This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Tue May 7 11:36:21 2013.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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    Return an array of formatted annotation strings to be passed
    to an IDL plotting procedure through the [xyz]tickname keyword.
    Associated tick values are returned via keyword (2013-April)
    - This function should be called after the plot window has been initialized;
      otherwise, the AXIS procedure will create an extra window.   
    - If the # of ticks is not specified it will be determined by IDL.
Input Keywords:
   ticks:  # of ticks requested by user (optional)
   range:  two element array specifying axis range
   log:    flag to denote logarithmic axis (optional)

   tickname: String array of tick names
   tickv: Array of tick values
   ticks: Number of ticks - 1   

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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Procedure: plot_part_slice2d

Purpose: Create plots for 2D particle slices.

Calling Sequence:
  plot_part_slice2d, slice

  SLICE: 2D array of values to plot 

Plotting Keywords:
  RANGE: Two-element array specifying zaxis range (units vary)
  [XY]RANGE: Two-element array specifying x/y axis range
  LEVELS: Number of color contour levels to plot (default is 60)
  OLINES: Number of contour lines to plot (default is 0)
  PLOTSIZE: The size of the plot in device units (usually pixels)
            (Not yet implemented for postscript).
  LOGPLOT: Boolean indicating plot should be log-scaled (on by default)
  SUNDIR: Boolean to plot sun direction vector (on by default)
  ECIRCLE: Boolean to plot circle(s) designating min/max energy 
           from distribution (on by default)
  PLOTAXES: Boolean to plot zero axes (on by default)
  PLOTBULK: Boolean to plot projection of bulk velocity vector on the 
            slice plane (on by default)
  CLABELS: Boolean to annotate contour lines.
  CHARSIZE: Specifies character size of annotations (1 is normal)
  [XYZ]TICKS: Integer(s) specifying the number of ticks for each axis 
  [XYZ]PRECISION: Integer specifying annotation precision (sig. figs.).
                  Set to zero to truncate printed values to inegers.
  [XYZ]STYLE: Integer specifying annotation style:
             Set to 0 (default) for style to be chosen automatically. 
             Set to 1 for decimal annotations only ('0.0123') 
             Set to 2 for scientific notation only ('1.23e-2')

Exporting keywords:
 EXPORT: String designating the path and file name of the desired file. 
         The plot will be exported to a PNG image by default.
 EPS: Boolean indicating that the plot should be exported to 
      encapsulated postscript.

Created by: A. Flores
            Based on work by Bryan Kerr and Arjun Raj

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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Procedure: thm_part_dist_vels

Purpose: Calculate bulk particle velocities from a structure array of particle
         distrubutions and store in a tplot variable.

  DIST_ARR: An array of data structures as returned by one of the get_th?_p???
            routines (or THM_PART_DIST_ARRAY).
  OUT_NAME: Name of tplot variable in which to store the velocities.


Created by Bryan Kerr

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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Procedure: thm_part_slice2d

Purpose: Returns a 2-D slice of the 3-D THEMIS ESA/SST ion or electron distribution
         function.  The 2-D slice is returned via the PART_SLICE, XGRID, YGRID, and 
         SLICE_INFO keywords.
         This procedure works in conjunction with and   The corresponding crib is 

   There are three methods for generating slices for plotting:

     Exact method showing the bounds of all bins intersecting the slice plane.
     Values are averaged in cases of overlapping bins or when the slice plane 
     is coplanar with a bin's boundary.  

