;Helper function ;a trial method for nearest neighbour interpolation in cases where you need an irregular grid ; Note: this is the same as the function nearestneighbor in tinterpol_mxn.pro. If you find a bug here ; please fix the other version too. function thm_ui_nearestneighbor, v, x, u ; v: these are the actual values that will be interpolated (interpolates along one dimension) ; x: these are the x values (probably time) corresponding to the data (v) values (one dim array) ; u: this is the new array of x values, again 1 dim n_u = n_elements(u) n_x = n_elements(x) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Method 1: should work even if x is not monotonically incr. But can be very slow or ;run out of memory for large arrays ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;this puts into the variable index the index of the closest value in x to each value in u ;; the resulting index is a one-dim subscript of a 2-dim array and thus must be manipulated further ;mindiff = min(abs(rebin(x,n_x,n_u) - rebin(transpose(u),n_x,n_u)),index,dimension=1) ;; convert index to multidim subscript ;index2d = array_indices([n_x,n_u],index,/dimensions) ;; only the first column of index2d is useful, containing index into x of nearest neigbor to each point in u ;; second column is just 0,1,2,3,..etc ;actualindex = transpose(index2d[0,*]) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Method 2: only works if x is monotonically increasing or decreasing (same is true for interpol) ;Should be faster than above method for large arrays. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;value_locate brackets each u in x nearvalue = transpose(value_locate(x,u)) neararray = [nearvalue>0, (nearvalue+1)<(n_x-1)]; form an array with columns nearvalue and nearvalue +1, but restrict to valid indices into n_x mindiff = min(abs(x[neararray]-rebin(transpose(u),2,n_u)),index, dimension=1) ; index gives you the (1 dim) index in neararray, indicating whether nearvalue or nearvalue+1 is closer ; the mod converts simply to 0 or 1 actualindex = transpose(nearvalue>0 + (index mod 2)) output = v[actualindex] return, output end ;helper function ;Does the actual interpolation on one N-dimensional quantity(but only interpolating along dimension 1) ;Function is originally from tinterpol_mxn function thm_ui_interpolate_vec_mxn,v,x,u,nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,_extra=_extra COMPILE_OPT HIDDEN n = n_elements(u) if n le 0 then return,-1L ;if the value is atomic return it if(size(v,/n_dim) eq 0) then begin error=1 return,replicate(v,n_elements(u)) endif v_s = size(v,/dimensions) ;handle single input case...it should extrapolate a constant matrix if(v_s[0] eq 1) then begin v_s[0] = 2 v = rebin(v,v_s) x = rebin([x],2) x[1] = x[0] + 1.0 ;so the timeseries ascends endif ;I think I actually handled the 1 case generally ;if(n_elements(v_s) eq 1) then return,interpol(v,n) v_s_o = v_s v_s_o[0] = n out = dindgen(v_s_o) ;the transpose and the reverse make the indexing scheme work out ;cause the in variables(and tplot variables) work more or less in row ;row major, but idl indexes column major out_idx = transpose(lindgen(reverse(v_s_o))) in_idx = transpose(lindgen(reverse(v_s))) ;calculate the number of elements in each matrix/vectors/whatever product = 1 if n_elements(v_s) gt 1 then begin product = product(v_s[1:*]) endif ;for i = 1,n_elements(v_s) - 1L do begin ; ; product *= v_s[i] ; ;endfor for i = 0,product-1L do begin idx1 = where((out_idx mod product) eq i) idx2 = where((in_idx mod product) eq i) if(size(idx1,/n_dim) eq 0 || $ n_elements(idx1) ne n || $ size(idx2,/n_dim) eq 0 || $ n_elements(idx2) ne v_s[0]) $ then return, -1L if not keyword_set(u) then begin if keyword_set(nearest_neighbor) then begin out[idx1] = congrid( v[idx2],n) endif else out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],n,_extra=_extra) endif