This page was created by the IDL library routine
Last modified: Wed Jun 7 13:17:36 2017.
*NAME: BITLIS AUG. 28, 1989 *CLASS: data display *CATEGORY: *PURPOSE: To display bit pattern for byte, integer or longword integer scalars or vectors. *CALLING SEQUENCE: BITLIS,A,B *PARAMETERS: A (REQ) (I) (0,1) (B,I,L) Input scalar or vector B (REQ) (O) (1,2) (B) Output vector or array of 0's (off) and 1's (on) representing bit patterns of input vector A. *EXAMPLES: a = bindgen(5) bitlis,a,b print,b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: none *INTERACTIVE INPUT: none *SUBROUTINES CALLED: none *FILES USED: none *SIDE EFFECTS: *RESTRICTIONS: Input parameter must be scalar or vector and either byte, integer or longword integer data type. *NOTES: When integers are stored in two's complement, the bit pattern for negative numbers will be different than for positive numbers. *PROCEDURE: Each bit in the input parameter is checked. Note that negative integers are stored in twos complement form. Therefore, the left-most bits are ON rather than OFF as they are for positive numbers. Input the absolute value of A is negative numbers to avoid this problem. If the input parameter is a integer vector with N elements, the output parameter will be an array with 16xN elements, with the first bit status contained in the first column 0, second bit in the second column, etc. A scalar byte value would produce a 8 element vector. Note when the output parameter is displayed, the bit order will be opposite that normally used for displaying bit patterns (i.e., the least significant bit is on the left and the most significant is on the right). *MODIFICATION HISTORY: 3/30/93 rwt allow byte data Dec 1998 removed use of PARCHECK; incorporated BITTEST code
(See projects/maven/mag/
*NAME: CHECKSUM_16BITS *PURPOSE: Calculate a 16 bit checksum. Also converts 2 bytes into hexidecimal. *CALLING SEQUENCE: checksum_16bits,byte_buff,hex_string,/rfc1071,/debug,/complement, /lastbitzero *PARAMETERS: byte_buff (input) (array) (integer) The array of values to be used to determine the checksum. hex_string (output) (scalar) (string) The hexidecimal checksum value. rfc1071 (input) (keyword) (integer) When set, the RFC1071 formula is followed which includes wrap during addition. When only 2 bytes are supplied in input, this has no meaning since no addition is done. debug (input) (keyword) (integer) Set for debug output. lastbitzero (input) (keyword) (integer) Last bit is zero for the calculated checksum value. This is needed for data that is from the MAVEN MAG instruments (without processing thr the PFP). *EXAMPLES: 2 bytes examples temp = [248b, 95b] checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string & print,hex_string F85F temp = [0b, 0b] checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string & print,hex_string 0000 temp = [77b, 239b] checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string & print,hex_string 4DEF temp = [77b, 239b] checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string & print,hex_string,/lastbitzero 4DEE addition example temp = [69b, 0b, 0b, 52b, 0b, 0b, 64b, 0b, 255b, 17b, $ 192b, 168b, 1b, 7b, 192b, 168b, 1b, 1b] without rfc1071 checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string & print,hex_string 079D with rfc1071 checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string,/rfc1071 & print,hex_string 07A0 another addition example temp = [69b, 0b, 0b, 52b, 0b, 0b, 64b, 0b, 255b, 17b, $ 248b, 95b, 192b, 168b, 1b, 7b, 192b, 168b, 1b, 1b] without rfc1071 checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string & print,hex_string FFFC with rfc1071 checksum_16bits,temp,hex_string,/rfc1071 & print,hex_string FFFF *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: none *INTERACTIVE INPUT: none *SUBROUTINES CALLED: none *FILES USED: none *SIDE EFFECTS: *RESTRICTIONS: Input must be in multiples of 2 bytes (16 bits). *NOTES: *PROCEDURE: Confirm multiple of 2 bytes. Split bytes into bits. Reverse bits. Reformat to 16 bit array. If more than 2 bytes Add bits. Calculate remainder in base 2. If RFC1071 keyword is set, wrap carry. Determine hexidecimal value and return. *MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14 Dec 2009 PJL wrote 15 Dec 2009 PJL changed 2 byte case to use same convert to hexidecimal logic; added examples 8 Dec 2010 PJL add returning the bit value of the checksum 16 Dec 2010 PJL addeed complement keyword to obtain one's complement checksum 11 Dec 2013 PJL lastbitzero keyword added