   2D Interpolation (from thm_esa_slice2d):
     Datapoints within the specified theta or z-axis range are projected onto 
     the slice plane and linearly interpolated onto a regular 2d grid. 
     X,Y-range values determined slightly differently for 2D Interpolation

   3D Interpolation:
     The entire 3-dimensional distribution is linearly interpolated onto a 
     regular 3d grid and a this slice is extracted.  The slice will consist of
     up to resolution^2 datapoints from within 0.866/resolution of the total 
     velocity range along the normal. This method works best with dense data.
       Note: - Not all points within the aforemention range will be used.
             - Interpolation may occur across data gaps or areas with recorded zeroes
             - Higher resolution regridding will severely slow this method
Callins Sequence:
    thm_part_slice2d, datArr, [datArr2, [datArr3, [datArr4]]], $
                      timewin = timewin, slice_time=slice_time, $
                      part_slice=part_slice, $

 DATARR[#]: An array of pointers to 3D data structures.
            See for more.
Input Keywords:

 SLICE_TIME: Beginning of time window in seconds since Jan. 1, 1970.  If
             CENTER_TIME keyword set, then TIME is the center of the time widow
             specified by the TIMEWIN keyword.
 TIMEWIN: Length in seconds over which to compute the slice.
 CENTER_TIME: Flag that, when set, centers the time window around the time 
              specified by SLICE_TIME keyword. 
 COORD: A string designating what coordinate system the slice will be based off.
        Default is 'DSL', but can also be 'GSE' or 'GSM'
 ROTATION: The rotation keyword further specifies the coordinates system used
           to create a slice. A description of each new set of cartesian coordinates
           is given below.  Some rotations are invariant of the coordinates
           specified by COORD (BV,perp), other are not (xy,perp_xy). By default
           the slice will be cut along the x-y plane of the given coordinates.
           Field alligned coordinates (FAC) are also available.
           See thm_fac_matrix_make for available options.  Any valid input to
           the OTHER_DIM keyword may be used (examples below).

       Special Coordinates
       'BV': The x axis is parallel to the B field; the bulk velocity defines the x-y plane.
       'BE': The x axis is parallel to the B field; the B x V(bulk) vector defines the x-y plane.
       'xy'/'xyz': (Default) The x axis is V_x and the y axis is V_y.
       'xz': The x axis is V_x and the y axis is V_z.
       'yz': The x axis is V_y and the y axis is V_z.
       'xvel': The x axis is V_x; the y axis is defined by the bulk velocity. 
       'perp': The x axis is the bulk velocity projected onto the plane normal to the B field; y is B x V(bulk)
       'perp_xy': Geometric xy coordinates projected onto the plane normal to the B field.
       'perp_xz': Geometric xz coordinates projected onto the plane normal to the B field.
       'perp_yz': Geometric yz coordinates projected onto the plane normal to the B field.

       Field Alligned Coordinates
       'xgse':  The x axis is the projection of the GSE x-axis
       'ygsm':  The y axis is the projection of the GSM y-axis
       'zdsl':  The y axis is the projection of the DSL z-axis
       'RGeo':  The x is the projection of radial spacecraft position vector (GEI)
       'mRGeo':  The x axis is the projection of the negative radial spacecraft position vector (GEI)
       'phiGeo':  The y axis is the projection of the azimuthal spacecraft position vector (GEI), positive eastward
       'mphiGeo':  The y axis is the projection of the azimuthal spacecraft position vector (GEI), positive westward
       'phiSM':  The y axis is the projection of the azimuthal spacecraft position vector in Solar Magnetic coords
       'mphiSM':  The y axis is the projection of the negative azimuthal spacecraft position vector in Solar Magnetic coords

 SLICE_X/SLICE_NORM: These keywords respectively specify the slice plane's 
               x-axis and normal within the coordinates specified by 
               COORD and ROTATION. Both keywords take 3-vectors as input.
               If SLICE_X is not specified then the given coordinate's 
               x-axis will be used. If SLICE_X is not perpendicular to 
               the normal it's projection onto the slice plane will be used.
               An error will be thrown if no projection exists.
               If SLICE_NORM is not specified then the given coordinate's
               z-axis will be used (slice along by x-y plane in those 
         Slice plane perpendicular to DSL z-axis using [3,2,0] as plane's x-axis: 
         (this is the same as only using SLICE_X=[3,2,1])
           COORD='dsl' (default), ROTATION='xyz' (default), SLICE_X=[3,2,1]
         Slice plane perp. to GSE x-axis, bulk velocity used to define plane's x-axis:
           COORD='gse', ROTATION='xvel', SLICE_NORM=[1,0,0], SLICE_X=[0,1,0]

