;+ ;spd_ui_draw_object method: getSpecRef ; ;Generates a gridded and fully clipped spectragram during the update function. ;The output from this is used to generate the model for display and used directly ;as a reference for the legend ; ;Inputs: ; xrange(2 element double): The range([min,max]) of the panel on the x-axis. ; yrange(2 element double): The range([min,max]) of the panel on the y-axis. ; xpanel_sz_pt(long): The size of the panel in the x-direction. Units are a multiple/fraction of screen pixels. ; ypanel_sz_pt(long): The size of the panel in the y-direction. Units are a multiple/fraction of screen pixels. ; xscale(long): x axis scaling mode. 0(linear),1(log10),2(logN) ; yscale(long): y axis scaling mode. 0(linear),1(log10),2(logN) ; zscale(long): z axis scaling mode. 0(linear),1(log10),2(logN) ; dx(ptr to array): x data for this spectral plot ; dy(ptr to array): y data for this spectral plot ; dz(ptr to array): z data for this spectral plot ;Outputs: ; refVar(double array): Array containing final clipped, gridded data ; plotData(struct) : structure containing information about range,position,scaling, and clipping of resulting quantity, for use with getSpecModel ; ;NOTES: ; 1. xrange,yrange may be different from the range of the data because not all spectragrams span the entire panel, and some span more than the entire panel. ; 2. xpanel_sz_pt,ypanel_sz_pt will be increased due to aliasing correction factor, but decreased because panel spans only a portion of the screen ; 3. May-2013: makeSpec now produces a spectrogram corresponding to the panel itself instead ; of the input data; this code has been modified to accomodate that change. ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-11 10:54:32 -0800 (Tue, 11 Feb 2014) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 14326 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/spedas_gui/display/draw_object/spd_ui_draw_object__getspecref.pro $ ;- pro spd_ui_draw_object::getSpecRef,xrange,yrange,xpanel_sz_pt,ypanel_sz_pt,xscale,yscale,zscale,dx,dy,dz,refvar=refvar,plotData=plotData compile_opt idl2 ; a = systime(/seconds) polygon = obj_new() zstack = .05 ;extract the data x = (*dx) y = (*dy) z = (*dz) ;calculate data min/max xs = min(x,/nan) xe = max(x,/nan) ys = min(y,/nan) ye = max(y,/nan) if keyword_set(refVar) then begin tmp = temporary(refVar) endif ;0 width range gets special treatment if xs eq xe then begin ;if the quantity takes up the entire range, then we're in business if xrange[0] eq xrange[1] then begin xstart = 0 xsize = 1 endif else begin ;if not, there is no way to figure out how to scale the quantity proportionally self.historyWin->update,'Cannot determine how to x-scale zero x-width spectrogram, with non-zero width x-range. Try using auto-range.' self.statusBar->update,'Cannot determine how to x-scale zero x-width spectrogram, with non-zero width x-range. Try using auto-range.' return endelse endif else begin ;size of the spectral data relative to the visible range xstart = (xs - xrange[0])/(xrange[1]-xrange[0]) > 0 ;xsize should remain < 1 as the spectrogram will not be drawn past ;the bounds of the panel xsize = (xe-xs)/(xrange[1]-xrange[0]) < 1 endelse ;0 width range gets special treatment if ys eq ye then begin ;if the quantity takes up the entire range, then we're in business if yrange[0] eq yrange[1] then begin ystart = 0 ysize = 1 endif else begin self.historyWin->update,'Cannot determine how to y-scale zero y-width(single channel) spectrogram with non-zero width y-range. Try using auto-range.' self.statusBar->update,'Cannot