA_VERSION STRING '1' PI_NAME STRING 'V. Angelopoulos, J. Bonnell & F. Mozer' PI_AFFILIATION STRING 'UCB, NASA NAS5-02099' TITLE STRING 'Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Measurements' TEXT STRING 'THEMIS-A: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of'... INSTRUMENT_TYPE STRING 'Electric Fields (space)' MISSION_GROUP STRING 'THEMIS' LOGICAL_SOURCE STRING 'tha_l2_efi' LOGICAL_FILE_ID STRING 'tha_l2_efi_20131001_v01' LOGICAL_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION STRING 'Spacecraft-collected (EFI) Electric field' TIME_RESOLUTION STRING '3-1/8s' RULES_OF_USE STRING 'Open Data for Scientific Use' GENERATED_BY STRING 'THEMIS SOC' GENERATION_DATE STRING 'Sun Oct 6 03:11:38 2013' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STRING 'NASA Contract NAS5-02099' MODS STRING 'Rev- 2009-09-16' ADID_REF STRING 'NSSD0110' LINK_TEXT STRING Array[3] LINK_TITLE STRING Array[3] HTTP_LINK STRING Array[3] FILE_NAMING_CONVENTION STRING 'source_descriptor_datatype' CAVEATS STRING 'See THEMIS website for caveats' VALIDITY STRING 'to be validated' VALIDATOR STRING 'tbd' VALIDATE STRING 'Compatible with the ISTP CDF Standards' INST_MOD STRING 'THM>xxxx' PARENTS STRING 'xxxx' INST_SETTINGS STRING 'Not used' SOFTWARE_VERSION STRING '13273' CDFI.NV = Number of variables CDFI.VARS = AN array of CDFI.NV structures, one for each zvariable: CDFI.VARS.NAME = The variable name CDFI.VARS.NUM = The index of the given variable in the cdfi.vars array CDFI.VARS.IS_ZVAR = 1 for a zVariable CDFI.VARS.DATATYPE = The data type, e.g.'CDF_FLOAT' CDFI.VARS.TYPE = The nummerical IDL data type (float is 4, etc...) CDFI.VARS.NUMATTR = -1, Not sure about this one, returned from CDF_VARGET CDFI.VARS.NUMELEM = Number of elements in a record, returned from CDF_VARGET CDFI.VARS.RECVARY = Set to 1 if variable varies from record to record CDFI.VARS.NUMREC = the number of records input. CDFI.VARS.NDIMEN = the number dimensions in the data CDFI.VARS.D = A six-element array with the number of dimensions for each index CDFI.VARS.DATAPTR = A pointer to the data array: CDFI.VARS.ATTRPTR = A pointer to the variable attributes structure for each variable. Content varies, here is a sample from THEMIS EFI Electric field data: CATDESC STRING 'EFF_DOT0 (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution, using E dot B=0) electric field vector in GSM coordinates'... FIELDNAM STRING 'EFF_DOT0 (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution, using E dot B=0) electric field vector in GSM coordinates'... FILLVAL FLOAT NaN VALIDMIN FLOAT Array[3] VALIDMAX FLOAT Array[3] VAR_TYPE STRING 'data' DISPLAY_TYPE STRING 'time_series' FORMAT STRING 'E13.6' LABL_PTR_1 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_gsm_labl' UNITS STRING 'mV/m' DEPEND_TIME STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_time' DEPEND_EPOCH0 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_epoch0' DEPEND_0 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_epoch' DEPEND_1 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_gsm_compno' VAR_NOTES STRING 'Units are in mV/m' COORDINATE_SYSTEM STRING 'GSM' REPRESENTATION_1 STRING 'Rep_xyz_gsm' TENSOR_ORDER STRING '1' AVG_TYPE STRING 'standard' PROPERTY STRING 'vector' SC_ID STRING 'a' SCALE_TYP STRING 'linear' DICT_KEY STRING 'electric_field>vector_GSM' SI_CONVERSION STRING '1e-3>V/m' LABEL_1 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_gsm_labl' Each variable may have a different set of attributes, but this example is a minimal structure that will be ISTP compliant. KEYWORDS: VARFORMAT = string or string array: a string or string array (which may contain wildcard characters) that specifies the CDF variable names to load. Use 'VARFORMAT='*' to load all variables. NOTE THAT VARFORMAT MUST BE SET IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO READ DATA. VARNAMES = named variable ;output variable for variable names that were loaded. SPDF_DEPENDENCIES : Set to 1 to have SPDF defined dependent variables also loaded. VAR_TYPE = string or string array; Variables that have a VAR_TYPE matching these strings will be loaded. CONVERT_INT1_TO_INT2 Set this keyword to convert signed one byte to signed 2 byte integers. This is useful because IDL does not have the equivalent of INT1 (bytes are unsigned) RECORD: Specify the record index where you want to start reading. By default, this option will read one record. NUMBER_RECORDS: Specify the number of records that you want to read. By default, this option will begin at record zero. Note: Record & Number_Records can be used together to specify a range of records to be read. Author: Davin Larson - 2006 Side Effects: Data is returned in pointer variables. Calling routine is responsible for freeing up heap memory - otherwise a memory leak will occur. $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-07 21:18:03 -0800 (Wed, 07 Feb 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24666 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ $ID: $
