;+ ; NAME: ; mag2geo.pro ; ; PURPOSE: ; Convert from geomagnetic to geographic coordinates ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mag2geo, time, data_in, data_out ; ; INPUT: ; data_in = an [n,3] element array of position data in km and in ; MAG coordinates ; ; KEYWORD INPUTS: ; None ; ; OUTPUT: ; data_in = an [n,3] element array of position data in km in ; newly transformed GEO coordinates ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IDL> geo2mag, data_in data_out ; ; NOTES: ; ; The algorithm and rotational matrices were developed by Pascal Saint-Hilaire ; (Saint-Hilaire@astro.phys.ethz.ch), May 2002 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ;- ;==================================================================================== PRO mag2geo, data_in, data_out, time IF n_params() EQ 2 THEN BEGIN get_data, data_in, data=d, dlimits=dl, limits=l time=d.x data=d.y ENDIF ELSE BEGIN data=data_in ENDELSE ; longitude and latitude (in degrees) of Earth's magnetic south pole ; (which is near the geographic north pole!) ; create array sm=[0,0,1] - essentially the position of the pole sm = make_array(n_elements(time), 3, /double) sm[*,2] = 1.d gsm = sm ;disable transform notifications, as the trick below is not actually transforming the requested data, the dprint messages can be a little confusing dprint,getdebug=gd dprint,setdebug=-10 ; convert sm to geo cotrans, sm, gsm, time, /SM2GSM cotrans, gsm, gse, time, /GSM2GSE cotrans, gse, gei, time, /GSE2GEI cotrans, gei, geo, time, /GEI2GEO ;restore previous verbosity dprint,setdebug=gd ; convert cartesian to spherical coordinates xyz_to_polar, geo, magnitude=r, theta=lat, phi=long ; convert to radians long=long*!DPI/180. lat=lat*!DPI/180. npts = long(n_elements(data[*,0])-1) d_out= data FOR i=0L,npts DO BEGIN x = data[i,0] y = data[i,1] z = data[i,2] ;First rotation : in the plane of the current meridian from magnetic ;pole to geographic pole. geolat = dblarr(3,3) geolat[0,0] = cos(!DPI/2-lat[i]) geolat[0,2] = sin(!DPI/2-lat[i]) geolat[2,0] = -sin(!DPI/2-lat[i]) geolat[2,2] = cos(!DPI/2-lat[i]) geolat[1,1] = 1. out = geolat # [x,y,z] ;Second rotation matrix : rotation around plane of the equator, from ;the meridian containing the magnetic poles to the Greenwich meridian. geolong = dblarr(3,3) geolong[0,0] = cos(long[i]) geolong[0,1] = -sin(long[i]) geolong[1,0] = sin(long[i]) geolong[1,1] = cos(long[i]) geolong[2,2] = 1. d_out[i,*] = geolong # out ENDFOR IF n_params() EQ 2 THEN BEGIN d.y = d_out dl.data_att.coord_sys='geo' store_data, data_out, data=d, dlimits=dl, limits=l ENDIF ELSE BEGIN data_out = d_out ENDELSE END ;====================================================================================