============================================================== THEMIS_E: Making preliminary CDFs without spinmodel processing ============================================================== Stripping header, making local copy of /disks/themisdata/bfds/THEMIS_E/2012_009/THEMIS_E.2012_009.EPHPRE60_SSL bigephem.txt contains 2881 lines. Splitting bigephem.txt into 24-hour ephemeris files... New file the_eph_pre_20120109.txt New file the_eph_pre_20120110.txt New file the_eph_pre_20120111.txt the_l1_state_20120109_v00.cdf the_l1_state_20120110_v00.cdf the_l1_state_20120111_v00.cdf Incorrect line count 1, expected 1440 ephem2cdf returned 1, skipping installation ============================================================== THEMIS_E: Adding GSE and GSM positions and velocities Batch processing of CDFs in 'cdf_installed_list' ============================================================== IDL Version 6.4 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2007, ITT Visual Information Solutions Installation number: 209287-1. Licensed for use by: UC Berkeley % Compiled module: STATE_ADDCOORDS_BATCH. % Compiled module: STATE_ADDCOORDS. % Loaded DLM: CDF. % Compiled module: STORE_DATA. % Compiled module: STR_ELEMENT. % Compiled module: ARRAY_UNION. % Compiled module: TPLOT_QUANT__DEFINE. % Compiled module: PTR_EXTRACT. % Compiled module: DPRINT. Creating tplot variable: 1 the_pos % Compiled module: EXTRACT_TAGS. % Compiled module: DIMEN1. % Compiled module: MINMAX. % Compiled module: GET_DATA. % Compiled module: FIND_HANDLE. % Compiled module: THM_COTRANS. % Compiled module: THM_INIT. % Compiled module: FILE_RETRIEVE. % Compiled module: ROOT_DATA_DIR. % Compiled module: PATH_SEP. % Compiled module: STRSPLIT. No Root Data Directory has been defined! Using default: "/disks/data/" (Which might change in the future!) To define the Root Data Directory, see documentation in /home/thmsoc/jwls_stuff/tmtools_7_10/idl/ssl_general/missions/root_data_dir.pro % Compiled module: THM_CONFIG. % Compiled module: THM_READ_CONFIG. % Compiled module: THM_CONFIG_FILEDIR. % Compiled module: READ_ASCII. % Compiled module: QUERY_ASCII. % Compiled module: UNIQ. % Compiled module: IS_NUMERIC. % Compiled module: LOADCT2. % Compiled module: LOADCT. % LOADCT: Loading table FAST-Special % LOADCT: Loading table FAST-Special THM_CONFIG(173): % Compiled module: TPLOT_OPTIONS. % Compiled module: PRINTDAT. CDF_VERSION = STRING = '3.2.1 ' !themis = RETRIEVE_STRUCT --(21 Tags/104 Bytes)--> INIT = 1 LOCAL_DATA_DIR = '/disks/data/themis/' REMOTE_DATA_DIR = 'http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/themis/' PROGRESS = 1 USER_AGENT = 'FILE_RETRIEVE: IDL6.4 linux/x86_64 (thmsoc)' FILE_MODE = 438 DIR_MODE = 511 PRESERVE_MTIME = 1 PROGOBJ = MIN_AGE_LIMIT = 30 NO_SERVER = 0 NO_DOWNLOAD = 1 NO_UPDATE = 0 NO_CLOBBER = 0 IGNORE_FILESIZE = 0 IGNORE_FILEDATE = 0 DOWNLOADONLY = 0 USE_WGET = 0 NOWAIT = 0 VERBOSE = -2 FORCE_DOWNLOAD = 0 % Compiled module: TIME_DOUBLE. % Compiled module: TIME_STRUCT. % Compiled module: PTRACE. THM_INIT(139): THEMIS countdown:1787 Days, 12 Hours, 58 Minutes, 27 Seconds since launch % Compiled module: THM_CHECK_VALID_NAME. % Compiled module: STRFILTER. % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction % Compiled module: TNAMES. % Compiled module: NDIMEN. % Compiled module: COTRANS_GET_COORD. THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos: gei % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % Compiled module: COTRANS. % Compiled module: COTRANS_LIB. % Compiled module: DAY_TO_YEAR_DOY. % Compiled module: DOY_TO_MONTH_DATE. % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done % Compiled module: COTRANS_SET_COORD. STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 2 the_pos_gse % Compiled module: IS_STRUCT. % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos_gse: gse % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % SUB_GSE2GSM: GSE-->GSM % SUBGSE2GSM: number of records: 1440 % Compiled module: TS_DIFF. % SUB_GSE2GSM: done STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 3 the_pos_gsm STATE_ADDCOORDS(67): Loading SLP % Compiled module: THM_LOAD_SLP. % Compiled module: FILE_DAILYNAMES. % Compiled module: TIMERANGE. % Compiled module: TIME_STRING. % Compiled module: CDF2TPLOT. % Compiled module: CDF_LOAD_VARS. % Compiled module: CDF_INFO. % Compiled module: CDF_VAR_ATTS. % Compiled module: CDF_INFO_TO_TPLOT. % Compiled module: STRUCT_VALUE. STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 4 slp_sun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 5 slp_sun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 6 slp_sun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 7 