This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Fri Apr 1 11:58:51 2022.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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       The purpose of this routine is to add a color bar to the current
       graphics window.


   David Fanning, Ph.D.
   1645 Sheely Drive
   Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
   Phone: 970-221-0438
   Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:


       Graphics, Widgets.






       BOTTOM:       The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded in
                     the bar.

       CHARSIZE:     The character size of the color bar annotations. Default is 1.0.

       COLOR:        The color index of the bar outline and characters. Default
                     is !P.Color..

       DIVISIONS:     The number of divisions to divide the bar into. There will
                     be (divisions + 1) annotations. The default is 6.

       FONT:         Sets the font of the annotation. Hershey: -1, Hardware:0, True-Type: 1.

       FORMAT:       The format of the bar annotations. Default is '(I5)'.

       INVERTCOLORS: Setting this keyword inverts the colors in the color bar.

       MAXRANGE:     The maximum data value for the bar annotation. Default is

       MINRANGE:     The minimum data value for the bar annotation. Default is 0.

       MINOR:        The number of minor tick divisions. Default is 2.

       NCOLORS:      This is the number of colors in the color bar.

       POSITION:     A four-element array of normalized coordinates in the same
                     form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is
                     [0.88, 0.10, 0.95, 0.90] for a vertical bar and
                     [0.10, 0.88, 0.90, 0.95] for a horizontal bar.
       RANGE:        A two-element vector of the form [min, max]. Provides an
                     alternative way of setting the MINRANGE and MAXRANGE keywords.

       RIGHT:        This puts the labels on the right-hand side of a vertical
                     color bar. It applies only to vertical color bars.

       TICKNAMES:    A string array of names or values for the tick marks.

       TITLE:        This is title for the color bar. The default is to have
                     no title.

       TOP:          This puts the labels on top of the bar rather than under it.
                     The keyword only applies if a horizontal color bar is rendered.

       VERTICAL:     Setting this keyword give a vertical color bar. The default
                     is a horizontal color bar.




       Color bar is drawn in the current graphics window.


       The number of colors available on the display device (not the
       PostScript device) is used unless the NCOLORS keyword is used.


       To display a horizontal color bar above a contour plot, type:

       LOADCT, 5, NCOLORS=100
       CONTOUR, DIST(31,41), POSITION=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $
          C_COLORS=INDGEN(25)*4, NLEVELS=25
       COLORBAR, NCOLORS=100, POSITION=[0.15, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90]


       Written by: David W. Fanning, 10 JUNE 96.
       10/27/96: Added the ability to send output to PostScript. DWF
       11/4/96: Substantially rewritten to go to screen or PostScript
           file without having to know much about the PostScript device
           or even what the current graphics device is. DWF
       1/27/97: Added the RIGHT and TOP keywords. Also modified the
            way the TITLE keyword works. DWF
       7/15/97: Fixed a problem some machines have with plots that have
            no valid data range in them. DWF
       12/5/98: Fixed a problem in how the colorbar image is created that
            seemed to tickle a bug in some versions of IDL. DWF.
       1/12/99: Fixed a problem caused by RSI fixing a bug in IDL 5.2. Sigh... DWF.
       3/30/99: Modified a few of the defaults. DWF.
       3/30/99: Used NORMAL rather than DEVICE coords for positioning bar. DWF.
       3/30/99: Added the RANGE keyword. DWF.
       3/30/99: Added FONT keyword. DWF
       5/6/99: Many modifications to defaults. DWF.
       5/6/99: Removed PSCOLOR keyword. DWF.
       5/6/99: Improved error handling on position coordinates. DWF.
       5/6/99. Added MINOR keyword. DWF.
       5/6/99: Set Device, Decomposed=0 if necessary. DWF.
       2/9/99: Fixed a problem caused by setting BOTTOM keyword, but not NCOLORS. DWF.
       8/17/99. Fixed a problem with ambiguous MIN and MINOR keywords. DWF
       8/25/99. I think I *finally* got the BOTTOM/NCOLORS thing sorted out. :-( DWF.
       10/10/99. Modified the program so that current plot and map coordinates are
            saved and restored after the colorbar is drawn. DWF.
       3/18/00. Moved a block of code to prevent a problem with color decomposition. DWF.
       4/28/00. Made !P.Font default value for FONT keyword. DWF.
       9/26/00. Made the code more general for scalable pixel devices. DWF.
       1/16/01. Added INVERTCOLORS keyword. DWF.
       5/11/04. Added TICKNAME keyword. DWF.

