function cdf_time_range,cdffile,fast=fast if keyword_set(fast) then begin message,'Not ready yet' endif loadcdf2,cdffile,'Epoch',t epoch0 = 719528.d * 24.* 3600. * 1000. ;Jan 1, 1970 t = (t- epoch0)/1000. ;return,minmax(t) n = n_elements(t) return,t([0,n-1]) end ;+ ;NAME: ; make_cdf_index ;PROCEDURE: ; make_cdf_index, [pattern] ;PURPOSE: ; Creates an index file for CDF files. ; The index file will have one line for each CDF file found. ; Each line contains the start time, end time and filename ; with the following format: ;YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss YYYY-MM-DD/hh:mm:ss fullpathname.cdf ; CDF files may be distributed over many directories or disks. ; ;INPUT: ; pattern: (string) file pattern, default is: '*.cdf' ;KEYWORDS: ; DATA_DIREC (string) data directory(s) ; INDEX_FILENAME: (string) Name of index file to be created. ; NO_DUPLICATES: Set to 1 if duplicate days are to be ignored. ;SEE ALSO: ; "makecdf","loadcdf","loadcdfstr","loadallcdf", ;CREATED BY: ; Davin Larson, August 1996 ;VERSION: ; 02/04/17 1.5 ;- pro make_cdf_index,pattern, $ data_direc=data_direc, $ index_filename=index_filename, $ no_duplicates=no_duplicates files=files if not keyword_set(pattern) then pattern = '*.cdf' for n=0,n_elements(data_direc)-1 do begin f = findfile(filepath(pattern,root=data_direc(n))) if keyword_set(f) then append_array,files,f endfor ;print,transpose(files) if data_type(index_filename) ne 7 then index_filename='indexfile' openw,lun,index_filename,/get_lun cnt = n_elements(files) print,cnt,' files found for ',index_filename tr = dblarr(2,cnt) for i=0,cnt-1 do begin tr(*,i) = cdf_time_range(files(i)) endfor ;sort files: s = sort( tr(0,*) ) tr = tr(*,s) files = files(s) ;check for overlap: if keyword_set(no_duplicates) then begin daynum = reform(tr(0,*)) daynum = long(daynum/3600./24.) u = uniq(daynum) files = files(u) tr = tr(*,u) endif for i=0,n_elements(files)-1 do begin str = time_string(tr(*,i)) printf,lun,str(0),str(1),files(i),format="(a,' ',a,' ',a)" endfor free_lun,lun end