#!/usr/bin/ksh # # epo_magprocess_date.ksh - Combine the XYZ and BDH magnetometer measurement # plots from the EPO GMAGS, for one particular date. # # #Input argument: $1 = date in the form mmddyyyy # Changed to read dates from a file (in form mmddyyyy) # Set the school name in the file, or uncomment bits to loop through all # ## Set the environment variables # if [[ -z $THMSOC ]] then THMSOC=/disks/socware/thmsoc_dp_current export THMSOC fi . $THMSOC/src/config/thmsoc_epo.config ## Check for lock file # if [[ -a $LOCKFILE ]] ; then echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: A Append Process is currently active " >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Quittin..................." >> $LOGFILE exit 0 fi echo $$ > $LOCKFILE ## Function Definitions # function no_merge # Print warning if file merge cannot occur { echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: WARNING: One or more of the following files were not found:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $1" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $2" >> $LOGFILE if [[ -z $4 ]] then echo "$$: Cannot create file = $3" >> $LOGFILE else echo "$$: $3" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Cannot create file = $4" >> $LOGFILE fi } ## Move to the directory containg the EPO data # cd $EPO_HOME ## Set a counter (n) and then set a variable to the ## first school name in the SCHOOL array which was ## defined in the config file above # set -A SCHOOL UKIA DRBY #n=0 #school=${SCHOOL[$n]} #school=UKIA # CHANGING so that dates are YYYYMMDD (same as date_list.txt) for date in $(cat /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/missing_jpg_date_list_test.txt) do inputdate=$(echo $date | awk '{print substr($1,5,2) substr($1,7,2) substr($1,1,4)}') inputyear=$(echo $inputdate | awk '{print substr($1,5,4)}') echo $inputyear inputmonth=$(echo $inputdate | awk '{print substr($1,1,2)}') echo $inputmonth inputday=$(echo $inputdate | awk '{print substr($1,3,2)}') echo $inputday echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:----------- Starting epo_magfile_append at $(date) ---------" >> $LOGFILE n=0 school=${SCHOOL[$n]} # Now lets start looping through the schools # while [[ -n $school ]] do echo "$$: Starting processing for school = $school" >> $LOGFILE school_dir=$(echo $school | sed 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/') chkStatus="" ############################################## ## Search for x, y, and z time series plots ## ############################################## # find ./${school_dir}/${inputyear}/${inputmonth}/${inputday} -name ${school}_TS1_${inputdate}* > /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess xyzTSstatus="" if [[ ! -s /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess ]] then xyzTSstatus=1 chkStatus=1 fi ## .....and merge plots # echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:......processing XYZ Time Series plots" >> $LOGFILE #while [[ -s /tmp/ts1_files ]] while read ts1_line do #xmag_file_name=$(head -1 /tmp/ts1_files) xmag_file_name=$ts1_line date_string=$(echo $xmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $3 "_" $4}') path_string=$(echo $xmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $1}') ymag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_TS2_${date_string}") zmag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_TS3_${date_string}") b_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_TStamp_${date_string}") xyzmag_file_name=$(echo $xmag_file_name |awk -F_ '{print $1 "_TS123_" $3 "_" $4}') if [[ ! -a $ymag_file_name || ! -a $zmag_file_name || ! -a $b_file_name ]] then no_merge $ymag_file_name $zmag_file_name $b_file_name $xyzmag_file_name else echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Merging files:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $xmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $ymag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $zmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $b_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: New filename = $xyzmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/convert $xmag_file_name $ymag_file_name $zmag_file_name $b_file_name -append $xyzmag_file_name mysql_table=${school}_TS123 mysql_date=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($1,5,4) "-" substr($1,1,2) "-" substr($1,3,2)}') mysql_time=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($2,1,2) ":" substr($2,3,2) ":" substr($2,5,2)}') echo "$$: Updating MySQL database table $mysql_table......." >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/php /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/epo_cmdline_input_test.php $mysql_table $mysql_date $mysql_time $xyzmag_file_name >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: ...........update complete. " >> $LOGFILE fi #sed '1d' /tmp/ts1_files > /tmp/TS1_FILES #mv /tmp/TS1_FILES /tmp/ts1_files done < /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess rm /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess ############################################## ## Search for B, D, and H time series plots ## ############################################## # find ./${school_dir}/${inputyear}/${inputmonth}/${inputday} -name ${school}_TSB_${inputdate}\* > /tmp/tsb_files_reprocess bdhTSstatus="" if [[ ! -s /tmp/tsb_files_reprocess ]] then bdhTSstatus=1 chkStatus=1 fi ## .....and merge plots # echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:......processing BDH Time Series plots" >> $LOGFILE #while [[ -s /tmp/tsb_files ]] while read tsb_line do #bmag_file_name=$(head -1 /tmp/tsb_files) bmag_file_name=$tsb_line date_string=$(echo $bmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $3 "_" $4}') path_string=$(echo $bmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $1}') dmag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_TSD_${date_string}") hmag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_TSH_${date_string}") b_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_TStamp_${date_string}") bdhmag_file_name=$(echo $bmag_file_name |awk -F_ '{print $1 "_TSBDH_" $3 "_" $4}') if [[ ! -a $dmag_file_name || ! -a $hmag_file_name || ! -a $b_file_name ]] then no_merge $dmag_file_name $hmag_file_name $b_file_name $bdhmag_file_name else echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Merging files:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $bmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $dmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $hmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $b_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: New filename = $bdhmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE #Changing order of plots in EPO dataset to HDB, pcruce, 2009-12-07 #/usr/local/bin/convert $bmag_file_name $dmag_file_name $hmag_file_name $b_file_name -append $bdhmag_file_name /usr/local/bin/convert $hmag_file_name $dmag_file_name $bmag_file_name $b_file_name -append $bdhmag_file_name mysql_table=${school}_TSBDH mysql_date=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($1,5,4) "-" substr($1,1,2) "-" substr($1,3,2)}') mysql_time=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($2,1,2) ":" substr($2,3,2) ":" substr($2,5,2)}') echo "$$: Updating MySQL database table $mysql_table......." >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/php /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/epo_cmdline_input_test.php $mysql_table $mysql_date $mysql_time $bdhmag_file_name >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: ...........update complete. " >> $LOGFILE fi # sed '1d' /tmp/tsb_files > /tmp/TSB_FILES # mv /tmp/TSB_FILES /tmp/tsb_files done < /tmp/tsb_files_reprocess rm /tmp/tsb_files_reprocess ############################################# ## Search for x, y, and z day series plots ## ############################################# # find ./${school_dir}/${inputyear}/${inputmonth}/${inputday} -name ${school}_DS1_${inputdate}\* > /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess xyzDSstatus="" if [[ ! -s /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess ]] then xyzDSstatus=1 chkStatus=1 fi ## .....and merge plots # echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:......processing XYZ Day Series plots" >> $LOGFILE #while [[ -s /tmp/ds1_files ]] while read ds1_line do #xmag_file_name=$(head -1 /tmp/ds1_files) xmag_file_name=$ds1_line date_string=$(echo $xmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $3 "_" $4}') path_string=$(echo $xmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $1}') ymag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_DS2_${date_string}") zmag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_DS3_${date_string}") b_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_DStamp_${date_string}") xyzmag_file_name=$(echo $xmag_file_name |awk -F_ '{print $1 "_DS123_" $3 "_" $4}') if [[ ! -a $ymag_file_name || ! -a $zmag_file_name || ! -a $b_file_name ]] then no_merge $ymag_file_name $zmag_file_name $b_file_name $xyzmag_file_name else echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Merging files:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $xmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $ymag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $zmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $b_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: New filename = $xyzmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/convert $xmag_file_name $ymag_file_name $zmag_file_name $b_file_name -append $xyzmag_file_name mysql_table=${school}_DS123 mysql_date=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($1,5,4) "-" substr($1,1,2) "-" substr($1,3,2)}') mysql_time=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($2,1,2) ":" substr($2,3,2) ":00" }') echo "$$: Updating MySQL database table $mysql_table......." >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/php /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/epo_cmdline_input_test.php $mysql_table $mysql_date $mysql_time $xyzmag_file_name >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: ...........update complete. " >> $LOGFILE fi #sed '1d' /tmp/ds1_files > /tmp/DS1_FILES #mv /tmp/DS1_FILES /tmp/ds1_files done < /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess rm /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess ############################################# ## Search for B, D, and H day series plots ## ############################################# # find ./${school_dir}/${inputyear}/${inputmonth}/${inputday} -name ${school}_DSB_${inputdate}\* > /tmp/dsb_files_reprocess bdhDSstatus="" if [[ ! -s /tmp/dsb_files_reprocess ]] then bdhDSstatus=1 chkStatus=1 fi ## .....and merge plots # echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:......processing BDH Day Series plots" >> $LOGFILE #while [[ -s /tmp/dsb_files ]] while read dsb_line do #bmag_file_name=$(head -1 /tmp/dsb_files) bmag_file_name=$dsb_line date_string=$(echo $bmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $3 "_" $4}') path_string=$(echo $bmag_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $1}') dmag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_DSD_${date_string}") hmag_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_DSH_${date_string}") b_file_name=$(echo "${path_string}_DStamp_${date_string}") bdhmag_file_name=$(echo $bmag_file_name |awk -F_ '{print $1 "_DSBDH_" $3 "_" $4}') if [[ ! -a $dmag_file_name || ! -a $hmag_file_name || ! -a $b_file_name ]] then no_merge $dmag_file_name $hmag_file_name $b_file_name $bdhmag_file_name else echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Merging files:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $bmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $dmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $hmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: $b_file_name" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: New filename = $bdhmag_file_name" >> $LOGFILE #Changing order of plots in EPO dataset to HDB, pcruce, 2009-12-07 #/usr/local/bin/convert $bmag_file_name $dmag_file_name $hmag_file_name $b_file_name -append $bdhmag_file_name /usr/local/bin/convert $hmag_file_name $dmag_file_name $bmag_file_name $b_file_name -append $bdhmag_file_name echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Updating MySQL database................" >> $LOGFILE mysql_table=${school}_DSBDH mysql_date=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($1,5,4) "-" substr($1,1,2) "-" substr($1,3,2)}') mysql_time=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($2,1,2) ":" substr($2,3,2) ":00" }') echo "$$: Updating MySQL database table $mysql_table......." >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/php /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/epo_cmdline_input_test.php $mysql_table $mysql_date $mysql_time $bdhmag_file_name >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: ...........update complete. " >> $LOGFILE fi #sed '1d' /tmp/dsb_files > /tmp/DSB_FILES #mv /tmp/DSB_FILES /tmp/dsb_files done < /tmp/dsb_files_reprocess rm /tmp/dsb_files_reprocess #################################### ## Search for Time Series Spectra ## #################################### # find ./${school_dir}/${inputyear}/${inputmonth}/${inputday} -name ${school}_TSpectra_${inputdate}\* > /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess specTSstatus="" if [[ ! -s /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess ]] then specTSstatus=1 chkStatus=1 fi echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:......processing Spectra Time Series plots" >> $LOGFILE #while [[ -s /tmp/ts1_files ]] while read ts1_line do #tspectra_file_name=$(head -1 /tmp/ts1_files) tspectra_file_name=$ts1_line date_string=$(echo $tspectra_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $3 "_" $4}') echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Found file: $tspectra_file_name" >> $LOGFILE mysql_table=${school}_TSpectra mysql_date=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($1,5,4) "-" substr($1,1,2) "-" substr($1,3,2)}') mysql_time=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($2,1,2) ":" substr($2,3,2) ":" substr($2,5,2)}') echo "$$: Updating MySQL database table $mysql_table......." >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/php /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/epo_cmdline_input_test.php $mysql_table $mysql_date $mysql_time $tspectra_file_name >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: ...........update complete. " >> $LOGFILE #sed '1d' /tmp/ts1_files > /tmp/TS1_FILES #mv /tmp/TS1_FILES /tmp/ts1_files done < /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess rm /tmp/ts1_files_reprocess #################################### ## Search for Day Series Spectra ## #################################### # find ./${school_dir}/${inputyear}/${inputmonth}/${inputday} -name ${school}_DSpectra_${inputdate}\* > /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess specDSstatus="" if [[ ! -s /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess ]] then specDSstatus=1 chkStatus=1 fi echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:......processing Spectra Time Series plots" >> $LOGFILE #while [[ -s /tmp/ds1_files ]] while read ds1_line do #dspectra_file_name=$(head -1 /tmp/ds1_files) dspectra_file_name=$ds1_line date_string=$(echo $dspectra_file_name | awk -F_ '{print $3 "_" $4}') echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: Found file: $dspectra_file_name" >> $LOGFILE mysql_table=${school}_DSpectra mysql_date=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($1,5,4) "-" substr($1,1,2) "-" substr($1,3,2)}') mysql_time=$(echo $date_string | awk -F_ '{print substr($2,1,2) ":" substr($2,3,2) ":00" }') echo "$$: Updating MySQL database table $mysql_table......." >> $LOGFILE /usr/local/bin/php /home/thmsoc/lphilpotts_stuff/epo_cmdline_input_test.php $mysql_table $mysql_date $mysql_time $dspectra_file_name >> $LOGFILE echo "$$: ...........update complete. " >> $LOGFILE #sed '1d' /tmp/ds1_files > /tmp/DS1_FILES #mv /tmp/DS1_FILES /tmp/ds1_files done < /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess rm /tmp/ds1_files_reprocess if [[ -n $chkStatus ]] then #Moving from email to logfile notification #printf "%s\n%s\n" "THEMIS EPO-GMAG Recovery Warning" \ #"Files not received for $FIND_MTIME days. " \ #"Check the following:" \ #"School = $school" \ #"xyzTSstatus = $xyzTSstatus" \ #"bdhTSstatus = $bdhTSstatus" \ #"xyzDSstatus = $xyzDSstatus" \ #"bdhDSstatus = $bdhDSstatus" \ #"specTSstatus = $specTSstatus" \ #"specDSstatus = $specDSstatus" | mail $CONTACT_LIST echo "THEMIS EPO-GMAG Recovery Warning" >> $LOGFILE echo "Files not received for $FIND_MTIME days. " >> $LOGFILE echo "Check the following:" >> $LOGFILE echo "School = $school" >> $LOGFILE echo "xyzTSstatus = $xyzTSstatus" >> $LOGFILE echo "bdhTSstatus = $bdhTSstatus" >> $LOGFILE echo "xyzDSstatus = $xyzDSstatus" >> $LOGFILE echo "bdhDSstatus = $bdhDSstatus" >> $LOGFILE echo "specTSstatus = $specTSstatus" >> $LOGFILE echo "specDSstatus = $specDSstatus" >> $LOGFILE fi n=$(( n + 1 )) school=${SCHOOL[$n]} done done #dates in file rm $LOCKFILE echo "$$:" >> $LOGFILE echo "$$:----------- Ending epo_magfile_append at $(date) ---------" >> $LOGFILE