;+ ;Name: ; thm_crib_recovery_Vxy_mom_early_2007 ; ; ;Purpose: ; This command gets the onboard moments, which are wrong because of an ; error in uploading the onboard tables. ; ; Correlation likely depends on temperature, so the same coefficients ; may not be applicable to the entire day. In these cases it may be ; necessary to narrow the interval (intervals of 1/3 day is probably ; about right). The variables ii and nn mark the start and stop of ; the interval calculated, so adjust those to find appropriate time ; periods. Adjust the sc and timespan lines to change spacecraft and ; days. Also, the moment data end up being a bit noisy, so you may ; want to run 'avg_data', with a small timestep (maybe 10 seconds or so). ; th?_v?_corr contains the high resolution velocity, and th?_v?_dec ; contains the data decimated to match the low resolution data, for ; comparison. ; ; ;Notes: ; 2015-05-14: This in an old crib and may or may not be valid and up to date. ; ; ;History: ; Written by Larry Kepko (larry.kepko@unh.edu) ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2015-05-14 16:11:04 -0700 (Thu, 14 May 2015) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 17618 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/themis/examples/advanced/thm_crib_recovery_Vxy_mom_early_2007.pro $ ;- ;==================================================== ; Scroll down for crib sheet... ;==================================================== ;+ ; Crib helper function ;- function whatindices, data, times nn = n_elements(times) retindis = lonarr(nn, 1) for i = 0L, nn - 1 do begin retindis[i] = whatindex(data, times[i]) endfor return, retindis end ;+ ; Crib helper function ;- function whatindex, data, time direction = 1; tolerance = 0; if (direction gt 0) then begin indi1 = where(data le time); indi2 = where(data ge time); endif else begin indi1 = where(data ge time); indi2 = where(data le time); endelse if (indi1(0) ge 0L) and (indi2(0) ge 0L) then begin ; Find which index is closer to the time we want dt1 = data(indi1(n_elements(indi1)-1L)) - time; dt2 = data(indi2(1L)) - time; if (tolerance gt 0L) then begin indi = indi2(1L); endif else begin if (abs(dt1) gt abs(dt2)) then begin indi = indi2(1L); endif else begin indi = indi1(n_elements(indi1) - 1L); endelse endelse endif else if (indi1(0) < 0L) then begin ; ; No times that are less than time we are looking for ; So return the first point ; indi = 1L; endif else if (indi2(0) lt 0L) then begin ; ; No times greater than time they are looking for ; So return last point indi = n_elements(data) - 1L; endif return, indi end ;==================================================== ; Crib sheet: ;==================================================== sc = 'c' timespan,'2007-04-11/00:00', 1, /days thm_load_mom, probe=sc thm_load_esa, probe=sc ; Loads moments calculated on the ground ; ; ca = low-res ground (moments calculated from distribution functions) ; ob = time-averaged high-res onboard moments ; ra = highest resolution onboard moments ; ; the -x component of 'tha_peim_velocity' is the equivalent of Vx ; ; Stores the following tplot variables ; th?_onboard_corr = highest resolution velocity ; th?_onboard_dec = scaled hi-res, decimated to low-res data ; ; tha start index = 290 ; end index = n_elements(ca.x)-1 ; tc = indices + 1 ; ; vx : rac = 0, cac = 0 ; result = 2.3410312, -57908.268 ; sigma = 0.95144896 ; ; vz : rac = 1, cac = 2 (onboard 'vy' = vz) ; result = -.065602283, 55777.142 ; sigma = 0.94713645 ; rac = 0 ; component for ra data cac = 0 ; component for ca data get_data, 'th' + sc + '_peim_velocity', data = ra ; This is the highest res data get_data, 'th' + sc + '_peif_velocity_dsl', data = ca ; This is the low-res ground data nn = n_elements(ca.x)-1 ii = 0 if sc eq 'e' then ii1 = 150 wioff = 1 tc = whatindices(ra.x, ca.x[ii:nn])+wioff ; Find the times that high-res = low-res tc2 = whatindices(ra.x, ca.x)+wioff ; Find the times that high-res = low-res result = linfit(ra.y[tc,rac], ca.y[ii:nn,cac]) ; The linear fit ra.y[*,rac] = result[0] + result[1] * ra.y[*,rac] ; Scale the high-res data ra2 = {x:ra.x, y:ra.y[*,rac]} store_data, 'th' + sc + '_vx_corr', data = ra2 ; Store the high-res data print, 'Vx fitting from ' + time_string(ra.x[tc[0]]) + $ ' to ' + time_string(ra.x[tc[n_elements(tc)-1]]) print, result print, correlate(ra.y[tc, rac], ca.y[ii:nn, cac]) ra2 = {x:dblarr(n_elements(tc2),1), y:dblarr(n_elements(tc2),2)} ra2.x = ra.x[tc2] ra2.y[*,0] = ra.y[tc2, rac] ra2.y[*,1] = ca.y[*, cac] store_data, 'th' + sc + '_vx_dec', data = ra2 ; Store the high-res data ; ; Calculate Vz ; rac = 1 ; component for ra data cac = 2 ; component for ca data get_data, 'th' + sc + '_peim_velocity', data = ra ; This is the highest res data get_data, 'th' + sc + '_peif_velocity_dsl', data = ca ; This is the low-res ground data nn = n_elements(ca.x)-1 ii = 1 if sc eq 'e' then ii1 = 150 wioff = 1 tc = whatindices(ra.x, ca.x[ii:nn])+wioff ; Find the times that high-res = low-res tc2 = whatindices(ra.x, ca.x)+wioff ; Find the times that high-res = low-res result = linfit(ra.y[tc,rac], ca.y[ii:nn,cac]) ; The linear fit ra.y[*,rac] = result[0] + result[1] * ra.y[*,rac] ; Scale the high-res data ra2 = {x:ra.x, y:ra.y[*,rac]} store_data, 'th' + sc + '_vz_corr', data = ra2 ; Store the high-res data print, 'Vz fitting from ' + time_string(ra.x[tc[0]]) + $ ' to ' + time_string(ra.x[tc[n_elements(tc)-1]]) print, result print, correlate(ra.y[tc, rac], ca.y[ii:nn, cac]) ra2 = {x:dblarr(n_elements(tc2),1), y:dblarr(n_elements(tc2),2)} ra2.x = ra.x[tc2] ra2.y[*,0] = ra.y[tc2, rac] ra2.y[*,1] = ca.y[*, cac] store_data, 'th' + sc + '_vz_dec', data = ra2 ; Store the high-res data del_data, '*p??m* *p??f*' tplot,'th'+sc+'_v?_dec' end