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/
Original routine from Jim McFadden. CMF edited some keywords, and now uses it in plot_c6, etc.

PROCEDURE: contour4d,data
 Produces contour plots of energy-mass distributions from 4D data structures.
   data   - structure containing 4d data  (obtained from get_mvn_?() routine)
   e.g. "get_mvn_c6, get_mvn_ce, etc."
 LIMITS - A structure containing limits and display options.
             see: "options", "xlim" and "ylim", to change limits
 UNITS  - convert to given data units before plotting
 TITLE - Title to be plotted,
   - set title=' ' for NO Title!
   - set title='1' for just the time in the title
 XTITLE - xtitle to be plotted,
   - set xtitle=' ' for NO xtitle!, default determined by VEL keyword
 YTITLE - ytitle to be plotted,
   - set ytitle=' ' for NO ytitle!, default=data.units_name
 ZTITLE - ztitle to be plotted,
   - set ztitle=' ' for NO ytitle!, default='Log!D10!N('+y_units+')'
 RETRACE - set to number of retrace steps removed,
   - default set to 0
 VEL - If set, x-axis is velocity km/s  -- Default is Energy (eV)

 NCONT - Number of contours to be plotted, default = 8
 LEVELS - Explicit contour levels, default levels spaced down
          from max by 10^.5
 FILL - If set, contours are filled with solid color or gray scale
 BW - If set, contours are white, no affect on fill plots
 PURE - If set, 6 pure colors are cycled through for levels
 ROTATE - Exchanges x and y axes for non-polar plots
 LABEL - Labels the contour levels
       XMARGIN - Change xmargin from default
 YMARGIN - Change ymargin from default
 POINTS - adds data points to plot
top_c, bottom_c: top and bottom indices to use in the colorbar. Default if not set is bottom=0, top=254.
See "conv_units" to change units.

CREATED BY:  J. McFadden  14-02-07

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Determine whether SPICE kernels are loaded in to IDL memory, and if so, which ones. Returns a data structure with this information in.

For testing:
.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Routine based on CMF, to obtain MAVEN sc ephemeris info. This routine is lighter than the LPW version - it
only calculates a handful of parameters, which can be specified as keywords. This makes the routine quicker. The routine also uses kernels 
loaded in by mvn_spice_kerneles(/load), rather than This reduces some complexities.

For checking kernel coverage, this routine requires the full directories to the SPICE kernels loaded. These can be input as a keyword,
or are loaded automatically within the routine. Timespan must be set for this to happen.

The routine will check whether the SPICE kernels cover each of the requested timestamps, and should gracefully use NaNs if coverage is
not present. There are two tplot flag variables produced for checking SPICE coverage (see below).


unix_in: double precision UNIX timestamps. Ephemeris data are calculated at these values.

spicekernels: if you have already loaded SPICE using kk=mvn_spice_kernels(/load), set spicekernels=kk. If you haven't run SPICE,
              don't set this keyword, and this routine will run it for you.

Set /qc to use qualcolors (M. Chaffins colorbar software). If not set, routine assumes IDL color table 39. Tplot colors can be changed
       later by the user as well.

The following flag variables are produced showing which timestamps are covered by SPICE (there can sometimes be gaps in the SPICE kernels):

mvn_sta_anc_ck_flag: 0 means MAVEN pointing information is available, 1 means it is not.

mvn_st_anc_spk_flag: 0 means MAVEN position information is available, 1 means it is not.