(See general/CDF/
FUNCTION: dummy = cdf_save_vars(cdf_structure,new_cdf_name) PURPOSE: To dump data and metadata from an IDL structure into a CDF file. The structure format is the structure produced by INPUTS: cdf_structure : IDL structure defined by new_cdf_name : a string to name the new CDF file with compress_cdf: if this is set, the produced cdf is compressed cdfconvert: (optional) location of cdfconvert utility (eg. /usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.1_CentOS-6.6/bin/cdfconvert) cdfparams: (optional) cdf compression parameters cdf_compress_error: (optional) return string for compression errors cdf_tmp_dir: (optional) compression uses this directory for temporary files OUTPUTS: CDF file named by the new_cdf_name input EXAMPLE: dummy = cdf_save_vars(cdfi,'newcdf.cdf') Written by: Matt Davis Note: To use this routine you must have the CDF_EPOCH/CDF_EPOCH16 bug patch on your IDL6.3 and if you are using Solaris you need to be in 32-bit mode NOT 64-bit (ie, idl -32)
(See general/CDF/
NAME: cdf_set_cdf27 SYNTAX: cdf_set_cdf27 [, /yes | /no] PURPOSE: Call CDF_SET_CDF27_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE but don't bomb unnecessarily when run on an (unpatched) pre-IDL 6.3, pre-CDF 3.1 installation of IDL. VERSION: $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-23 20:38:14 -0800 (Tue, 23 Jan 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24575 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
NAME: cdf_var_atts FUNCTION: cdf_var_atts(id [,var[,attname]]) PURPOSE: Returns a structure that contains all the attributes of a variable within a CDF file. If attname is provided then it returns the value of only that attribute. KEYWORDS: DEFAULT: The default value of the attribute. ATTRIBUTES=att A named variable that returns an array of structures containing attribute info if this variable is passed in on subsequent calls to cdf_var_atts it can significantly improve performance. OBSOLETE!!! USAGE: atts = cdf_var_atts(file) ; returns structure containing all global attributes atts = cdf_var_atts(file INPUT: id: CDF file ID or filename. var; CDF variable name or number attname: CDF attribute name CREATED BY: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-23 20:38:14 -0800 (Tue, 23 Jan 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24575 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
NAME: idl2cdftype PURPOSE: Given an IDL variable, return the appropriate CDF type code CALLING SEQUENCE: code = idl2cdftype(var, format_out=format_out, fillval_out=fillval_out, validmin_out=validmin_out, validmax_out=validmax_out) INPUT: var = an IDL variable OUTPUT: code = the CDF data type code for that variable, if applicable, for objects, complex, and similar vars a null string is returned. IDL_TYPE CDF_TYPE 1 (byte) 'CDF_UINT1' 2 (int) 'CDF_INT2' 3 (long) 'CDF_INT4' 4 (float) 'CDF_FLOAT' 5 (double) 'CDF_DOUBLE' 7 (string) 'CDF_CHAR' 12 (unsigned int) 'CDF_UINT2' 13 (unsigned long) 'CDF_UINT4' 14 (long64) 'CDF_INT8' 15 (unsigned long64) 'CDF_UINT8' KEYWORDS: format_out = return a format code for the data type 1 (byte) 'I4' 2 (int) 'I6' 3 (long) 'I10' 4 (float) 'E13.6' 5 (double) 'E20.12' 7 (string) strlen(value) 12 (unsigned int) 'I6' 13 (unsigned long) 'I10' 14 (long64) 'I20' 15 (unsigned long64) 'I20' fillval_out = a fill value 1 (byte) 255 2 (int) -32768 3 (long) -2147483648 4 (float) !values.f_nan 5 (double) !values.d_nan 7 (string) '' 12 (unsigned int) 65535 13 (unsigned long) 4294967295 14 (long64) -9223372036854775808 15 (unsigned long64) 18446744073709551615 validmin_out = a min value 1 (byte) 0 2 (int) -32768 3 (long) -2147483648 4 (float) -1.0e38 5 (double) -1.0e308 7 (string) 'NA' 12 (unsigned int) 0 13 (unsigned long) 0 14 (long64) -9223372036854775808 15 (unsigned long64) 0 validmax_out = a max value 1 (byte) 255 2 (int) 32767 3 (long) 2147483647 4 (float) 1.0e38 5 (double) 1.0e308 7 (string) 'NA' 12 (unsigned int) 65535 13 (unsigned long) 4294967295 14 (long64) -9223372036854775808 15 (unsigned long64) 18446744073709551615 HISTORY: 26-nov-2013, jmm, $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2014-10-14 11:39:46 -0700 (Tue, 14 Oct 2014) $ $LastChangedRevision: 15992 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
