function str2time,s,informat=format,tformat=tformat ;+ ;FUNCTION str2time(string, informat=string) ; INPUT: scaler string. ; Returns seconds since 1970 given virtually any input string. ; (Assumes the string is GMT) ; The user should specify the input order of Year, Month, Date, hour, min, second is with INFORMAT keyword ; INFORMAT should be a 6 character string: "YMDhms" specifies Year/Mon/Date-hour:minute:second ; examples: time = str2time(systime(),informat='MDhmsY') ; time = str2time('tue, 04 jul 2006 19:00:04 gmt',informat='DMYhms') ; Written by Davin Larson - 2007 ;- if keyword_set(tformat) then begin ns = n_elements(s) str = replicate(time_struct(0d),ns) year = 0 p = strpos(tformat,'yy') if p ge 0 then begin year = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) year += 1900*(year ge 70) +2000 *(year lt 70) endif p = strpos(tformat,'YYYY') if p ge 0 then year = fix(strmid(s,p,4)) str.year = year p = strpos(tformat,'MM') if p ge 0 then str.month = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'DD') if p ge 0 then = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'hh') if p ge 0 then str.hour = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'mm') if p ge 0 then str.min = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) p = strpos(tformat,'ss') if p ge 0 then str.sec = fix(strmid(s,p,2)) token='.' repeat begin token = token +'f' p = strpos(tformat, token ) endrep until strpos(tformat,token+'f') lt 0 if p ge 0 then str.fsec = double(strmid(s,p,strlen(token))) ; printdat,str return,time_double(str) endif if not keyword_set(format) then format='YMDhms' months= ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'] ;printdat,s ss = strsplit(strupcase(s),' _-:/',/extract,count=nss) ; Remove all "white space" and separate into segments. for i=0,nss-1 do begin w = where(ss[i] eq months,nw) if nw gt 0 then ss[i] = strtrim(w[0]+1,2) ; replace months with a number. endfor w = where(ss eq strlowcase(ss),nw) ; Find segments that only contains numbers. Ignore everything else ss = ss[w] ;printdat,ss srt = sort(byte(format)) order = [2,1,0,3,4,5] srto = srt[order] ss = ss[srto[0:nw-1]] ; put tokens in the correct order str = strjoin(ss,' ') ;printdat,str return,time_double(str) end