The following keywords produce tplot variable outputs for the requested parameters, at the time steps sent in under "unix_in":

Set /mvn_pos to generate MAVENs position in the MSO frame. The output variable has size [N,4], where N is the same length as unix_in,
   and the four rows are: X, Y, Z, total. Units of Mars radii.
Set /mvn_vel to generate MAVENs velocity in the MSO frame. The output variable has size [N,4], where N is the same length as unix_in,
   and the four rows are: X, Y, Z, total. Note that mvn_pos and mvn_vel are generated from the same SPICE call, so requesting one will also
   generate the other. Units of km/s.
Set /mvn_alt to generate MAVENs altitude in the IAU frame. This represents Mars as the flattened ellipsoid. Units of km.

Set /mvn_lonlat to generate MAVENs altitude in east longitude planetary frame. Size is [N,2], where the top row is longitude (0 => 360) and
   bottom row is latitude (90 (north) => -90 (south)). Units of degrees. This parameter requires pos_mso and vel_mso to also be generated.

Set /mvn_sza to generate MAVEN SZA values, based on its MSO position at Mars. If set, /mvn_pos is also set, to obtain the required data.
   Calculated SZA are all positive. If you wish to split up dawn versus dusk, use the position tplot variable to find times where Ymso is 
   negative (dawn) versus positive (dusk).
Set /mars_ls to generate Mars' Ls value about the Sun. Units of degrees.

1 Mars radius = in all conversion carried out here.
This routine will not clear SPICE kernels from IDL memory after it runs, regardless of whether you set the spicekernels keyword or not.

## Generate MAVEN position, without loading in SPICE prior to call:
timespan, '2017-01-01', 1.
get_data, 'mvn_sta_c6_E', data=dd   ;get STATIC timestamps
mvn_sta_anc_ephemeris, dd.x, /mvn_pos   ;generate ephemeris data (routine calls SPICE internally).

## Generate MAVEN position after calling SPICE prior to call:
timespan, '2017-01-01', 1.
kk = mvn_spice_kernels(/load)
get_data, 'mvn_sta_c6_E', data=dd
mvn_sta_anc_ephemeris, dd.x, spicekernels=kk, /mvn_pos

Author: CM Fowler ( First written 2019-11-08.

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CMF bytscl routine that includes a bottom color bar indice keyword.

data: array to be scaled.

minv, maxv: min and max data values to be considered. Any values below min are set to min; any above max are set to max.

top, bottom: top and bottom color bar indices to be used. MAx range is 0 - 255 (the default). Top > bottom.

Routine ignores NaNs in data.

data must contain at least two real numbers.

.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/my_routines/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Routine uses c6 data to produce two tplot variable products. The routine finds the peak eflux bin at each timestep, and produces:

mvn_sta_c6_anode_perc: three rows: top: the % of eflux in the peak eflux bin; middle: the % of eflux in the top two eflux bins; 
                       bottom: the % of eflux in the top three eflux bins. This is a function of energy only, eflux is summed over all masses.

mvn_sta_c6_energypeak: the energy (in eV) that the peak eflux lies in at each timestep. Again, eflux is summed over all masses.

trange: [a,b]: UNIX double start and stop times to calculate parameters over. If not set, entire time range available is used.

Routine requires ca and c6 data to be loaded into tplot (mvn_sta_ca_A and mvn_sta_c6_E).

timespan, '2019-01-01', 1.
mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['c6', 'ca']

Testing only:
.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Check if a file is saved; print answer to terminal.

fname: string: full directory and filename including extension.

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Routine to check whether SPICE kernels exist so that pointing information for STATIC can be converted from instrument to MSO
frame. This is needed for, eg, the sta flow routines.

Code written using help from Boris Semenov from JPL NASA.

Give this routine an array of UNIX times; the routine uses SPICE to check whether there is ck and spk coverage for each timestamp.
The calls to SPICE are all hard coded, so the only inputs are the timestamps required.

The tplot variable produced will have value zero if kernels are present, or 1 if flagged as not present. For 1, SPICE cannot be used to
get STATIC pointing in the MSO Frame.
   mvn_sta_ck_check  :  0 = ok, 1 = flag - no SPICE coverage for this timestep.

unix_in: UNIX double precision array of timetamps. The routine will check SPICE coverage at each timestep.

