;+ ; PROCEDURE: ; kgy_map_make_pad ; PURPOSE: ; generates PAD tplot vairables ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; kgy_map_make_pad,sensor=[0,1],erange=[100,200] ; INPUTS: ; none ; OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: ; sensor: 0: ESA-S1, 1: ESA-S2, 2: IMA, 3: IEA (Def. [0,1]) ; trange: time range (Def. all) ; erange: energy range (Def: [150,250]) ; num_pa: number of pitch angle bins ; (Def: 32 for high-angular resolutions, 16 for low res) ; noinfoangle: if set, uses FOV angles instead of accurate INFO angles ; nocntcorr: if set, does not conduct count correction (event & trash correction) ; gf_thld: gfactor thresholds = [ esa1, esa2, ima, iea ] ; gf < gf_thld => gf = 0 ; Def: [ 2.e-4, 2.e-5, 1.e-6, 1.e-6 ] ; bkgd: background counts (Def. 0) ; currently just subtracts uniform bkgd from each solid angle bin ; thrange: |theta| range (def. [10,80]) ; suffix: suffix of the tplot variable name ; NOTES: ; In high angular resolution mode, only high sensitivity angles ; are used by default (i.e., counts in small gfactor bins are ; discarded). ; CREATED BY: ; Yuki Harada on 2015-01-23 ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-05-29 23:13:05 -0700 (Tue, 29 May 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25297 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_5_0/projects/kaguya/map/kgy_map_make_pad.pro $ ;- pro kgy_map_make_pad, sensor=sensor, trange=trange, nocntcorr=nocntcorr, erange=erange, num_pa=num_pa, gf_thld=gf_thld, bkgd=bkgd, noinfoangle=noinfoangle, thrange=thrange, suffix=suffix, verbose=verbose @kgy_pace_com @kgy_lmag_com if ~keyword_set(nocntcorr) then cntcorr = 1 else contcorr = 0 if ~keyword_set(noinfoangle) then infoangle = 1 else infoangle = 0 if size(sensor,/type) eq 0 then sensor = [0,1] else sensor = long(sensor) if not keyword_set(erange) then erange = [150,250] $ else erange = [min(erange),max(erange)] if keyword_set(num_pa) then begin num_pa_h = num_pa & num_pa_l = num_pa endif else begin num_pa_h = 32 & num_pa_l = 16 endelse if ~keyword_set(gf_thld) or n_elements(gf_thld) ne 4 then begin gf_thld_esa1 = 2.e-4 gf_thld_esa2 = 2.e-5 gf_thld_ima = 1.e-6 gf_thld_iea = 1.e-6 endif else begin gf_thld_esa1 = gf_thld[0] gf_thld_esa2 = gf_thld[1] gf_thld_ima = gf_thld[2] gf_thld_iea = gf_thld[3] endelse if size(thrange,/n_ele) ne 2 then thrange = [10,80] if keyword_set(trange) then $ trange = minmax(time_double(trange)) else $ trange = time_double(['2007-09-14/00:00', '2009-06-19/24:00']) if ~keyword_set(suffix) then suffix='' ;- PACE for sensorID=0,3 do begin idx = where( sensor eq sensorID , idx_cnt ) if idx_cnt eq 0 then continue ;- -> next sensorID header_arr = 0 case sensorID of 0: begin sensorname = 'ESA-S1' sensornname = 'esa1' if size(esa1_header_arr,/tname) eq 'STRUCT' then $ header_arr = esa1_header_arr get3d_func = 'kgy_esa1_get3d' gf_thld_now = gf_thld_esa1 pad_h_type = '00'XB pad_h_type2 = -1 pad_l_type = '01'XB pad_l_type2 = -1 end 1: begin sensorname = 'ESA-S2' sensornname = 'esa2' if size(esa2_header_arr,/tname) eq 'STRUCT' then $ header_arr = esa2_header_arr get3d_func = 'kgy_esa2_get3d' gf_thld_now = gf_thld_esa2 pad_h_type = '00'XB pad_h_type2 = -1 pad_l_type = '01'XB pad_l_type2 = -1 end 2: begin sensorname = 'IMA' sensornname = 'ima' if size(ima_header_arr,/tname) eq 'STRUCT' then $ header_arr = ima_header_arr get3d_func = 'kgy_ima_get3d' gf_thld_now = gf_thld_ima