;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_new_load_data2obj ; ;PURPOSE: ; A widget interface to load CDF data for whatever instrument ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_new_load_data2obj, st_time, en_time, $ ; dtype = dtype, $ ; observ = observ, $ ; scm_cal = scm_cal, $ ; outcoord = outcoord, $ ; loadedData = loadedData, $ ; historyWin=historyWin, $ ; statusText=statusText, $ ; state_gui_id=state_gui_id ;INPUT: ; st_time, en_time = start and end times in seconds from ; 1-jan-1970 0:00 ;KEYWORDS: ; dtype = the type of data, a string, of form 'instrument/datatype/datalevel', ; the default is 'gmag/mag/l2' ; observ = the probe or ground station requested (string array) (this replaces ; the station, astation, and probe keywords). ; scm_cal = a structure containing calibration parameters ; outcoord = requested output coordinates as set in thm_ui_new Themis: Load Data ; panel ; loadedData = loaded data object ; historyWin = history window object ; statusText = status bar object ; state_gui_id = gui_id of main gui window ; ; ;OUTPUT: ; none ; ; ;HISTORY: ; 07-sep-2008, bck begin modification for use in thm_gui_new from thm_ui_load_data_fn ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2012-07-19 17:18:37 -0700 (Thu, 19 Jul 2012) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 10718 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_8_00/idl/themis/thm_ui_new/panels/thm_ui_load_data_file/thm_ui_new_load_data2obj.pro $ ; ;- pro thm_ui_new_del_temp_tvar, pre_names, post_names, del_names=del_names, $ pre_times, post_times, $ owrite_names=owrite_names, $ arr_owrite_names=arr_owrite_names ; Used to delete tplot vars that were created as support data, but are not to be ; loaded into data object. compile_opt idl2, hidden if array_equal(pre_names,'') then begin del_names = post_names owrite_names = '' arr_owrite_names = '' return endif del_names = '' for i=0,n_elements(post_names)-1 do begin keep_ind = where(post_names[i] eq pre_names) if keep_ind eq -1 then begin if i eq 0 then del_names = post_names[i] $ else del_names = [del_names, post_names[i]] endif else begin ;if i eq 0 then begin if ~keyword_set(owrite_names) then begin if post_times[i] gt pre_times[keep_ind] then begin owrite_names = pre_names[keep_ind] arr_owrite_names = pre_names[keep_ind] endif endif else begin if post_times[i] gt pre_times[keep_ind] then begin owrite_names = owrite_names + ', ' + pre_names[keep_ind] arr_owrite_names = [arr_owrite_names, pre_names[keep_ind]] endif endelse endelse endfor if ~array_equal(del_names, '') then $ del_names = del_names[1:n_elements(del_names)-1] if ~keyword_set(owrite_names) then begin owrite_names='' arr_owrite_names='' endif end ;NOTE, this routine is called in several places. ;If you change these arguments, make sure to search the distribution ;and update the code in all instances where it is called. pro thm_ui_new_load_data2obj, st_time, en_time, $ dtype = dtype0, $ observ=observ, $ scm_cal = scm_cal, $ ; not used now but might be later outcoord=outcoord, $ raw=raw,$ loadedData=loadedData, $ historyWin=historyWin, $ statusText=statusText, $ state_gui_id=state_gui_id,$ loadedVarList=loadedVarList,$ ; returns a list of the variables that were loaded replay=replay,$ overwrite_selections=overwrite_selections ;allows replay of user overwrite selections from themis document Compile_Opt idl2, hidden thm_init ; initialization stuff otp = -1 no_load = 0 ; flag to indicate whether a load routine did not load one of ; the data quantities load_err = 0 ; flag to indicate whether there was an error trying to load ; one of the data quantities prev_percent_done = 0. ; initialize for progress counter out_coord = outcoord ; create local copy so it's not overwritten cmd_tnames = tnames() ; get tplot var names that were created outside of gui overwrite_vars = '' ; stores tplot var names that have been overwritten by gui clobber='' ; stores the answer to the clobber widget loadedVarList = '' ; init with null value overwrite_count = 0 if ~keyword_set(replay) then begin overwrite_selections = '' endif ;people are inconsistent in using the trange keyword, so set a ;timespan...: tt = [st_time, en_time] t1 = str2time(strmid(time_string(tt[0]), 0, 10)) t2 = str2time(strmid(time_string(tt[1]-1.), 0, 10)) ndays = 1+fix((t2-t1)/(24.