;+ ;PROCEDURE: load_ge_mgf ;PURPOSE: ; loads GEOTAIL MAGNETOMETER Experiment key parameter data for "tplot". ; ;INPUTS: ; none, but will call "timespan" if time range is not already set. ;KEYWORDS: ; POLAR: Also computes the B field in polar coordinates. ; TIME_RANGE: 2 element vector specifying the time range ; DATA: Data returned in this named variable ;RESTRICTIONS: ; This routine expects to find the master file: 'ge_k0_mgf_files' ; in the directory specified by the environment variable: 'CDF_DATA_DIR' ; See "make_cdf_index" for more info. ;SEE ALSO: ; "make_cdf_index","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf" ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;FILE: load_ge_mgf.pro ;LAST MODIFICATION: 99/05/27 ;- pro load_ge_mgf,time_range=trange,data=d,polar=polar masterfile = 'ge_k0_mgf_files' cdfnames = ['IB_vector','POS','Gap_Flag'] loadallcdf,time_range=trange,masterfile=masterfile,cdfnames=cdfnames,data=d bad = where(d.gap_flag,c) if c ne 0 then begin ; d(bad).pos = !values.f_nan d(bad).ib_vector=!values.f_nan endif b = dimen_shift(d.ib_vector/10.,1) px = 'ge_B' store_data,px,data={x:d.time,y:b} store_data,px,lim={labels:['Bx','By','Bz']} store_data,'ge_pos',data={x:d.time,y:dimen_shift(d.pos/6370.,1)} if keyword_set(polar) then xyz_to_polar,px end