pro mms_submit_back_structure, backstr, local_dir ;Get the time of sitl submission temptime = systime(/utc) mostr = strmid(temptime, 4, 3) monew = '' case mostr of 'Jan': monew = '01' 'Feb': monew = '02' 'Mar': monew = '03' 'Apr': monew = '04' 'May': monew = '05' 'Jun': monew = '06' 'Jul': monew = '07' 'Aug': monew = '08' 'Sep': monew = '09' 'Oct': monew = '10' 'Nov': monew = '11' 'Dec': monew = '12' endcase daystr = strmid(temptime, 8, 2) hrstr = strmid(temptime, 11, 2) minstr = strmid(temptime, 14, 2) secstr = strmid(temptime, 17, 2) yearstr = strmid(temptime, 20, 4) day_val = fix(daystr) if day_val lt 10 then begin daystr = '0'+string(day_val, format = '(I1)') endif else begin daystr = string(day_val, format = '(I2)') endelse savefile = local_dir + 'bdm_sitl_changes' + yearstr + '-' + monew + $ '-' + daystr + '-' + hrstr + '-' + minstr + '-' + secstr + '.sav' save, file = savefile, backstr submit_mms_sitl_selections, local_file end