PROCEDURE: MAG_STS_TO_CDF PURPOSE: Convert magnetometer .sts to .cdf. AUTHOR: Roberto Livi ( CALLING SEQUENCE: MAG_STS_TO_CDF,FILENAME=FILENAME KEYWORDS: FILENAME: String containing .sts filename to be loaded NOTES: Uses EXAMPLE: IDL> dir='/directory-to-mag-files/' IDL> file='mvn_mag_l2_2014d106pl_20140416_v00_r00.sts' IDL> mag_sts_to_cdf, dir+file HISTORY: VERSION: $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2014-10-03 15:10:00 -0500 (Fri, 03 Otc 2014)$ $LastChangedRevision: 2014-10-03 15:10:00 -0500 (Fri, 03 Otc 2014)$ $URL:svn+ssh://$
(See general/CDF/
NAME: make_cdf_index PROCEDURE: make_cdf_index, [pattern] PURPOSE: Creates an index file for CDF files. The index file will have one line for each CDF file found. Each line contains the start time, end time and filename with the following format: YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss fullpathname.cdf CDF files may be distributed over many directories or disks. INPUT: pattern: (string) file pattern, default is: '*.cdf' KEYWORDS: DATA_DIREC (string) data directory(s) INDEX_FILENAME: (string) Name of index file to be created. NO_DUPLICATES: Set to 1 if duplicate days are to be ignored. SEE ALSO: "makecdf","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf", CREATED BY: Davin Larson, August 1996 VERSION: 02/04/17 1.5
(See general/CDF/
PROCEDURE: print_cdf_info PURPOSE: prints information about a specified cdf file INPUT: filename: The name of the file for which info is desired. KEYWORDS: none CREATED BY: D. Larson LAST MODIFICATION: @(#) 1.13 02/11/01
(See general/CDF/
spd_cdf2tplot ,files,varformat=varformat Keywords: VARFORMAT = PATTERN ; PATTERN should be a string (wildcards accepted) that will match the CDF variable that should be made into tplot variables PREFIX = STRING ; String that will be pre-pended to all tplot variable names. SUFFIX = STRING ; String appended to end of each tplot variable created. VARNAMES = named variable ; CDF variable names are returned in this variable /GET_SUPPORT_DATA ; Often required to get support data if the CDF file does not have all the needed depend attributes /TT2000 ; Keep TT200 time in unsigned long format record=record if only one record and not full cdf-file is requested load_labels=load_labels ;copy labels from labl_ptr_1 in attributes into dlimits resolve labels implemented as keyword to preserve backwards compatibility NOTE: The function uses several mms mms function Author: Davin Larson - 20th century Forked from MMS, 04/09/2018, adrozdov $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-04-16 18:47:45 -0700 (Mon, 16 Apr 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25058 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
This is a new routine that needs further testing, development, and enhancements. PROCEDURE: spd_cdf_info_to_tplot, cdfi Purpose: Creates TPLOT variables from a CDF structure (obtained from "CDF_LOAD_VAR") This routine will only work well if the underlying CDF file follows the SPDF standard. Keywords: /TT2000 ; Keep TT200 time in unsigned long format Written by Davin Larson Forked from MMS, 04/09/2018, adrozdov $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-07-30 16:29:49 -0700 (Mon, 30 Jul 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 25526 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
PROCEDURE: TPLOT2CDF, ... PURPOSE: Save tplot variables into cdf file tplot variable must have appropriate CDF structure as the option (limits) (see TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE, OPTIONS) Time (x variable of tplot) must be in SPEDAS (unix) format, (see TIME_DOUBLE) KEYWORDS: FILENAME: (string) Name of the cdf file to be saved. .cdf extension can be omitted. TVARS: (string or array of strings) Tplot variable name, or list of the tplot variables to be saved DEFAULT_CDF_STRUCTURE: (flag) Create default CDF structure in tplot variables COMPRESS_CDF: (int) Compress CDF file. See CDF_COMPRESSION G_ATTRIBUTES: (struct) Global attributes of CDF file TT2000: (flag) Indicates that time is in TT2000 format. Additional keywords: INQ: (struct) Structure of CDF file parameters, see TPLOT2CDF_SAVE_VARS code EXAMPLES: store_date, 'example_tplot',data={x:time_double('2001-01-01')+[1, 2, 3],y:[10, 20, 30]} tplot2cdf, filename='example_cdf_file', tvars='example_plot', /default store_date, 'example_tplot2',data={x:time_double('2001-01-02')+[1, 2],y:[10, 20]} tplot2cdf, filename='example_cdf_file2', tvars=['example_plot', 'example_tplot2'], /default See crib_tplot2cdf_basic for additional examples CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov $LastChangedBy: jwl $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-10-22 16:59:15 -0700 (Mon, 22 Oct 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 26003 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
