;+ ;NAME: ; thm_read_mom_cal_file ;PURPOSE: ; reads in the text version of the MOM cal ; file. tha_l1_mom_cal_v02.txt. ; Note that the cal file for THEMIS A is used for the data for all ; probes. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; caldata = thm_read_mom_cal_file(probe=probe) ;INPUT: ; all via keyword ;OUTPUT: ; caldata = a structure containing scalings for normal (mom_scale) and ; solar wind (mom_scale_sw1) modes. Also contains a single ; value used for scaling the spacecraft potential ; (scpot_scale) ;KEYWORDS: ; probe = in here in case somebody decides to create a separate file ; for each probe. ; cal_file = the name of the calibration file, output so that ; thm_load_mom message doesn't crash ;HISTORY: ; 4-Oct-2010, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2010-10-29 16:01:14 -0700 (Fri, 29 Oct 2010) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 7891 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/thmsoc/tags/tdas_8_00/idl/themis/spacecraft/particles/moments/thm_read_mom_cal_file.pro $ ;- Function thm_read_mom_cal_file, cal_file = cal_file, probe = probe thm_init ;to be sure that !themis is defined caldata = -1 thx = 'th'+probe calsource = !themis calsource.ignore_filesize = 1 cal_relpathname = thx+'/l1/mom/0000/'+thx+'_l1_mom_cal_v03.txt' cal_file = file_retrieve(cal_relpathname, _extra = calsource) If(file_test(cal_file)) Then Begin nlines = file_lines(cal_file) arrx = strarr(nlines) openr, unit, cal_file, /get_lun readf, unit, arrx free_lun, unit lll = where(strmid(arrx, 0, 1) Ne '#', nlll) ;get rid of comments If(nlll Eq 0) Then message, 'Bad moment cal file: ' + cal_file arrx = arrx[lll] nlines2 = (nlll-1)/2 ;should be 13 mom_scale = dblarr(nlines2, 4) mom_scale_sw1 = mom_scale For j = 0, nlines2-1 Do Begin mom_scale[j, *] = double(strsplit(arrx[j], /extract)) mom_scale_sw1[j, *] = double(strsplit(arrx[j+nlines2], /extract)) Endfor scpot_scale = float(arrx[nlll-1]) caldata = {mom_scale:mom_scale, mom_scale_sw1:mom_scale_sw1, $ scpot_scale:scpot_scale} Endif Else message, 'No moment cal file: ' + cal_relpathname ;endelse Return, caldata End