;+ ;PROCEDURE: get_en_spec ;PURPOSE: ; Generates energy-time spectrogram data structures for tplot ;INPUT: ; get_dat, a string that defines the 'routine' that returns a 2D or 3D data structure ; if 'probe' keyword set, assumes routine = get_dat ; if 'probe' keyword is not set, assumes routine = 'get_'+ get_dat ; unless get_dat already includes 'get_', in which case routine = get_dat ; for example, get_dat='thc_peir' then routine = 'get_thc_peir' ; for example, get_dat='thm_sst_pser' then routine = 'thm_sst_pser' ; ;KEYWORDS: ; T1: start time, seconds since 1970 ; T2: end time, seconds since 1970 ; ANGLE: fltarr(2),fltarr(4) angle range to sum over ; ARANGE: intarr(2) bin range to sum over ; BINS: bytarr(dat.nbins) bins to sum over ; gap_time: time gap big enough to signify a data gap ; (default 200 sec, 8 sec for FAST) ; NO_DATA: returns 1 if no_data else returns 0 ; UNITS: convert to these units if included ; NAME: New name of the Data Quantity, default = get_dat + '_en_spec' ; BKG: A 3d data structure containing the background counts ; If bkg=1, it will run themis background subtraction routine ; FLOOR: Sets the minimum value of any data point to sqrt(bkg). ; MISSING: value for bad data. ; RETRACE: Set to number of retrace energy steps to be eliminated starting at energy step 0 ; CALIB: Calib keyword passed on to get_dat -- no longer used ; PROBE: probe keyword passed on to get_dat -- used by themis sst routines ; ; ; ;CREATED BY: J.McFadden ;VERSION: 1 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 97/03/04 ;MOD HISTORY: ; 97/03/04 T1,T2 keywords added ; 97/05/22 CALIB keyword added ; 08/07/10 bkg keyword changed to work for Themis ion ESA ; 08/07/10 averaging routine changed to weight different angle bins by dat.gf ; 08/12/31 bkg keyword changed to work for Themis electron sst ; 08/12/31 probe keyword added for themis sst routines ; 09/01/05 changed loop to use index to allow for dat.valid=0 data in stored data ; 09/01/05 calib keyword no longer passed to routine ; 09/04/16 bkg keyword removed for Themis electron sst, assume bkg removal is part of get_th?_pse? ; ; ;NOTES: ; Current version only works for FAST and THEMIS ;- pro get_en_spec,get_dat, $ T1=t1, $ T2=t2, $ ; ENERGY=en, $ ; ERANGE=er, $ ; EBINS=ebins, $ ANGLE=an, $ ARANGE=ar, $ BINS=bins, $ gap_time=gap_time, $ no_data=no_data, $ units = units, $ name = name, $ bkg = bkg, $ missing = missing, $ floor = floor, $ retrace = retrace, $ CALIB = calib, $ probe = probe, $ _extra=_extra ; Time how long the routine takes ex_start = systime(1) ; Set defaults for keywords, etc. n = 0l all_same = 1 if strlowcase(strmid(get_dat,0,4)) eq 'get_' then begin routine = get_dat get_dat = strlowcase(strmid(get_dat,4,strlen(get_dat))) endif else if keyword_set(probe) then begin routine = get_dat endif else routine = 'get_'+get_dat if keyword_set(probe) then times = call_function(routine,probe=probe,/times) else times = call_function(routine,/times) maxind = n_elements(times)-1 if keyword_set(t1) then tmpmax=min(abs(times-time_double(t1)),idx) else idx=1l if keyword_set(t2) then tmpmax=min(abs(times-time_double(t2)),idxmax) else idxmax=maxind if keyword_set(probe) then begin dat = call_function(routine,probe=probe,index=idx) while (dat.valid eq 0 and idx lt idxmax) do begin idx = idx + 1 dat = call_function(routine,probe=probe,index=idx) endwhile endif else begin dat = call_function(routine,index=idx) while (dat.valid eq 0 and idx lt idxmax) do begin idx = idx + 1 dat = call_function(routine,index=idx) endwhile endelse ;if keyword_set(t1) then begin ; t=t1 ; if keyword_set(calib) then dat = call_function(routine,t,CALIB=calib) $ ; else if keyword_set(probe) then dat = call_function(routine,t,probe=probe,index=idx) $ ; else if routine eq 'get_fa_sebs' then dat = call_function(routine,t,/first) $ ; else dat = call_function(routine,t) ;endif else begin ; t = 1000 ; get first sample ; idx=0 ; if keyword_set(calib) then dat = call_function(routine,t,CALIB=calib,/start) $ ; else if keyword_set(probe) then dat = call_function(routine,probe=probe,index=idx) $ ; else if routine eq 'get_fa_sebs' then dat = call_function(routine,t,/first) $ ; else dat = call_function(routine,t,/start) ;endelse ;if dat.valid eq 0 then begin no_data = 1 & return & end $ ;else no_data = 0 ytitle = get_dat + '_en_spec' last_time = (dat.time+dat.end_time)/2. nbins = dat.nbins nmaxvar = dat.nenergy default_gap_time = 200. if dat.project_name eq 'FAST' then begin nmaxvar=96 default_gap_time = 8. endif if strupcase(strmid(dat.project_name,0,6)) eq 'THEMIS' then begin nmaxvar=32 default_gap_time = 13. endif if not keyword_set(gap_time) then gap_time = default_gap_time maxpts = idxmax-idx+1000 < 300000l ; this limits a tplot str to < 77 MBytes time = dblarr(maxpts) data = fltarr(maxpts,nmaxvar) var = fltarr(maxpts,nmaxvar) nvar = dat.nenergy nmax=nvar if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'Counts' if not keyword_set(missing) then missing = !values.f_nan ; Collect the data - Main Loop ; May want to use the following lines when "index" is operational in FAST get* routines ;times = call_function(routine,t,CALIB=calib, /times) ;for idx=0,n_elements(times)-1 do begin ; if (dat.valid eq 0) or (n ge maxpts) then goto, continue ; goto YUCK! ;while (dat.valid ne 0) and (n lt maxpts) do begin while (idx lt idxmax) and (n lt maxpts) do begin if (dat.valid eq 1) then begin if ndimen(dat.data) eq ndimen(dat.bins) then dat.data=dat.data*dat.bins count = dat.nbins if keyword_set(an) then begin str_element,dat,'PHI',INDEX=tf_phi if tf_phi lt 0 then bins=angle_to_bins(dat,an) if tf_phi gt 0 then begin th=reform(dat.theta(0,*)/!radeg) ph=reform(dat.phi(fix(dat.nenergy/2),*)/!radeg) xx=cos(ph)*cos(th) yy=sin(ph)*cos(th) zz=sin(th) Bmag=(dat.magf(0)^2+dat.magf(1)^2+dat.magf(2)^2)^.5 pitch=acos((dat.magf(0)*xx+dat.magf(1)*yy+dat.magf(2)*zz)/Bmag)*!radeg if an(0) gt an(1) then an=reverse(an) bins= pitch gt an(0) and pitch lt an(1) if total(bins) eq 0 then begin tmp=min(abs(pitch-(an(0)+an(1))/2.),ind) bins(ind)=1 endif endif endif if keyword_set(ar) then begin nb=dat.nbins bins=bytarr(nb) if ar(0) gt ar(1) then begin bins(ar(0):nb-1)=1 bins(0:ar(1))=1 endif else begin bins(ar(0):ar(1))=1 endelse endif ; Set the "count" to the number of bins summed over if not keyword_set(bins) then ind=indgen(dat.nbins) else ind=where(bins,count) if max(ind) gt dat.nbins-1 then ind=-1 if units eq 'Counts' or units eq 'counts' then norm = 1 else norm = count if abs((dat.time+dat.end_time)/2.-last_time) ge gap_time then begin if n ge 2 then dbadtime = time(n-1) - time(n-2) else dbadtime = gap_time/2. time(n) = (last_time) + dbadtime data(n,*) = missing var(n,*) = missing n=n+1 if (dat.time+dat.end_time)/2. gt time(n-1) + gap_time then begin time(n) = (dat.time+dat.end_time)/2. - dbadtime data(n,*) = missing var(n,*) = missing n=n+1 endif endif if keyword_set(bkg) then begin ; sub3d requires bkg to be the subtraction array -- sub3d is a general routine and works similar to the pse routine if ndimen(bkg) ne 0 then dat = sub3d(dat,bkg) $ ; else if dat.UNITS_PROCEDURE eq 'thm_convert_esa_units' then dat=thm_esa_bgnd_sub(dat) $ ; old routine else if dat.UNITS_PROCEDURE eq 'thm_convert_esa_units' and dat.charge gt 0. then dat=thm_pei_bkg_sub(dat) $ else if dat.UNITS_PROCEDURE