         Slice plane along the B field and radial position vectors, B field used as slice's x-axis:
           ROTATION='rgeo', SLICE_NORM=[0,1,0], SLICE_X=[0,0,1]

 DISPLACEMENT: Value in m/s that specifies how far from the origin the slice 
               plane will be cut.
         Slice plane cut at Z_gse = 500
           COORD='gse', ROTATION='xyz' (default), DISPLACEMENT=500.

 TWO_D_INTERP: Flag to use 2D interpolation method (described above)
 THREE_D_INTERP: Flag to use 3D interpolation method (described above)

 AVERAGE_ANGLE: Two element array specifying an angle range over which 
                averaging will be applied. The angle is measured 
                from the slice plane and about the slice's x-axis; 
                positive in the right handed direction. This will
                average over all data within that range.
                    e.g. [-25,25] will average data within 25 degrees
                         of the slice plane about it's x-axis

 UNITS: A string designating the desired units ('Counts','DF','Rate','CRate',
        Default = DF
 COUNT_THRESHOLD: Mask out bins that fall below this number of counts BEFORE averaging.
                (e.g. COUNT_THRESHOLD=1 masks bins with counts below 1)
 FRACTIONAL_COUNTS: Flag to keep the ESA unit conversion routine from rounding 
                    to an even number of counts when removing the dead time 
                    correction (no effect if input data already in counts, 
                    no effect on SST data).
 RESOLUTION: A single integer specfying the resolution of each dimension of the
             slice (as well as the interpolated volume in the the 3d case).
             Defaults:  2D Interpolation: 51
                        3D Interpolation: 150
                               Geometric: 500 
 ERANGE: Two element array specifying the energy range to be used
 SMOOTH: An odd integer >=3 specifing the width of the smoothing window in # 
         of points. Even entries will be incrimented, 0 and 1 are ignored.
         Smoothing is performed with a gaussian convolution.
 REGRID: (2D/3D Interpolation only)
         A three element array specifying regrid dimensions in phi, theta, and 
         energy respectively. If set, all distributions' data will first be 
         spherically interpolated using the nearest neighbor method. For example  
         the default [64,32,64] will yield distributions with 63x32 points per 
         energy, and 64 energy bins). Increasing the regridding resolution will
         slow slice production, particularly if using 3D interpolation.
         Default = [64,32,64]
 THETARANGE: (2D interpolation only)
             Angle range, in degrees [-90,90], used to calculate slice.
             Default = [-20,20]; will override ZDIRRANGE. 
 ZDIRRANGE: (2D interpolation only)
            Z-Axis range, in km/s, used to calculate slice.
            Ignored if called with THETARANGE.

 MSG_OBJ: Object reference to GUI message bar. If included useful
          console messages will also be output to GUI.

 PART_SLICE: Structure to be passed to plot_part_slice2d.
       data: two dimentional array (NxN) containing the datato be plotted (the slice)
       xgrid: N dimentional array of x-axis values for plotting 
       ygrid: N dimentional array of y-axis values for plotting 
       probe: string containing the probe
       dist: string (or array of) containing the type of distribution used
       coord: string describing the coordinate system used for the slice
       rot: string describing the user specified rotation (N/A for 2D interp)
       units: string describing the units
       twin: string describing the time window of the slice
       range: array containing the range of the un-interpolated data 
       vrange: array containing the velocity range of the instrument(s)
       trange: array containing the numerical time range
       shift: 3-vector containing any translations made in addition to 
              requested rotations (e.g. subtracted bulk velocity)
       bulk: 3-vector containing the bulk velocity in the slice plane's coordinates
       sunvec: 3-vector containing the sun direction in the slice plane's coordinates
       coord_m: Rotation matrix from original data's coordinates (DSL) to
                those specified by the COORD keyword.
       rot_m: Rotation matrix from the the specified coordinates to those 
            defined by ROTATION.
       orient_m: Rotation matrix from the coordinates defined by ROTATION to 
                 the coordinates defined by SLICE_NORM and SLICE_X 
                 (column matrix of new coord's basis).

