;+ ;NAME: ; tdeflag ;PURPOSE: ; wapper for xdeflag.pro allowing input of tplot variable names ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tdeflag, varnames, method, newname = newname, $ ; overwrite = overwrite, _extra = _extra ;INPUT: ; varnames = an array (or scalar) of tplot variable names ; method = set to "remove_nan", this will remove any NaN (or infinite) values ; from the data (potentially returning shortened or empty arrays) ; set to "repeat", this will repeat the last good value. ; set to "linear", then linear interpolation is used, but for ; the edges, the closest value is used, there is no ; extrapolation ;KEYWORDS: ; flag = all values greater than 0.98 times this value will be deflagged, ; the default is 6.8792e28, Nan's, Inf's are also deflagged ; maxgap = the maximum number of rows that can be filled? the default ; is n_elements(t) ; newname = if set, give these names to the deflagged data, the ; default is to append '_deflag' to the input names and ; pass out the names in the newname variables, ; Unless /overwrite is set ; overwrite = if set, write the new data back to the old tplot ; variables, do not set this with newname ; display_object = Object reference to be passed to dprint for output. ; ;HISTORY: ; 2-feb-2007, jmm, jimm.ssl.berkeley.edu ; ;$LastChangedBy$ ;$LastChangedDate$ ;$LastChangedRevision$ ;$URL$ ;- ; tdeflag_remove_nan removes all NaN and infinite values ; no other operations are performed on the data ; dat is the input and output data structure pro tdeflag_remove_nan, dat = dat, display_object = display_object if (~is_struct(dat)) then begin dprint, 'Input is not a structure. Nothing to do.', display_object = display_object return endif y = dat.y t0 = dat.x nrows = n_elements(t0) if (n_elements(y[*, 0]) ne nrows) Then Begin dprint, 'Number of rows does not agree between time and y array(s)', display_object = display_object Return Endif ndims = size(y, /dimensions) ncols = 0 & nlayers = 0 if (n_elements(ndims) ge 2) then ncols = ndims[1] if (n_elements(ndims) eq 3) then nlayers = ndims[2] if (ncols eq 0) then nycols = 1 else nycols = ncols if (nlayers eq 0) then nylayers = 1 else nylayers = nlayers nycolayers = nycols*nylayers y = reform(y, nrows, nycolayers) ;find which elements are finite for every dimension finite_elements = make_array(nrows, /integer, value = 1) for j = 0, nycolayers-1 do begin finite_elements[where(finite(y[*, j]) Eq 0)] = 0 end t0 = t0[where(finite_elements eq 1)] new_nrows = n_elements(t0) if new_nrows le 0 then begin ;it is empty dat = 0 ;for empty array return 0 so that store_date routine will work correctly dprint, 'NaN values were removed. Empty array returned.', display_object = display_object endif else begin y0 = make_array(new_nrows, nycolayers) for j = 0, nycolayers-1 do begin y0[*, j] = y[where(finite_elements eq 1), j] endfor str_element, dat, 'x', t0, /ADD_REPLACE str_element, dat, 'y', y0, /ADD_REPLACE dprint, 'A total of ' + STRTRIM(string(nrows - new_nrows), 2) + ' NaN values were removed.', display_object = display_object endelse end Pro tdeflag, varnames, method, newname = newname, display_object = display_object, $ overwrite = overwrite, _extra = _extra ;First extract the data n = n_elements(varnames) if (keyword_set(newname)) Then begin if (keyword_set(overwrite)) Then begin dprint, 'Do not set both the newname and overwrite keywords', display_object = display_object return Endif if (n_elements(newname) Ne n) Then Begin dprint, 'Incompatible varnames, newname input', display_object = display_object Return Endif nvn = newname Endif Else nvn = varnames+'_deflag' ;Now do the deflagging For j = 0, n-1 Do Begin get_data, varnames[j], data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim if (is_struct(d)) Then Begin if STRCMP(method, 'remove_nan', /FOLD_CASE) then begin tdeflag_remove_nan, dat=d, display_object = display_object endif else begin y = d.y xdeflag, method, d.x, y, display_object = display_object, _extra = _extra d.y = temporary(y) endelse if (keyword_set(overwrite)) Then new_name = varnames[j] $ Else new_name = nvn[j] store_data, new_name, data = d, dlim = dlim, lim = lim Endif Else Begin dprint,'No Deflagging of: '+varnames[j], display_object = display_object Endelse Endfor newname = nvn Return End