else begin if keyword_set(nearest_neighbor) then begin out[idx1] = thm_ui_nearestneighbor(v[idx2],x,u) endif else out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],x,u,_extra=_extra) endelse endfor ; for nearest neighbor case cast the output type to the input type ; This is so that if you interpolate bit-packed data you will still be ; able to use bitplot to plot it. It may be that all data should be cast ; to its input type - or maybe not. if keyword_set(nneigbor) then begin out = fix(out, type=size(v, /type)) endif return,out end ;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_interpolate ; ;PURPOSE: ; Interpolates over x-axis of active data and adds new data to ; loaded data object. Intended to be called from thm_ui_new_dproc. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_interpolate, result, loadedData, historywin, statusbar ; ;INPUT: ; loadedData: Loaded data object. ; historywin: History window reference. ; statusbar: Status bar reference. ; guiid: If set and valid, will make user queries part of GUI widget hierarchy. ; result: Anonymous structure returned by thm_ui_interpol_options: ; { ; num: Number of points for the result when not matching. ; cad: Cadence of the result when using that option ; match: Flag indicating to interpolate to another variable's abcissa. ; matchto: Group name of variable to match to. ; extrap: Flags for extrapolation type: [none, last value, NaN] ; suffix: Suffix to create new data group with. ; limit: Flag indicating time limits. ; trange: Time range array containing desired time limits. ; type: Flags for interpolation type: [linear,quadratic,lsquadratic,spline] ; ntype: Flag to use number or cadence (0,1 respectively) ; ok: (not used) Indicates thm_ui_interpol_options was successful ; } ; ;HISTORY: ; ;- pro thm_ui_interpolate, result,in_vars, loadedData, historywin, statusbar, $ fail=fail, guiid=guiid, _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 catch, on_err if on_err ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=msg for i=0, n_elements(msg)-1 do historywin->update,msg[i] ok = error_message('Error in Interpolate function. Interpolation halted.', $ /center,/noname,title='Interpolation Error') fail=1 return endif if ~keyword_set(guiId) then begin guiId = 0 endif active_data = in_vars ;Initializations fail=0b new_active='' skipped='' _extra = {QUADRATIC:result.type[1], $ LSQUADRATIC:result.type[2], $ SPLINE:result.type[3]} nearest_neighbor = result.type[4] cadenceyesnoall = 0 overwriteyesnoall = 0 ;Loop over active data for j=0, n_elements(active_data)-1 do begin ;Get data elements loadedData->getvardata, name=active_data[j], $ time = t, $ data = d, $ yaxis = yd, $ dlimit=dl, $ limits=l if ~ptr_valid(t) || ~ptr_valid(d) then begin warning_message = active_data[j] + 'is invalid please re-try' ok = thm_ui_prompt_widget(guiId,statusbar,historywin,promptText=warning_message,title='Interpolate error') ;fail = 1 continue endif if ptr_valid(dl) then begin dlimit = *dl endif if ptr_valid(l) then begin limit = *l endif ydata = ptr_valid(yd) ? 1b:0b ;Get time restrictions n_t = n_elements(*t) if result.limit[0] ne 0 then begin t0 = result.trange[0] t1 = result.trange[1] endif else begin t0 = (*t)[0] t1 = (*t)[n_t-1] endelse if result.limit[0] ne 0 then begin ;Apply time limits idx = where( ((*t) ge result.trange[0]) and ((*t) le result.trange[1]), c) if c eq 0 then begin warning_message = 'No data in selected range for ' + active_data[j] + ' please re-try' ok = thm_ui_prompt_widget(guiId,statusbar,historywin,promptText=warning_message,title='Interpolate error') ;fail = 1 continue endif ;Ensure first point ousite the time range is included if idx[0] gt 0 then idx = [ idx[0]-1, [idx] ] if idx[n_elements(idx)-1] lt (n_t-1) then idx = [ [idx], idx[n_elements(idx)-1]+1 ] endif else begin