*3600.)) timespan, t1, ndays If(n_elements(dtype0) Eq 0) Then dtype_all = 'gmag/mag/l2' $ ; necessary? Else dtype_all = strlowcase(strcompress(dtype0, /remove_all)) ndtype = n_elements(dtype_all) nobs = n_elements(observ) ;get the instrument type datatype and dlevel instr = strarr(ndtype) iname = instr dlvl = instr ;get the instrument type datatype and dlevel for a = 0, ndtype-1 do begin ppp = strsplit(dtype_all[a], '/', /extract) instr[a] = ppp[0] iname[a] = ppp[1] dlvl[a] = ppp[2] endfor slp_cleanup_flag=0 ss=where(instr Eq 'state') if (ss[0] Ne -1) then begin ; If coordinate system is set to SSE or SEL, load required SLP data for ; thm_cotrans. if in_set(strlowcase(out_coord),['sse','sel']) then begin ; We will need to load SLP data for cotrans to SSE or SEL. ; Query thm_load_slp for the data types that will be loaded thm_load_slp,datatype=slp_dtypes,/valid_names ; Add the slp prefix slp_tnames='slp_'+slp_dtypes ; Do any of these tplot variables already exist? tvar_list = tnames('slp*') if (n_elements(tvar_list) GT 1) then begin ; tvar_list is an array tvar_array=tvar_list slp_tvar_protect=ssl_set_intersection(tvar_array,slp_tnames) slp_tvar_cleanup=ssl_set_complement(slp_tvar_protect,slp_tnames) if (n_elements(slp_tvar_cleanup) GT 1) OR (size(slp_tvar_cleanup,/type) NE 3) then slp_cleanup_flag=1 endif else if strlen(tvar_list[0]) NE 0 then begin ; tvar_list is a scalar, and not empty string tvar_array=[tvar_list] slp_tvar_protect=ssl_set_intersection(tvar_array,slp_tnames) slp_tvar_cleanup=ssl_set_complement(slp_tvar_protect,slp_tnames) slp_cleanup_flag=1 endif else begin ; tvar_list is the empty string slp_tvar_cleanup=slp_tnames slp_cleanup_flag=1 endelse ; Load the SLP data thm_load_slp,trange=[st_time,en_time] endif endif for i=0L,nobs-1 do begin ; loop over observatories (probes/stations) init_time = systime(/sec) ;GMAG ss = where(instr Eq 'gmag') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_gmag, site=observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time], files=fns4obj out_coord='' Endif ;ASI ss = where(instr Eq 'asi') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_asi, site=observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time], $ datatype=iname, files=fns4obj Endif ;ASK ss = where(instr Eq 'ask') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_ask, site = observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time], $ datatype=iname, files=fns4obj Endif ;EFI ss = where(instr Eq 'efi') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin pre_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=pre_times) ; get tplotvars that are already loaded u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ;load state data, if not there if array_equal(observ[i], 'f') then begin ; because 'f' isn't valid for thm_load_state no_load = 1 historyWin->Update, 'LOAD DATA: Probe "f" is not a valid probe for L1 EFI data.' continue endif thm_ui_check4spin, 'th'+observ[i]+'_efi_dummy', vx1, vx1, h1, $ probe_in=observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time] post_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=post_times) ;get tplotvars after current load thm_ui_new_del_temp_tvar, pre_tnames_tmp, post_tnames_tmp, $ pre_times, post_times, $ del_names=del_names, owrite_names=owrite_names if array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then overwrite_vars=owrite_names $ else overwrite_vars = overwrite_vars + ', ' + owrite_names For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ; loop over EFI levels ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin if keyword_set(raw) && lvls[j] eq 'l1' then begin type_keyword = 'raw' endif else begin type_keyword = '' endelse thm_load_efi, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname[ss[ssj]], $ level=lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], $ coord=out_coord, files=fns4obj,type=type_keyword,historyWin=historyWin Endif Endfor ; loop over EFI levels if ~array_equal(del_names, '') then store_data, delete=del_names Endif ;FBK ss = where(instr Eq 'fbk') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) if