(See projects/maven/mag/
NAME: CMSYSTIME AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 PURPOSE: Compute seconds since Jan 1, 1970 and (Modified) Julian Days CALLING SEQUENCE: TIMEVAL1 = CMSYSTIME(TIMEVAL0, ...) DESCRIPTION: CMSYSTIME serves two functions. It computes the current time in a fashion similar to the built-in IDL system function SYSTIME(). It also can convert between various time representations and systems, including a textual format. The current time can be obtained by invoking CMSYSTIME with the /NOW keyword (which is entirely equivalent to SYSTIME(1)). The most substantial part of CMSYSTIME, which distinguishes it from SYSTIME, is its ability to convert between different time formats. CMSYSTIME recognizes can recognize and convert between time in seconds (seconds since Jan 1, 1970 [ = SEC ]) and days (Julian days [ = JDAY ] or "Modified" Julian days [ = MJD = JDAY - 2400000.5 ]). It can also recognize and convert between local and GM time. CMSYSTIME takes maximum care to preserve the full numerical precision of the time values. It converts all values to double precision and may return days and seconds with fractional parts. CMSYSTIME can also represent any time textually, not just the current time. The following textual formats are supported: DOW MMM DD hh:mm:ss YYYY - (Default - same as SYSTIME) DOW MMM DD YYYY hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu TTTTT - (/EXTENDED) where DOW and MMM are the abbreviated day of week and month in English, DD is the day of the month, YYYY is the year, hh:mm:ss is the time in 24 hr military time, uuuuuu are additional microseconds, TTTTT is the timezone offset (in +hhmm representation). CMSYSTIME accepts one parameter, the input time to be converted. Unlike SYSTIME, the *function* of CMSYSTIME is governed by various keywords, as summarized in the following table: Converting from Converting to --------------- ------------- JDAY - /FROM_JULIAN JDAY - /JULIAN MJD - /FROM_MJD MJD - /MJD SEC - (Default) SEC - /SECONDS Current time - /NOW TEXT - (Default or /EXTENDED) Local time - /FROM_LOCAL Local time - /LOCAL GM time - (Default) GM time - (Default) If no argument is specified, the default is to report the current time textually in the GM time zone. CMSYSTIME automatically determines the local time zone. INPUTS: TIMEVAL0 - input time, in seconds or days, as described above. This value is ignored if the NOW keyword is set. Array values are allowed. KEYWORDS: NOW - If set, TIMEVAL0 is ignored and the current time is used as input. FROM_JULIAN - If set, TIMEVAL0 is in Julian days. FROM_MJD - If set, TIMEVAL0 is in Modified Julian days (MJD). FROM_LOCAL - If set, TIMEVAL0 is in the local time zone. If no FROM_ keywords are set, the input is assumed to be seconds from Jan 1, 1970. JULIAN - If set, the input is converted to Julian days upon output. MJD - If set, the input is converted to MJD upon output. SECONDS - If set, the input is converted to seconds from Jan 1, 1970 upon output. LOCAL - If set, the input is converted to the local time zone. If no "destination" keywords are set, the output is converted to textual representation. EXTENDED - Convert to a textual representation with additional information, as noted above. TIMEZONE - Upon output, the timezone offset is returned in this keyword. The offset is time difference in seconds between GM time and the local time, such that LOCALTIME = GMTIME + TIMEZONE RETURNS: The resulting