   NOTES ON INPUTS: SPICE information for MAVEN is found at
                    the SPICE coverage routines will only work for frames and objects that are CK based (ie can change over time).
                    each MAVEN object is described in the above weblink, saying whether it's ck based or not. All frames etc are hard
                    coded here, so the user doesn't need to worry about this, but it's useful if you're using SPICE for other things.

success: 0: routine failed to make the checkes - it should throw an error if this happens.
         1: checks completed.

tplot variables: mvn_lpw_anc_ck_flag: flag for s/c pointing for each timestep, 1 = no data, 0 = data present
                 mvn_lpw_anc_spk_flag: flag for s/c position for each timestep, as above.

Set /loadspice to load the SPICE kernels using mvn_spice_kernels(/load). This will assume timespan is already set.
Set /clearspice to remove SPICE kernels from IDL memory once checking is complete. If not set, routine will leave them in IDL memory.

time = dindgen(86400)+time_double('2014-12-08')  ;make a UNIX time array, or use get_data to grab a time array...
timespan, '2014-12-08', 1.
kk = mvn_spice_kernels(/load)   ;find SPICE kernels and load into IDL.
mvn_sta_ck_check, time  
                                         ;check ck and spk coverage, for MAVENs position in the MSO frame.
                                         ;As of 2019-07-31, there is ~an hour of missing ck coverage for this date, if
                                         ;you want to check the code is working.

CMF worked out by hand how many MAVEN clock ticks represent one second: 65535.964843750000. This is hard coded below.
2020-01-14: CMF: routine will crash if only 1 timestamp input. I need to fix this.

Created: 2019-08-01: Chris Fowler ( code copied from to be stand alone.

.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Routine extracts bkg counts and counts for a specified sta_apid and mass range. These are each saved into separate tplot variables.
The routine then flags when counts ~< bkg, for the specified threshold.

Flag=0 means ok, flag=1 means background counts are significant compared to counts.

massrange: [a,b]: floats: AMU mass range to look at.

sta_apid: string: 'c6', 'd1', etc. Apid to look at.

trange: [a,b] : double UNIX time: time range to look at. If not set, routine looks at full time range in the relevant common block.
tplotname: string: the base tplotname to use for the output variables. Variables will have the format:
           tplotname_tot_cnts - total dat.cnts
           tplotname_bkg_cnts - total dat.bkg
           tplotname_flag_cnts - 0 if dat.cnts is statistically significant compared to dat.bkg; 1 if this is not the case.
           If not set, tplotname will be set to 'sta_cnts'.

Load STATIC data into common blocks before hand.

timespan, '2020-01-01', 1.
mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid='c6'
mvn_sta_cnt_bkg_flag, massrange=[12., 20.], sta_apid='c6', tplotname='mvn_sta_c6'
For testing:
.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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	mvn_sta_convert_vframe: based on convert_vframe, which is for electrons. mvn_sta_convert_vframe is modified for ions. Some
	of the fancy bells and whistles have been removed to keep things simple.
	Notes: the routine will convert the input data structure to units of df to do the frame conversion. The routine will then
	convert units back to the inputs ones on output.

FUNCTION:  convert_vframe ,  dat,  velocity
PURPOSE:   Change velocity frames 
  tdata: 3d STATIC data structure, from eg mvn_sta_get_d0() (must be ce, cf, d0, d1)
  velocity: velocity vector in the STATIC isntrument frame, to be used in the frame transformation [VX,VY,VZ]. 
            This can be the spacecraft velocity, the plasma flow velocity, or both combined. Units of km/s.
OUTPUT:  3d data structure.  Data will be in the coordinate frame based upon the input vframe.
         - The Mars frame if spacecraft velocity is used.
         - The plasma frame if spacecraft velocity and plasma bulk flow velocity are used.
    (frame transform is done in units of df, but the output is put back to the input units)

CREATED BY:	Davin Larson, edited by CMF

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Calculate ion velocity using mass and energy.

energy: array from a STATIC data structure. Units of eV.
mass: data.mass_arr from a STATIC data structure. Units of AMU. Matching dimensions to energy.