keyword_set(raw) && lvls[j] eq 'l1' then begin type_keyword = 'raw' endif else begin type_keyword = '' endelse If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_fbk, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname[ss[ssj]], $ level = lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], $ files=fns4obj,type=type_keyword Endif Endfor Endif ;FFT ss = where(instr Eq 'fft') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin ;if m eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(raw) && lvls[j] eq 'l1' then begin type_keyword = 'raw' endif else begin type_keyword = '' endelse dtype_names=strarr(ndtype) for z=0L,ndtype-1 do begin zzz = strsplit(dtype_all[z], '/', /extract) dtype_names[z] = zzz[1] endfor dtype_names_copy = dtype_names ; copy needed because thm_load_fft overwrites it pre_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=pre_times) thm_load_fft, probe=observ[i], datatype=dtype_names, $ level=lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], $ files=fns4obj,type=type_keyword ; code to look for which requested dtypes were not loaded ; \/ post_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=post_times) thm_ui_new_del_temp_tvar, pre_tnames_tmp, post_tnames_tmp, $ pre_times, post_times, $ del_names=del_names, arr_owrite_names=arr_owrite_names loadedTypes = strmid([del_names, arr_owrite_names], 4) noloadTypes = '' for z=0L,ndtype-1 do begin fft_ind = where(dtype_names_copy[z] eq loadedTypes, n) if n eq 0 then noloadTypes = [noloadTypes, dtype_names_copy[z]] endfor if n_elements(noloadTypes) gt 1 then begin no_load = 1 noloadTypes = noloadTypes[1:*] mess = 'LOAD DATA: The following FFT data types were not available for Probe ' $ + strupcase(observ[i]) + ' during the requested time range: ' h = thm_ui_new_multichoice_history(mess,noloadTypes) historyWin->Update, h endif ; /\ ; code to look for which requested dtypes were not loaded ;endif Endif Endfor Endif ;FGM ss = where(instr Eq 'fgm') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin pre_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=pre_times) ; get tplotvars that are already loaded u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ;load state data, if not there, if loading level 1 data ss1 = where(lvls Eq 'l1', nl1) If(nl1 Gt 0) Then Begin if array_equal(observ[i], 'f') then begin ; because 'f' isn't valid for thm_load_state no_load = 1 historyWin->Update, 'LOAD DATA: Probe "f" is not a valid probe for L1 FGM data.' continue endif thm_ui_check4spin, 'th'+observ[i]+'_fgm_dummy', vx1, vx1, h1, $ probe_in=observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time] Endif post_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=post_times) ;get tplotvars after current load thm_ui_new_del_temp_tvar, pre_tnames_tmp, post_tnames_tmp, $ pre_times, post_times, $ del_names=del_names, owrite_names=owrite_names if array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then overwrite_vars=owrite_names $ else overwrite_vars = overwrite_vars + ', ' + owrite_names For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin ;thm_load_fgm needs to be fooled here into reading the appropriate data for L2 If(lvls[j] Eq 'l2') Then begin for k=0,n_elements(iname[ss[ssj]])-1 do begin ; check for btotal dtype to account for it's different filename if array_equal('_btotal', strmid(iname[ss[ssj[k]]], 3, 7)) $ then iname_tmp = iname[ss[ssj[k]]] else iname_tmp = strmid(iname[ss[ssj[k]]], 0, 3) if k eq 0 then iname_mod = iname_tmp else iname_mod = [iname_mod, iname_tmp] endfor endif else iname_mod = iname[ss[ssj]] if keyword_set(raw) && lvls[j] eq 'l1' then begin type_keyword = 'raw' endif else begin type_keyword = '' endelse thm_load_fgm, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname_mod, $ level=lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], $ coord=out_coord, files=fns4obj,type=type_keyword Endif Endfor if ~array_equal(del_names, '') then store_data, delete=del_names Endif ;FIT ss = where(instr Eq 'fit') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin pre_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=pre_times) ; get tplotvars that are already loaded u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ;load state data, if not there