;+ ;PROCEDURE: thm_pgs_clean_sst ;PURPOSE: ; Helper routine for thm_part_products ; Maps SST data into simplified format for high-level processing. Converts into physical untis ; Creates consistency for downstream routines and throws out extra fields to save memory ; ;Inputs(required): ; ; data: An SST particle data structure, produced by thm_part_dist or thm_sst_ps?? etc... ; units: The requested units for the data. ; ;Outputs: ; output: A sanitized SST data structure. Any instrument specific corrections should be applied. ; Extraneous fields are discarded. All dimensions should be in ascending order. ; Structure definition: ; ** Structure , 10 tags, length=30736, data length=30736, refs=1: ; DATA FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; TIME DOUBLE 1.1746086e+09 ; END_TIME DOUBLE 1.1746086e+09 ; PHI FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DPHI FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; THETA FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DTHETA FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; ENERGY FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; DENERGY FLOAT Array[16, 64] ; BINS INT Array[16, 64] ; CHARGE FLOAT 0.000000 ; MASS FLOAT 0.0104390 ; MAGF FLOAT Array[3] ; SC_POT FLOAT 0.000000 ; ; ;Keywords: ; sst_sun_bins: The bin numbers that should be flagged as contaminated by sun and interpolated ; sst_method_clean: how to decontaminate the sst data. Right now the only option is 'manual', but selects a good set of default sst_sun_bins, if not user specified. ; sst_min_energy: Set to minimum energy to toss bins that are having problems from instrument degradation. ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-08-24 18:29:05 -0700 (Wed, 24 Aug 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21724 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/thm_part_products/thm_pgs_clean_sst.pro $ ;- ;Note: Keep options for vectorizing open pro thm_pgs_clean_sst,data,units,output=output,sst_sun_bins=sst_sun_bins,sst_method_clean=sst_method_clean,sst_min_energy=sst_min_energy,remove_counts=remove_counts,_extra=ex compile_opt idl2,hidden ;set default bins ;if keyword_set(sst_method_clean) && undefined(sst_sun_bins) then begin if undefined(sst_sun_bins) then begin ;now enabled by default ;no good default for reduced angle mode if strlowcase(tag_names(data,/str)) eq 'thm_sst_dist3d_16x1' || strlowcase(tag_names(data,/str)) eq 'thm_sst_dist3d_16x6' then begin sst_sun_bins = -1 endif else begin ;good default for full & burst sst_sun_bins = [0,8,16,24,32,33,34,40,47,48,49,50,55,56,57] dprint,'Sun decontamination being enabled by default(disable with sst_sun_bins=-1)',dlevel=1 ;bin list determined empirically through analysis Jim McTiernan @ UC Berkeley SSL. (jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu) ;after testing, determined that a few additional bins needed to cover earlier dates,pat ;Additional bins: 2,34,49,50 endelse endif ;allow user to set threshold of N counts if keyword_set(remove_counts) then begin thm_part_remove, data, threshold=remove_counts, /zero endif ;convert to requested units ;get scaling coefficient used to convert from counts->units udata = conv_units(data,units,scale=scale,_extra=ex) scale = float(scale) if n_elements(scale) eq 1 then begin scale = replicate(scale,size(data.data,/dim)) endif if strlowcase(tag_names(udata,/str)) eq '' then begin ;anonymous struct, indicates output from user processing routine output = {data:udata.data[*,*], $ ;particle data 2-d array, energy by angle. (Float or double) scaling:scale[*,*], $ ;scaling coefficient corresponding to 1 count/bin, used for error calculation (float or double) time:udata.time, $ ;sample start time(1-element double precision scalar) end_time:udata.end_time, $ ;sample end time(1-element double precision scalar) phi:udata.phi[*,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dphi:udata.dphi[*,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) theta:udata.theta[*,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dtheta:udata.dtheta[*,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) energy:udata.energy[*,*], $ ;Contains measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) denergy:udata.denergy[*,*], $ ;Width of measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) bins:udata.bins[*,*], $ ; 0-1 array, indicating which bins are enabled for subsequent calculations. (2-d array matching data array.) (Integer type.) charge:udata.charge, $ ;expected particle charge (1-element float scalar) mass:udata.mass, $ ;expected particle mass (1-element float scalar) magf:udata.magf, $ ;placeholder for magnetic field vector(3-element float array) sc_pot:udata.sc_pot $ ;placeholder for spacecraft potential (1-element float scalar) } endif else if strlowcase(tag_names(udata,/str)) eq 'thm_sst_dist3d_16x64_2' then begin ;NOTE: this code is coupled with code in thm_part_dist2, if you change this, you'll probably have to change that if data.channel eq 'f' || data.channel eq 'o' then begin energy_idx = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] endif else if data.channel eq 'ft' then begin energy_idx = [12,13,14] endif else if data.channel eq 'ot' then begin energy_idx = [12,13] endif else if data.channel eq 'fto' then begin energy_idx = [15] endif else if data.channel eq 'f_ft' then begin energy_idx = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] endif else begin message,'ERROR: unexpected channel label: "' + data.channel + '"' endelse output = {data:udata.data[energy_idx,*], $ ;particle data 2-d array, energy by angle. (Float or double) scaling:scale[energy_idx,*], $ ;scaling coefficient corresponding to 1 count/bin, used for error calculation (float or double) time:udata.time, $ ;sample start time(1-element double precision scalar) end_time:udata.end_time, $ ;sample end time(1-element double precision scalar) phi:udata.phi[energy_idx,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dphi:udata.dphi[energy_idx,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) theta:udata.theta[energy_idx,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dtheta:udata.dtheta[energy_idx,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) energy:udata.energy[energy_idx,*], $ ;Contains measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) denergy:udata.denergy[energy_idx,*], $ ;Width of measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) bins:udata.bins[energy_idx,*], $ ; 0-1 array, indicating which bins are enabled for subsequent calculations. (2-d array matching data array.) (Integer type.) charge:udata.charge, $ ;expected particle charge (1-element float scalar) mass:udata.mass, $ ;expected particle mass (1-element float scalar) magf:udata.magf, $ ;placeholder for magnetic field vector(3-element float array) sc_pot:udata.sc_pot $ ;placeholder for spacecraft potential (1-element float scalar) } endif else begin ;[0:11] includes only f/o channels by default output = {data:udata.data[0:11,*], $ ;particle data 2-d array, energy by angle. (Float or double) scaling:scale[0:11,*], $ ;scaling coefficient corresponding to 1 count/bin, used for error calculation (float or double) time:udata.time, $ ;sample start time(1-element double precision scalar) end_time:udata.end_time, $ ;sample end time(1-element double precision scalar) phi:udata.phi[0:11,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dphi:udata.dphi[0:11,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) theta:udata.theta[0:11,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dtheta:udata.dtheta[0:11,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) energy:udata.energy[0:11,*], $ ;Contains measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) denergy:udata.denergy[0:11,*], $ ;Width of measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) bins:udata.bins[0:11,*], $ ; 0-1 array, indicating which bins are enabled for subsequent calculations. (2-d array matching data array.) (Integer type.) charge:udata.charge, $ ;expected particle charge (1-element float scalar) mass:udata.mass, $ ;expected particle mass (1-element float scalar) magf:udata.magf, $ ;placeholder for magnetic field vector(3-element float array) sc_pot:udata.sc_pot $ ;placeholder for spacecraft potential (1-element float scalar) } endelse if ~undefined(sst_min_energy) then begin idx = where(max(output.energy,dimension=2) ge sst_min_energy,c) if c eq 0 then begin message,'ERROR: sst_min_energy identifies zero valid bins' endif output = {data:output.data[idx,*], $ ;particle data 2-d array, energy by angle. (Float or double) scaling:output.scaling[idx,*], $ ;scaling coefficient corresponding to 1 count/bin, used for error calculation (float or double) time:output.time, $ ;sample start time(1-element double precision scalar) end_time:output.end_time, $ ;sample end time(1-element double precision scalar) phi:output.phi[idx,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dphi:output.dphi[idx,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane parallel to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) theta:output.theta[idx,*], $ ;Measurment angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin.(2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) dtheta:output.dtheta[idx,*], $ ;Width of measurement angle in plane perpendicular to spacecraft spin. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) energy:output.energy[idx,*], $ ;Contains measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) (Float or double) denergy:output.denergy[idx,*], $ ;Width of measurment energy for each component of data array. (2-d array matching data array.) bins:output.bins[idx,*], $ ; 0-1 array, indicating which bins are enabled for subsequent calculations. (2-d array matching data array.) (Integer type.) charge:output.charge, $ ;expected particle charge (1-element float scalar) mass:output.mass, $ ;expected particle mass (1-element float scalar) magf:output.magf, $ ;placeholder for magnetic field vector(3-element float array) sc_pot:output.sc_pot $ ;placeholder for spacecraft potential (1-element float scalar) } endif ;perform sst sun contamination ; ;Error for removed data will later be calculated as the statistical error ;corresponding the actual measurements (in counts) which would precipitate ;the interpolated values. This assumes that non-contaminated bins will not ;have their values changed by the interpolation below (true for method=linear). if ~undefined(sst_sun_bins) then begin dim = dimen(output.data) ;doesn't work in single angle mode if n_elements(dim) gt 1 then begin method="Linear" ;remove sun bins sst_includes = ssl_set_complement(sst_sun_bins,dindgen(dim[1])) qhull,udata.phi[0,sst_includes],udata.theta[0,sst_includes],triangles,sphere=dummy for i = 0,dim[0]-1 do begin ;spherically interpolate across sun bins output.data[i,*] = griddata(output.phi[i,sst_includes],output.theta[i,sst_includes],output.data[i,sst_includes],$ /sphere,/degrees,xout=reform(output.phi[i,*]),yout=reform(output.theta[i,*]),method=method,triangles=triangles) endfor endif endif end