slp_sun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 8 slp_lun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 9 slp_lun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 10 slp_lun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 11 slp_lun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 12 slp_sun_ltime STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 13 slp_lun_ltime % Compiled module: TIME_CLIP. STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 4 slp_sun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 5 slp_sun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 6 slp_sun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 7 slp_sun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 8 slp_lun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 9 slp_lun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 10 slp_lun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 11 slp_lun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 12 slp_sun_ltime STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 13 slp_lun_ltime STATE_ADDCOORDS(69): Done loading SLP STATE_ADDCOORDS(71): state_addcoords: Performing GSE->SSE cotrans % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos_gse: gse % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % Compiled module: GSE2SSE. % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 14 slp_sun_pos_gse_cotrans % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans % Compiled module: SSE_MATRIX_MAKE. % Compiled module: TINTERPOL_MXN. % Compiled module: IS_STRING. % Compiled module: REVERSE. % Compiled module: INTERPOL. % Compiled module: DIMEN. % Compiled module: IS_NUM. % Compiled module: TNORMALIZE. % Compiled module: TCROSSP. STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 16 sse_mat_cotrans GSE2SSE(133): GSE-->SSE GSE2SSE(139): GSE2SSE: Performing position offset. STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans % Compiled module: CALC. % Compiled module: LEX. % Compiled module: MINI_ROUTINES. % Compiled module: GET_TOKEN. % Compiled module: STRING_GLOB_PREPROCESS. % Compiled module: EVALUATE. % Compiled module: EVALUATOR_ROUTINES. % Compiled module: CSSTACK. % Compiled module: IS_EQUAL. STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 17 the_pos_sse % Compiled module: TVECTOR_ROTATE. STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 17 the_pos_sse STATE_ADDCOORDS(74): state_addcoords: Finished GSE->SSE STATE_ADDCOORDS(77): state_addcoords: Performing SSE->SEL cotrans % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos_sse: sse % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % Compiled module: SSE2SEL. % Compiled module: SEL_MATRIX_MAKE. STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 18 sel_x_gei % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 19 sel_x_gse % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 14 slp_sun_pos_gse_cotrans % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 16 sse_mat_cotrans GSE2SSE(133): GSE-->SSE GSE2SSE(175): GSE2SSE: NOT performing position offset STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 20 sel_x_sse STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 21 sel_z_gei % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 22 sel_z_gse % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 14 slp_sun_pos_gse_cotrans % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 16 sse_mat_cotrans GSE2SSE(133): GSE-->SSE GSE2SSE(175): GSE2SSE: NOT performing position offset STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 23 sel_z_sse STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 24 sel_y_sse STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 25 sel_mat_cotrans SSE2SEL(120): SSE->SEL STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 26 the_pos_sel STATE_ADDCOORDS(79): state_addcoords: Finished GSE->SSE % Compiled module: DERIV_DATA. % Compiled module: DIMEN2. % Compiled module: DERIV. STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 27 the_pos_gsm_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 28 the_pos_gse_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 29 the_pos_sse_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Creating tplot variable: 30 the_pos_sel_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 1 the_pos % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos: gei % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 2 the_pos_gse % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos_gse: gse % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % SUB_GSE2GSM: GSE-->GSM % SUBGSE2GSM: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GSE2GSM: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 