converted time(s), either as a double precision number or a string. EXAMPLE: The equivalent to SYSTIME(0) IDL> print, systime(0) & print, cmsystime(/now, /local) Wed Jul 5 12:10:46 2000 Wed Jul 5 12:10:46 2000 The equivalent to SYSTIME(1) IDL> print, systime(1) & print, cmsystime(/now,/seconds) 9.6277750e+08 9.6277750e+08 Comparison between local and GM time zones (I live in the Eastern US, daylight savings) IDL> print, cmsystime(/now,/extended) Wed Jul 5 2000 16:13:15.659000 -0400 IDL> print, cmsystime(/now,/local,/extended) Wed Jul 5 2000 12:13:15.664000 -0400 What day of the week was it 200 days ago? (Note, there are 86400 seconds in one day) IDL> today = cmsystime(/now,/seconds) IDL> print, cmsystime(today-86400L*200, /local) Sat Dec 18 12:17:52 1999 SEE ALSO: SYSTIME, JULDAY, CALDAT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, CM, 05 Jul 2000 Printed time zone is zero when LOCAL=0, CM, 21 Aug 2000 Corrected behavior of /MJD (Thanks to Marshall Perrin), 03 Jun 2002 Corrected local vs. UTC problem caused by fractional UTC seconds, (thanks to J. Wolfe) CM, 28 Dec 2005 Corrected problem with Julian day arrays, (thanks to W. Landsman), CM, 29 Dec 2005 JRE changed the output to 10h10m5s instead of 10:10:5.
(See projects/maven/mag/
*NAME: decom_2s_complement *PURPOSE: Decom 2 bytes into a long integer via 2's complement. *CALLING SEQUENCE: decom_2s_complement,buff,value *PARAMETERS: buff (required) (input) (array) (byte) An array of 2 bytes in order as read from file. value (required) (output) (scalar) (longwod integer) The calculated value. *EXAMPLES: decom_2s_complement,buff,value *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: none *INTERACTIVE INPUT: none *SUBROUTINES CALLED: none *FILES USED: none *SIDE EFFECTS: none *RESTRICTIONS: Only for use with 2 bytes *NOTES: *PROCEDURE: - Check inputs - Bytes to bits - calculate value *MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26 Jul 2010 wrote 29 Jul 2010 generalized the code 3 Aug 2010 RCS
(See projects/maven/mag/
*NAME: marker_search *PURPOSE: Find the first marker in the data file and return the byte number of the beginning of that marker. *CALLING SEQUENCE: marker_search,lun,sync_pattern,after_byte,found_byte,/debug *PARAMETERS: lun (required) (input) (integer) (scalar) Open file unit sync_pattern (required) (input) (scalar) (string - hex) The pattern to find. Hex - include leading zeros. after_byte (required) (input) (integer) (scalar) The byte to start the search after. If not needed, use 0. found_byte (required) (output) (scalar) (long word integer) The byte number in the file where - if no after_byte, the occurance of the pattern starts - if after_byte set, the next occurance of the pattern starts If marker not found, equals -1 debug (keyword) (input) (integer) (scalar) Set to print out debug information *EXAMPLES: marker_search,lun,'fe6b2840',0,found_byte,/debug marker_search,lun,'fe6b2840',found_byte+1L,found_byte *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: none *INTERACTIVE INPUT: none *SUBROUTINES CALLED: none *FILES USED: open input file from parameter list *SIDE EFFECTS: Sets input file read pointer to start of file *RESTRICTIONS: *NOTES: found_byte equals -1 if marker not found *PROCEDURE: - determine size of file - determine length of sync pattern and separate first byte value - If after_byte not equals 0, skip number of bytes. - Until end-of-file or marker is found, - read a buffer of bytes - convert the bytes to hex - check for the start of the marker - if start of marker is found, - obtain additional bytes if needed - add leading zeros if necessary - combine the hex of the neceaary number of bytes - if equals the marker, return found byte of the marker *MODIFICATION HISTORY: 7 May 2012 PJL wrote - based on juno_cip_marker_search and juno_fgm_pkts_search - generalize 13 Mar 2013 PJL before each readu, make sure there are enough bytes remaining 8 Jul 2013 PJL subtract bytes read from track number
(See projects/maven/mag/