eq 'thm_convert_esa_units' and dat.charge lt 0. then dat=thm_pee_bkg_sub(dat) ; else if strmid(dat.DATA_NAME,0,12) eq 'SST Electron' then dat=thm_pse_bkg_sub(dat) ; added to get_routine endif if keyword_set(units) then dat = conv_units(dat,units,_extra=_extra) nvar = dat.nenergy if nvar gt nmax then nmax = nvar time(n) = (dat.time+dat.end_time)/2. if ind(0) ne -1 then begin if ndimen(dat.data) gt 1 and n_elements(ind) gt 1 then begin if units eq 'Counts' or units eq 'counts' then begin data(n,0:nvar-1) = total( dat.data(*,ind), 2)/norm var(n,0:nvar-1) = total( dat.energy(*,ind), 2)/count endif else begin data(n,0:nvar-1) = total( dat.data(*,ind)*dat.gf(*,ind), 2)/total(dat.gf(*,ind),2) var(n,0:nvar-1) = total( dat.energy(*,ind), 2)/count endelse endif else if ndimen(dat.data) gt 1 then begin data(n,0:nvar-1) = dat.data(*,ind)/norm var(n,0:nvar-1) = dat.energy(*,ind)/count endif else begin data(n,0:nvar-1) = dat.data(*) var(n,0:nvar-1) = dat.energy(*) endelse endif else begin data(n,0:nvar-1) = 0 var(n,0:nvar-1) = dat.energy(*,0) endelse ; test the following lines, the 96-6-19 version of tplot did not work with !values.f_nan ; if nvar lt nmaxvar then data(n,nvar:nmaxvar-1) = !values.f_nan ; if nvar lt nmaxvar then var(n,nvar:nmaxvar-1) = !values.f_nan if nvar lt nmaxvar then data(n,nvar:nmaxvar-1) = data(n,nvar-1) if nvar lt nmaxvar then var(n,nvar:nmaxvar-1) = 1.5*var(n,nvar-1)-.5*var(n,nvar-2) if (all_same eq 1) then begin if dimen1(where(var(n,0:nvar-1) ne var(0,0:nvar-1))) gt 1 then all_same = 0 endif last_time = time(n) n=n+1 endif else begin dprint, 'Invalid packet, dat.valid ne 1, at: ',time_to_str(dat.time) endelse idx=idx+1 if keyword_set(probe) then dat = call_function(routine,probe=probe,index=idx) else dat = call_function(routine,index=idx) ; if keyword_set(probe) then idx=idx+1 ; if keyword_set(calib) then dat = call_function(routine,t,CALIB=calib,/ad) $ ; else if keyword_set(probe) then dat = call_function(routine,probe=probe,index=idx) $ ; else dat = call_function(routine,t,/ad) ;; dat = call_function(routine,t,CALIB=calib,index=idx) ; if dat.valid ne 0 then if dat.time gt tmax then dat.valid=0 endwhile ;endfor ;continue: ; Store the data if count ne nbins then ytitle = ytitle+'_'+strtrim(count,2) if keyword_set(name) eq 0 then name=ytitle else ytitle = name ytitle = ytitle+' ('+units+')' if not keyword_set(retrace) then begin ; If you want to plot the retrace, set the retrace flag to 1. data = data(0l:n-1,0:nmax-1) var = var(0l:n-1,0:nmax-1) endif else begin data = data(0l:n-1,retrace:nmax-1) var = var(0l:n-1,retrace:nmax-1) endelse if not all_same then dprint, 'all_same=',all_same ;labels='' ; The following has be removed so that FAST summary cdf files contain both arrays ;if all_same then begin ; var = reform(var(0,*)) ; labels = strtrim( round(var) ,2)+ ' eV' ;endif time = time(0l:n-1) dprint, 'get_en_spec time range = ',time_string(minmax(time)) ;if keyword_set(t1) then begin ; ind=where(time ge t1,count) ; print,count ; if count ne 0 then begin ; time=time(ind) ; data=data(ind,*) ; var=var(ind,*) ; endif else return ;endif ;if keyword_set(t2) then begin ; ind=where(time le t2,count) ; print,count ; if count ne 0 then begin ; time=time(ind) ; data=data(ind,*) ; var=var(ind,*) ; endif else return ;endif ; remove any negative values caused by background subtractions data=data>0. ;datastr = {ztitle:units,x:time,y:data,v:var, $ ; labels:labels, $ ; ylog:1,panel_size:2.} datastr = {x:time,y:data,v:var} store_data,name,data=datastr ex_time = systime(1) - ex_start dprint,string(ex_time)+' seconds execution time.' dprint, 'Number of data points = ',n return end