;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_load_data_file ; ;PURPOSE: ; A widget interface for loading THEMIS data into the GUI ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; thm_ui_load_data_file, tab_id, gui_id, windowStorage, loadedData, historyWin, $ ; dataFlag, dataButtons, trObj, statusText, loadTree=loadList,$ ; treeCopyPtr, timeWidget=timeid ; ;INPUT: ; tab_id: The widget id of the tab. ; gui_id: The widget id of the main GUI window. ; windowStorage: The windowStorage object. ; loadedData: The loadedData object. ; historyWin: The history window object. ; dataFlag: ; dataButtons: ; trObj: The GUI timerange object. ; statusText: The status bar object for the main Load window. ; treeCopyPtr: Pointer variable to a copy of the load widget tree. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; loadTree = The Load widget tree. ; timeWidget = The time widget object. ; ;OUTPUT: ; none ; ;HISTORY: ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2013-01-16 09:23:19 -0800 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 11449 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_8_00/idl/themis/thm_ui_new/panels/thm_ui_load_data_file/thm_ui_load_data_file.pro $ ; ;- ; TODO: When we get around to loading non-themis data, might need a pop-up window for when we don't know the coordsys of incoming data Pro thm_ui_load_data_file_event, event;, info Compile_Opt idl2, hidden ; get the state structure from the widget base = event.handler stash = widget_info(base,/child) widget_control, stash, Get_UValue=state, /no_copy ; handle and report errors err_xxx = 0 Catch, err_xxx IF (err_xxx NE 0) THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel Help, /Last_Message, Output = err_msg if is_struct(state) then begin FOR j = 0, N_Elements(err_msg)-1 DO state.historywin->update,err_msg[j] x=state.gui_id histobj=state.historywin endif Print, 'Error--See history' ok=error_message('An unknown error occured and the window must be restarted. See console for details.',$ /noname, /center, title='Error in Load Data') Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy widget_control, event.top,/destroy if widget_valid(x) && obj_valid(histobj) then begin thm_gui_error,x,histobj endif RETURN ENDIF ;kill request block IF (Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) EQ 'WIDGET_KILL_REQUEST') THEN BEGIN exit_sequence: dprint, 'Load Themis Data widget killed.' state.historyWin->Update,'THM_UI_LOAD_DATA_FILE: Widget closed' if obj_valid(state.loadList) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.loadList->getCopy() endif Widget_Control, event.TOP, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN ENDIF ; get the uval from this event so we know which widget was used Widget_Control, event.id, Get_UValue=uval state.historywin->update,'THM_UI_LOAD_DATA_FILE: User value: '+uval ,/dontshow CASE uval OF 'ADD': BEGIN ; make sure valid times are set state.tr->getproperty, starttime=start_obj state.tr->getproperty, endtime=stop_obj start_obj->getProperty,tstring=startval stop_obj->getProperty,tstring=stopval startt=thm_ui_timefix(startval) stopt=thm_ui_timefix(stopval) ; temporarily change get_value func to get validity widget_control, state.timeid, get_value=valid, func_get_value='thm_ui_time_widget_is_valid' widget_control, state.timeid, func_get_value='thm_ui_time_widget_get_value' if