*NAME: maven_mag_pkts_read *PURPOSE: Read the MAVEN MAG data. Formats handled are from - instrument, - engineering packet from University of California at Berkeley Particle and Fields Package (PFP) DPU, - science packets (multiple formats) from PFP DPU, and - CCSDS format from spacecraft (available via LASP SDC). *CALLING SEQUENCE: maven_mag_pkts_read,filename,data,data_source, $ input_path=input_path,verbose=verbose *PARAMETERS: filename (required) (input) (string) (scalar) Input filename - without path. data (required) (output) (structure) (array) Data in a array of structures. One array entry per packet. data_source (required) (input) (scalar) (string) Describes the source os the data file. 'instrument' - from the instrument, no PFP or spacecraft in path 'pfp_eng' - engineering data via the PFP DPU which includes the PFP header 'pfp_sci' - science data via the PFP DPU which includes the PFP header 'ccsds' - data from the spacecraft which includes the CCSDS and PFP headers input_path (keyword) (input) (string) (scalar) Path to input file. verbose (keyword) (input) (integer) (scalar) Set to have additional output to screen. *EXAMPLES: pfp_input_path = '/data4/maven/data/ucb/' file26 = 'APID_26.dat' maven_mag_pkts_read,file26,data26,'pfp_eng', $ input_path=pfp_input_path,/verbose file40 = 'APID_40.dat' maven_mag_pkts_read,file40,data40,'pfp_sci', $ input_path=pfp_input_path,/verbose file40avg = 'APID_40_avg2.dat' maven_mag_pkts_read,file40avg,data40avg,'pfp_sci', $ input_path=pfp_input_path input_path = '/home/magdata/maven/data/flight/telemetry/sci/mag/l0/' file = 'mvn_mag_svy_l0_20131205_v2.dat' maven_mag_pkts_read,file,data,'ccsds',input_path=input_path *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: none *INTERACTIVE INPUT: none *SUBROUTINES CALLED: parsestr marker_search bitlis decom_2s_complement checksum_16bits *FILES USED: File given in input parameters. *SIDE EFFECTS: none *RESTRICTIONS: assumes data in input files is - all from the instrument, or - all engineering via PFP DPU (ApIds 26 and 27), or - all science via PFP DPU (ApIds 40, 41, 42, and 43), or - from the spacecraft with CCSDS and PFP headers. ApId 30 (passthru) not coded for Maximum of 550,000 packets per file currently permitted. *NOTES: PFP MAG engineering checksum only uses MAG portion PFP MAG science checksum uses PFP header and MAG portion Which MAG sensor is which: OB is FM1; on +Y; SSN #5; PFP APID 26 (engr), 40, 42; Drive select 0 IB is FM2; on -Y; SSN #6; PFP APID 27 (engr), 41, 43; Drive select 3 PFP test setup at SSL is EM; SSN #1 Message ID not modified by PFP FSW - not to be used to determine packet type Problems - message ids not as expected for PFP packets - decom id not as expected for engr pkt (set to 0 not expected 1) - no PFP ApID 30 data (passthru) *PROCEDURE: - determine input path to use - make sure input file exists - setup useful values and structures - read until end of file - or not enough bytes left - for the first (index 0) packet, calculate estimated number of packets - if CCSDS source, decome that header - if data via PFP DPU, decom the PFP header - if not a MAG packet, skip - if a MAG science packet, include the PFP header in the MAG checksum calculation - decom the MAG data header - failed_flag set to 1 if values are not as expected - decom the MAG engineering data (if not a science data packet) - decom MAG science data (if not an engineering packet) - decom MAG checksum and verify value - for instrument packet, last bit will always be 0 - if engineering data via PFP DPU, decom extra bytes - if CCSDS packet, decom CCSDS checksum (not being checked) - if falied_flag is set, find next packet - after file is read, save only entries that have data *MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30 Mar 2012 PJL started writing 26 Apr 2012 PJL continued 27 Apr 2012 PJL continued 8 May 2012 PJL determined that message ids in UCB supplied data and not as expected; change code to check second 9 May 2012 byte