pro get_latest_fom_from_soc, fom_file, error_flag, error_msg ; For now, lets ignore start and end time, and just grab the most recent file ; lastpos = strlen(local_dir) ; if strmid(local_dir, lastpos-1, lastpos) eq path_sep() then begin ; data_dir = local_dir + 'data' + path_sep() + 'mms' + path_sep() ; endif else begin ; data_dir = local_dir + path_sep() + 'data' + path_sep() + 'mms' + path_sep() ; endelse temp_dir = !MMS.LOCAL_DATA_DIR spawnstring = 'echo ' + temp_dir spawn, spawnstring, data_dir temptime = systime(/utc) yearstr = strmid(temptime, 20, 4) dir_path = filepath('',root_dir=data_dir, $ subdirectory=['sitl', 'abs_selections', yearstr]) ;dir_path = data_dir + 'sitl/abs_selections/' + yearstr + '/' error_flag = 0 error_msg = 'ERROR: Either no FOM structure exists for the time specified, or login failed.' current_leap = 35 file_mkdir, dir_path status = get_mms_abs_selections(local_dir = dir_path) if status eq 0 then begin ; Find most recent file by finding largest time_tag search_string = dir_path + 'abs_selections_*.sav' flist = file_search(search_string) dir_length = strlen(dir_path) fjul = dblarr(n_elements(flist)) for i = 0, n_elements(flist)-1 do begin last_slash = strpos(flist(i), path_sep(), /reverse_search) fyear = fix(strmid(flist(i), last_slash+16, 4)) fmonth = fix(strmid(flist(i), last_slash+21, 2)) fday = fix(strmid(flist(i), last_slash+24, 2)) fhour = fix(strmid(flist(i), last_slash+27, 2)) fmin = fix(strmid(flist(i), last_slash+30, 2)) fsec = fix(strmid(flist(i), last_slash+33, 2)) fjul(i) = julday(fmonth, fday, fyear, fhour, fmin, fsec) endfor fjulmax = max(fjul, maxidx) fom_file = flist(maxidx) restore, fom_file if n_tags(fomstr) eq 0 then begin fom_file = '' error_flag = 1 endif endif else begin ; Error message for non-existant file error_flag = 1 fom_file = '' endelse end