This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 7 13:17:36 2017.
NAME: mvn_sta_current_sw_version PURPOSE: Records the current MAVEN STATIC SW version number CALLING SEQUENCE: version = mvn_sta_current_sw_version() HISTORY: 2015-01-23 $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-01-23 11:07:39 -0800 (Fri, 23 Jan 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 16715 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_gen_ql,pathname=pathname,files=files,mag=mag,all=all PURPOSE: To generate quicklook data plots and a tplot save file, assumes "timespan" has been run INPUT: KEYWORDS: all 0/1 if not set, housekeeping and raw variables 'mvn_STA_*' are deleted from tplot after data is loaded mag 0/1 if set, mag data is loaded CREATED BY: J. McFadden 13-05-07 VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 14-03-17 MOD HISTORY: NOTES:
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_hkp_cal PURPOSE: Calibrates STATIC tplot housekeeping generated by INPUT: time: dbl time of data to be returned KEYWORDS: CREATED BY: J. McFadden VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 2013/05/07 MOD HISTORY: NOTES:
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_l0_crib PURPOSE: crib file to demonstrate static functions and test software INPUT: KEYWORDS: CREATED BY: J. McFadden VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 14-05-16 MOD HISTORY: NOTES:
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_l0_load,pathname=pathname,trange=trange,files=files,mag=mag,pfdpu=pfdpu,sep=sep,lpw=lpw,RT=RT,download_only=download_only PURPOSE: To generate quicklook data plots and a tplot save file INPUT: KEYWORDS: all 0/1 if not set, housekeeping and raw variables 'mvn_STA_*' are deleted from tplot after data is loaded CREATED BY: J. McFadden 13-05-07 VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 14-03-17 copied davin file retrieve and load routine MOD HISTORY: NOTES:
(See projects/maven/sta/
NAME: mvn_sta_l2_crib PURPOSE: Crib for loading MAVEN L2 STATIC data
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_l2_gen_kp PURPOSE: To generate tplotsave files of static KP data, if pathname or files not set, will query the user INPUT: KEYWORDS: test 1/0 If set, will make plots while running and makepng files def_min float minimum number of counts before KP data set to NANs CREATED BY: J. McFadden 14-10-30 VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 14-10-30 MOD HISTORY: NOTES: Once MAVEN arrives at Mars, change def_min to 100. or an appropriate value def_min no longer used
(See projects/maven/sta/
NAME: mvn_sta_l2_load PURPOSE: Loads MVN L2 data for a given file(s), or time_range CALLING SEQUENCE: mvn_sta_l2_load, files = files, trange=trange, sta_apid=sta_apid INPUT: All via keyword, if none are set, then the output of timerange() is used, which may prompt for a time interval KEYWORDS: files = if set, then read from these files, otherwise, files are figured out from the time range. trange = read in the data from this time range, note that if both files and time range are set, files takes precedence in finding files. sta_apid = an apid for the data, e.g. ['c0', 'c6'], if not set all are included. user_pass = a user, password combination to be passed through to, a string with format: 'user:password' for sites that require Basic authentication. Digest authentication is not supported. no_time_clip = if set do not clip the data to the time range. The trange is only used for file selection. OUTPUT: No variables, data are loaded into common blocks HISTORY: 16-may-2014, jmm, $LastChangedBy: jimm $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-08-30 11:38:10 -0700 (Tue, 30 Aug 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 21770 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_l2_tplot,all=all,units=units,apids=apids,test=test,gf_nor=gf_nor PURPOSE: Creates tplot data from the STATIC common blocks INPUT: KEYWORDS: all 0/1 if not set, deletes all currently stored STATIC tplot structures (mvn_sta* and mvn_STA*) before generating new structures generally this is only used for code diagnostics units string select the units for generated tplot structures - not working yet apids strarr if set, selectes subset of apids to generate tplot structures - not working yet test 0/1 if set, diagnostic tplot structures (APIDs: 2A,d6,d7,d8,d9,da) are made generates "rate" tplot structures for all APIDs, default only generates c6 rate tplot structures gf_nor 0/1 if set, keyword for testing - not working yet dead_c0 flt not used -- only for testing scale flt not used -- only for develpment testing for crude background subtraction for 'mvn_sta_c0_H_E' replace 0/1 if set, replaces eflux with values calculated as this routine is run allows new dead time or background subtraction routines to be run with recalculations of eflux 'mvn_sta_c0_H_E' CREATED BY: J. McFadden 2014/03/14 VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 2014/09/08 MOD HISTORY:
(See projects/maven/sta/
PROCEDURE: mvn_sta_prod_cal,all=all,units=units,apids=apids,test=test,gf_nor=gf_nor,return_nrg=return_nrg,nrg_swp PURPOSE: Calibrates STATIC data products generated by INPUT: KEYWORDS: all 0/1 if not set, then raw tplot structures are deleted units string select the units for generated tplot structures apids strarr if set, selectes subset of apids to generate tplot structures test 0/1 if set, prints out MLUT check gf_nor 0/1 if set, keyword for testing mechanical attenuator - ignores attM open or closed return_ngr 0/1 if set, returns energy sweep table in "nrg" keyword nrg_swp fltarr returned sweep table if return_nrg keyword is set CREATED BY: J. McFadden 2012/10/04 VERSION: 1 LAST MODIFICATION: 2014/03/14 MOD HISTORY: NOTES: L0 files changed to APID 0x62 (instead of 0x51) TBDs to make the code consistent with SIS: tbd modify code to account for non-perfect attenuation of attE and lowest energy sample where attE is activated tbd correct program for leakage by electrostatic attenuator at low energy - currently these data are flagged with the quality flag tbd current code uses swp2gfan and swp2gfdf to help approximate gf for omni-directional apids - c0,c2,c4,c6 need to check whether this properly handles theta and azimuthal angle ranges add gf_corr[npts,nenergy] to common blocks for apids c0,c2,c4,c6,c8 to account for sensitivity variation with ion flux direction tbd may need to change the code that throws away extra data at end of file fix eff array add eff_ind coding from time and swp_ind mod eff dimension mod bkg so it varies with time (it will contain the estimated straggling counts) change "test" keyword -- may have conflicts add change gf to account for narrow cold beams centered on a sector - no losses from ESA exit posts or TOF posts, see lines 178 and 600 quality_flag definition determined from bit 0 test pulser on - testpulser header bit set bit 1 diagnostic mode - diagnostic header bit set bit 2 dead time correction >2 flag - deadtime correction > 2 bit 3 detector droop correction >2 flag - mcp droop flagged if correction > 2 bit 4 dead time correction not at event time - missing data quantity for deadtime bit 5 electrostatic attenuator failing at low energy - attE on and eprom_ver<2 bit 6 attenuator change during accumulation - att 1->2 or 2->1 transition (one measurement) bit 7 mode change during accumulation - only needed for packets that average data during mode transition bit 8 lpw sweeps interfering with data - lpw mode not dust mode bit 9 high background - minimum value in DA > 10000 Hz bit 10 no background subtraction array - dat.bkg = 0 - may not be needed bit 11 missing spacecraft potential - dat.sc_pot = 0 - may not be needed bit 12 inflight calibration incomplete - date determined, set to 1 until calibration finalized bit 13 geometric factor problem - bit 14 ion suppression problem - low energy ions <6eV have wrong geometric factor bit 15 not used =0
(See projects/maven/sta/