;+ ;NAME: ; thm_ui_template ; ;PURPOSE: ; Top level object to manage the themis gui settings template. Mainly provides a root for serialization a la, thm_ui_document ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; template = Obj_New("thm_ui_template") ; ; ;METHODS: ; GetProperty ; SetProperty ; ; ;HISTORY: ; ;NOTES: ; This object differs from other gui objects with respect to its getProperty,setProperty,getAll,setAll methods. These methods are now provided dynamically ; by thm_ui_getset, so you only need to modify the class definition and the init method to if you want to add or remove a property from the object. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2013-02-01 09:28:14 -0800 (Fri, 01 Feb 2013) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 11514 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_8_00/idl/themis/thm_ui_new/objects/thm_ui_template__define.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function thm_ui_template::init ; self.page = obj_new('thm_ui_page_settings') ; self.panel = obj_new('thm_ui_panel_settings') ; self.x_axis = obj_new('thm_ui_axis_settings') ; self.y_axis = obj_new('thm_ui_axis_settings') ; self.z_axis = obj_new('thm_ui_zaxis_settings') ; self.line = obj_new('thm_ui_line_settings') ; self.variable = obj_new('thm_ui_variable') return,1 end PRO thm_ui_template__define struct = { THM_UI_TEMPLATE, $ page:obj_new('thm_ui_page_settings'),$ legend:obj_new('thm_ui_legend'),$ panel:obj_new('thm_ui_panel_settings'),$ x_axis:obj_new('thm_ui_axis_settings'),$ y_axis:obj_new('thm_ui_axis_settings'),$ z_axis:obj_new('thm_ui_zaxis_settings'),$ line:obj_new('thm_ui_line_settings'),$ variable:obj_new('thm_ui_variable'),$ INHERITS thm_ui_readwrite, $ INHERITS thm_ui_getset $ } END