;+ ;PROCEDURE: load_wi_elpd5 ;PURPOSE: ; loads WIND 3D Plasma Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". ; ;INPUTS: ; none, but will call "timespan" if time_range is not already set. ;KEYWORDS: ; DATA: Raw data can be returned through this named variable. ; TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range ;RESTRICTIONS: ; This routine expects to find the master file: 'wi_elsp_3dp_files' ; In the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_INDEX_DIR' ; See "make_cdf_index" for more info. ;SEE ALSO: ; "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;FILE: load_wi_elpd4.pro ;LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27 ;- pro load_wi_elpd5 $ ,trange=trange $ ,filenames=fnames $ ,masterfile = mfile $ ,bartel = bartel $ ,data=d $ ,pos=pos $ ,omni_flux=omni_flux $ ,nvdata = nd $ ,resolution=res $ ,prefix = prefix $ ,no_reduce=no_reduce $ ,fits = fits $ ,ace = ace $ ,polar=polar ;cdfnames = ['FLUX', 'ENERGY' ,'PANGLE','MAGF','VSW'] ;if keyword_set(fits) then cdfnames=[cdfnames,'DENS_CORE','TEMP_CORE', $ ; 'TDIF_CORE','VEL_CORE','DENS_HALO','VTH_HALO','K_HALO','VEL_HALO','E_SHIFT', $ ; 'SC_POT'] if not keyword_set(mfile) then mfile = 'wi_3dp_elpd_files' if keyword_set(bartel) then mfile = 'wi_3dp_elpd_B_files' loadallcdf,master=mfile,time_range=trange,cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d, $ novarnames=novarnames,novard=nd,resolution=res,filenames=fnames if not keyword_set(d) then return if n_elements(ace) eq 0 then ace=1 if n_elements(omni_flux) eq 0 then omni_flux=1 if keyword_set(ace) then no_reduce=1 if data_type(prefix) eq 7 then px=prefix else px = 'elpd' energies = transpose(d.energy) angles = transpose(d.pangle) store_data,px,data={x:d.time,y:transpose(d.flux,[2,0,1]), $ v1:energies,v2:angles},dlim={ylog:1} ang_size = size(angles) e_size = size(energies) n_ang = ang_size(ang_size(0)) n_nrg = e_size(e_size(0)) pdname ='elpd' if not keyword_set(no_reduce) then begin for i = 0, n_nrg-1 do reduce_pads,pdname,1,i,i reduce_pads,pdname,2,n_ang-2,n_ang-1 reduce_pads,pdname,2, round((n_ang-1)/2.-.9),round((n_ang-1)/2.+.9) reduce_pads,pdname,2,0,1 ylim,tnames(pdname+'-2-*'),10,1e8,1,/def endif if keyword_set(ace) then begin energy = [73.328571,102.00000, $ 142.14286,196.57143,272.00000,372.71429, $ 519.00000,712.57143,987.14286,1370.0000] reduce_pads,'elpd',energy pdname = 'elpd_'+strtrim(round(energy),2)+'eV' ylims = [420000., 170000., 72000., 30000., 11000., 4000., 1100., 300., 70., 20.] for e=0,10-1 do zlim,pdname[e],ylims[e]/5,ylims[e]*5,1 ,/default endif store_data,'elm',data=d.mom store_data,'NSW',data={x:d.time,y:d.nsw} store_data,'VSW',data={x:d.time,y:transpose(d.vsw)} store_data,'TSW',data={x:d.time,y:d.tsw} mass = 1836*5.6856591e-6 ; mass eV/(km/sec)^2 store_data,'VthSW',data={x:d.time,y: sqrt(2*d.tsw/mass) } store_data,'MAGF',data={x:d.time,y:transpose(d.magf)} store_data,'sc_pot_el',data={x:d.time,y:d.sc_pot_el} store_data,'sc_pot_nsw',data={x:d.time,y:d.sc_pot_nsw} if keyword_set(pos) then store_data,'wi_pos',data={x:d.time,y:transpose(d.pos)} if keyword_set(omni_flux) then begin store_data,'elsp',data={x:d.time,y:transpose(d.omni_eflux/d.omni_nrg),v:transpose(d.omni_nrg)}, $ dlim={yrange:[1e-2,1e7],ylog:1,ystyle:1,panel_size:2.} endif return end