;+ ;Procedure: ; spd_cotrans_update_dlimits ; ;Purpose: ; This routine will replace coordinate plot labels only in the dlimits. ; If the coordinate name is clearly delineated, so that it will not ; accidentally modify substrings that look like coordinate names ; ;Notes: ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-10-27 12:25:53 -0700 (Thu, 27 Oct 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22221 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_2_00/general/cotrans/spd_cotrans_update_dlimits.pro $ ;- pro spd_cotrans_update_dlimits,out_name,in_coord,out_coord compile_opt idl2, hidden get_data, out_name, dlimit = dl if ~is_struct(dl) then return if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(dl)),'ytitle') then begin type1 = stregex(dl.ytitle,'[^a-zA-Z]'+in_coord+'[^a-zA-Z]',/fold_case) type2 = stregex(dl.ytitle,'^'+in_coord+'[^a-zA-Z]',/fold_case) type3 = stregex(dl.ytitle,'[^a-zA-Z]'+in_coord+'$',/fold_case) type4 = stregex(dl.ytitle,'^'+in_coord+'$',/fold_case) if type1 ne -1 then begin dl.ytitle = strmid(dl.ytitle,0,type1+1) + out_coord + strmid(dl.ytitle,type1+strlen(in_coord)+1,strlen(dl.ytitle)-(type1+strlen(in_coord)+1)) endif else if type2 ne -1 then begin dl.ytitle = out_coord + strmid(dl.ytitle,strlen(in_coord),strlen(dl.ytitle)-strlen(in_coord)) endif else if type3 ne -1 then begin dl.ytitle = strmid(dl.ytitle,0,type3+1) + out_coord endif else if type4 ne -1 then begin dl.ytitle = out_coord endif endif if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(dl)),'ysubtitle') then begin type1 = stregex(dl.ysubtitle,'[^a-zA-Z]'+in_coord+'[^a-zA-Z]',/fold_case) type2 = stregex(dl.ysubtitle,'^'+in_coord+'[^a-zA-Z]',/fold_case) type3 = stregex(dl.ysubtitle,'[^a-zA-Z]'+in_coord+'$',/fold_case) type4 = stregex(dl.ysubtitle,'^'+in_coord+'$',/fold_case) if type1 ne -1 then begin dl.ysubtitle = strmid(dl.ysubtitle,0,type1+1) + out_coord + strmid(dl.ysubtitle,type1+strlen(in_coord)+1,strlen(dl.ysubtitle)-(type1+strlen(in_coord)+1)) endif else if type2 ne -1 then begin dl.ysubtitle = out_coord + strmid(dl.ysubtitle,strlen(in_coord),strlen(dl.ysubtitle)-strlen(in_coord)) endif else if type3 ne -1 then begin dl.ysubtitle = strmid(dl.ysubtitle,0,type3+1) + out_coord endif else if type4 ne -1 then begin dl.ysubtitle = out_coord endif endif if in_set(strlowcase(tag_names(dl)),'labels') then begin nl = n_elements(dl.labels) for k = 0, nl-1 do begin type1 = stregex(dl.labels[k], '[^a-zA-Z]'+in_coord+'[^a-zA-Z]', /fold_case) type2 = stregex(dl.labels[k], '^'+in_coord+'[^a-zA-Z]', /fold_case) type3 = stregex(dl.labels[k], '[^a-zA-Z]'+in_coord+'$', /fold_case) type4 = stregex(dl.labels[k], '^'+in_coord+'$', /fold_case) if type1 ne -1 then begin dl.labels[k] = strmid(dl.labels[k], 0, type1+1) + strupcase(out_coord) + strmid(dl.labels[k], type1+strlen(in_coord)+1, strlen(dl.labels[k])-(type1+strlen(in_coord)+1)) endif else if type2 ne -1 then begin dl.labels[k] = strupcase(out_coord) + strmid(dl.labels[k], strlen(in_coord), strlen(dl.labels[k])-strlen(in_coord)) endif else if type3 ne -1 then begin dl.labels[k] = strmid(dl.labels[k], 0, type3+1) + strupcase(out_coord) endif else if type4 ne -1 then begin dl.labels[k] = strupcase(out_coord) endif endfor endif store_data,out_name,dlimit=dl end