is_string(startt) AND is_string(stopt) AND valid then begin ; make sure an observatory is selected if ~array_equal(*state.observ, '', /no_typeconv) then begin widget_control, /hourglass state.statusText->Update, 'Loading data...' thm_ui_load_data_file_load, state, event IF Obj_Valid(state.loadedData) && state.dataFlag EQ 0 THEN BEGIN dataNames=state.loadedData->GetAll() IF is_string(dataNames) && state.dataFlag EQ 0 THEN BEGIN FOR i=0,N_Elements(state.dataButtons)-1 DO Widget_Control, state.dataButtons[i], sensitive=1 state.dataFlag=1 ENDIF ENDIF endif else begin if state.instr eq 'none' then begin h = 'No instrument selected. Please select an instrument.' endif else begin h = 'No probe selected. Please select one or more probes.' endelse state.statusText->Update, h state.historyWin->Update, 'THM_UI_LOAD_DATA_FILE: ' + h endelse endif else begin state.statusText->update, 'Invalid Start and/or Stop Time. ' + $ 'Please enter valid time before loading data.' break endelse END 'CANC': BEGIN dprint, 'New File widget canceled' state.historyWin->Update, 'THM_UI_LOAD_DATA_FILE: Widget closed.' if obj_valid(state.loadList) then begin *state.treeCopyPtr = state.loadList->getCopy() endif Widget_Control, event.top, Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy Widget_Control, event.top, /Destroy RETURN END 'CLEAR':BEGIN ; Clear all data (tplot vars) ; Should check whether there is any data first. val_data = state.loadeddata->getall();/times) if is_string(val_data[0]) then begin result = dialog_message("This will delete all data loaded into the GUI. Do you still want to proceed?", $ /question, dialog_parent=state.tab_id, /default_no, /center) IF result EQ 'Yes' THEN BEGIN widget_control, /hourglass ;val_data = state.loadeddata->getall();/times) thm_ui_load_data_file_del, state state.windowStorage->getProperty,callSequence=callSequence callSequence->clearCalls h = 'All data deleted.' state.statusText->Update, h state.historyWin->Update, 'THM_UI_LOAD_DATA_FILE: ' + h state.loadedData->reset state.loadlist->update ; update tree widget ENDIF endif END 'CLEAR_DTYP':Begin if ptr_valid(state.dtyp1) then ptr_free, state.dtyp1 if ptr_valid(state.dtyp2) then ptr_free, state.dtyp2 if ptr_valid(state.dtyp) then ptr_free, state.dtyp widget_control, state.level1List, set_value=*state.dlist1 widget_control, state.level2List, set_value=*state.dlist2 h = 'No chosen data types' state.statusText->Update, h END 'CLEAR_PRST':Begin If(state.instr Eq 'asi' Or state.instr Eq 'ask') Then Begin If(ptr_valid(state.astation)) Then ptr_free, state.astation h = 'No Chosen Asi_station' state.statusText->Update, h Endif Else If(state.instr Eq 'gmag') Then Begin If(ptr_valid(state.station)) Then ptr_free, state.station h = 'No Chosen Gmag_station' state.statusText->Update, h Endif Else Begin If(ptr_valid(state.probe)) Then ptr_free, state.probe h = 'No Chosen Probe' state.statusText->Update, h Endelse widget_control,state.observlist, set_value=*state.validobservlist END 'COORD_DLIST':BEGIN ; Output Coordinates dropdown list thm_ui_load_data_file_coord_sel, state END 'DELDATA':BEGIN ; Clear selected data (tplot vars) widget_control, /hourglass thm_ui_load_data_file_del, state state.loadlist->update END 'ITYPE_DLIST':BEGIN ; Instrument