;+ ;PROCEDURE: get_thf_peif ;PURPOSE: ; Returns peif data structure at a single time from common generated by thm_load_esa_pkt.pro ;INPUT: ; time: dbl time of data to be returned ; ;KEYWORDS: ; start: 0,1 if set, gets first time in common block ; en: 0,1 if set, gets last time in common block ; advance 0,1 if set, gets next time in common block ; retreat 0,1 if set, gets previous time in common block ; index long gets data at the index value "ind" in common block ; calib: 0,1 not working yet, allows alternate calibration ; times 0,1 returns an array of times for all the data, returns 0 if no data ; ; ;CREATED BY: J. McFadden ;VERSION: 1 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 07/03/22 ;MOD HISTORY: ; ;NOTES: ; Data structures can be used as inputs to functions such as n_3d.pro, v_3d.pro ; Or used in conjunction with iterative programs such as get_3dt.pro, get_en_spec.pro ;- FUNCTION get_thf_peif,time,START=st,EN=en,ADVANCE=adv,RETREAT=ret,index=ind,calib=calib,times=times common thf_454,get_ind,all_dat if n_elements(get_ind) eq 0 then begin dat = {project_name:'THEMIS',valid:0} dprint, ' ERROR - thf peif data not loaded' endif else if get_ind eq -1 then begin dat = {project_name:'THEMIS',valid:0} dprint, ' ERROR - thf peif data not loaded' endif else if keyword_set(times) then begin dat=(all_dat.time+all_dat.end_time)/2. endif else begin decompress=1.*[indgen(16),16+2*indgen(8),32+4*indgen(24),128+8*indgen(16),256+16*indgen(16),$ 512+32*indgen(16),1024+64*indgen(16),2048+128*indgen(48),8192+256*indgen(32),$ 16384+512*indgen(32),32768+1024*indgen(32)] if (n_elements(time) eq 0) and (not keyword_set(st)) and (not keyword_set(en)) $ and (not keyword_set(adv)) and (not keyword_set(ret)) and (n_elements(ind) eq 0) $ then ctime,time,npoints=1 if keyword_set(st) then ind=0l $ else if keyword_set(en) then ind=n_elements(all_dat.time)-1 $ else if keyword_set(adv) then ind=get_ind+1 $ else if keyword_set(ret) then ind=get_ind-1 $ else if n_elements(ind) ne 0 then ind=ind $ else tmpmin = min(abs(all_dat.time-time),ind) if ind lt 0 or ind ge n_elements(all_dat.time) then begin dat = {project_name: all_dat.project_name, $ spacecraft: all_dat.spacecraft, $ data_name: all_dat.data_name, $ apid: all_dat.apid, $ valid: 0} endif else begin while (all_dat.valid(ind) eq 0 and ind+1 lt n_elements(all_dat.time)) do ind=ind+1 config1=all_dat.config1[ind] config2=all_dat.config2[ind] an_ind=all_dat.an_ind[ind] en_ind=all_dat.en_ind[ind] mode=all_dat.md_ind[ind] cs_ptr=all_dat.cs_ptr[ind] nenergy=all_dat.nenergy[en_ind] nbins=all_dat.nbins[an_ind] bins=intarr(nenergy,nbins) & bins(1:nenergy-1,*)=1 energy =reform( all_dat.energy[0:nenergy-1,en_ind])#replicate(1.,nbins) denergy=reform(all_dat.denergy[0:nenergy-1,en_ind])#replicate(1.,nbins) an_eff =total(all_dat.an_eff#replicate(1.,nbins)*all_dat.an_map[*,0:nbins-1,an_ind],1) eff =reform( all_dat.en_eff[0:nenergy-1,en_ind])#an_eff*all_dat.rel_gf[ind] theta =reform(all_dat.theta[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind]) dtheta=reform(all_dat.dtheta[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind]) phi =reform(all_dat.phi[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind])+all_dat.phi_offset(ind) dphi =reform(all_dat.dphi[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind]) domega=reform(all_dat.domega[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind]) gf =reform(all_dat.gf[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind]) dt_arr=reform(all_dat.dt_arr[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind]) bkg =reform(all_dat.bkg_arr[0:nenergy-1,0:nbins-1,an_ind])*all_dat.bkg[ind] ; print,nbins,nenergy,an_ind,en_ind,mode,config1,config2 case all_dat.cs_ind[ind] of 0: dat=reform(decompress(all_dat.dat0[cs_ptr,*]),nbins,nenergy) endcase if all_dat.cs_ind[ind] eq 0 and nenergy eq 16 then begin dat=transpose(reform(dat,nbins/2,nenergy*2)) dat1=dat(0:15,*) & dat2=dat(16:31,*) dat=transpose([transpose(dat1),transpose(dat2)]) endif else dat=transpose(dat) valid=all_dat.valid[ind] ; if dimen1(counts) ne nenergy or dimen2(counts) ne nbins then begin ; nd1=dimen1(counts) & nd2=dimen2(counts) ; if nd1*nd2 eq nbins*nenergy then counts=reform(counts,nenergy,nbins) ; if nd1*nd2 gt nbins*nenergy then counts=reform(counts(0:nbins*nenergy),nenergy,nbins) ; if nd1*nd2 lt nbins*nenergy then valid=0 ; if nd1*nd2 lt nbins*nenergy then print,'ERROR: nbins, nenergy inconsistent with counts array' ; endif dat = {project_name: all_dat.project_name, $ spacecraft: all_dat.spacecraft, $ data_name: all_dat.data_name, $ apid: all_dat.apid, $ units_name: 'counts', $ units_procedure: all_dat.units_procedure, $ valid: valid, $ time: all_dat.time[ind], $ end_time: all_dat.end_time[ind], $ delta_t: all_dat.delta_t[ind], $ integ_t: all_dat.integ_t[ind], $ dt_arr: dt_arr, $ config1: config1, $ config2: config2, $ an_ind: an_ind, $ en_ind: en_ind, $ mode: mode, $ nenergy: nenergy, $ energy: energy, $ denergy: denergy, $ eff: eff, $ bins: bins, $ nbins: nbins, $ theta: theta, $ dtheta: dtheta, $ phi: phi, $ dphi: dphi, $ domega: domega, $ gf: gf, $ geom_factor: all_dat.geom_factor, $ dead: all_dat.dead, $ mass: all_dat.mass, $ charge: all_dat.charge, $ sc_pot: all_dat.sc_pot[ind], $ magf: reform(all_dat.magf[ind,*]), $ bkg: bkg, $ data: dat} get_ind=ind endelse endelse return,dat end