This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Tue May 7 11:36:21 2013.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


[List of Routines]
FUNCTION:  root_data_dir
PURPOSE:  Returns the root data directory used by numerous file retrieval procedures.
     By default it returns either:
          for unix:    '/disks/data/' if it exists,  '~/data/' otherwise
          for Windows: 'c:/data/' if it exists; else 'e:/data/' if it exists,  else 'c:/data/' regardless.

     These data sets can grow to very large size. These defaults are intended to allow multiple
     users to share a common data directory system.

     It is recommended that PC users create a separate partition (e:/data/) to store files so that
     disk backups do not have to include these large (easily replaced) files.

     On unix systems, it is recommended to create a common directory with global write permission
     that multiple users can share. This will reduce internet traffic and disk storage requirements for users
     that use common data files.

     The default directory can be changed by creating an environment variable: 'ROOT_DATA_DIR'
     Example 1:
     Example 2:  A temporary directory:
          setenv,'ROOT_DATA_DIR=' + getenv('IDL_TMPDIR') + 'data/'     ;  trailing '/' IS required.
     If the value of the environment variable ROOT_DATA_DIR is a list of directories, then the first
     existing directory is returned.

     1)  The environment variable should be set prior to running initialization routines (put it in your IDL_STARTUP file)
     2)  The trailing '/' is required!    PC users should also use '/'   (not backslash: '\')
     3)  The total size of all files can grow immense and there is no need to back them up.
            We suggest placing them on a partition that is not backed up
     4)  File storage space can be shared with other users if a commonly accessible data directory is chosen.
     5)  Use a temporary directory if you do not want to permanently store these cached files.

This routine is called by:
    thm_config (through thm_init)

$LastChangedBy: davin-win $
$LastChangedDate: 2009-10-16 13:59:17 -0700 (Fri, 16 Oct 2009) $
$LastChangedRevision: 6863 $
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(See ssl_general/missions/