if array_equal(observ[i], 'f') then begin ; because 'f' isn't valid for thm_load_state no_load = 1 historyWin->Update, 'LOAD DATA: Probe "f" is not a valid probe for L1 FIT data.' continue endif thm_ui_check4spin, 'th'+observ[i]+'_scm_dummy', vx1, vx1, h1, $ probe_in=observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time] post_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=post_times) ;get tplotvars after current load thm_ui_new_del_temp_tvar, pre_tnames_tmp, post_tnames_tmp, $ pre_times, post_times, $ del_names=del_names, owrite_names=owrite_names if array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then overwrite_vars=owrite_names $ else overwrite_vars = overwrite_vars + ', ' + owrite_names For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin out_coord_temp = out_coord ; temp patch to compensate for argument mutation in thm_load_fit ; strip off out_coord from end of datatype for k=0,n_elements(iname[ss[ssj]])-1 do begin c_dtype = iname[ss[ssj[k]]] coord_pos_s = strpos(iname[ss[ssj[k]]], '_'+outcoord, /reverse_search) if coord_pos_s ne -1 then begin c_dtype = strmid(c_dtype, 0,coord_pos_s) endif if k eq 0 then iname_mod=c_dtype else iname_mod=[iname_mod, c_dtype] endfor if array_equal(observ[i], 'f') then begin ; because 'f' isn't valid for thm_load_state no_load = 1 historyWin->Update, 'LOAD DATA: Probe "f" is not a valid probe for L1 FIT data.' continue endif if keyword_set(raw) && lvls[j] eq 'l1' then begin type_keyword = 'raw' endif else begin type_keyword = '' endelse thm_load_fit, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname_mod, $ level=lvls[j], /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], $ coord=out_coord_temp, files=fns4obj;,type=type_keyword ;raw type disabled, doesn't produce any data that is useful to gui Endif Endfor if ~array_equal(del_names, '') then store_data, delete=del_names Endif ;SCM ss = where(instr Eq 'scm') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin pre_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=pre_times) ; get tplotvars that are already loaded u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ;load state data, if not there if array_equal(observ[i], 'f') then begin ; because 'f' isn't valid for thm_load_state no_load = 1 historyWin->Update, 'LOAD DATA: Probe "f" is not a valid probe for L1 SCM data.' continue endif thm_ui_check4spin, 'th'+observ[i]+'_scm_dummy', vx1, vx1, h1, $ probe_in=observ[i], trange=[st_time, en_time] post_tnames_tmp = tnames(create_time=post_times) ;get tplotvars after current load thm_ui_new_del_temp_tvar, pre_tnames_tmp, post_tnames_tmp, $ pre_times, post_times, $ del_names=del_names, owrite_names=owrite_names if array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then overwrite_vars=owrite_names $ else overwrite_vars = overwrite_vars + ', ' + owrite_names For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin ; check for keyword if keyword_set(raw) && lvls[j] eq 'l1' then begin type_keyword = 'raw' endif else begin type_keyword = '' endelse if keyword_set(scm_cal) then Begin thm_load_scm,probe=observ[i],datatype=iname[ss[ssj]],level=lvls[j], $ /get_support_data, trange=[st_time,en_time], $ ;progobj = progobj, coord='dsl', cleanup='full', $ coord=out_coord, cleanup='full', $ type='calibrated', scm_cal = scm_cal, files=fns4obj endif else begin thm_load_scm,probe=observ[i],datatype=iname[ss[ssj]],level=lvls[j], $ /get_support_data, trange=[st_time,en_time], $ coord=out_coord, cleanup='full', $ files=fns4obj,type=type_keyword endelse Endif Endfor if ~array_equal(del_names, '') then store_data, delete=del_names Endif ;MOM ss = where(instr Eq 'mom') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin lvl_1 = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l1', nl1) If(nl1 Gt 0) Then Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l1') thm_load_mom, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname[ss[ssj]], $ level='l1', trange=[st_time, en_time], files=fns4obj,type=keyword_set(raw) Endif lvl_2 = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l2', nl2) If(nl2 Gt 0) Then Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l2') thm_load_mom, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname[ss[ssj]], $ level='l2', trange=[st_time, en_time], files=fns4obj Endif ; u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] ; For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ; ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) ; If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin ; thm_load_mom, probe = probe, datatype = iname[ss[ssj]], $ ; level = lvls[j], trange = [st_time, en_time], $ ; progobj = progobj ; Endif ; Endfor Endif ;SST ss = where(instr Eq 'sst') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin u_lev = uniq(dlvl[ss]) & lvls = dlvl[ss[u_lev]] For j = 0, n_elements(lvls)-1 Do Begin ssj = where(dlvl[ss] Eq lvls[j]) If(ssj[0] Ne -1) Then Begin thm_load_sst, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname[ss], level=lvls[j], $ trange=[st_time, en_time], files=fns4obj Endif Endfor Endif ;ESA ss = where(instr Eq 'esa') If(ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin lvl_1 = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l1', nl1) If(nl1 Gt 0) Then Begin app_id = iname[ss[lvl_1]] ddd = strcompress(/remove_all, app_id) thm_load_esa_pkt, probe=observ[i], datatype=ddd, $ /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], $ suffix='_L1', files=fns4obj Endif lvl_2 = where(dlvl[ss] Eq 'l2', nl2) If(nl2 Gt 0) Then Begin thm_load_esa, probe=observ[i], datatype=iname[ss[lvl_2]], level='l2', $ trange=[st_time, en_time], coord=out_coord, files=fns4obj Endif Endif ;STATE state_ss = where(instr Eq 'state') If(state_ss[0] Ne -1) Then Begin if array_equal(observ[i], 'f') then begin ; because 'f' isn't valid for thm_load_state no_load = 1 historyWin->Update, 'LOAD DATA: Probe "f" is not a valid probe for STATE data.' continue endif state_tn_before = tnames('*') state_rq_tn = 'th' + observ[i] + '_state_' + iname ; account for load spitting out temp vars if coord is set with spin type(s) requested spintypes = ['spin_spinper', 'spin_tend', 'spin_c', 'spin_phaserr', $ 'spin_nspins', 'spin_npts', 'spin_maxgap'] for j=0,n_elements(spintypes)-1 do begin dum_ind = where(spintypes[j] eq iname, nSpin, complement=nonSpinInd, $ ncomplement=nNonSpin) if nspin gt 0 then begin spinInd = size(/type,spinInd) gt 0 ? [spinInd, dum_ind]:[dum_ind] endif endfor if size(/type,spinInd) gt 0 then begin spin_req=iname[spinInd] nonSpin_req = ssl_set_complement(spin_req, iname) endif else begin spin_req=-1L nonSpin_req = iname endelse ;velocity constructed from a derivative, rather than loaded directly if in_set('vel',iname) then begin nonSpin_req = ssl_set_complement(['vel'],ssl_set_union(['vel','pos'],nonSpin_req)) endif ; get state data types if ~array_equal(nonSpin_req, -1, /no_typeconv) then begin thm_load_state, probe=observ[i], datatype=nonSpin_req, $ /get_support_data, trange=[st_time, en_time], /no_spin, $ coord='gei', files=fns4obj endif if ~array_equal(spin_req, -1, /no_typeconv) then begin ; no out_coord for spin data types thm_load_state, probe=observ[i], datatype=spin_req, $ trange=[st_time, en_time], files=fns4obj endif ;Note that the cotrans operations below will not be harmful because ;#1 cotrans to current coord is identity operation ;#2 pos and velocity cannot be requested in different coordinate systems from the same load ;transform pos to proper coord if requested ;this loads any required spin model parameters and stores data to remove unrequested variables. if (in_set('pos',iname) || in_set('vel',iname)) && is_string(tnames('th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos')) && $ thm_ui_req_spin('gei',out_coord,observ[i],[st_time, en_time],loadedData) then begin thm_load_state,probe=observ[i],trange=[st_time, en_time],/get_support endif if in_set('pos',iname) && is_string(tnames('th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos')) then begin thm_cotrans,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos','th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos',out_coord=out_coord get_data,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos',limit=l str_element,l,'labels',['x_'+strlowcase(out_coord),'y_'+strlowcase(out_coord),'z_'+strlowcase(out_coord)],/add store_data,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos',limit=l endif ;create velocity, may require transform