;+ ;NAME: ; mms_autoload_support ;PURPOSE: ; given a MMS tplot variable name, check to see if attitude and/or ephemeris are available, if they do not, load ; the state data for the appropriate time period ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; mms_autoload_support, vname=vname, attdata=attdata, ephdata=ephdata, probe_in=probe, ; trange=[tmin, tmax], history_out=hist_string ;INPUT: ;OUTPUT: ;KEYWORDS: ; vname = a tplot variable name ; trange: Specify a time range for which support data should be loaded ; (required if vname is not supplied) ; attdata: If set to 1, ensure attitude data is loaded and covers the ; requested time interval ; ephdata: If set to 1, ensure ephemeris data is loaded and covers the ; requested time interval ; probe_in: Specifies the probe name to load support data for ; history_out = a history string, if data needs loading ;HISTORY: ; 2013-12-19: Adapted from thm_autoload_support by clr ; ; NOTES: ; Either ;$LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2017-03-01 13:09:14 -0800 (Wed, 01 Mar 2017) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 22883 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/common/load_data/mms_autoload_support.pro $ ; ;- Pro mms_autoload_support, vname=vname, attdata=attdata, ephdata=ephdata, history_out=history_out, probe_in=probe_in, trange=trange, progobj=progobj, _extra=_extra ; Check to see if input variable name is specified if ~keyword_set (vname) then begin if ~keyword_set(trange) then message, 'The trange keyword must be used if no input variable name is supplied.' if ~keyword_set(probe_in) then message, 'The probe_in keyword must be used if no input variable name is supplied.' endif ; Set trange and probe (from input tplot variable, if necessary) If ~keyword_set(trange) then begin get_data,vname,trange=trange if n_elements(trange) NE 2 then message,'Tplot variable name ' + vname + ' not found.' if ~keyword_set(probe_in) then probe_in = strmid(vname, 3, 1) else probe_in = probe_in endif ; Maximum allowable extrapolation time (seconds) outside range of support data ;slop=120.0D slop=0.0D loadeph=0b loadatt=0b history_out = '' ; Does any data cover the time range? ; Check ephemeris and attitude data separately (don't load attitude ; if you don't have to - files are very large) if keyword_set(ephdata) then begin var1 = 'mms'+probe_in+'_defeph_pos' var2 = 'mms'+probe_in+'_defeph_vel' get_data,var1,trange=tr1 get_data,var2,trange=tr2 if ((n_elements(tr1) NE 2) OR (n_elements(tr2) NE 2)) then begin loadeph = 1b endif else begin tr1 += [-slop,slop] tr2 += [-slop,slop] if ((trange[0] LT tr1[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr1[1])) then loadeph=1b if ((trange[0] LT tr2[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr2[1])) then loadeph=1b endelse endif if keyword_set(attdata) then begin var3 = 'mms'+probe_in+'_defatt_spinras' var4 = 'mms'+probe_in+'_defatt_spindec' get_data,var3,trange=tr3 get_data,var4,trange=tr4 if ((n_elements(tr3) NE 2) OR (n_elements(tr4) NE 2)) then begin loadatt = 1b endif else begin tr3 += [-slop,slop] tr4 += [-slop,slop] if ((trange[0] LT tr3[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr3[1])) then loadatt=1b if ((trange[0] LT tr4[0]) OR (trange[1] GT tr4[1])) then loadatt=1b endelse endif If (loadeph) Then Begin If (obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, $ text = 'Loading ephemeris data for MMS'+probe mms_load_state, probe = probe_in, trange = trange, /ephemeris_only tj = time_string(trange) ;for history history_out = 'mms_load_state, probe = '+''''+probe_in+''''+$ ', trange = ['+''''+tj[0]+''''+', '+''''+tj[1]+''''+$ '], /ephemeris_only' If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 100.0, $ text = 'Finished Loading ephemeris data for MMS'+probe_in endif If (loadatt) Then Begin If (obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 0.0, $ text = 'Loading attitude data for MMS'+probe mms_load_state, probe = probe_in, trange = trange, /attitude_only tj = time_string(trange) ;for history history_out = 'mms_load_state, probe = '+''''+probe_in+''''+$ ', trange = ['+''''+tj[0]+''''+', '+''''+tj[1]+''''+$ '], /attitude_only' If(obj_valid(progobj)) Then progobj -> update, 100.0, $ text = 'Finished Loading ephemeris data for MMS'+probe_in endif Return End