idx = lindgen(n_t) endelse if cadenceyesnoall eq -1 then begin skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif ;Check for matching ;---------- if result.match[0] ne 0 then begin ; if result.matchto[0] eq active_data[j] then begin ; statusbar->update,'Skipping '+active_data[j]+', cannot match to same quantity.' ; continue ; endif else statusbar->update,'Interpolate: Matching to '+result.matchto[0]+'...' ;Get new abscissa for interpol function loadedData->getvardata, name=result.matchto[0], time = u ;apply limit to matching variable if user limit is set, or if extrapolation is turned off if result.extrap[0] ne 0 || result.limit[0] ne 0 then begin ;Apply time limits to result's abcissa idxu = where( ((*u) ge t0) and ((*u) le t1), c) if c eq 0 then begin ok = error_message('No data to match in selected range, please re-try', $ /center,/noname,traceback=0, title='Interpolate error') ; fail = 1 skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif t_p = (*u)[idxu] endif else begin t_p = (*u) endelse d_p = thm_ui_interpolate_vec_mxn(*d,*t,t_p,nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,_extra=_extra) if ydata eq 1 then begin yd_p = thm_ui_interpolate_vec_mxn(*yd,*t,t_p,nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,_extra=_extra) endif if result.extrap[0] eq 0 then begin ;find out of range indices to be extrapolated if result.limit[0] ne 0 then begin low_idx = where(t_p lt t0,low_c) high_idx = where(t_p gt t1,high_c) endif else begin low_idx = where(t_p lt (*t)[0],low_c) high_idx = where(t_p gt (*t)[n_t-1],high_c) endelse ;extrapolate low end indices if low_c gt 0 then begin if result.extrap[1] ne 0 then begin ;extrapolate by repetition d_p[low_idx,*] = (*d)[0,*] ## (dblarr(low_c)+1) if ydata eq 1 then begin yd_p[low_idx,*] = (*yd)[0,*] ## (dblarr(low_c)+1) endif endif else if result.extrap[2] ne 0 then begin ;extrapolate with nans d_p[low_idx,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN ; if ydata eq 1 then begin ;we probably don't want this ; yd_p[low_idx,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN ; endif endif endif ;extrapolate high end indices if high_c gt 0 then begin if result.extrap[1] ne 0 then begin ;extrapolate by repetition d_p[high_idx,*] = (*d)[n_t-1,*] ## (dblarr(high_c)+1) if ydata eq 1 then begin yd_p[high_idx,*] = (*yd)[n_t-1,*] ## (dblarr(high_c)+1) endif endif else if result.extrap[2] ne 0 then begin ;extrapolate with nans d_p[high_idx,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN ; if ydata eq 1 then begin ;we probably don't want this ; yd_p[high_idx,*] = !VALUES.D_NAN ; endif endif endif endif ;Check if using Cadence ;--------- endif else if result.ntype[0] then begin statusbar->update,'Interpolate: Using '+strtrim(result.cad[0])+' second cadence...' n_d0 = n_elements((*d)[idx,0]) n_d1 = n_elements((*d)[0,*]) if ydata then begin n_yd1 = n_elements((*yd)[0,*]) endif ;Create new abcissa at desired cadence n_u = floor( (t1-t0)/result.cad[0],/l64) u = result.cad[0]*dindgen(n_u) + t0 ;Check requested resolution if n_d0 gt n_u && cadenceyesnoall ne 1 then begin prompt = 'Using the requested cadence ('+strtrim(result.cad[0],2)+ $ ' sec) will decrease time resolution for '+active_data[j]+ $ ' . Proceed?' ok = thm_ui_prompt_widget(guiId,statusbar,historywin,promptText=prompt,$ /yes,/no,/allyes,/allno,title='Decrease time resolution?') if ok eq 'no' then begin ; fail = 1 skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif else if ok eq 'notoall' then begin skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] cadenceyesnoall = -1 continue endif else if ok eq 'yestoall' then begin cadenceyesnoall = 1 endif endif ;Do interpolation ;----------- d_p = dblarr( n_u, n_d1, /nozero) for i=0, n_d1-1 do begin if nearest_neighbor eq 1 then begin d_p[0,i] = congrid( (*d)[idx,i],n_u) endif else