PROCEDURE: tplot2cdf_save_vars(cdf_structure,new_cdf_name) PURPOSE: To dump data and metadata from an IDL structure into a CDF file. This is a fork of the! INPUTS: cdf_structure : IDL structure defined by new_cdf_name : a string to name the new CDF file with compress_cdf: if this is set, the produced cdf is compressed cdfconvert: (optional) location of cdfconvert utility (eg. /usr/local/pkg/cdf-3.6.1_CentOS-6.6/bin/cdfconvert) cdfparams: (optional) cdf compression parameters cdf_compress_error: (optional) return string for compression errors cdf_tmp_dir: (optional) compression uses this directory for temporary files EXAMPLE: cdf_save_vars(cdfi,'newcdf.cdf') Note: To use this routine you must have the CDF_EPOCH/CDF_EPOCH16 bug patch on your IDL6.3 and if you are using Solaris you need to be in 32-bit mode NOT 64-bit (ie, idl -32) CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-05 11:27:44 -0800 (Mon, 05 Mar 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24829 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/
PROCEDURE: TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE, tplot_vars, ... PURPOSE: In order to be saved in CDF file using TPLOT2CDF, tplot variable must have CDF structure as a tplot option (see OPTIONS) The attributes of the tplot data (x, y or v) are stored in the CDF structure CDF.VARS - structure of attributes that describe the data (tplot y variable) CDF.DEPEND_0 - structure of attributes that describe the time (tplot x variable) CDF.DEPEND_1 - structure of attributes that supporting data (tplot v or v1 variable) CDF.DEPEND_2 - structure of attributes that supporting data (tplot v2 variable) CDF.DEPEND_3 - structure of attributes that supporting data (tplot v3 variable) Each structure of attributes must have following fileds: CATDESC, DISPLAY_TYPE ,FIELDNAM, LABLAXIS, UNITS (automatically defined for time), VAR_TYPE FILLVAL, VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, FORMAT defined based on the nature of the data If CDF structure already defined in the tplot variable the defined fields of the CDF strucutre will remane the same. This means, if there was any mistake (e.g. wrong Epoch format), then CDF structure must be recreated (for example, using /new keyword). TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE adds appropriate CDF structure and defines some of the attributes base on the tplot data This procedure must be called before tplot2cdf. Alternatively, keyword /default of tplto2cdf2 can be used. Most of the attributes are defined as 'undefined' ans should be specify. If tplot has 2d y, but variable v, that suppose to describe second dimension is absent, then v will be created as an index of the second dimension of y If "labels" field is found in metadata (dlimits.lables) of the tplot variable and if number of elements along second dimention of y is the same as number of labels, then v variable will be prepared to be LABL_PTR_1. TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE supports only LABL_PTR_1 (one label pointer) case. If tplot has n-d y but number of dimensions does not correspond to number or supporting variables (x, v or v1, v2 ...) then extra supporting variables (v1, v2 ...) will be removed. This behaivour ensures the saving of the tplot into CDF file. If tplot variable has only x, then data variable y = x will be created. INPUT: tplot_vars: (string or array of strings) Tplot variable name, or list of the tplot variables KEYWORDS: TT2000: (flag) Indicates that time should be included as TT2000 If x type is double, x will be converted to LONG64 using CDF_PARSE_TT2000 NEW: (flag) Create new CDF structure or ignore existing CDF structure EXAMPLES: store_date, 'example_tplot',data={x:time_double('2001-01-01')+[1, 2, 3],y:[10, 20, 30]} tplot_add_cdf_structure, 'example_plot' tplot2cdf, filename='example_cdf_file', tvars='example_plot' See crib_tplot2cdf_basic for additional examples CREATED BY: Alexander Drozdov $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ $LastChangedDate: 2018-03-12 18:05:53 -0700 (Mon, 12 Mar 2018) $ $LastChangedRevision: 24880 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See general/CDF/