pos if in_set('vel',iname) && is_string(tnames('th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos')) then begin thm_cotrans,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos','th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos',out_coord=out_coord deriv_data,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_pos',newname='th'+observ[i]+'_state_vel' get_data,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_vel',limit=l,dlimit=dl str_element,l,'labels',['x_'+strlowcase(out_coord),'y_'+strlowcase(out_coord),'z_'+strlowcase(out_coord)],/add str_element,l,'ysubtitle','[km/s]',/add str_element,dl,'labels',['x_'+strlowcase(out_coord),'y_'+strlowcase(out_coord),'z_'+strlowcase(out_coord)],/add str_element,dl,'ysubtitle','[km/s]',/add str_element,dl,'data_att.units','km/s',/add str_element,dl,'data_att.st_type','vel',/add store_data,'th'+observ[i]+'_state_vel',limit=l,dlimit=dl endif ;delete all the support crap that gets loaded state_to_delete = ssl_set_complement(ssl_set_union([state_tn_before],[state_rq_tn]),ssl_set_union([tnames('*')],[''])) if is_string(state_to_delete) then begin store_data,state_to_delete,/delete endif Endif ; get tnames created by this routine tplotvars = tnames(create_time=create_times) new_vars_ind = where(create_times gt init_time, n_new_vars_ind) if n_new_vars_ind gt 0 then begin otp = tplotvars[new_vars_ind] ;Check for missing variables if n_new_vars_ind lt n_elements(iname) then begin no_load=1 missed=0 ;Update history window for each missing variable for l=0, n_elements(iname)-1 do begin check_name_idx = stregex(otp, '.*'+iname[l]+'.*',/bool) if ~in_set(check_name_idx,1b) then begin ;check that dataname wasn't found missed++ historyWin->update, 'LOAD DATA: No data loaded for observatory: ' + observ[i] + ', datatype: ' + iname[l] endif endfor ;Send this message in case the above loop misses something if missed lt (n_elements(iname)-n_new_vars_ind) then $ historyWin->update, 'LOAD DATA: No data loaded for observatory: ' + observ[i] + ', datatype: ???' endif endif else otp = -1 ; load tplot vars into gui if(is_string(otp)) then begin n_otp = n_elements(otp) for k = 0L, n_otp-1 do begin ; loop over number of tplot vars created cmd_index = where(otp[k] eq cmd_tnames, n_overwrite) ; index of overwritten tplot vars ; make sure state data isn't added unless requested by user tvar_name_comp = strsplit(otp[k],'_',/extract) ; get tplot var name components n_comp = n_elements(tvar_name_comp) if n_comp gt 1 then begin ;doesn't load state data if it was loaded by some other load routine if ~array_equal(instr, 'state') then begin if (n_overwrite gt 0) AND (tvar_name_comp[1] eq 'state') then continue endif else if n_comp ge 3 then begin if n_comp gt 3 then begin tvar_name_type = strjoin(tvar_name_comp[2:*],'_') endif else begin tvar_name_type = tvar_name_comp[2] endelse ;doesn't load state if available type is not requested type(extending this check to other data types would eliminate the need for a lot of the special rules in this routine.) if ~in_set(tvar_name_type,iname) then begin continue endif endif endif ; begin check for and handling of duplicate var names ; groupNames = loadedData->getGroupNames() ; ; if is_string(groupNames) then dupNameInd = where(otp[k] eq groupNames, n) else n=0 if loadedData->isParent(otp[k]) then begin if clobber ne 'yestoall' AND clobber ne 'notoall' then begin if keyword_set(replay) then begin if overwrite_count ge n_elements(overwrite_selections) then begin historywin->update,"ERROR:Discrepancy in themis document, may have lead to a document load error" statustext->update,"ERROR:Discrepancy in themis document, may have lead to a document load error" clobber = "yestoall" endif else begin clobber = overwrite_selections[overwrite_count] endelse endif else begin prompttext='The variable ' + strupcase(otp[k]) + ' already exists. Do you want to ' + $ 'overwrite it with the new variable? If you click "No" the new ' + strupcase(otp[k]) + ' will not be loaded.' ; clobber = thm_ui_prompt_widget(state_gui_id, statusText,historyWin,promptText= prompttext,defaultValue='',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno,maxwidth=80,title="Overwrite Data?") ; loop so that hitting the