CAVEATS: Due to IDL software constraints regions containing no data 
         are assigned zeros instead of NaNs.  

            Based on work by Bryan Kerr and Arjun Raj 

EXAMPLES:  see the crib file:

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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 Purpose:  Helper function for
           Produces slice using 2D linear interpolation
 Note: This code is meant to preserve the functionality of
       thm_esa_slice2d for the new set of slices routines.

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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 Purpose:  Helper function for
           Produces slice by interpolating the volume
           in three dimensions then extracting a slice.

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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 Purpose:  Helper function for
           Produces slice using each bin's boundaries.

   datapoints: N element array of data values
   velocities: Nx3 element array of cartesian velocities
   resolution: Single value (R) giving the number of points in each 
               dimension of the slice
   dp: N element array of phi ranges
   dt: N element array of theta ranges
   dv: N element array of velocity ranges
   average_angle: Two element array specifying an angle range over which 
                  averaging will be applied. The angle is measured 
                  from the slice plane and about the slice's x-axis.
                    e.g. [-25,25] will average data within 25 degrees
                         of the slice plane about it's x-axis
 Input Keywords:
   ct: Rotation matrix from DSL -> desired coordinates
   rot: Rotation matrix from given coordinates to specific rotation
        (e.g. DSL, GSM -> BV, perp_xy)
   mt: Rotation matrix from specified coords/rotation into
       the slice plane's coordinates
 Output Keywords:
   xgrid: R element array of x-axis values for the slice
   ygrid: R element array of y-axis values for the slice
   part_slice: RxR element array containing the slice data
 Other Keywords: 
   msg_obj: Object reference to GUI message bar. If included useful
            console messages will also be output to GUI.
   msg_prefix: String prefix to be printed with progress messages.
 Caveats: This routine will slow as the number of bins (N) increases.
          Averaging will significantly lengthen the require time. 

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Checks for changes compatability between distributions and returns boolean. 
   dist1/dist2: 3d data structures to be compared
   msg: string describing discrepancy

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Converts one count value to requested units and returns converted data array.
   dat: 3d data structure to be used
   units: string describing new units

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Returns an array of gapless energy boundaries.  The number of 
  elements returned will always be N+1 for N energy levels.
  Energy levels are ordered differently between ESA/SST

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Converts spherical coordinates to cartesian
   r: N element array of radial values (can be any dimensions)
   theta: N element array of theta values ( " )
   phi: N element array of phi values ( " )
   vec: Nx3 array of cartesian values in x,y,z order

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Copy particle data into new array.
  Calculate the center of all bins in cartesian coordinates.
  Corresponding arrays for d-phi, d-theta, and d-v will be 
  calculated if requested.
   thedata: 3D data structure
   grid_set: (bool) Flag to track whether the cartesian velocity 
                    components have been set yet. 
   ncounts: New variable the particle data is copied to
   velocities: Nx3 array of cartesian coordiantes for N bins
     dp: N element array of bin width in phi
     dt: N element array of bin width in theta
     dv: N element array of bin width in velocity

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Copy particle data into new array and calculate a new set of interpolated 
  data points in cartesian coordinates.
  Angular data from each energy bin will be spherically interpolated using the 
  nearest neighbor. Energy bins are interpolated next, again with the nearest 
  neighbor. Finally, the cartesian coordinates for the new interpolated points 
  are returned. 
   thedata: 3D data structure
   grid_set: (bool) Flag to track whether the cartesian velocity 
                    components have been set yet. 
   bins: Boolean array indicating which bins are OK to use
         (invalid bins are zeroed so as to not be overwritten)
   regrid: 3 Element array specifying the new number of points in 
           phi, theta, and energy respectively.
   ncounts: New variable the particle data is copied to
   velocities: Nx3 array of cartesian coordiantes for N bins