3 the_pos_gsm STATE_ADDCOORDS(67): Loading SLP STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 4 slp_sun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 5 slp_sun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 6 slp_sun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 7 slp_sun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 8 slp_lun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 9 slp_lun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 10 slp_lun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 11 slp_lun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 12 slp_sun_ltime STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 13 slp_lun_ltime STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 4 slp_sun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 5 slp_sun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 6 slp_sun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 7 slp_sun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 8 slp_lun_pos STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 9 slp_lun_vel STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 10 slp_lun_att_x STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 11 slp_lun_att_z STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 12 slp_sun_ltime STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 13 slp_lun_ltime STATE_ADDCOORDS(69): Done loading SLP STATE_ADDCOORDS(71): state_addcoords: Performing GSE->SSE cotrans % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos_gse: gse % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 14 slp_sun_pos_gse_cotrans % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 16 sse_mat_cotrans GSE2SSE(133): GSE-->SSE GSE2SSE(139): GSE2SSE: Performing position offset. STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 17 the_pos_sse STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 17 the_pos_sse STATE_ADDCOORDS(74): state_addcoords: Finished GSE->SSE STATE_ADDCOORDS(77): state_addcoords: Performing SSE->SEL cotrans % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: Defaulting to enable V03 spin phase correction THM_COTRANS(546): thm_cotrans: coord. system of input the_pos_sse: sse % THM_COTRANS: Using spin axis correction % THM_COTRANS: spinras or spindec corrections not available, falling back to the_state_spinras and the_state_spindec STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 18 sel_x_gei % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 19 sel_x_gse % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 14 slp_sun_pos_gse_cotrans % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 16 sse_mat_cotrans GSE2SSE(133): GSE-->SSE GSE2SSE(175): GSE2SSE: NOT performing position offset STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 20 sel_x_sse STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 21 sel_z_gei % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 22 sel_z_gse % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 14 slp_sun_pos_gse_cotrans % SUB_GEI2GSE: GEI-->GSE % SUBGEI2GSE: number of records: 1440 % SUB_GEI2GSE: done STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 15 slp_lun_pos_gse_cotrans STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 16 sse_mat_cotrans GSE2SSE(133): GSE-->SSE GSE2SSE(175): GSE2SSE: NOT performing position offset STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 23 sel_z_sse STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 24 sel_y_sse STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 25 sel_mat_cotrans SSE2SEL(120): SSE->SEL STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 26 the_pos_sel STATE_ADDCOORDS(79): state_addcoords: Finished GSE->SSE STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 27 the_pos_gsm_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 28 the_pos_gse_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 29 the_pos_sse_ddt STORE_DATA(163): Altering tplot variable: 30 the_pos_sel_ddt ============================================================== THEMIS_E: Installing State V00 CDFs ============================================================== `the_l1_state_20120109_v00.cdf' -> `/disks/themisdata/qa_jwl/the/l1/state/2012/the_l1_state_20120109_v00.cdf' linking /disks/themisdata/qa_jwl/the/l1/state/2012/the_l1_state_20120109.cdf to /disks/themisdata/qa_jwl/the/l1/state/2012/the_l1_state_20120109_v00.cdf `the_l1_state_20120110_v00.cdf' -> `/disks/themisdata/qa_jwl/the/l1/state/2012/the_l1_state_20120110_v00.cdf' linking /disks/themisdata/qa_jwl/the/l1/state/2012/the_l1_state_20120110.cdf to /disks/themisdata/qa_jwl/the/l1/state/2012/the_l1_state_20120110_v00.cdf