widget kill button doesn't close the window repeat clobber = thm_ui_prompt_widget(state_gui_id, statusText,historyWin,promptText= prompttext,defaultValue='',/yes,/no,/allyes,/allno,maxwidth=80,title="Overwrite Data?") until clobber ne '' overwrite_selections=array_concat(clobber,overwrite_selections) endelse overwrite_count++ endif if clobber eq 'yes' OR clobber eq 'yestoall' then begin h = 'LOAD DATA: ' + strupcase(otp[k]) + ' will be overwritten.' historyWin->Update, h statusText->Update, h endif if clobber eq 'no' OR clobber eq 'notoall' then begin h = 'LOAD DATA: ' + strupcase(otp[k]) + $ ' not loaded into GUI to prevent overwrite of existing data.' historyWin->Update, h statusText->Update, h ; compare with owrite_names and don't delete if it exists if n_overwrite eq 0 then begin store_data, delete=otp[k] endif else begin h = 'LOAD DATA: THEMIS GUI has overwritten tplot variable: ' + otp[k] dprint, h historyWin->Update, h ; collect overwritten tplot var names to report to status text if array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then overwrite_vars= otp[k] $ else overwrite_vars = overwrite_vars + ', ' + otp[k] endelse continue endif endif ; end check for and handling of duplicate var names if ~loadedData->add(otp[k], $ ;in the future, file will be able to accept multiple filenames ;and we can remove the [0] index. file=fns4obj[0], $ ; from rel_pathnames_all keyword mission='THEMIS', $ observatory=observ[i], $ ;obs4obj, $ coordSys=out_coord, $ instrument=ppp[0]) then begin ok = error_message('Add failed', /traceback, /noname, /center, title='Error in Load Data') h = 'LOAD DATA: LOAD FAILURE for ' + otp[k] + '.' load_err = 1 endif else begin h = 'LOAD DATA: '+ otp[k] + ' loaded successfully. loadedVarList = array_concat(otp[k],loadedVarList) endelse historyWin->Update, h ;cmd_index = where(otp[k] eq cmd_tnames, n_overwrite) if n_overwrite eq 0 then begin del_data, otp[k] ; delete tplot var that was just loaded endif else begin h = 'LOAD DATA: THEMIS GUI has overwritten tplot variable: ' + otp[k] dprint, h historyWin->Update, h ; collect overwritten tplot var names to report to status text if array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then overwrite_vars= otp[k] $ else overwrite_vars = overwrite_vars + ', ' + otp[k] endelse ; progress tracker status_inc = 10. ; threshold percentage interval at which status is updated ;nloops = float(ndtype * nobs) nloops = float(n_otp * nobs) ; if instr eq 'fft' then nloops = nobs ; special case to handle fft loading ;loops_sofar = float(i*ndtype + k+1) loops_sofar = float(i*n_otp + k+1) percent_done = loops_sofar * 100. / nloops ; calc when status inc has been passed status_switch = floor(percent_done/status_inc) - floor(prev_percent_done/status_inc) if status_switch gt 0 then begin statusText->Update, 'Loading data...' + $ strcompress(string(round(percent_done)), /remove_all) + $ '% complete.' endif prev_percent_done = percent_done ; end progress tracker endfor ; loop over number of tplot vars created endif else begin no_load = 1 h = 'LOAD DATA: No data loaded for observatory: ' + observ[i] + ', datatype: ' + iname historyWin->Update, h ; updates for progress tracker when no data for current observatory percent_done = (i+1)*100./nobs statusText->Update, 'Loading data...' + $ strcompress(string(round(percent_done)), /remove_all) + $ '% complete.' prev_percent_done = percent_done endelse endfor ; loop over observatories (probes/stations) ; If any SLP data was loaded by this routine before entering the ; observatory loop, we can delete it now. if (slp_cleanup_flag EQ 1) then begin del_data,slp_tvar_cleanup endif if ~array_equal(overwrite_vars, '') then begin ; Generate list of overwritten tplot vars and output to statusText object overwrite_list = string(string(overwrite_vars, format='("", A, ",")'), /print) overwrite_list = strmid(overwrite_list, 0, strlen(overwrite_list)-1) h_over = 'LOAD DATA: THEMIS GUI has overwritten tplot variable(s): ' + overwrite_list endif else h_over = '' if load_err OR no_load then begin h = 'Load completed. Some quantities did not load. Please check the History window. ' + h_over endif else begin h = 'Load completed. ' + h_over endelse statusText->Update, h end