Total velocity (from E=0.5*m*v^2) in the same array dimension as Units of km/s.

reverse: if set, provide velocities as the "energy" input, and routine will return the corresponding energies in eV. In this
         case, input velocities in units of km/s.

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PROCEDURE:   transform_velocity,  vel, theta, phi,  deltav
PURPOSE:  used by the convert_vframe routine to transform arrays of velocity
    thetas and phis by the offset deltav
  vel:  array of velocities
  theta: array of theta values
  phi:   array of phi values
  deltav: [vx,vy,vz]  (transformation velocity)
	vx,vy,vz:	return vx,vy,vz separately as well as in vector form

CREATED BY:	Davin Larson

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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This is the CMF edited version of the ctime routine; when routine_name is used, cal_procedure has been replaced by execute, so that
keywords can be passed to this routine within ctime. CMF has changed the names of all sub routines in this .pro file, so that they are
not considered duplicates to those in the original routine.

To feed in the timestep at the cursor in the tplot window, set the time variable to t.

For example, if mvn_imf_angle has a keyword tt, which is the timestep, set it to t. Note that the entire call, inputs and keywords,
must be in a string:

mvn_sta_ctime, tr, routine_name='mvn_sta_fov_snap, tpnum=0, wnum=2, trange=t, sta_apid="d1", mrange=[12., 20.]'

Make sure I have a stop in the sub-routine, as ctime doesn't - it will go into an infinite loop if not.

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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PROCEDURE:   ctime,time,y,z
    time: Named variable in which to return the selected time (seconds
          since 1970)
    y:    Named variable in which to return the y value
    z:    Named variable in which to return the z value
    PROMPT:  Optional prompt string
    NPOINTS: Max number of points to return
    PSYM:    If set to a psym number, the cooresponding psym is plotted at
             selected points
    SILENT:  Do not print data point information
    PANEL:   Set to a named variable to return an array of tplot panel numbers
             coresponding to the variables points were chosen from.
    XNORM:   Set to a named variable to return an array of normalized x
             coordinates of each button-click.
    YNORM:   Set to a named variable to return an array of normalized y
             coordinates of each button-click.
    APPEND:  If set, points are appended to the input arrays,
             instead of overwriting the old values.
    VNAME:   Set to a named variable to return an array of tplot variable names,
             cooresponding to the variables points were chosen from.
    COLOR:   An alternative color for the crosshairs.  0<=color<=!d.n_colors-1
    SLEEP:   Sleep time (seconds) between polling the cursor for events.
             Defaults to 0.1 seconds.  Increasing SLEEP will slow ctime down,
             but will prevent ctime from monopolizing cpu time.
    INDS:    Return the indices into the data arrays for the points nearest the
             recorded times to this named variable.
    VINDS:   Return the second dimension of the v or y array.
             Thus  TIME(i) is  data.x(INDS(i))           and
                   Y(i)    is  data.y(INDS(i),VINDS(i))  and
                   V(i)    is  data.v(VINDS(i)) or data.v(INDS(i),VINDS(i))
             for get_data,VNAME(i),data=data,INDS=INDS,VINDS=VINDS
    EXACT:   Get the time,y, and (if applicable) z values from the data
             arrays.  If on a multi-line plot, get the value from the line
             closest to the cursor along y.
    NOSHOW:  Do not show the plot window.
    DEBUG:   Avoids default error handling.  Useful for debugging.
    DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS: Sets time granularity.  For example
             with MINUTES=1, CTIME will find nearest minute to cursor
   Interactively uses the cursor to select a time (or times)
NOTES:       If you use the keyword EXACT, ctime may run noticeablly slower.
         Reduce the number of time you cross panels, especially with
         tplots of large data sets.
Mac Os users:
         You might need to set preferences on your X11 display:
         Within X11 program go to X11 -> preferences -> Windows: check box labeled "Click=through Inactive Windows"
         also:                    X11 -> preferences -> Input:  check box labeled "Emulate three button mouse" 
SEE ALSO:  "crosshairs"

