;+ ; Name: ; find_nearest_neighbor ; ; Purpose: ; Uses binary search on a time series to find the array element closest to the target time ; ; Input: ; time_series: monotonically increasing time series array (stored as doubles) ; target_time: time to search for in the time series (double) ; ; Keywords: ; quiet: suppress output of errors ; sort: sort the input array prior to searching ; ; Output: ; Returns the value in time_series nearest to the target_time (as a double) ; Returns -1 if there's an error ; ; Examples: ; >> print, find_nearest_neighbor([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 4.6) ; 5 ; ; >> print, find_nearest_neighbor([5,4,3,7,8,2,4,6,7], 7.6, /sort) ; 8 ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-06 12:09:24 -0800 (Thu, 06 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14176 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_2_00/general/misc/find_nearest_neighbor.pro $ ;- function find_nearest_neighbor, time_series, target_time, quiet = quiet, sort = sort if ~undefined(sort) then time_series = time_series[bsort(time_series)] ; check the first and last elements to make sure we're inside the range ; using the fact that the times are monotonic if (target_time lt time_series[0] || target_time gt time_series[n_elements(time_series)-1]) then begin if undefined(quiet) then dprint, dlevel=1, 'The element we''re searching for is outside the array' return, -1 end if n_elements(time_series) le 1 then begin if undefined(quiet) then dprint, dlevel=1, 'time_series has <= 1 element' return, -1 endif else if n_elements(time_series) eq 2 then begin ; down to the last 2 elements in the time series, find out which is closer to the target time if abs(time_series[0]-target_time) le abs(time_series[1]-target_time) then begin return, time_series[0] endif else begin return, time_series[1] endelse endif else begin ; more than 2 elements in the array ; split the time series in half times_left = time_series[0:n_elements(time_series)/2] times_right = time_series[n_elements(time_series)/2:n_elements(time_series)-1] ; again, using the fact that the time series is monotonic in the array ; if the time of interest is <= the last element on the left array, ; we know the nearest neighbor must be somewhere in that array if target_time le times_left[n_elements(times_left)-1] then begin fnn = find_nearest_neighbor(times_left, target_time, quiet = quiet) endif if target_time ge times_right[0] then begin fnn = find_nearest_neighbor(times_right, target_time, quiet = quiet) endif endelse return, fnn end