;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_load_hpca ; ; PURPOSE: ; Load data from the MMS Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) ; ; KEYWORDS: ; trange: time range of interest ; probes: list of probes - values for MMS SC # ; local_data_dir: local directory to store the CDF files ; varformat: format of the variable names in the CDF to load ; no_color_setup: don't setup graphics configuration; use this ; keyword when you're using this load routine from a ; terminal without an X server running ; ; OUTPUT: ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; See the crib sheet mms_load_data_crib.pro for usage examples ; ; NOTES: ; Please see the notes in mms_load_data for more information ; ;$LastChangedBy: rickwilder $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-10-14 14:46:45 -0700 (Wed, 14 Oct 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 19074 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/trunk/projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/mms_sitl_get_hpca.pro $ ;- function mms_hpca_elevations_sitl return, [123.75000, 101.25000, 78.750000, 56.250000, 33.750000, $ 11.250000, 11.250000, 33.750000, 56.250000, 78.750000, $ 101.25000, 123.75000, 146.25000, 168.75000, 168.75000, $ 146.25000] end function mms_hpca_energies_sitl return, [1.35500, 1.57180, 1.84280, 2.22220, 2.60160, 3.08940, 3.63140, 4.28180, $ 5.04060, 5.96200, 6.99180, 8.23840, 9.75600, 11.4904, 13.5500, 15.9890, $ 18.8616, 22.2762, 26.2328, 30.9482, 36.5308, 43.0890, 50.7854, 59.9452, $ 70.6768, 83.4138, 98.3730, 116.042, 136.855, 161.462, 190.459, 224.659, $ 264.984, 312.571, 368.723, 434.955, 513.057, 605.197, 713.868, 842.051, $ 993.323, 1171.70, 1382.10, 1630.28, 1923.07, 2268.43, 2675.80, 3156.28, $ 3723.11, 4391.72, 5180.44, 6110.72, 7208.11, 8502.57, 10029.5, 11830.6, $ 13955.2, 16461.4, 19417.5, 22904.6, 27017.9, 31869.8, 37593.1] end ; Input: ; data_struct: structure containing: {x: times, y: flux} ; ; Keywords: ; fov: field of view ; ; ; averages over elevation angles inside the field of view ; ; output: ; structure containing {x: times, y: flux, v: energies} function mms_hpca_avg_fov_sitl, data_struct, fov = fov if ~is_struct(data_struct) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error - invalid structure.' return, -1 endif if undefined(fov) then fov = [0, 360] times = data_struct.X anode_elevation = mms_hpca_elevations_sitl() energies = mms_hpca_energies_sitl() fov_tmp = float(fov) anode_index = where(anode_elevation ge fov_tmp[0] and anode_elevation le fov_tmp[1], bin_cnt) if bin_cnt eq 0 then begin fov_tmp[0] = fov[0]-11.25 fov_tmp[1] = fov[1]+11.25 anode_index = where(anode_elevation ge fov_tmp[0] and anode_elevation le fov_tmp[1], bin_cnt2) if bin_cnt2 eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'No data found within specified elevation range' stop endif endif data_within_fov = data_struct.Y[*,*,anode_index] data_mean = dblarr(n_elements(times), n_elements(energies)) data_mean = average(data_within_fov, 3, /nan) data_mean(where(data_mean eq 0.)) = !VALUES.F_NAN return, {x: times, y: data_mean, v: energies} end ; Input: ; data_struct: structure containing: {x: times, y: flux} ; ; Keywords: ; fov: field of view ; ; ; sums over elevation angles inside the field of view ; ; output: ; structure containing {x: times, y: flux, v: energies} function mms_hpca_sum_fov_sitl, data_struct, fov = fov if ~is_struct(data_struct) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Error - invalid structure.' return, -1 endif if undefined(fov) then fov = [0, 360] times = data_struct.X anode_elevation = mms_hpca_elevations_sitl() energies = mms_hpca_energies_sitl() fov_tmp = float(fov) anode_index = where(anode_elevation ge fov_tmp[0] and anode_elevation le fov_tmp[1], bin_cnt) if