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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 Name: thm_part_slice2d_getXYZ
 Purpose: Helper function for
          Converts data into the requested units and calculates cartesian 
          velocity bins based off the distributions energy and angle bins.
          If regridding, then all data will first be interpolated onto a regular 
          grid in spherical coordinates.
          If geometric method will be used then phi, theta, and enegery ranges 
          will also be returned via keywords.
     datStructs: Array of 3d data structures
     units: String descriping the units desired
     type: Number specifying the type of slice that will be created
           (see thm_part_slice2d)
 Input Keywords:
   count_threshold: Mask out bins with counts below the specified value.
                  If not already working in counts the value will
                  be converted to the specified units.
                 (after averaging -> before averaging - 2012-12-21)
                 (allow specified value - 2013-02-25)
   regrid: 3 Element array specifying the new number of points desired in 
           phi, theta, and energy respectively.
   erange: Two element array specifying min/max energies to be used
 Output Keywords:
   velocities: N x 3 array of velocity components (v_x, v_y, v_z) in km/s
               corresponding to the center of each bin (except when regridding).
   datapoints: N element array of datapoints
   orange: Two element array; min/max of the data in specified units (with constraints applied)
   vrange; Two element array; min/max velocities from the dist. (with constraints applied)
   (for geometric only)
     dp: N element array of bin width in phi
     dt: N element array of bin width in theta
     dv: N element array of bin width in velocity         

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
 Purpose:  Helper function for
           Produces slice using nearest neighbor interpolation.

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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Procedure: thm_part_slice_extract

Purpose: Returns a 2-D slice of a scattered 3-D distribution along 
         the designated plane.  Points near the slice plane are 
         projected onto the plane and then interpolated onto a regular 
         grid using the nearest neighbor method.

 DATA: An array of N datapoints to be used.
 VECTORS: An array of N x 3 datapoints designating, respectively, 
          the x,y,z values for each point in DATA 
 RESOLUTION: The number of points along each dimention of the 
             interpolated slice

Input Keywords:
 CENTER: A vector designating the slice plane's center, default = [0,0,0]
 NORMAL: A vector designating the slice plane's normal, default = [0,0,1]
 XVEC: A vector whose projection into the slice plane will form its
       x-axis. The data's x-axis is used by default, if no projection 
       exists an error will be returned
 SLICE_WIDTH: The width of the slice given in % (of data range) 

Output Keywords:
 XGRID: Array of x-locations for the slice.
 YGRID: Array of y-locations for the slice.
 FAIL: This keyword will contain a message in the event of an error

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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  Front end window allowing user to create and view "2D" slices 
  of velocity distributions.

  thm_ui_slice2d [, gui_ID=gui_ID [, historywin=historywin]]

  gui_id: group leader widget if opening from THEMIS GUI
  historywin: history window object if opening from THEMIS GUI

NOTES: For command line use see:

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/


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 Object created for the 2d slices interface. Allows scrolling back
 and forth over a temporal series of slices.

 sb = obj_new('THM_UI_SLICE2D_BAR', parentID, xScreenSize, (windowStorage, loadedData, drawObject,) $
                                   statusbar=statusbar, value = 500, range = [0,1000])

 id: slider widget's ID
 parent: parent widget's ID
 xsize: screen size, in pixels, of the slider bar
 range: the numerical integer range about which the slider can move (in sec), [0,1000] by default
 value: the current value of the slider, zero (fully left) in the absence of data
 ok:  flag indicating whether the slider should be sensitized

 getValue: Allows retrieval of value, range, and xsize
 setValue: Allows setting of value and xsize, mainly for the purpose of gui resize events
 update: Update procedure to be called when:
             -new plots have been generated (after setValue)
             -there was an error (after setValue)
             -events are processed (w/ EVENT keyword)


 Initial version: 4-02-10
 Added title 3-5-12

(See themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/