determine how to y-scale zero y-width(single channel) spectrogram with non-zero width y-range. Try using auto-range.' ;if not, there is no way to figure out how to scale the quantity proportionally return endelse endif else begin ;panel normal z-starting position ystart = (ys - yrange[0])/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]) > 0 ;ysize should remain < 1 as the spectrogram will not be drawn past ;the bounds of the panel ysize = (ye-ys)/(yrange[1]-yrange[0]) < 1 endelse ;scale by spectral plot size xdata_sz_pt = ceil(xsize*xpanel_sz_pt,/l64) ydata_sz_pt = ceil(ysize*ypanel_sz_pt,/l64) ;less than 1 pixel means no plot. if xdata_sz_pt le 0 || ydata_sz_pt le 0 then begin return endif ;Note that is the long run, this limitation can probably be avoided by adding an algorithm to manually resample the image ;May-2013: This check should probably be removed or modified due to change in makeSpec behavior if xdata_sz_pt * ydata_sz_pt gt 2e7 then begin self.statusBar->update,'Error: Cannot generate spectrogram. The range may be too small.' return endif ;clip planes will cut off the image at borders cp = double([[-1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,-1],[0,-1,0,0],[0,1,0,-1]]) refvar = dblarr(xpanel_sz_pt,ypanel_sz_pt) refvar[*] = !VALUES.D_NAN ;if very small scaling factors are used, ;refvar will sometimes lose a dimension if size(refvar,/n_dim) eq 1 then begin refvar = reform(refvar,1,1) endif ;This routine contains the more general gridding algorithm, now that parameters have been determined definitively self->makeSpec,x,y,z,xpanel_sz_pt,ypanel_sz_pt,zAlpha=zAlpha,refz=refz, $ xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange plotData = { $ data:refz,$ alpha:zAlpha,$ xstart:0d,$ ystart:0d,$ xsize:1d,$ ysize:1d,$ zstack:zstack, $ zscale:zscale,$ pixx:xpanel_sz_pt,$ pixy:ypanel_sz_pt,$ clip:cp $ } refvar = refz return ; May-2013: The clipping below should be unnecessary now that makeSpec creates ; images corresponding to the panel itself. ; ; ; ; plotData = { $ ; data:refz,$ ; alpha:zAlpha,$ ; xstart:xstart,$ ; ystart:ystart,$ ; xsize:xsize,$ ; ysize:ysize,$ ; zstack:zstack, $ ; zscale:zscale,$ ; pixx:xdata_sz_pt,$ ; pixy:ydata_sz_pt,$ ; clip:cp $ ; } ; ; ;This block performs necessary clipping, and fits the image into refvar ; ; ;determine indices of data in reference variable that ; ;represents the entire panel ; xStartIdx = floor(xstart*(size(refvar,/dimen))[0]) ; xStopIdx = xStartIdx+xdata_sz_pt-1 ; ; if xStopIdx lt 0 || xStartIdx ge xpanel_sz_pt then return ; ; ;clip left ; if xStartIdx lt 0 then begin ; refz = refz[abs(xStartIdx):*,*] ; xStartIdx = 0 ; endif ; ; ;clip right ; if xStopIdx ge xpanel_sz_pt then begin ; refz = refz[0:xpanel_sz_pt-xStartIdx-1,*] ; xStopIdx = xpanel_sz_pt-1 ; endif ; ; yStartIdx = floor(ystart*(size(refvar,/dimen))[1]) ; yStopIdx = yStartIdx+ydata_sz_pt-1 ; ; if yStopIdx lt 0 || yStartIdx ge ypanel_sz_pt then return ; ; ;clip bottom ; if yStartIdx lt 0 then begin ; refz = refz[*,abs(yStartIdx):*] ; yStartIdx = 0 ; endif ; ; ;clip top ; if yStopIdx ge ypanel_sz_pt then begin ; refz = refz[*,0:ypanel_sz_pt-yStartIdx-1] ; yStopIdx = ypanel_sz_pt-1 ; endif ; ; ;stick clipped data into panel sized reference var ; refvar[xStartIdx:xStopIdx,yStartIdx:yStopIdx] = refz ; model = obj_new('IDLgrModel') ; if ~keyword_set(self.postscript) then begin ;if 1 then begin ;using a plain image doesn't layer correctly in postscript, consider generating layer code so that this option can replace polygon method ; imageObj = obj_new('IDLgrImage',image,location=[xstart,ystart,zstack],dimensions=[xsize,ysize],depth_test_disable=2,blend_function=[3,4]) ; imageObj = obj_new('IDLgrImage',image) ; polygon = obj_new('IDLgrPolygon', $ ; [[xstart,ystart,zstack],[xstart+xsize,ystart,zstack],[xstart+xsize,ystart+ysize,zstack],[xstart,ystart+ysize,zstack]], $ ; texture_map=imageObj,$ ; texture_coord=[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]], $ ; ; texture_coord=[[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0]], $ ; color=self->convertColor([255,255,255]),$ ; shading=1,$ ; clip_planes=cp ) ;,$ ;linestyle=6) ;endif else begin ;NOTE this code below has been worked around, by kludging layering issues during postscript output ;generate polygon vertices for every pixel. ;This is needed for postscript output ; ; ;The system I'm using is a polygon mesh, a regular arrangement of 4-gons ;The IDL documentation indicates that this is an optimized polygon ;arrangement and thus should be quicker. ;That said, we should consider generating complex n-gons for each ;contiguous colo region in future versions ;1d ; x_verts = xstart + xsize* (dindgen(xdata_sz_pt+1)/xdata_sz_pt) ; ; ;X 2d ; x_verts = reform(rebin(x_verts,xdata_sz_pt+1,ydata_sz_pt+1),(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; ;1d ; y_verts = ystart + ysize*(dindgen(ydata_sz_pt+1)/ydata_sz_pt) ; ; ;Y 2d ; y_verts = reform(transpose(rebin(y_verts,ydata_sz_pt+1,xdata_sz_pt+1)),(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; ;Z 2d ; z_verts = replicate(zstack,(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; ;generate vertex permutations to define the polygons ; ; ;vertex number per polygon ; v_num = lonarr(xdata_sz_pt*ydata_sz_pt)+4 ;all polygons use 4 vertices ; ; offset = lindgen(xdata_sz_pt*ydata_sz_pt)/xdata_sz_pt ; ; ;the permutation for each vertex of each polygon ; ;first vertex of each polygon ; v1 = lindgen(xdata_sz_pt*ydata_sz_pt) + offset ; ;second vertex of each polygon ; v2 = lindgen(xdata_sz_pt*ydata_sz_pt) + 1 + offset ; ;third vertex of each polygon ; v3 = lindgen(xdata_sz_pt*ydata_sz_pt) + xdata_sz_pt + 1 + offset ; ;fourth vertex of each polygon ; v4 = lindgen(xdata_sz_pt*ydata_sz_pt) + xdata_sz_pt + 2 + offset ; ; v_perm = transpose([[v_num],[v1],[v2],[v4],[v3]]) ; ; ;generate vertex colors of polygons ; ; v_r_colors = bytarr((xdata_sz_pt+1),(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; v_r_colors[0:xdata_sz_pt-1,0:ydata_sz_pt-1] = reform(image[0,*,*]) ; v_r_colors = reform(v_r_colors,(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; v_g_colors = bytarr((xdata_sz_pt+1),(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; v_g_colors[0:xdata_sz_pt-1,0:ydata_sz_pt-1] = reform(image[1,*,*]) ; v_g_colors = reform(v_g_colors,(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; v_b_colors = bytarr((xdata_sz_pt+1),(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; v_b_colors[0:xdata_sz_pt-1,0:ydata_sz_pt-1] = reform(image[2,*,*]) ; v_b_colors = reform(v_b_colors,(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; v_a_colors = bytarr((xdata_sz_pt+1),(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; v_a_colors[0:xdata_sz_pt-1,0:ydata_sz_pt-1] = reform(image[3,*,*]) ; v_a_colors = reform(v_a_colors,(xdata_sz_pt+1)*(ydata_sz_pt+1)) ; ; ; v_colors = transpose([[v_r_colors],[v_g_colors],[v_b_colors],[v_a_colors]]) ; ; polygon = obj_new('IDLgrPolygon',$ ; x_verts,$ ; y_verts,$ ; z_verts,$ ; vert_colors=v_colors,$ ; shading=0,$ ; style=2,$ ; polygon=v_perm) ; ; endelse ;print,systime(/seconds)-a ; return,polygon end