;$Id: load_data.pro 3454 2008-09-05 21:15:37Z cgoethel $ ;+ ; A program for loading data files used in the ITT VIS course ; Introduction to IDL. ; ; @param name {in}{required}{type=string} The name of a dataset, entered ; as a string. ; @keyword list {optional}{type=boolean} Set this keyword to return a list ; of available datasets. ; @returns A requested dataset. ; @examples ;
; IDL> dem = load_data('lvdem')
; IDL> isurface, dem
; @pre This file must be in the same directory as the course files. ; @uses READ_ASOS, GET_INTRO_DIR ; @requires IDL 5.3 ; @author Mike Galloy and Mark Piper, RSI, 2003 ; @history ; 2004-08, MP: Uses SOURCEROOT instead of SET_TRAINING_DIRECTORY ; 2005-10, MP: Added 'ladem' and 'laimage' ; 2005-10, MP: Replaced SOURCEROOT and !training with ; GET_INTRO_DIR function ;- function load_data, name, list=list compile_opt idl2 on_error, 2 datasets = [ $ 'asos', $ 'chirp', $ 'continents', $ 'ladem', $ 'laimage', $ 'lvdem', $ 'lvimage', $ 'marbells', $ 'mesa_time', $ 'mesa_temp', $ 'mesa_dewp', $ 'mesa_wspd', $ 'mesa_wdir', $ 'people', $ 'temperature', $ 'wind', $ 'world_elevation', $ 'world_elevation_low_res'] if keyword_set(list) then return, datasets if (n_params() eq 0) then message, 'Incorrect number of parameters.' ;; Locate the course files. course_dir = get_intro_dir() name = strlowcase(name) local_name = string((byte(name))[0:3]) switch local_name of 'asos' : begin filename = filepath('20_02.dat', root_dir=course_dir) data = read_asos(filename) return, data end 'chir' : begin filename = filepath('chirp.dat', subdir=['examples','data']) chirp = read_binary(filename) return, chirp end 'cont' : begin filename = filepath('continent_mask.dat', $ subdir=['examples', 'data']) openr, lun, filename, /get_lun el = bytarr(360, 360) readu, lun, el free_lun, lun return, el end 'lade' : begin filename = filepath('elevbin.dat', subdir=['examples','data']) return, read_binary(filename, data_dims=[64,64], data_type=1) end 'laim' : begin filename = filepath('elev_t.jpg', subdir=['examples','data']) read_jpeg, filename, image return, image end 'lvde' : begin filename = filepath('lvdem.sav', root_dir=course_dir) restore, filename return, lvdemdata end 'lvim' : begin filename = filepath('lvimage.jpg', root_dir=course_dir) image = read_image(filename) image = reform(image[0, *, *]) image = congrid(image, 64, 64) return, image end 'marb' : begin filename = filepath('surface.dat', subdir=['examples', 'data']) elev = read_binary(filename, data_type=2, data_dims=[350,450]) return, elev end 'mesa' : begin if strlen(name) lt 7 then ml_data_name = 'mesa_ti' $ else ml_data_name = string((byte(name))[0:6]) ml_file = filepath('mlab.20020626.cdf', root_dir=course_dir) ml_id = ncdf_open(ml_file) case ml_data_name of 'mesa_ti': data_id = ncdf_varid(ml_id, 'time_offset') 'mesa_te': data_id = ncdf_varid(ml_id, 'tdry') 'mesa_de': data_id = ncdf_varid(ml_id, 'dp') 'mesa_ws': data_id = ncdf_varid(ml_id, 'wspd') 'mesa_wd': data_id = ncdf_varid(ml_id, 'wdir') else: data_id = ncdf_varid(ml_id, 'time_offset') endcase ncdf_varget, ml_id, data_id, data ncdf_close, ml_id return, data end 'peop' : begin filename = filepath('people.dat', subdir=['examples', 'data']) ali = read_binary(filename, data_dims=[192,192]) return, ali end 'temp' : begin file = filepath('u0.dat', root_dir=course_dir) d = read_ascii(file, data_start=8, num_records=50) time = reform(d.(0)[0,*]) temp = reform(d.(0)[5,*]) return, {time:time-min(time), temperature:temp} end 'wind' : begin file = filepath('u0.dat', root_dir=course_dir) d = read_ascii(file, data_start=8, num_records=50) t = reform(d.(0)[0,*]) u = reform(d.(0)[1,*]) v = reform(d.(0)[2,*]) w = reform(d.(0)[3,*]) s = sqrt(u^2 + v^2 + w^2) return, {time:t-min(t), speed:s} end 'worl' : begin filename = filepath('worldelv.dat', subdir=['examples', 'data']) openr, lun, filename, /get_lun el = bytarr(360, 360) readu, lun, el free_lun, lun el = shift(temporary(el), 180, 0) if name eq 'world_elevation_low_res' then $ el = congrid(temporary(el), 60, 60) return, el end else: message, 'Dataset name not found.' endswitch end