;+ ;PROCEDURE: add_data, n1,n2 ;PURPOSE: ; Creates a tplot variable that is the difference of two tplot variables. ;INPUT: n1,n2 tplot variable names (strings) ;KEWORDS: ; copy_dlimits: set to 1 to use the first variable's dlimits, 2 to use the second's ;- PRO add_data,n1,n2,newname=newname, copy_dlimits=cdl get_data,n1,data=d1, dlimits = dl1 get_data,n2,data=d2, dlimits = dl2 if not keyword_set(d1) or not keyword_set(d2) then begin dprint,'data not defined!' return endif if not keyword_set(newname) then newname = n1+'+'+n2 if size(cdl, /type) ne 0 then begin case cdl of 1:dl_out = dl1 2:dl_out = dl2 else: endcase endif y2 = data_cut(d2,d1.x) add = d1.y+y2 dat = {x:d1.x,y:add} store_data,newname,data=dat, dlimits=dl_out return end