pad_h_type = '41'XB pad_h_type2 = -1 pad_l_type = '42'XB pad_l_type2 = '43'XB end 3: begin sensorname = 'IEA' sensornname = 'iea' if size(iea_header_arr,/tname) eq 'STRUCT' then $ header_arr = iea_header_arr get3d_func = 'kgy_iea_get3d' gf_thld_now = gf_thld_iea pad_h_type = '81'XB pad_h_type2 = '82'XB pad_l_type = '80'XB pad_l_type2 = -1 end endcase if size(header_arr,/tname) ne 'STRUCT' then continue ;- -> next sensorID times = $ time_double( string(header_arr[*].yyyymmdd,format='(i8.8)') $ +string(header_arr[*].hhmmss,format='(i6.6)'), $ tformat='YYYYMMDDhhmmss' ) $ + header_arr[*].time_resolution / 2.d3 indexes = header_arr[*].index idx_time = where(times ge trange[0] and times le trange[1] , idx_time_cnt ) if idx_time_cnt eq 0 then continue times = times[idx_time] indexes = indexes[idx_time] s = sort(times) stimes = times[s] sindexes = indexes[s] idx_uniq = uniq(stimes) pads = replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(idx_uniq),num_pa_h) pangles = replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(idx_uniq),num_pa_h) padsc = replicate(!values.f_nan,n_elements(idx_uniq),num_pa_h) for i=0l,n_elements(idx_uniq)-1 do begin if i mod 10 eq 0 then dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,sensornname,i,' /',n_elements(idx_uniq)-1,' : '+time_string(stimes[idx_uniq[i]]) theindex = sindexes[idx_uniq[i]] dat = call_function(get3d_func,index=theindex,/sabin,cntcorr=cntcorr,infoangle=infoangle) if dat.valid ne 1 then continue if keyword_set(bkgd) then dat.data = dat.data - bkgd > 0 ;- bkgd subtraction dat2 = conv_units(dat,'eflux') idx_0 = where(dat.gfactor lt gf_thld_now $ or abs(dat.theta) lt thrange[0] $ or abs(dat.theta) gt thrange[1], idx_0_cnt) if idx_0_cnt gt 0 then dat.bins[idx_0] = 0 if dat.type eq pad_h_type or dat.type eq pad_h_type2 then npa = num_pa_h $ else if dat.type eq pad_l_type or dat.type eq pad_l_type2 then npa = num_pa_l else continue if total(finite(dat.magf)) ne 3 then continue xyz_to_polar,dat.magf,theta=bth,phi=bph pa = pangle(dat.theta,dat.phi,bth,bph) pab = fix(pa/180.*npa) < (npa-1) for ipa=0,npa-1 do begin w = where( pab eq ipa and dat.bins eq 1 $ and dat.energy ge erange[0] and dat.energy le erange[1] $ , nw) if nw eq 0 then continue ww = dat.data * 0. & ww[w] = 1. pads[i,ipa] = total(dat2.data*dat.domega*dat.denergy*ww,/nan) $ /total(dat.domega*dat.denergy*ww,/nan) padsc[i,ipa] = total(dat.data*ww,/nan) endfor pangles[i,indgen(npa)] = (findgen(npa)+.5)*180./npa endfor w = where( ~finite(pangles[*,0]) , nw ) ;- prevents crash when making eps if nw gt 0 then pangles[w,*] = transpose(rebin((findgen(num_pa_h)+.5)*180./num_pa_h,num_pa_h,nw)) store_data,'kgy_'+sensornname+'_pa_eflux'+suffix,verbose=verbose, $ data={x:stimes[idx_uniq],y:pads,v:pangles}, $ dlim={spec:1,ytitle:sensorname+'!c'+ $ string(erange[0],format='(i0)')+'-'+ $ string(erange[1],format='(i0)') $ +' eV!cPitch angle!c[deg.]', $ constant:[90], $ yrange:[0,180],ystyle:1,yminor:3,yticks:4, $ zlog:1,ztitle:'eflux',datagap:63,minzlog:1.e-30} store_data,'kgy_'+sensornname+'_pa_counts'+suffix,verbose=verbose, $ data={x:stimes[idx_uniq],y:padsc,v:pangles}, $ dlim={spec:1,ytitle:sensorname+'!c'+ $ string(erange[0],format='(i0)')+'-'+ $ string(erange[1],format='(i0)') $ +' eV!cPitch angle!c[deg.]', $ constant:[90], $ yrange:[0,180],ystyle:1,yminor:3,yticks:4, $ zlog:1,ztitle:'counts',datagap:63,minzlog:1.e-30} endfor ;- sensorID loop end