PRO barrel_crib_basic_usage ; specify a time range to load timespan, '2013-01-17', 2, /days ; 2 days, starting Jan 17th, 2013 ; select data (payload, data product, data level, etc) barrel_load_data, PROBE=['1D','1K'], DATATYPE=['fspc'], LEVEL='L2' ; e.g., Requests fast spectra (lightcurves), for ; payloads '1D' and '1K', at the L2 level ; list available (loaded) data tplot_names ; plot given TPLOT variable(s) ; e.g., FSPC3 for payload '1D' tplot, 'brl1D_FSPC3' STOP ; plot multiple TPLOT variables tplot, ['brl1D_FSPC3','brl1K_FSPC3'] STOP ; load magnetometer data for these payloads barrel_load_data, PROBE=['1D','1K'], DATATYPE=['magn'], LEVEL='L2' ; list available (loaded) data tplot_names STOP ; search for specific variables with a wildcard tplot_names, 'brl1D_MAG_?', NAMES=wildcard_matches ; NOTE: single character wildcarded with a '?', yields the ; MAG_X, MAG_Y, and MAG_Z components ; group magnetic components together in a pseudovariable store_data, 'brl1D_MAG_XYZ', DATA=wildcard_matches ; plot FSPC3 and the MAG_XYZ variable for payload 1D tplot, ['brl1D_FSPC3','brl1D_MAG_XYZ'] STOP ; adjust the plot.. ; make all FSPC variables default to a log-scale plot (y-axis) options, '*_FSPC?', 'ylog', 1 ; evenly space the pseudovariable's labels, so they're legible options, '*_XYZ', 'labflag', 1 ; add a title tplot_options, 'title', 'FSPC3 and MAG components for Payload 1D' ; zoom to 6 hours +/- midnight (Jan 17th to Jan 18th) tlimit, '2013-01-17/18:00', '2013-01-18/06:00' END