;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; mms_add_cdf_versions ; ; PURPOSE: ; Adds MMS CDF version #s to plots (for version tracking) ; ; INPUT: ; instrument: name of the instrument that we're adding the version #s for ; versions: [n, 3] array of CDF version #s - returned by 'versions' keyword ; in load routines; where n is the number of CDF files loaded ; ; KEYWORDS: ; data_rate: include a data rate on the plot ; right_align: start placing version #s strings to the bottom right of the ; plot instead of the bottom left ; top_align: start placing version #s strings on the top of the figure ; instead of the bottom ; charsize: character size; default is 1 ; reset: reset the position of the labels to the starting point ; ; EXAMPLE: ; MMS> mms_load_fpi, versions=fpi_versions ; MMS> tplot, 'mms3_des_energyspectr_par_fast' ; MMS> mms_add_cdf_versions, 'fpi', fpi_versions ; ; NOTES: ; 1) Requires IDL 8.0+ to work ; ; 2) the default location of the version #s is the bottom left; ; you can change this using the /right and /top keywords ; ; 3) does not include duplicate version #s for the same instrument ; e.g., if you load FPI data from 7 v2.1.0 files, only one 'FPI v2.1.0' ; will be included ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-06-27 09:18:53 -0700 (Wed, 27 Jun 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25404 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/mms/common/cdf/mms_add_cdf_versions.pro $ ;- pro mms_add_cdf_versions, instrument, versions, reset=reset, data_rate = data_rate, right_align=right_align, $ top_align=top_align, charsize=charsize ; so we don't overplot the version #s for different instruments common plotcdfversions, top_right_versionnum_loc, top_left_versionnum_loc, bot_right_versionnum_loc, bot_left_versionnum_loc if undefined(charsize) then chsize = 1 else chsize = charsize if undefined(instrument) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, 'Instrument name required to add version #s to a plot' return endif if undefined(versions) then begin dprint, dlevel = 0, instrument + ': Array of version #s required' return endif ; make sure versions isn't full of 0s (occurs when no data were loaded) where_not_zeroes = where(versions ne 0, nonzerocount) if nonzerocount eq 0 then return ; we won't include duplicate version #s dupekill = hash() for version_idx = 0, n_elements(versions[*, 0])-1 do begin version_str = strcompress(string(versions[version_idx, 0]), /rem) + '.' + $ strcompress(string(versions[version_idx, 1]), /rem) + '.' + $ strcompress(string(versions[version_idx, 2]), /rem) dupekill[version_str] = 1 endfor versions_nodupes = (dupekill.keys()).toArray() plot_pos = plot_positions() yp = keyword_set(top_align) ? !y.window[0] + 0.02 : !y.window[0] + 0.01 ; allow the user to reset the positions if keyword_set(reset) then begin undefine, top_right_versionnum_loc undefine, top_left_versionnum_loc undefine, bot_right_versionnum_loc undefine, bot_left_versionnum_loc endif ; x-location to start printing the version # at if keyword_set(top_align) and keyword_set(right_align) then begin ; top right top_right_versionnum_loc = undefined(top_right_versionnum_loc) ? 0.01 : top_right_versionnum_loc + 0.01 versionnum_loc = top_right_versionnum_loc endif else if keyword_set(top_align) and ~keyword_set(right_align) then begin ; top left top_left_versionnum_loc = undefined(top_left_versionnum_loc) ? 0.01 : top_left_versionnum_loc + 0.01 versionnum_loc = top_left_versionnum_loc endif else if ~keyword_set(top_algin) and keyword_set(right_align) then begin ; bottom right bot_right_versionnum_loc = undefined(bot_right_versionnum_loc) ? 0.01 : bot_right_versionnum_loc + 0.01 versionnum_loc = bot_right_versionnum_loc endif else begin ; bottom left bot_left_versionnum_loc = undefined(bot_left_versionnum_loc) ? 0.01 : bot_left_versionnum_loc versionnum_loc = bot_left_versionnum_loc endelse ; create an array of version strings for this instrument for version_idx = 0, n_elements(versions_nodupes)-1 do append_array, version_strs, 'v' + versions_nodupes[version_idx] version_strs = version_strs[sort(version_strs)] plot_str = '' for vi=0, n_elements(version_strs)-1 do begin if vi eq n_elements(version_strs)-1 then plot_str = plot_str + version_strs[vi] else $ plot_str = plot_str + version_strs[vi] + ', ' endfor plot_str = undefined(data_rate) ? strupcase(instrument) + ' ' + plot_str : strupcase(instrument) + ' ' + data_rate + ' ' + plot_str len_in_px = strlen(plot_str)*!d.x_ch_size xyouts,abs(keyword_set(right_align)-versionnum_loc),abs(keyword_set(top_align)-yp), plot_str, charsize=chsize, /norm, alignment=keyword_set(right_align) if keyword_set(top_align) and keyword_set(right_align) then begin ; top right top_right_versionnum_loc += len_in_px/float(!d.x_size) endif else if keyword_set(top_align) and ~keyword_set(right_align) then begin ; top left top_left_versionnum_loc += len_in_px/float(!d.x_size) endif else if ~keyword_set(top_algin) and keyword_set(right_align) then begin ; bottom right bot_right_versionnum_loc += len_in_px/float(!d.x_size) endif else begin ; bottom left bot_left_versionnum_loc += len_in_px/float(!d.x_size) endelse end