CREATED BY:    Davin Larson & Frank Marcoline   ;### edited by CMF 
LAST MODIFICATION:     @(#)   1.44 02/11/01
  If ctime crashes, you may need to call:
  IDL> device,set_graph=3,/cursor_crosshair

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Routine uses an apid data to produce a tplot variable containing the energy of the bin that the peak eflux is in at each timestep.
Mass keyword can be set.

mvn_sta_[apid]_energypeak: the energy (in eV) that the peak eflux lies in at each timestep. 

trange: [a,b]: UNIX double start and stop times to calculate parameters over. If not set, entire time range available is used.

mrange: AMU mass range [a,b]. Default is all masses [0, 50] if not set.
m_int: assumed mass, default is average of mrange if mrange is set and m_int is not. If mrange is not set, m_int=32. Note, I don't think
       this matters for this routine. 

sta_apid: string: STATIC apid to use. Default is c6 if not set.

output: the output data as a named variable.

Set /scpot to correct peak energy for the spacecraft potential. This routine assumes that mvn_scpot has been run, and will use these values.
   If this routine has not been run, it will be run automatically.
   mvn_scpot will be run based on the current timespan set, so ensure this covers the date range you require.

timespan, '2019-01-01', 1.
mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid=['c6', 'ca']

Testing only:
.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Routine that can be used to subtract the MAVEN spacecraft velocity, and/or plasma flow velocity, from a STATIC data structure,
to transform to a new reference frame.

One can input the spacecraft velocity vector and/or plasma flow velocity, which will be subtracted from the data structure. This 
routine can also calculate the spacecraft velocity vector using SPICE, but it will not calculate the plasma flow vector, as this 
requires assumptions about the dominant species, whether multiple populations exist, etc, that must be made by the user.

ddd: STATIC data structure for a single timestamp. Obtained by using e.g. dat=mvn_sta_get_c6()

sc_vector: float: 3D vector containing the spacecraft velocity vectory in the MSO coordinate system (known as "MAVEN_MSO"
           in SPICE). This is the spacecraft velocity that will be used to transform to the local frame. If not set, this routine
           will calculate this vector using the timestamp in the input ddd STATIC data structure. One can also set sc_vector=1,
           and this routine will calculate sc_vector for you using SPICE (you must have set timespan beforehand though). sc_vector
           must have units of km/s.

flow_vector: float: 3D vector containing the plasma flow vector in the MSO coordinate system (known as "MAVEN_MSO" in SPICE).
             if set, this vector will be subtracted from the STATIC data, transforming the data to the plasma rest frame. 
             flow_vector must have units of km/s.

scpot: float: force the spacecraft potential to this value (units of eV). If not set, use the default value in the STATIC data 
              structures (determined from the STATIC data). IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you use the default value.

success: set this keyword to a variable. On return, 0 = routine was not successful; 1 = it was.


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Get total count rate for STATIC apid, trange and mass range. Return the result as an IDL data structure consisting of
   result = {x: timestamps, y: count rate for the specified apid and mass range}.

sta_apid: string: apid: eg 'c6'. Default is 'c6' if not set.

trange: [a,b]: UNIX double time range to get count rates between. Default is entire common block if not set.

massrange: [a,b]: calculate count rate for this AMU mass range. If not specified, all masses are included.

species: string: specify which mass ranges to use using default settings: 'h', 'he', 'o', 'o2', 'co2'.

tstore: set /tstore to store the result as a tplot variable. Note, this keyword can only be set if the species keyword
        is also set (to simplify tplot variable naming). The output tplot variable will have the form 
        'mvn_sta_'+sta_apid+'_'+species+'_tot_counts', eg mvn_sta_c6_o_tot_counts.

result = {x: timestamps, y: count rate for the specified apid and mass range}

For testing:
.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Get counts for a specified STATIC apid, mass and energy range, and plot in tplot.

trange: double array: [a,b]: time range over which to get count rate. If not set, full time range available is used.
sta_apid: string, eg 'c6' - STATIC apid to use. Must be set.
mrange: float array: [a,b]: mass range in AMU. IF not set, default [0., 60.] is set (all masses).
erange: float array: [a,b]: energy range in eV. If not set, default [0., 1E6] is set (all energies).
species: string: 'h', 'he', 'o', 'o2', 'co2': use the default mrange values for this species. Overwrites mrange if both are set.
tplotname: string: the name to give the created tplot variable that contains the number counts at each timestep. The default name if
           not set is "mvn_sta_cnts_m[A,B]_e[C,D]", where A,B and C,D are the mass and energy ranges respectively.

