IDL Version 6.3 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2006, Research Systems, Inc. Installation number: 209287-1. Licensed for use by: UC Berkeley $MAIN$(0): 0/2: $MAIN$(0): 0/2: $MAIN$(0): INIT_DEVICES(26): Warning: Using device: Z 1/2: $MAIN$(0): CWD(25): Directory changed to: /disks/themisdata/workdir/temp_dir/usgs_temp/tmp_brw20111001vsec.sec 0/2: $MAIN$(0): THM_USGSMAG_L2GEN(45): THM_INIT(70): FILE_RETRIEVE(33): ROOT_DATA_DIR(74): No Root Data Directory has been defined! Using default: "/disks/data/" (Which might change in the future!) 0/2: $MAIN$(0): THM_USGSMAG_L2GEN(45): THM_INIT(70): FILE_RETRIEVE(33): ROOT_DATA_DIR(77): To define the Root Data Directory, see documentation in /disks/socware/thmsoc_dp_current/idl/ssl_general/missions/ 0/2: THM_CONFIG(173): CDF_VERSION = STRING = '3.2.1 ' !themis = RETRIEVE_STRUCT --(21 Tags/104 Bytes)--> INIT = 1 LOCAL_DATA_DIR = '/disks/themisdata/' REMOTE_DATA_DIR = '' PROGRESS = 1 USER_AGENT = 'FILE_RETRIEVE: IDL6.3 linux/x86_64 (thmsoc)' FILE_MODE = 438 DIR_MODE = 511 PRESERVE_MTIME = 1 PROGOBJ = MIN_AGE_LIMIT = 30 NO_SERVER = 0 NO_DOWNLOAD = 1 NO_UPDATE = 0 NO_CLOBBER = 0 IGNORE_FILESIZE = 0 IGNORE_FILEDATE = 0 DOWNLOADONLY = 0 USE_WGET = 0 NOWAIT = 0 VERBOSE = -2 FORCE_DOWNLOAD = 0 THM_INIT(139): THEMIS countdown:1767 Days, 10 Hours, 24 Minutes, 06 Seconds since launch Format IAGA-2002 | Source of Data United States Geological Survey (USGS) | Station Name Barrow | IAGA CODE BRW | Geodetic Latitude 71.322 | Geodetic Longitude 203.378 | Elevation 12 | Reported HDZF | Sensor Orientation HDZF | Digital Sampling 100 Hz | Data Interval Type Average 1-Second | Data Type variation | # DECBAS 16000 (Baseline declination value in | # tenths of minutes East (0-216,000)). | # This data file was constructed by Golden GIN. | # Final data will be available on the INTERMAGNET DVD. | # Go to for details on obtaining this product. | # CONDITIONS OF USE: The Conditions of Use for data provided | # through INTERMAGNET and acknowledgement templates can be found | # at | DATE TIME DOY BRWH BRWD BRWZ BRWF | 1/2: CDF_LOAD_VARS(36): File not found: "./mastercdf/thg_l2_mag_brw_00000000_v01.cdf" % Expression must be a structure in this context: L2_STRUCTURE. % Execution halted at: THM_USGSMAG_L2GEN 101 /disks/socware/thmsoc_dp_current/idl/thmsoc/usgs_gmag/ % $MAIN$ IDL Version 6.3 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2006, Research Systems, Inc. Installation number: 209287-1. Licensed for use by: UC Berkeley $MAIN$(0): 0/2: $MAIN$(0): 0/2: $MAIN$(0): INIT_DEVICES(26): Warning: Using device: Z 1/2: $MAIN$(0): CWD(25): Directory changed to: /disks/themisdata/workdir/temp_dir/usgs_temp/tmp_brw20111002vsec.sec 0/2: $MAIN$(0): THM_USGSMAG_L2GEN(45): THM_INIT(70): FILE_RETRIEVE(33): ROOT_DATA_DIR(74): No Root Data Directory has been defined! Using default: "/disks/data/" (Which might change in the future!) 0/2: $MAIN$(0): THM_USGSMAG_L2GEN(45): THM_INIT(70): FILE_RETRIEVE(33): ROOT_DATA_DIR(77): To define the Root Data Directory, see documentation in /disks/socware/thmsoc_dp_current/idl/ssl_general/missions/ 0/2: THM_CONFIG(173): CDF_VERSION = STRING = '3.2.1 ' !themis = RETRIEVE_STRUCT --(21 Tags/104 Bytes)--> INIT = 1 LOCAL_DATA_DIR = '/disks/themisdata/' REMOTE_DATA_DIR = '' PROGRESS = 1 USER_AGENT = 'FILE_RETRIEVE: IDL6.3 linux/x86_64 (thmsoc)' FILE_MODE = 438 DIR_MODE = 511 PRESERVE_MTIME = 1 PROGOBJ = MIN_AGE_LIMIT = 30 NO_SERVER = 0 NO_DOWNLOAD = 1 NO_UPDATE = 0 NO_CLOBBER = 0 IGNORE_FILESIZE = 0 IGNORE_FILEDATE = 0 DOWNLOADONLY = 0 USE_WGET = 0 NOWAIT = 0 VERBOSE = -2 FORCE_DOWNLOAD = 0 THM_INIT(139): THEMIS countdown:1767 Days, 10 Hours, 24 Minutes, 12 Seconds since launch Format IAGA-2002 | Source of Data United States Geological Survey (USGS) | Station Name Barrow | IAGA CODE BRW | Geodetic Latitude 71.322 | Geodetic Longitude 203.378 | Elevation 12 | Reported HDZF | Sensor Orientation HDZF | Digital Sampling 100 Hz | Data Interval Type Average 1-Second | Data Type variation | # DECBAS 16000 (Baseline declination value in | # tenths of minutes East (0-216,000)). | # This data file was constructed by Golden GIN. | # Final data will be available on the INTERMAGNET DVD. | # Go to for details on obtaining this product. | # CONDITIONS OF USE: The Conditions of Use for data provided | # through INTERMAGNET and acknowledgement templates can be found | # at | DATE TIME DOY BRWH BRWD BRWZ BRWF | 1/2: CDF_LOAD_VARS(36): File not found: "./mastercdf/thg_l2_mag_brw_00000000_v01.cdf" % Expression must be a structure in this context: L2_STRUCTURE. % Execution halted at: THM_USGSMAG_L2GEN 101 /disks/socware/thmsoc_dp_current/idl/thmsoc/usgs_gmag/ % $MAIN$