to determine type - perfer to use message id - will need to rework after data is corrected 18 May 2012 PJL might be able to handle muplitple UCB ApIds in one file now - not tested Feb 2013 PJL added CCSDC header; more of UCB header 24 May 2013 PJL add code to skip bytes if PFP, but not MAG pkt 13 Mar 2013 PJL add check for if marker_search found additional data; before each readu, check that there are enough bytes remaining 24 May 2013 PJL skip data that is not MAG data 29 May 2013 PJL corrected data subseting at end (0.4.1) 19 Jun 2013 PJL handle headers with no or only time data 19 Jul 2013 PJL added check of source 2 if hex to determine source is an 'else' (still need to code marker_search) 22 Jul 2013 PJL rearranged failed flag code; handle sync pattern not found 15 Oct 2013 PJL handle CCSDS length of 0 bytes; set the marker_search after_byte based on expected packet type (0.4.5) 27 Nov 2013 PJL data_source as input instead of trying to determine 29 Nov 2013 PJL adding MAG data checksum check (works for engineering data, but not for science data); engineering tags renamed 'z' replaced with 'e' for 8p2vp, 8p2vn, 13vp, 13vn, 11p4v, 2p5vp, and 3p3vp 02 Dec 2013 PJL reformat help print 04 Dec 2013 PJL finally understand PFP MAG science packet checksum 06 Dec 2013 PJL ucb_ changed to pfp_; rename pfp_extra_engr to pfp_engr; decom pfp_engr; data_type (unused) replaced with source; replaced apid with apid_hex; added apid (decimal); clean up; additional notes; additional checks for failed cases (0.4.7) 11 Dec 2013 PJL messaage ids will not be fixed - remove messages that assumes they will; cross check serial number, drive value, and PFP apid; passthru (PFP Apid 0x30) code commented out (no data to test; handle direct from instrument (last bit always zero) checksum verification correctly; updated prolog (0.5) 20 Dec 2013 PJL compare pkt_type and difference flags - if not correct match, set failed flag 11 Mar 2014 PJL changed MAVEN spacecraft number from 202 to -202 18 Mar 2014 PJL correct difference words (skip first difference since all zeros and use next 63)
(See projects/maven/mag/
Function: mav_apid_mag_handler Purpose: Author: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2013-03-07 12:55:04 -0800 (Thu, 07 Mar 2013) $ $LastChangedRevision: 11745 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/mag/
This procedure will create IDL save files from STS files. It is only intended to be run from a batch job
(See projects/maven/mag/
This procedure will creat IDL save files from STS files. It is only intended to be run from a batch job
(See projects/maven/mag/
PROCEDURE: mvn_mag_geom PURPOSE: Given MAVEN magnetometer and ephemeris data, computes the azimuth, elevation and clock angles of the magnetic field in the local horizontal plane at the spacecraft, and traces the magnetic field in a straight line from the spacecraft to a specified altitude (see ALT keyword). This tracing calculation can be sigificantly in error when the distance to the central object is large and the straight-line approximation becomes dubious. The information is appended to the mag_pc structure with the following tags: amp : magnetic field amplitude (nT) azim : magnetic azimuth angle (deg) elev : magnetic elevation angle (deg) clock : magnetic clock angle (deg) dist : distance along the magnetic field line between the spacecraft and the trace location (km) lon : east longitude at the trace location (deg) lat : latitude at the trace location (deg) Magnetic azimuth and elevation are defined as follows: AZ = 0 --> East EL = 0 --> horizontal AZ = 90 --> North EL = +90 --> radial outward (up) AZ = 180 --> West EL = -90 --> radial inward (down) AZ = -90 --> South Magnetic clock angle is an angle in the local horizontal plane (like AZ) that is referenced to the azimuth of the Sun: CLOCK = 0 --> azimuth of Sun CLOCK = 180 --> opposite to azimuth of Sun USAGE: mvn_mag_geom INPUTS: None: All data obtained from tplot variables. The result is stored in