d_p[0,i] = interpol( (*d)[idx,i], (*t)[idx], (u), _extra=_extra ) endfor ;Interpolate over any yaxis data ;----------- if ydata then begin yd_p = dblarr( n_u, n_yd1, /nozero) for i=0, n_yd1-1 do begin if nearest_neighbor eq 1 then begin yd_p[0,i] = congrid( (*yd)[idx,i],n_u) endif else yd_p[0,i] = interpol( (*yd)[idx,i], (*t)[idx], (u), _extra=_extra ) endfor endif t_p = temporary(u) ;If not, use default option ;--------- endif else begin statusbar->update,'Interpolate: Using '+strtrim(result.num[0])+' points...' n_d0 = n_elements((*d)[idx,0]) n_d1 = n_elements((*d)[0,*]) if ydata then begin n_yd1 = n_elements((*yd)[0,*]) endif ;Create new x-axis explicitly u = interpol( [t0,t1], result.num[0]) ;Check requested resolution if n_d0 gt result.num[0] && cadenceyesnoall ne 1 then begin prompt = 'The requested number of data points is less than '+$ 'the current data resolution for '+active_data[j]+ $ ' ( '+strtrim(n_d0,2)+' points). Proceed?' ok = thm_ui_prompt_widget(guiId,statusbar,historywin,promptText=prompt,$ /yes,/no,/allyes,/allno,title='Decrease time resolution?') if ok eq 'no' then begin ; fail = 1 skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif else if ok eq 'notoall' then begin skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] cadenceyesnoall = -1 continue endif else if ok eq 'yestoall' then begin cadenceyesnoall = 1 endif endif ;Do interpolation ;----------- d_p = dblarr(result.num[0], n_d1, /nozero) for i=0, n_d1-1 do begin if nearest_neighbor eq 1 then begin d_p[0,i] = congrid( (*d)[idx,i], result.num[0]) endif else d_p[0,i] = interpol( (*d)[idx,i], (*t)[idx], u, _extra=_extra) endfor ;Interpolate over any yaxis data ;----------- if ydata then begin yd_p = dblarr(result.num[0], n_yd1, /nozero) for i=0, n_yd1-1 do begin if nearest_neighbor eq 1 then begin yd_p[0,i] = congrid( (*yd)[idx,i], result.num[0]) endif else yd_p[0,i] = interpol( (*yd)[idx,i], (*t)[idx], u, _extra=_extra) endfor endif t_p = temporary(u) endelse ;Set up data to be added name = active_data[j]+result.suffix[0] if ptr_valid(l) then limit = *l else limit=0 if ptr_valid(dl) then dlimit = *dl else dlimit=0 if ydata then data = {x:temporary(t_p), y:temporary(d_p), v:temporary(yd_p)} $ else data = {x:temporary(t_p), y:temporary(d_p)} ;Check for overwrite names = loadedData->getall() rewrite = where(name eq names, nx) if nx gt 0 then begin ;notoall, then skip quantity before querying if overwriteyesnoall eq -1 then begin skipped=[skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif else if overwriteyesnoall ne 1 then begin prompt = 'Do you want to overwrite '+names[rewrite[0]]+' with the new interpolated data?' answer = thm_ui_prompt_widget(guiId,statusbar,historywin,prompttext=prompt,$ /yes,/allyes,/no,/allno,title='Overwrite Existing Data?') if answer eq 'no' then begin skipped=[skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif else if answer eq 'yestoall' then begin overwriteyesnoall = 1 endif else if answer eq 'notoall' then begin overwriteyesnoall = -1 skipped=[skipped,active_data[j]] continue endif endif endif ;Add data add = loadedData->addData(name, data, dlimit=dlimit, limit=limit, isspect=ydata) if add then new_active = [new_active,name] $ else skipped = [skipped,active_data[j]] endfor ;Reset active data quantities if n_elements(new_active) gt 1 then begin loadedData->clearAllActive for i=1, n_elements(new_active)-1 do loadedData->setactive,new_active[i] endif ;Return messages for any problems encountered if fail then begin statusbar->update,'Interpolate: One or more problems occured. See history.' endif else begin statusbar->update,'Interpolate: Successful' endelse if n_elements(skipped) gt 1 then begin for i=1, n_elements(skipped)-1 do begin historywin -> update, skipped[i]+' not processed.' endfor statusbar->update, 'Interpolate: Some quantities were not processed. See history.' endif end