;+ ;NAME: ; spd_ui_calendar.pro ; ;PURPOSE: ; Calendar selection widget for the GUI ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; spd_ui_calendar,title, otime, gui_id, startyear ; ;INPUT: ; title: Title of the calendar window ; otime: Time object ; gui_id: Widget ID of the widget that called the calendar ; startyear: Start year in 'Year' list ; ; ;HISTORY: ; ; $LastChangedBy: $ ; $LastChangedDate: $ ; $LastChangedRevision: $ ; $URL: $ ;- PRO spd_ui_calendar_update, wbase, state compile_opt idl2, hidden widget_control, state.month, get_value=month widget_control, state.year, get_value=year ; Find offset for first day of the month offset = (julday(month, 1, year)+1) mod 7 ; Deal with leap years if ( julday(1, 1, year+1) - julday(1, 1, year) ) gt 365 then $ state.numdays[1] = 29 else state.numdays[1] = 28 ; Add/remove extra buttons for when month overflows if (offset + state.numdays[month-1]) gt 35 then begin if ~widget_info(state.temp, /valid_ID) then begin state.temp = widget_base(state.calBase, /row, xpad=0, ypad=0, space=0,frame=0) bID = widget_button(state.temp, value='', /no_release, xsize=40, ysize=35, $ uvalue='DAY', uname='35') bID = widget_button(state.temp, value='', /no_release, xsize=40, ysize=35, $ uvalue='DAY', uname='36') endif j=36 endif else begin j=34 if widget_info(state.temp, /valid_ID) then widget_control, state.temp, /destroy endelse ; Number the calendar buttons using the starting offset from above i=1 for k=0, j do begin id = widget_info(wBase, find_by_uname=strtrim(k,2)) if (k lt offset) or (k ge (offset + state.numdays[month-1])) then begin widget_control, id, set_value='', sensitive=0 endif else begin widget_control, id, set_value=strtrim(i,2), sensitive=1 i++ endelse endfor return END ;--------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_calendar_event, event compile_opt idl2, hidden catch, _err if _err then begin catch, /cancel ok = error_message('An error has occured and the calender must shut down.', /noname) widget_control, event.top, /destroy endif ;The user value of the top-level base widget is an anonymous structure that holds the widget IDs of the month, day, ; and year label widgets as well as stored values for hours, minutes, and seconds. WIDGET_CONTROL, event.TOP, GET_UVALUE = state, /no_copy WIDGET_CONTROL, event.ID, GET_UVALUE = uval IF Size(uval, /Type) NE 0 THEN BEGIN CASE uval OF 'OK':begin ;Pull month/day/year values from display widgets widget_control, state.year, get_value = year widget_control, state.month, get_value = month widget_control, state.day, get_value = day ;Create time double from separate time elements and apply to time object datetime = time_double(strtrim(year,2)+'-'+strtrim(month,2)+'-'+strtrim(day,2) $ +'/'+strtrim(state.hour,2)+':'+strtrim(state.minute,2)+':'+strtrim(state.second,2)) state.otime->setproperty, tdouble=datetime widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue=state, /no_copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy return end 'CANCEL':begin widget_control, event.top, /Destroy return end 'HOURS':BEGIN IF event.valid then begin IF event.value LT 0 OR event.value GE 24 THEN BEGIN limit = event.value lt 0 ? 0:23 state.hour = limit Widget_Control, event.id, set_value = limit ENDIF ELSE BEGIN state.hour=event.value ENDELSE ENDIF END 'MINUTES':BEGIN IF event.valid then begin IF event.value LT 0 OR event.value GE 60 THEN BEGIN limit = event.value lt 0 ? 0:59 state.minute = limit Widget_Control, event.id, set_value = limit ENDIF ELSE BEGIN state.minute=event.value ENDELSE ENDIF END 'SECONDS':BEGIN IF event.valid then begin IF event.value LT 0 OR event.value GE 60 THEN BEGIN limit = event.value lt 0 ? 0:59 state.second = limit Widget_Control, event.id, set_value = limit ENDIF ELSE BEGIN state.second=event.value ENDELSE ENDIF END 'DAY':BEGIN widget_control, event.id, get_value=day widget_control, state.day, set_value=day END 'YEAR':BEGIN widget_control, state.year, set_value=widget_info(event.id, /combobox_gettext) spd_ui_calendar_update, state.wBase, state END 'MONTH':BEGIN widget_control, event.id, get_value=tlist widget_control, state.month, $ set_value= strtrim((where(tlist eq widget_info(event.id, /combobox_gettext)))[0]+1,2) spd_ui_calendar_update, state.wBase, state END ENDCASE ENDIF widget_control, event.top, set_uvalue=state, /no_copy Return END ;-------------------------------------------------------------- PRO spd_ui_calendar, title, otime, gui_id, startyear=startyear compile_opt idl2, hidden ;Verify valid time object was passed in if obj_valid(otime) then begin intime=otime->getstructure() endif else begin otime=obj_new('spd_ui_time') intime=otime->getstructure() endelse ;Create base widgets to hold labels for the selected month, day, and year. Set the initial values of the labels. wBase = WIDGET_BASE(COLUMN = 1, SCR_XSIZE = 370, $ TITLE=title, /Align_Center, /modal, group_leader=gui_id) wDateBase = WIDGET_BASE(wBase, /ROW) wYearBase = WIDGET_BASE(wDateBase, /COL, /align_center, xpad=5, ypad=2) wTimeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wDateBase, /COL, /base_align_right, xsize=250) wSubBase = WIDGET_BASE(wYearBase, /ROW) wSubTimeBase = WIDGET_BASE(wTimeBase, /COL, xpad=1, tab_mode=1) wVoid = WIDGET_LABEL(wSubBase, VALUE = 'Year: ') wYear = WIDGET_LABEL(wSubBase, VALUE = '1999', xsize=40) wSubBase = WIDGET_BASE(wYearBase, /ROW) wVoid = WIDGET_LABEL(wSubBase, value = 'Month: ') wMonth = WIDGET_LABEL(wSubBase, value = '10', xsize=20) wSubBase = WIDGET_BASE(wYearBase, /ROW) wVoid = WIDGET_LABEL(wSubBase, VALUE = 'Day: ') wDay = WIDGET_LABEL(wSubBase, VALUE = '22', xsize=20) ; Get size of largest spinner label and set for all if larger than standard test = widget_label(wsubtimebase, value = 'Seconds: ') xls = widget_info(test, /geometry) widget_control, test, /destroy xls = xls.xsize gt 52 ? xls.xsize:52 wHour=spd_ui_spinner(wSubTimeBase, Label='Hour: ', xlabelsize=xls, Increment=1, Value=intime.hour, uval='HOURS') wMinute=spd_ui_spinner(wSubTimeBase, Label='Minute: ', xlabelsize=xls, Increment=1, Value=intime.min, uval='MINUTES') wSecond=spd_ui_spinner(wSubTimeBase, Label='Second: ', xlabelsize=xls, Increment=1, Value=intime.sec, uval='SECONDS') ;Calendar proper widgets calBase = widget_base(wBase, /col, /align_center) ;List of years created by adding the starting year to an integer array ; updated to include the possibility of years back to 1800s, egrimes 1/16/13 if undefined(startyear) then startyear = 2000 current_year = strmid(systime(), 3, /reverse_offset) num_of_years = current_year-startyear+2 years = strtrim((indgen(num_of_years)+startyear),2) ; include years back to 1800s, for IUGONET ; create a string for showing the valid date range and ; remove the padding introduced by converting the years to strings valid_dates_tooltip = 'Valid dates: '+ strcompress(string(startyear), /rem) + ' - ' + strcompress(string(current_year), /rem) months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'] numDays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] dropBase = widget_base(calBase, /row, /align_center, space=60, ypad=5) yearbase = widget_base(dropBase, /row, /align_left) yearlabel = widget_label(yearbase, value = 'Year: ') yearlist = widget_combobox(yearbase, value = years, uvalue='YEAR', uname='year') monthbase = widget_base(dropbase, /row, /align_right) monthlabel = widget_label(monthbase, value = 'Month: ') monthlist = widget_combobox(monthbase, value = months, uvalue='MONTH', uname='month') ;Create labels for the caledar's days dayBase = widget_base(calBase, /row, /base_align_center, xpad=0, space=0) for j=0, 6 do dID = widget_Label(daybase, value=days[j], xsize=40, /align_center) ;Create 5 rows of 7 buttons for calendar days rows = lonarr(5) for j=0, n_elements(rows)-1 do rows[j] = widget_base(calBase, /row, xpad=0, ypad=0, space=0,frame=0) for j=0, n_elements(rows)-1 do begin for i=0, 6 do bID = widget_button(rows[j], value='', /no_release, xsize=40, ysize=35, $ uvalue='DAY', uname=strtrim((7*j)+(i),2), ToolTip = valid_dates_tooltip) endfor ;Create the ok and cancel buttons buttonBase = WIDGET_BASE(wBase, /row, /align_center) okButton = WIDGET_BUTTON(buttonBase, value='OK', uValue='OK', xsize=75, ToolTip = valid_dates_tooltip) cancelButton = WIDGET_BUTTON(buttonBase, value='Cancel', uValue='CANCEL', xsize=75) ;Realize the top-lvel base widget WIDGET_CONTROL, wBase, /REALIZE ;Set widget values year = strtrim(intime.year, 2) WIDGET_CONTROL, yearlist, set_combobox_select = where(years eq year) WIDGET_CONTROL, monthlist, set_combobox_select = intime.month-1 WIDGET_CONTROL, wYear, SET_VALUE=widget_info(yearList,/combobox_gettext) WIDGET_CONTROL, wMonth, SET_VALUE=strtrim(intime.month,2) WIDGET_CONTROL, wDay, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(intime.date, 2) ;Hour/min/sec stored directly in state variables, month/day/year stored in their corresponding display widgets state = {wBase:wBase, calBase:calBase, month:wMonth, temp:-1L, day:wDay, year:wYear, $ hour:intime.hour, minute:intime.min, second:intime.sec, otime:otime, numdays:numdays} spd_ui_calendar_update, wbase, state WIDGET_CONTROL, wBase, set_uvalue=state, /no_copy ;Call XMANAGER to manage the widget events, and end the procedure. XMANAGER, 'spd_ui_calendar', wBase return END ;--------------------------------------------------------------