tplot variables. KEYWORDS: ALT: Electron absorption altitude. Default is 170 km for Mars and 0 km for Phobos and Deimos. VAR: Tplot variable name that contains the magnetic field data in payload coordinates. Default = 'mvn_B_1sec'. Variable names for MAG data in other frames are derived from this. PHOBOS: Set this keyword to trace magnetic field lines to Phobos. Good luck! The moon is small and you have to get very close for a reasonable chance of intersection. DEIMOS: Set this keyword to trace magnetic field lines to Deimos. Good luck! The moon is small and you have to get very close for a reasonable chance of intersection. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-04-25 20:11:20 -0700 (Mon, 25 Apr 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 20926 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2015-04-02
(See projects/maven/mag/
Function: mav_mag_handler Purpose: Author: Davin Larson $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-11-06 14:02:07 -0800 (Fri, 06 Nov 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19296 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/mag/
FUNCTION: mvn_mag_svy_decom PURPOSE: Decomutates a ccsds structure and returns a the RAW decomutated data. (either 32 or 64 vectors depending upon compression) Known Bugs: When the averaging period changes there can be a timing error for that packet (or a neighbor packet ?) Only occurs rarely When the scale changes there can be a scaling error in that packet. Only occurs rarely
(See projects/maven/mag/
Function: MVN_MAG_L1_STS_READ PURPOSE: Convert magnetometer .sts to array of structures AUTHOR: Roberto Livi ( and Davin Larson CALLING SEQUENCE: data = MVN_MAG_STS_READ(filename,header=header) KEYWORDS: FILENAME: String containing .sts filename to be loaded NOTES: Uses EXAMPLE: IDL> data_structure = mvn_mag_sts_read( filename, header = header) HISTORY: VERSION: $LastChangedBy: nikos $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-11-18 14:02:09 -0800 (Wed, 18 Nov 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 19410 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/mag/
Procedure MVN_MAG_LOAD Usage: MVN_MAG_LOAD ; Load default MVN_MAG_LOAD,'L1_FULL' ; load Full res sav files MVN_MAG_LOAD,'L1_30SEC',trange=trange MVN_MAG_LOAD,'L2_FULL' ; load Full res sav files MVN_MAG_LOAD,'L2_30SEC',trange=trange Purpose: Loads MAVEN mag data into tplot variables Author: Davin Larson and Roberto Livi $LastChangedBy: hara $ $LastChangedDate: 2016-02-25 17:00:15 -0800 (Thu, 25 Feb 2016) $ $LastChangedRevision: 20193 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $
(See projects/maven/mag/
PROCEDURE: mvn_mag_load_ql PURPOSE: Loads MAG-1 data based on a time range. The source data are sts files produced by the MAG team at GSFC. These ascii files are first converted to cdf and sav files by mag_sts_to_cdf. This routine downloads (if necessary) the sav file, restores it, and loads it into a tplot variable. These data are in payload coordinates (spice_frame = MAVEN_SPACECRAFT). Appropriate tags are added to the tplot structure for rotation to other frames. OBSOLETE as of 2014-12-11. USAGE: mvn_mag_load_ql INPUTS: trange: Time range for loading data. KEYWORDS: FILENAME: Full path and file name containing MAG QL data. Can be an array of file names. VAR: Name of TPLOT variable created. $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2014-12-11 13:12:52 -0800 (Thu, 11 Dec 2014) $ $LastChangedRevision: 16463 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2014/10/09
(See projects/maven/mag/
