;+ ;NAME: ;thm_gui_help_about ;PURPOSE: ; A widget to display About information (TDAS Version) ; ;$LastChangedBy: $ ;$LastChangedDate: $ ;$LastChangedRevision: $ ;$URL: $ ; ;- Pro thm_ui_help_about_event, ev getresourcepath,rpath fname = rpath+'UG_8.pdf' widget_control, ev.id, get_uvalue=uvalue CASE uvalue OF 'QUIT' : begin widget_control, ev.top, /destroy end Endcase end Pro thm_ui_help_about, gui_id, historywin ;aboutlabel should show the TDAS version and some other info (perhaps build date, web site URL, etc) aboutString= ' TDAS 8.0 ' + string(10B) + string(10B) + ' THEMIS Data Analysis Software ' + string(10B) + string(10B) + ' April 2013 ' + string(10B) + string(10B) +' http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu ' + string(10B) + string(10B) +' For support or bug reports, contact: THEMIS_Science_Support@ssl.berkeley.edu ' aboutBase = widget_base(/col, title = 'About', /modal, Group_Leader=gui_id) aboutLabel = widget_label(aboutBase, value=aboutString, /align_center, XSIZE=500, YSIZE=150, UNITS=0) exitButton = widget_button(aboutBase, value = ' Close ', uvalue= 'QUIT', /align_center, scr_xsize = 150) widget_control, aboutBase, /realize xmanager, 'thm_ui_help_about', aboutBase, /no_block end