bin_cnt eq 0 then begin fov_tmp[0] = fov[0]-11.25 fov_tmp[1] = fov[1]+11.25 anode_index = where(anode_elevation ge fov_tmp[0] and anode_elevation le fov_tmp[1], bin_cnt2) if bin_cnt2 eq 0 then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'No data found within specified elevation range' stop endif endif data_within_fov = data_struct.Y[*,*,anode_index] data_total = dblarr(n_elements(times), n_elements(energies)) data_total = total(data_within_fov, 3, /nan) data_total(where(data_total eq 0.)) = !VALUES.F_NAN return, {x: times, y: data_total, v: energies} end pro mms_hpca_calc_anodes_sitl, tplotnames, fov = fov sum_anodes = ['*_count_rate', '*_RF_corrected', '*_bkgd_corrected', '*_norm_counts'] ;avg_anodes = ['*_flux', '*_vel_dist_fn'] ; removed velocity distribution from above because ; we need the full (non-avg'd) data for 2d slices avg_anodes = ['*_flux'] for sum_idx = 0, n_elements(sum_anodes)-1 do begin vars_to_sum = strmatch(tplotnames, sum_anodes[sum_idx]) for vars_idx = 0, n_elements(vars_to_sum)-1 do begin if vars_to_sum[vars_idx] eq 1 then begin get_data, tplotnames[vars_idx], data=var_data if is_struct(var_data) then begin updated_spectra = mms_hpca_sum_fov_sitl(var_data, fov=fov) store_data, tplotnames[vars_idx], data=updated_spectra endif endif endfor endfor for avg_idx = 0, n_elements(avg_anodes)-1 do begin vars_to_avg = strmatch(tplotnames, avg_anodes[avg_idx]) for vars_idx = 0, n_elements(vars_to_avg)-1 do begin if vars_to_avg[vars_idx] eq 1 then begin get_data, tplotnames[vars_idx], data=var_data if is_struct(var_data) then begin updated_spectra = mms_hpca_avg_fov_sitl(var_data, fov=fov) store_data, tplotnames[vars_idx], data=updated_spectra endif endif endfor endfor end pro mms_sitl_get_hpca, trange = trange, probes = probes, datatype = datatype, $ level = level, data_rate = data_rate, $ local_data_dir = local_data_dir, source = source, $ get_support_data = get_support_data, varformat = varformat, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, no_color_setup = no_color_setup, fov = fov, $ time_clip = time_clip, no_update = no_update ;if undefined(trange) then trange = timerange() else trange = timerange(trange) trange_temp = timerange() trange = [trange_temp(0)-2*3600d0, trange_temp(1)] if undefined(probes) then probes = ['1'] ; default to MMS 1 if undefined(datatype) then datatype = 'ion' if undefined(level) then level = 'l1b' if undefined(data_rate) then data_rate = 'srvy' if undefined(varformat) then begin ; allow for the following datatypes: ; count_rate, flux, vel_dist, rf_corr, bkgd_corr case datatype of 'ion': varformat = '*_RF_corrected' 'rf_corr': varformat = '*_RF_corrected' 'count_rate': varformat = '*_count_rate' 'flux': varformat = '*_flux' 'vel_dist': varformat = '*_vel_dist_fn' 'bkgd_corr': varformat = '*_bkgd_corrected' 'moments': varformat = '*' else: varformat = '*_RF_corrected' endcase if ~undefined(varformat) && varformat ne '*' then datatype = 'ion' endif ;if level eq 'sitl' then varformat = '*' mms_load_data, trange = trange, probes = probes, level = level, instrument = 'hpca', $ data_rate = data_rate, local_data_dir = local_data_dir, source = source, $ datatype = datatype, get_support_data = get_support_data, varformat = varformat, $ tplotnames = tplotnames, no_color_setup = no_color_setup, time_clip = time_clip, $ no_update = no_update if undefined(tplotnames) then return ; if the user requested HPCA ion data, need to: ; 1) sum over anodes for normalized counts, count rate, ; RF and background corrected count rates ; 2) average over anodes for flux, velocity distributions if datatype eq 'ion' then mms_hpca_calc_anodes_sitl, tplotnames, fov = fov for probe_idx = 0, n_elements(probes)-1 do mms_hpca_set_metadata_sitl, tplotnames, prefix = 'mms'+probes[probe_idx], fov = fov end