function Bsort, Array, Asort, INFO=info, REVERSE = rev ;+ ; NAME: ; BSORT ; PURPOSE: ; Function to sort data into ascending order, like a simple bubble sort. ; EXPLANATION: ; Original subscript order is maintained when values are equal (FIFO). ; (This differs from the IDL SORT routine alone, which may rearrange ; order for equal values) ; ; NOTE: this routine is originally from the NASA GSFC IDL Astro Library. ; ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; result = bsort( array, [ asort, /INFO, /REVERSE ] ) ; ; INPUT: ; Array - array to be sorted ; ; OUTPUT: ; result - sort subscripts are returned as function value ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT: ; Asort - sorted array ; ; OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: ; /REVERSE - if this keyword is set, and non-zero, then data is sorted ; in descending order instead of ascending order. ; /INFO = optional keyword to cause brief message about # equal values. ; ; HISTORY ; written by F. Varosi Oct.90: ; uses WHERE to find equal clumps, instead of looping with IF ( EQ ). ; compatible with string arrays, test for degenerate array ; 20-MAY-1991 JKF/ACC via T AKE- return indexes if the array to ; be sorted has all equal values. ; Aug - 91 Added REVERSE keyword W. Landsman ; Always return type LONG W. Landsman August 1994 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Added to TDAS P.Cruce Jun 2008 ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2008-07-01 14:43:50 -0700 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 3230 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh:// $ ; ;- N = N_elements( Array ) if N lt 1 then begin print,'Input to BSORT must be an array' return, [0L] endif if N lt 2 then begin asort = array ;MDM added 24-Sep-91 return,[0L] ;Only 1 element end ; ; sort array (in descending order if REVERSE keyword specified ) ; subs = sort( Array ) if keyword_set( REV ) then subs = rotate(subs,5) Asort = Array[subs] ; ; now sort subscripts into ascending order ; when more than one Asort has same value ; weq = where( (shift( Asort, -1 ) eq Asort) , Neq ) if keyword_set( info ) then $ message, strtrim( Neq, 2 ) + " equal values Located",/CON,/INF if (Neq EQ n) then return,lindgen(n) ;Array is degenerate equal values if (Neq GT 0) then begin if (Neq GT 1) then begin ;find clumps of equality wclump = where( (shift( weq, -1 ) - weq) GT 1, Nclump ) Nclump = Nclump + 1 endif else Nclump = 1 if (Nclump LE 1) then begin Clump_Beg = 0 Clump_End = Neq-1 endif else begin Clump_Beg = [0,wclump+1] Clump_End = [wclump,Neq-1] endelse weq_Beg = weq[ Clump_Beg ] ;subscript ranges weq_End = weq[ Clump_End ] + 1 ; of Asort equalities. if keyword_set( info ) then message, strtrim( Nclump, 2 ) + $ " clumps of equal values Located",/CON,/INF for ic = 0L, Nclump-1 do begin ;sort each clump. subic = subs[ weq_Beg[ic] : weq_End[ic] ] subs[ weq_Beg[ic] ] = subic[ sort( subic ) ] endfor if N_params() GE 2 then Asort = Array[subs] ;resort array. endif return, subs end