*NAME: mvn_mag_pkts_read *PURPOSE: Read the MAVEN MAG data. Formats handled are from instrument, engineering packet from University of California at Berkeley (UCB) DPU, or science packets (multiple formats) from UCB DPU. *CALLING SEQUENCE: mvn_mag_pkts_read,filename,data,input_path=input_path,verbose=verbose *PARAMETERS: filename (required) (input) (string) (scalar) Input filename - without path. data (required) (output) (structure) (array) Data in a array of structures. One array entry per packet. input_path (keyword) (input) (string) (scalar) Path to input file. verbose (keyword) (input) (integer) (scalar) Set to have additional output to screen. *EXAMPLES: ucb_input_path = '/data4/maven/data/ucb/' file26 = 'APID_26.dat' mvn_mag_pkts_read,file26,data26,input_path=ucb_input_path,/verbose file40 = 'APID_40.dat' mvn_mag_pkts_read,file40,data40,input_path=ucb_input_path,/verbose file40avg = 'APID_40_avg2.dat' mvn_mag_pkts_read,file40avg,data40avg,input_path=ucb_input_path *SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: none *INTERACTIVE INPUT: none *SUBROUTINES CALLED: parsestr marker_search bitlis decom_2s_complement *FILES USED: File given in input parameters. *SIDE EFFECTS: none *RESTRICTIONS: assumes data in input files is all from the instrument, or all engineering via UCB DPU (ApIds 26 and 27), or all science via UCB DPU (ApIds 40, 41, 42, and 43). If that is not how it is going to be delivered, then data sample as will be delivered is required to be supplied ApId 30 not coded for Maximum of 550,000 packets per file currently permitted. *NOTES: need to - test bit sections - calculate and check checksum - add rms fields (2's complement?) - not in UCB CTM - clarification required - engr b field - work error cases (out of data, not in sync) - work difference word between header and checksum - work UCB header field names (JEPC will not care about these) - rework for UCB message ids being incorrect (mostly done) - increment engr & science packet numbers - test with ApID 30 (no data in that format) - test with mixed message ids (no data in that format) - clean up two arrays - think about ib vs ob packets - test resync section testing (special attention to) - bit sections Problems - message ids not as expected for UCB packets - decom id not as expected for engr pkt 9set to 0 not expected 1) *PROCEDURE: *MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30 Mar 2012 started writing 26 Apr 2012 continued 27 Apr 2012 continued 8 May 2012 determined that message ids in UCB supplied data and not as expected; change code to check second 9 May 2012 byte to determine type - perfer to use message id - will need to rework after data is corrected 18 May 2012 might be able to handle muplitple UCB ApIds in one file now - not tested Feb 2013 added CCSDC header; more of UCB header 24 May 2013 add code to skip bytes if PFP, but not MAG pkt 13 Mar 2013 add check for if marker_search found additional data; before each readu, check that there are enough bytes remaining 24 May 2013 skip data thta is not MAG data 29 May 2013 corrected data subseting at end (0.4.1)
(See projects/maven/mag/
PROCEDURE: MVN_MAG_STS_READ PURPOSE: Read magnetometer .sts files AUTHOR: Roberto Livi ( and Davin Larson CALLING SEQUENCE: KEYWORDS: FILENAME: String containing .sts filename to be loaded NOTES: Uses EXAMPLE: IDL> data_structure = mvn_mag_sts_read( filename, header = header) HISTORY: VERSION: $LastChangedBy: rlivi2 $ $LastChangedDate: 2014-10-03 15:10:00 -0500 (Fri, 03 Otc 2014)$ $LastChangedRevision: 2014-10-03 15:10:00 -0500 (Fri, 03 Otc 2014)$ $URL:svn+ssh://$
(See projects/maven/mag/
PROCEDURE: mvn_mag_trace PURPOSE: Given the spacecraft ephemeris and the mag vector in GEO coordinates, determines whether or not a straight-line extension of the mag vector intersects the Mars atmosphere at 170 km (nominally), and if so the location of that intersection point in GEO coordinates. USAGE: mvn_mag_trace INPUTS: None: All data obtained from tplot variables. The result is stored in tplot variables. KEYWORDS: ALT: Electron absorption altitude. Default = 170 km. TRACE: Named variable to hold result: [dist, lon, lat] Units: km, deg, deg $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-08-21 14:39:32 -0700 (Fri, 21 Aug 2015) $ $LastChangedRevision: 18564 $ $URL: svn+ssh:// $ CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 2015-04-02
(See projects/maven/mag/