;+ ;FUNCTION: mvn_sta_c6_bkg(dat) ;INPUT: ; dat: structure, generated by mvn_sta_get_c6() ;KEYWORDS ; ;PURPOSE: ; Returns the background for maven static apid c6 structures ;NOTES: ; Function to calculate the straggling backgroud from maven static apid c6 packets ; Function can be used as "bkg" keyword passed to get_4dt.pro for background subtraction ; ; This generates a decent, energy independent background subtraction if coincident events can be ignored ; proton straggling represents about ~2% of the events when coincident events can be ignored ; ;CREATED BY: ; J.McFadden 14-05-08 ;LAST MODIFICATION: ;- function mvn_sta_c6_bkg,dat bg = fltarr(32,64) bb = total(dat.data[*,0:6],2)/total(dat.twt_arr[*,0:6],2) maxt = max(bb,ind) ind = ind>2 ; handles bb[*]=0 for ii=8,63 do bg[*,ii] = bb * dat.data[ind,ii]/(bb[ind]>1.e-10) cc = total(dat.data[*,9:13],2)/total(dat.twt_arr[*,9:13],2) for ii=15,63 do bg[*,ii] = bg[*,ii] + cc * dat.data[ind-2,ii]/(cc[ind-2]>1.e-10) return,bg end