Routine doesn't yet distinguish angle, but it could do...
For apids that don't have mass resolution (eg c8), dat.nmass = 1. In these cases, the mrange and species keywords are ignored
and all counts are returned. Energy is still filtered for.

You must load STATIC data for the requested apid into common blocks using mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid='c6'.

.r /Users/cmfowler/IDL/STATIC_routines/Generic/

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Hard code mass ranges for the key ions. These are what Jim uses. Returns a structures for each major mass (H+, He+, O+, O2+, CO2+).
Masse ranges are not necessarily symmetric - remember to m_int keywords where needed. 

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Routine for STATIC L3 data processing. Create a new directory if the requested one is not present. Directory will have the format


Where baserdir is the base directory and must already be present. Year and month sub folders are then checked for, and created
if not present. 

Current setting is to use 

file_mkdir, checkdir  
file_chmod, '775'o, checkdir
spawn, 'chgrp maven '+checkdir  ;via keyword /group

To set permissions and group settings.

basedir: string: baser directory that must already be present (you must include the final '/')

year: string: eg '2015'
month: string, eg '03' or '11'. Note, month must be two characters, so months < 10 must have 'zero' as the first character.

set /group to also set the MAVEN group permission on any created folder. Default is to not do this.

mvn_sta_makedir, '/users/user/data/', '2020', '01'   ;NOTE: you must include the final '/' in basedir.

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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Input a mxn array. Rescale it to a larger set of pixels, for plotting using tv.

arrayin: data array to be up scaled [mxn]
factor: the scaling factor by which to multiply arrayin. Must be an integer. Eg, if input array is [4x16], with factor=2,
        the output array will be 8x32, where each 2x2 square is equivalent to a 1x1 square in the original array.
        If you set xfact and yfact below, you do not need to set factor.

 xfact, yfact: scaling factors for x and y dimensions independently. Same as above, but apply to X and Y dimensions separately.
               Setting these will overwrite factor. If you set one, both must be set, as factor will be ignored.

output: the upscaled array.

array1 = fltarr(4,8)
mvn_sta_scale_array, array1, 2, output=array2

(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/


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	NOTES: 2020-03-26: The routine converts the STATIC energy table to velocities, using the mass value in the data structure. The routine then 
	calculates the vx, vy and vz components of each energy step, in the STATIC instrument frame. The sc velocity components (vx, vy, vz) are then
	subtracted from these. The routine then re-calculates phi and theta, so that "rammed ions" in the ram direction are moved to the back end of the 
	instrument, once the sc velocity is accounted for. The total velocity is then re-calculated for each energy step. This then means that the minimum
	velocity obseved in the RAM direction is the (spacecraft velocity - min original energy table). In the anti-ram direction, the minimum velocity is
	(spacecraft velocity + min original energy table). 
	This means that instead of the total velocity descending each sweep, there is a minimum for the RAM direction, and the velocity increases 
	again at the lowest energies. The velocities remain descending in the anti-ram direction, where the sc velocity acts to "increase" the energy
	of observed ions. This can cause weird things when plotting, because plots typically compress across the phi and theta directions, leading to
	weird looking energy tables.
	This is based on convert_vframe, which is written for electrons. This routine will work for ions, and will use the data.mass_arr
	structure when calculating velocities so that they are mass dependent. 
	Note - for the above case when the sc velocity is greater than the ion energy (eg at periapsis), this code should be not be used 
	- uncertainties are large.


(See projects/maven/sta/l2analysis/general/