;+ ; ;spd_ui_draw_object method: logFixTicks ; ;It is sometimes the case that logarithmic axes end up with 1 or 0 ticks ;when more were requested. This routine attempts to fix this problem ; ;It does this by using a little trick of the change of base formula. ;Essentially, if ticks are evenly spaced in base-2 log, then they will ;be evenly spaced in another base. ; ;So if the goodTick algorithm couldn't find ticks at 1x10^1,1x10^2,... ;This algorithm may find ticks at, 5,10,20,40 ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__logfixticks.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::logFixTicks,$ range_in, $ ;2 element double precision, axis range(in log space) tickValues=tickValues, $ ; Returns the tick values here tickInterval=tickInterval,$ ; Returns the spacing here minorTickNum=minorTickNum ; return a recommended number of minorTicks compile_opt idl2,hidden numTicks = 2 minorTickNum = 0 minorTicks = [10,4,5,10]-1 ;destroy any inputs via the outputs if n_elements(tickValues) gt 0 then begin tmp = temporary(tickValues) endif if n_elements(tickInterval) gt 0 then begin tmp = temporary(tickInterval) endif ;if the range is too small then return with evenly spaced ticks ;this case generally means that all ticks will have the same ;value and should not ever happen on normal plots if (range_in[1] - range_in[0]) / (numTicks+1) eq 0 then begin tickValues = dindgen(numTicks+2)/(numTicks+1) tickInterval = 1D/(numTicks+1) return endif range = 10^range_in ;Calculate the nominal interval near the requested one. realTickIntervalFloor = self->nicenum((range[1]-range[0])/(numTicks+1),/floor,factors=[1,2,5,10],factor_index=factorIndexFloor) ;realTickIntervalFloor = self->nicenum((range[1]-range[0])/(numTicks+1),/floor) realTickIntervalCeil = self->nicenum((range[1]-range[0])/(numTicks+1),/ceil,factors=[1,2,5,10],factor_index=factorIndexCeil) ;realTickIntervalCeil = self->nicenum((range[1]-range[0])/(numTicks+1),/ceil) ;Identify the value at which the ticks will start. tickStartFloor = ceil(range[0]/realTickIntervalFloor,/l64)*realTickIntervalFloor - range[0] ;Identify the value at which the ticks will stop. tickStopFloor = floor(range[1]/realTickIntervalFloor,/l64)*realTickIntervalFloor - range[1] ;Identify the actual number of ticks that will be drawn.(numTicks is treated as an approximate value. realTickNumFloor = round((range[1]-range[0]+tickStopFloor-tickStartFloor)/realTickIntervalFloor + 1,/l64) ;Identify a nice interval close to the tick interval. ;Identify the value at which the ticks will start. tickStartCeil = ceil(range[0]/realTickIntervalCeil,/l64)*realTickIntervalCeil - range[0] ;Identify the value at which the ticks will stop. tickStopCeil = floor(range[1]/realTickIntervalCeil,/l64)*realTickIntervalCeil - range[1] ;Identify the actual number of ticks that will be drawn.(numTicks is treated as an approximate value. realTickNumCeil = round((range[1]-range[0]+tickStopCeil-tickStartCeil)/realTickIntervalCeil + 1,/l64) if (abs(numTicks-realTickNumCeil) lt abs(numTicks-realTickNumFloor) || $ (abs(numTicks-realTickNumCeil) eq abs(numTicks-realTickNumFloor) && $ realTickNumCeil gt realTickNumFloor)) && realTickNumCeil gt 0 then begin realTickInterval = realTickIntervalCeil tickStart = tickStartCeil realTickNum = realTickNumCeil factorIndex = factorIndexCeil endif else begin realTickInterval = realTickIntervalFloor tickStart = tickStartFloor realTickNum = realTickNumFloor factorIndex = factorIndexFloor endelse ;if we don't generate any ticks, lets get out of here if ~finite(realTickNum) || realTickNum le 0 then return ;Determine the tick values in range space. realTickValues = dindgen(2)*realTickInterval+tickStart ;relog realTickValues = alog10(realTickValues+range[0]) ;Normalize the values for placement on the axis. tickValues = (realTickValues-range_in[0])/(range_in[1]-range_in[0]) tickInterval = tickValues[1]-tickValues[0] minorTickNum = minorTicks[factorIndex] return end