Type dropdown list thm_ui_load_data_file_itype_sel, state END 'LEVEL1': BEGIN ; Level 1 data list thm_ui_load_data_file_l1_sel, state END 'LEVEL2': BEGIN ; Level 2 data list thm_ui_load_data_file_l2_sel, state END 'LOADLIST':BEGIN ;this isn't needed, this code spends a lot of time and effort maintain copies of lists already maintained by ui widgets ;thm_ui_load_data_file_loadlist, state, event END 'OBSERV_LIST':BEGIN ; Observatory list (probes, ground stations, etc.) thm_ui_load_data_file_obs_sel, state END ELSE: ENDCASE ; must ALWAYS reset the state value widget_control, stash, set_uvalue=state, /NO_COPY RETURN END pro thm_ui_load_data_file, tab_id, gui_id, windowStorage, loadedData, historyWin, $ dataFlag, dataButtons, trObj, statusText, loadTree=loadList,$ treeCopyPtr,timeWidget=timeid compile_opt idl2, hidden widget_control, /hourglass ; initialize variables dtyp1='' & dtyp2='' & dtyp10='' & dtyp20='' & dtype='' & observ0='' & dtyp='' outCoord0=' DSL' ; default output coordinates ; astation0 = '*' ; default all-sky station ; station0 = '*' ; default ground mag station ; probe0 = '*' ; default probe astation0 = '' ; default all-sky station station0 = '' ; default ground mag station probe0 = '' ; default probe probes = ['*', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] If(ptr_valid(dtyp)) Then ptr_free, dtyp dtyp = ptr_new(dtyp) If(ptr_valid(dtyp1)) Then ptr_free, dtyp1 dtyp1 = ptr_new(dtyp1) If(ptr_valid(dtyp2)) Then ptr_free, dtyp2 dtyp2 = ptr_new(dtyp2) observ_labels=['All-Sky Ground Station','GMAG Ground Station','Probes'] observ_label=observ_labels[0]+':' ; default instrument label ; instr_in0 = 'ASI' ; default data type instr_in0 = 'ASK' ; default data type ; thm_load_asi, /valid_names, site=asi_stations thm_load_ask, /valid_names, site=asi_stations validobservlist = ['* (All)', asi_stations] validobserv = validobservlist validobserv = ptr_new(validobserv) observ = ptr_new(observ0) instr=strlowcase(instr_in0) outCoord = strcompress(strlowcase(outCoord0),/remove_all) ;outCoord = 'N/A' ; Get valid datatypes, probes, etc for different data types dlist = thm_ui_new_valid_datatype(instr, ilist, llist) dlist1_all = ['*', dlist] dlist2_all = 'None' dlist1 = ptr_new(dlist1_all) & dlist2 = ptr_new(dlist2_all) ;dlist1 = dlist1_all & dlist2 = dlist2_all ;master widget ; tlb = Widget_Base(/Col, Title = 'THEMIS: Load Data ', Group_Leader = gui_id, $ ; /Modal, /Floating, /TLB_KILL_REQUEST_EVENTS) ; create base widgets topBase = Widget_Base(tab_id, /Row, /Align_Top, tab_mode=1, /Align_Left, YPad=1) ; buttonBase = Widget_Base(tab_id, /Row, /Align_Center, YPad=8) ; statusBase = Widget_Base(tab_id, /Row) dataBase = Widget_Base(topBase, /Col, /Align_Left, YPad=1) data_label = Widget_Label(dataBase, Value='Data Selection:', /Align_Left) dlistBase = Widget_Base(dataBase, /Col, XPad=2, Frame=3) top1Base = Widget_Base(dlistBase, /Col) droplistBase = Widget_Base(top1Base, /Row) itypeBase = Widget_Base(droplistBase, /Row) ; instrument type dropdown list coordBase = Widget_Base(droplistBase, /Row) ; output coordinates dropdown list dbottomBase = Widget_Base(top1Base, /Col) observBase = Widget_Base(top1Base, /Row) observBase2 = Widget_Base(observBase, /Col) o1Base = Widget_Base(observBase2, /Col) o1ListBase = Widget_Base(o1Base, /Col) o2Base = Widget_Base(observBase, /Col) levelBase = Widget_Base(o2Base, /Row) llabelBase = Widget_Base(levelBase, /Row) level1Base = Widget_Base(levelBase, /Col) level2Base = Widget_Base(levelBase, /Col) ldBase = Widget_Base(topBase, /Col) toploadBase= Widget_Base(ldBase, /Row) addBase = Widget_Base(toploadBase, /Col, /Align_Left, YPad=175, XPad=5) loadBase = Widget_Base(toploadBase, /Col, /Align_Left, YPad=1) bottomloadBase = Widget_Base(ldBase, /Row, YPad=2, /Align_Center) validIType = [' ASK', ' ESA', ' EFI', ' FBK', ' FFT', ' FGM', $ ' FIT ', ' GMAG', ' MOM', ' SCM', ' SST', ' STATE'] itypeDroplistLabel = Widget_Label(itypeBase, Value='Instrument Type: ') itypeDroplist = Widget_ComboBox(itypeBase, Value=validIType, $ uval='ITYPE_DLIST') widget_control, itypeDroplist, set_combobox_select=0 ; default selection is the first in the list (currently ASK) validProbes = [' * (All)', ' A (P5)', ' B (P1)', ' C (P2)', ' D (P3)', $ ' E (P4)', ' F (Flatsat)'] observLabel = Widget_Label(o1ListBase, Value=observ_label, /align_left) observList = Widget_List(o1ListBase, Value=*validobserv, uval='OBSERV_LIST', $ /Multiple, XSize=16, YSize=11) level1Label = Widget_Label(level1Base, Value='Level 1:', /align_left) level1List = Widget_List(level1Base, Value=*dlist1, XSize=16, /Multiple, YSize=11, $ Uvalue='LEVEL1') level2Label = Widget_Label(level2Base, Value='Level 2:', /align_left) level2List = Widget_List(level2Base, Value=*dlist2, /Multiple, XSize=16, YSize=11, $ Uvalue='LEVEL2') validCoords = [ ' DSL ', ' GSM ', ' SPG ', ' SSL ',' GSE ', ' GEI '] coordDroplistLabel = Widget_Label(coordBase, Value=' Output Coordinates: ') coordDroplist = Widget_ComboBox(coordBase, Value=validCoords, $ ;XSize=165, $ Sensitive=0, uval='COORD_DLIST') getresourcepath,rpath ; cal = read_bmp(rpath + 'cal.bmp', /rgb) ; thm_ui_match_background, tab_id, cal midRowBase = Widget_Base(dbottomBase, /row) ttextBase = Widget_Base(midRowBase, /Col, YPad=3) timeid = thm_ui_time_widget(ttextBase,$ statusText,$ historyWin,$ timeRangeObj=trObj,$ uvalue='TIME_WIDGET',$ uname='time_widget') rawDataBase = widget_base(midRowBase,/col,ypad=3,/nonexclusive,/align_center) button = widget_button(rawDataBase,val='Uncalibrated/Raw?',uname='raw_data',uvalue='RAW_DATA',sensitive=0) ;clear buttons clearbuts = Widget_Base(dbottomBase, /Row) clearbut1 = Widget_Button(observBase2, val = ' Clear Probe/Station ', $ uval = 'CLEAR_PRST', /align_center, $ ToolTip='Deselect all probes/stations') clearbut2 = Widget_Button(o2Base, val = ' Clear Data Type ', $ uval = 'CLEAR_DTYP', /align_center, $ ToolTip='Deselect all data types') rightArrow = read_bmp(rpath + 'arrow_000_medium.bmp', /rgb) trashcan = read_bmp(rpath + 'trashcan.bmp', /rgb) thm_ui_match_background, tab_id, rightArrow thm_ui_match_background, tab_id, trashcan addButton = Widget_Button(addBase, Value=rightArrow, /Bitmap, UValue='ADD', $ ToolTip='Load data selection') minusButton = Widget_Button(addBase, Value=trashcan, /Bitmap, $ Uvalue='DELDATA', $ ToolTip='Delete data selected in the list of loaded data') ; ============== Setup loaded data list ====================================== if obj_valid(loadedData) then begin val_data = loadedData->getall(/times) if array_equal(val_data,0,/no_typeconv) then val_data = 'None' $ else begin ndata = n_elements(val_data[0,*]) val_data_temp = strarr(ndata) ; would like to vectorize this but need loaded data to be vectorized. lastParent = '' for i=0, ndata-1 do begin ;child = loadedData->isChild(val_data[0,i]) parent = loadedData->isParent(val_data[0,i]) ;this logic is in-case parent and child have the same name if parent && val_data[0,i] ne lastParent then begin lastParent =val_data[0,i] val_data_temp[i] = val_data[0,i]+': '+val_data[1,i]+' to '+val_data[2,i] endif else begin val_data_temp[i] = ' - '+val_data[0,i]+': '+val_data[1,i]+' to '+val_data[2,i] endelse ; if child then begin ; val_data_temp[i] = ' - '+val_data[0,i]+': '+val_data[1,i]+' to '+val_data[2,i] ; endif else begin ; val_data_temp[i] = val_data[0,i]+': '+val_data[1,i]+' to '+val_data[2,i] ; endelse endfor val_data = val_data_temp endelse endif else val_data = 'None' loadLabel = Widget_Label(loadBase, Value='Data Loaded: ', /Align_Left) loadList = Obj_New('thm_ui_widget_tree', loadBase, 'LOADLIST', loadedData, $ XSize=380, YSize=380, mode=0, /multi,/showdatetime) loadList->update,from_copy=*treeCopyPtr ; loadList = Widget_List(loadBase, Value=val_data, UValue='LOADLIST', $ ; XSize=75, YSize=24, /multiple) ; ============== End setup loaded data list ================================= ; cancelButton = Widget_Button(bottomloadBase, Value='Cancel', XSize=82, UValue='CANC', $ ; ToolTip='Cancel this operation') clearButton = Widget_Button(bottomloadBase, Value='Delete All Data', UValue='CLEAR', $ ToolTip='Deletes all loaded data') ; okButton = Widget_Button(bottomloadBase, Value='Done', XSize=82, uValue='DISMISS', $ ; ToolTip='Dismiss Load Panel') ; statusText = Widget_Text(statusBase, Value='Status information is displayed here ', $ ; UValue='STAT', XSize=87) ; ; Create Status Bar Object ; statusText = Obj_New('THM_UI_MESSAGE_BAR', $ ; Value='Status information is displayed here.', $ ; statusBase, XSize=145, YSize=1) ;main structure for this panel (to be filled in as items are needed) state = {tab_id:tab_id, gui_id:gui_id, itypeDroplist:itypeDroplist, observBase:observBase, $ observ_label:observ_label, timeID:timeID, $ observ_labels:observ_labels, observLabel:observLabel, observ:observ, $ observList:observList, validobserv:validobserv, $ validobservlist:ptr_new(validobservlist), validIType:validIType, $ level1List:level1List, probe:ptr_new(probe0), probes:probes, $ validProbes:validProbes, dataFlag:dataFlag, $ station:ptr_new(station0), astation:ptr_new(astation0), $ level2List:level2List, dlist1:dlist1, dlist2:dlist2, instr:instr, $ dtyp10:dtyp10, dtyp20:dtyp20, dtyp1:dtyp1, dtyp2:dtyp2, dtype:dtype, $ dtyp:dtyp, dtyp_pre:ptr_new(), $ coordDroplist:coordDroplist, validCoords:ptr_new(validCoords), $ outCoord:outCoord, tr:trObj, dataButtons:dataButtons, $ ;addButton:addButton, minusButton:minusButton, loadlist:state_x.loadList, $ addButton:addButton, minusButton:minusButton, loadlist:loadList, $ loadedData:loadedData, historyWin:historyWin, $ validData:ptr_new(val_data), $ statusText:statusText, windowStorage:windowStorage,$ treeCopyPtr:treeCopyPtr} ; CenterTLB, tlb Widget_Control, widget_info(tab_id, /child), Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy ; Widget_Control, tab_id, /Realize ; XManager, 'thm_ui_load_data_file', tlb, /No_BlockWidget_Control, widget_info(tab_id, /child), Set_UValue=state, /No_Copy RETURN END